HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 6•
ucl now Sefntinel, L.ucknow,, Ontario
vice was "fn Quest of Others" .IESOAOEINJURIES A and the scripture • passage'T INTO, DIT0 i
was.: t1,,, `SEN - .;�
Experienced man. will :uncler-talIe account
ancy.,..'awlit installin. ook.kee ing_
Ytte_ Old ge era erclinan s nc store
' or "small, rnanuf acturing plants. ,
By Contract Only.
��i,PPLY 4P�. a,• �.� x
The'regulatc meeting of the: Wo
f ` u
'►' nstit te, will be.held in
linen. s ,
the Community, Hall, on 'Thurs-
day, October, 4th.'at•
2.30: Roll call,
" 'My' donation, for
.donations,•willbe;much aPPrecia
ted • . Subject, bY. Mrs•, Stanley
. t '
dd, program • commit ee,,
D'. 'Todd, Mrs: F. °G: Todd, 'host in charge. The _therm
q F�
ess, ` Mrs.
.: Gaunt,' Mrs: E.
read by:Poi? Cameron, Doris Tay -
Mrs..;.• w �tliaxzt Beg1eY
group of girls,. sang a, 'chor
when their car Was ditched on•
the Dungannon - Lucknow road
near' : Samuel Alton's farm, as they.
Were 'returning from a "visit: with
d hver-
be .s ite'r�-,arid Mr`. $ntith,, Ripley.
. A care witlioilt lights except for
one spotlight,; came over 'a rise. in•
i-or'-=•ar argaret- McPher
tS, `5EPTE_MBER {27Lh, 1915 •
us. and of Leamington had a lucky ese4pe-
• a story was: read by Miss Grace
Weatherhead, Rehr. M. G. Nevvtp
gave an interesting picture•, study
of the painting -"Christ ,and. the
Fisherma :- ,'
Mr. Viand .Mrd .Arnold Barbour
and Mr .and NVlrs.; Robert Phillips
of Guelph; 'spent the week -end
with Mrs. R. J. Woods. Mrs,. Bar-
bour remained ,fora visit.:•
- . niversary • •services, will• Ile
held in the United -Church on
-da ,in
' l4t in cgehar
Sun Y,
of Rev:.' M. G. NewtoY. ,
Rall ' 'Day: was. obs rved .in the
United church on,• Sunda, y morn-
ing ; with Mr. Lorne Woods, sup-
da 'school
nt of• the S n 4
' tendeY
of the :ser
,, Iu1 mELE•--lxott
A. pretty- wedding,was solern.
1-1TCF1 i 1 ' d-acsday,
Septet l?ei" I9tha; atth e hoirte ' c�
Mr, and .Mrs, Wm, J. Robb,, Con,
:West Wawariosh,..when their,
only daughter, Dorothy. iVla; �tras-
trn-ited -iii--maxrage-- to-3VI�i, i;�s�-•
Wardell, son of Mr. ,and' IVt ,
Charles 'Wardell, Con, 4, ap on
tpwnship.. Thewedding rr}us:c was
Played by.. Mrs. W. J. ''Il:ogers,•
Dungariian, Who,:also sang during
th-eTiigni . g -of -the -•register -, en
in ,marriage by' her father, ,,the
bride. , looked , lovely wearing
street length dressy of pale lrlu
and carrying.:a bouquet, Spink
roses: ands fern. The cer.ernony,'
the road and the 'Begley• Car was
,.w• . into tile:ditch. It struck
1Vliss ly airrWallace,. Mr. and :a t lephrcroe-p�c?ie=andsunt-aine l�.-a'.
Mrs.; Pat' Hynes of Walkerton also ,broken: :front axle and broken
;Mr. and Mrs.rTom Dickinson and.fender, and •thefront bumperwas
children of Greenock were recent•,'.torn°off:
visitors at the 'home .of Mr: and
Ms r
Doctor: Your husband must have
absolute quiet. Here is: a sleeping
powder: .
to When • :I give, rt 'him?~
Wile de
,,.. g ,
Doctor: You don't give it to
him=you .take it yoursel,f.'.•
With Mr. acid Mrs. Beg1eY in:
= . .. r •.•B,e ... g: whichvtras: �erfarmed
the..car were, 1V,[ ,g., y IP •y
et is, 'Mal asaor o€:.Diu
mother, her' daughter', , M .: J ftager.,, to �. ngannd;t •
lion , of Goderich; and,
:torsi'. .., Mccu
hon s • daughte.:r ,. .. .. � W
Idle, and little. ison, `Jain, also of
Go erich Surprisingly, all eseap-
d .
ed injury, with the •e$ception of
Mrs. William Begley,„ who Was
bruised on her arms and leg
it :.,��•n=:
s. '•.
Victory has bees won on the
—but we must not re‘ay: o
V,Ie are to continue tot ova'
inflation and deflation•
•Nher, shortages will belvercome --but
,itThe danger of intlati r; cind, its black. ..
United. Church,` took place before:':
an evergreen : arch trimmed. with .
•red :gladioli, There were • no ..at-
tendants:, s •After•--=the•7.ceremony-• a-•-
rece tion ' .wa held, • the ' •est
p � gu s, ..
who numbered about .30,: being re-
ceived . by. Mrs. Robb, who was.,
dressed :in navy blue, with cor
sage of pink.'roses. Mrs .Wardeli,,,�
the bridegroom's mother, recety .'
ed.F;with°•. her, also , wearing' navy '.
blue• with .corsage of pink loses.'
13*Ociding Airn'ne w yrs-sc rest'
corated ..with ' pink and. "mihate,
streamers and wedding :bells',. The I
table was'eentred with theihree'
storey—we m ing+ca ie tt13-etoast '
to the bride was prdposed»y Rev,,„
Mr:,Roge'rs Mr.. and Mrs.;.Waldell;'•.
-c hone- pon-i-n _ •1:641
Nragara•-=Fal1s4and .-other•—point-s-r .
the bride' travelling :in ,:;a,:navy:
blue tailored•Suit and hat .of •fusr •
Chia •shade, vv.itli•.:black accessor.7'
les.,: Ori . their . return they:' will :,.
reside iii the- Ti c}f .t`he:biide.='
groom, . Coxr .•4..Uuron to nship,;
Guests at the wedding'were from
,;Toronto;,.:'London; 'Lucan,`. •Luck:
now,: Clinton, Ripley''and Dungan-
II TWO WINGHAM bat i isters; J if.,
Crawford•" and J.• W. :Bushfield
have.been named as„King's Coun-:
1 • sel 4 by -Attorney ;•Genet=al. Leslie
Mr and,. Mrs :S.:..J• • KiIpairick•
-attendedthe., funer-al o -f �tlieix
The ending of the war brings the tempta-
tion to scramble for things we've been
without, ond to offer to pay .any price to
get them:. 4
,.. ‘0011011 With i15 soaring cost of living
,But inflation pis always followed
bad enough..
' deflation ‘440 its falling prices, bank
...bus -messes, unemployment and .distrriss.
every mar, ,,woman and child
The only controls that are being maintained are thole titat aid the production ef need.ed'sul3Plies and their
ilieidy end fair distribution to the public; and which prevent an inflationary price yise.
As soon CIS 0:111ditiorIS Warrpnt; thqse will be dropped.
• Until indUstry gets back to normal PriodUctioin, priCe ceilisigio. rationing and lome cantrols are a •
necessary, safeguard fee eireryone of ' •
.Keep them warking:.
urfs JOB ASO
tsts advostsiment is ono of a.series being istued,by the Government of Canada
la the cost of living now anctiletlian and
.(r. dm ma'am. memo rrei•loreil; air,
whieb: took place‘ at Allenford•ln
• Mr.: aria Mrs. ',Harry Hackett.;
Sundak 'with 'ItAr. and. Mrs, Jack'.
'1 ;.ivir..aticl Mrs. Donald'Tyoleaven',
week With -their ..ii-iit,t0-iyntaunt,..
Miss Shirley' .Sh'emrwlityct .LV
.tending LucknoW• School,:
WaOiel,d borne, of
had:charge of the .prograircWhieli,
followed' In * the
reading "Day by day we •filagnifr
offered by .Mrs„, 'Kilpatrick and
Mrs, 'Zinn, duet Was.sung.bY
"1W.e1/11111(itiey -and. Mrs, Jack
Curran. MrS.,-,•TreIcaven Chen read
in . Africa”. After business .1,7,1
discussed hYrrin 252 uzis:sting..