HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 6• �tic� ucl now Sefntinel, L.ucknow,, Ontario vice was "fn Quest of Others" .IESOAOEINJURIES A and the scripture • passage'T INTO, DIT0 i was.: t1,,, `SEN - .;� Experienced man. will :uncler-talIe account ancy.,..'awlit installin. ook.kee ing_ Ytte_ Old ge era erclinan s nc store ' or "small, rnanuf acturing plants. , By Contract Only. BOX 40 RIPLEY ��i,PPLY 4P�. a,• �.� x GLEN ._;: The'regulatc meeting of the: Wo f ` u '►' nstit te, will be.held in 1 linen. s , the Community, Hall, on 'Thurs- day, October, 4th.'at• 2.30: Roll call, " 'My' donation, for ;'quilting. Cash .donations,•willbe;much aPPrecia ted • . Subject, bY. Mrs•, Stanley • . t ' To dd, program • commit ee,, Mrs D'. 'Todd, Mrs: F. °G: Todd, 'host in charge. The _therm q F� ess, ` Mrs. `Thom: .: Gaunt,' Mrs: E. read by:Poi? Cameron, Doris Tay - • Mrs..;.• w �tliaxzt Beg1eY group of girls,. sang a, 'chor when their car Was ditched on• the Dungannon - Lucknow road near' : Samuel Alton's farm, as they. Were 'returning from a "visit: with d hver- rn;ir be .s ite'r�-,arid Mr`. $ntith,, Ripley. . A care witlioilt lights except for one spotlight,; came over 'a rise. in• i-or'-=•ar argaret- McPher tS, `5EPTE_MBER {27Lh, 1915 • EDbiNGAIELLS,, us. and of Leamington had a lucky ese4pe- • a story was: read by Miss Grace Weatherhead, Rehr. M. G. Nevvtp gave an interesting picture•, study of the painting -"Christ ,and. the Fisherma :- ,' Mr. Viand .Mrd .Arnold Barbour and Mr .and NVlrs.; Robert Phillips of Guelph; 'spent the week -end with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mrs,. Bar- bour remained ,fora visit.:• - . niversary • •services, will• Ile held in the United -Church on -da ,in ' l4t in cgehar Sun Y, of Rev:.' M. G. NewtoY. , C Rall ' 'Day: was. obs rved .in the United church on,• Sunda, y morn- ing ; with Mr. Lorne Woods, sup- da 'school nt of• the S n 4 ' tendeY eri it of the :ser ,, Iu1 mELE•--lxott A. pretty- wedding,was solern. 1-1TCF1 i 1 ' d-acsday, Septet l?ei" I9tha; atth e hoirte ' c� Mr, and .Mrs, Wm, J. Robb,, Con, :West Wawariosh,..when their, only daughter, Dorothy. iVla; �tras- trn-ited -iii--maxrage-- to-3VI�i, i;�s�-• Wardell, son of Mr. ,and' IVt , Charles 'Wardell, Con, 4, ap on tpwnship.. Thewedding rr}us:c was Played by.. Mrs. W. J. ''Il:ogers,• Dungariian, Who,:also sang during th-eTiigni . g -of -the -•register -, en in ,marriage by' her father, ,,the bride. , looked , lovely wearing street length dressy of pale lrlu and carrying.:a bouquet, Spink roses: ands fern. The cer.ernony,' the road and the 'Begley• Car was ,.w• . into tile:ditch. It struck 1Vliss ly airrWallace,. Mr. and :a t lephrcroe-p�c?ie=andsunt-aine l�.-a'. Mrs.; Pat' Hynes of Walkerton also ,broken: :front axle and broken ;Mr. and Mrs.rTom Dickinson and.fender, and •thefront bumperwas children of Greenock were recent•,'.torn°off: visitors at the 'home .of Mr: and Ms r Doctor: Your husband must have absolute quiet. Here is: a sleeping powder: . to When • :I give, rt 'him?~ Wile de ,,.. g , Doctor: You don't give it to him=you .take it yoursel,f.'.• With Mr. acid Mrs. Beg1eY in: = . .. r •.•B,e ... g: whichvtras: �erfarmed the..car were, 1V,[ ,g., y IP •y et is, 'Mal asaor o€:.Diu mother, her' daughter', , M .: J ftager.,, to �. ngannd;t • lion , of Goderich; and, :torsi'. .., Mccu hon s • daughte.:r ,. .. .. � W Idle, and little. ison, `Jain, also of Go erich Surprisingly, all eseap- d . ed injury, with the •e$ception of Mrs. William Begley,„ who Was . bruised on her arms and leg a • it :.,��•n=: s. '•. r 4 • • s 1'. Victory has bees won on the —but we must not re‘ay: o V,Ie are to continue tot ova' inflation and deflation• •Nher, shortages will belvercome --but ,itThe danger of intlati r; cind, its black. .. United. Church,` took place before:': an evergreen : arch trimmed. with . •red :gladioli, There were • no ..at- tendants:, s •After•--=the•7.ceremony-• a-•- rece tion ' .wa held, • the ' •est p � gu s, .. who numbered about .30,: being re- ceived . by. Mrs. Robb, who was., dressed :in navy blue, with cor sage of pink.'roses. Mrs .Wardeli,,,� the bridegroom's mother, recety .' ed.F;with°•. her, also , wearing' navy '. blue• with .corsage of pink loses.' - 13*Ociding Airn'ne w yrs-sc rest' ?n-=the-diringta�am, corated ..with ' pink and. "mihate, streamers and wedding :bells',. The I table was'eentred with theihree' storey—we m ing+ca ie tt13-etoast ' to the bride was prdposed»y Rev,,„ Mr:,Roge'rs Mr.. and Mrs.;.Waldell;'•. -c hone- pon-i-n _ •1:641 Nragara•-=Fal1s4and .-other•—point-s-r . the bride' travelling :in ,:;a,:navy: blue tailored•Suit and hat .of •fusr • Chia •shade, vv.itli•.:black accessor.7' les.,: Ori . their . return they:' will :,. reside iii the- Ti c}f .t`he:biide.=' groom, . Coxr .•4..Uuron to nship,; Guests at the wedding'were from ,;Toronto;,.:'London; 'Lucan,`. •Luck: now,: Clinton, Ripley''and Dungan- II TWO WINGHAM bat i isters; J if., Crawford•" and J.• W. :Bushfield have.been named as„King's Coun-: 1 • sel 4 by -Attorney ;•Genet=al. Leslie Blackwela CREWE. Mr and,. Mrs :S.:..J• • KiIpairick• -attendedthe., funer-al o -f �tlieix The ending of the war brings the tempta- tion to scramble for things we've been without, ond to offer to pay .any price to get them:. 4 ,.. ‘0011011 With i15 soaring cost of living ,But inflation pis always followed bad enough.. ' deflation ‘440 its falling prices, bank ...bus -messes, unemployment and .distrriss. by every mar, ,,woman and child 1 1 • The only controls that are being maintained are thole titat aid the production ef need.ed'sul3Plies and their ilieidy end fair distribution to the public; and which prevent an inflationary price yise. As soon CIS 0:111ditiorIS Warrpnt; thqse will be dropped. • Until indUstry gets back to normal PriodUctioin, priCe ceilisigio. rationing and lome cantrols are a • necessary, safeguard fee eireryone of ' • .Keep them warking:. urfs JOB ASO tsts advostsiment is ono of a.series being istued,by the Government of Canada la the cost of living now anctiletlian and • THAI! ARE A STAKE • .(r. dm ma'am. memo rrei•loreil; air, 1 whieb: took place‘ at Allenford•ln • • Mr.: aria Mrs. ',Harry Hackett.; Sundak 'with 'ItAr. and. Mrs, Jack'. '1 ;.ivir..aticl Mrs. Donald'Tyoleaven', week With -their ..ii-iit,t0-iyntaunt,.. Miss Shirley' .Sh'emrwlityct .LV 13 .tending LucknoW• School,: WaOiel,d borne, of had:charge of the .prograircWhieli, followed' In * the reading "Day by day we •filagnifr Sb•YstsiViii;srijcl'ac,Mkr°s;:tii.glAr)iglrie.r.sg3''re•fila,c16 offered by .Mrs„, 'Kilpatrick and Mrs, 'Zinn, duet Was.sung.bY "1W.e1/11111(itiey -and. Mrs, Jack Curran. MrS.,-,•TreIcaven Chen read in . Africa”. After business .1,7,1 discussed hYrrin 252 uzis:sting.. .1 1 1 '1