The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 21154111111EACMIR
• .71,1111017....411,41011Faii,nommr-imixf4,-,
e LucknoN'y Sentinel, Lutknow, Prttario.
THURS., SEPTEMBER 27th, 1345
Luckrtow, Ontario,.
Established 1873 - Published Each Thursday Morriing
SrigspriPtion Rat:- $2,00 4. Yea 7.ange TO 1.7, $. $2.59
MAI DEN s,pggcH
Prh• foliowing is in part the 11' t'firr'ell'eL.grOri411.,CPounafiecr°erinvcee'll't:Yi°911unogf-
. ,
M. and Mrs; .W,m, J. .Thomps
11.,-....,V- : IA
oiao _vva_lieht. rOfIAT:a.6;noustl:_aro:nt, ,vyttli.:6,gr,eh•or:omgo:tc,pnd:is4Lt_a, 6,(f6t,.trh,tenit,_
eortiinTorr-libil-Sel---- st:frTan-fr1115:74:toinci-thei:urcle;t-saeiril-'sil.°11 54441----Nveetaing-iftlif - '- •
- tive. member'. f9;-- Britce - • _M. „liner
I represent the countY.OI*Bruce Yeai:.(i1.4.*.4nothecrtiroens°11.11uttii°enve'rxe; ivlanadtjw•Marg'a7rxhomf wris:$11:"—'-„v:raf`°,wrzil'-iniAleols`11.11:.",.
:without during the war' and did
to secure the things we did
• will b e ' g e t t i n g i in P a t i n t manyacwoonehnclooI1.1ciaahurun:eeanT il. ' Pic not : ' i 1°e.t:s i 1.1, do b- familiarlif to e11 Ir. eseuii lccannot:. et; hwIei is. 4 1 .t. should hth6t that pi
1 ' 81 ill4 ei .gn. n' eee:ttiks: er lasr e line aillcic: Ile:, ` wag standard
i:o ,Cfo• lafc9I iineal . Ydvgi ein't incna, living
nni;h9Yei -file . nr. : man- eel l'procoi5ft' ' : Swan . 1 - iCb werehvruner. bj c m: r been ow:ea::Fntr Dei;rerlged:v s. : nni 1 , ne1:1't:vgbx6e1rt:ru°a9e ,6.1 il,tiai tYbrx eel \e 1 19;:. c i, el I 1: :syrihi : "vQt Aud.1u'.ieRes cYt , .
4 ,4.
nottrinsa-a-gr,eat dea --liketo-tell the 'house -a -few 'things_ national leadership
menitter of The C,
- s.ker_
Bat nth-, 1945
Have you. Made .,yOur donatio
;*the SalVation HOine.
,FrOnt-AppealLit!s_a...wOrthy cauae
and, merWyolir-sUpport
-x -
Thi week -end brings. the aban-4
donment of ,c1a)'/\light savingltirne,,
•••', has.lieen.,in`, force for the
greater part of the. war -s9 long
'act,.•that there are jfew who
7 'hadi not becorne quite accustomed
to the "new time even. in the
-ru al sections where the, measure -
w ,leabt. popular. The first -un-,.
: pIasant reaction be to fip4
almost , before. one's •sup-
, ger is done, but -there'll bes'corn-
• pOisation in the fact .that .the
•extra •hour.: of _daylight in the
Miorning will make itthatMuCh
•"easier" .rollirig_piit •
--All joliing-asicle;_daYlight:aav-
ing.t.ime in „the Winter meant that
-nkrai.schools had to alter ,hours
'irozn• 10 to 5, or otherwise' niany
pils---had-to„atarttrudging thr:u
the snow before'daylight..
yopkoLoTHEs CLOSET. icy_,411a,ceriainly_nOtbeen above,
critibsm, TlictfaOrthqt7The
fqr TniltiOns of s.111'
ering war victims Is to b-e-folin-r1
?.h•the‘.closeta,.attiessi- drawers. and'
trunks.: of. the Canadian peoPle..
biacardedelothilng outgrown,
utrnoded, long-fOrgotteri .and un-
_orn„ can bring lintold-relief to
e striCken people .:of war-rav-:
This. .year-;-----more---thair-rever,
litera113.1-,naked. A concerted' drive
there is widespread criticism of
,commences next week, by the the regulation thatpermits peach
isIatiorial. Clothing
• • growers to ;Market their product
the relief :of.',theSevictims.
.:With that red gauze covering that,
jn Europe;‘,•alone,,. 125;900,000 serves :,:to camouflage the.: true
zner,... wamen',.. and children, '30,-
. . Condition- :Of the 'fruit. 11 With
00,009 of Wein-children, are in
peaches so much in demand due
, "
dire need of aidWhen the ruth,-,.
to; the crop- failure of .Other ,'small
overran ..slefenseless
- ruatsconSUflaPrar_e_tm- no.mood.
count,riea, they . left destruction.
to • be duped.. Its , time the ]. red
any of their '.`hapless.-;victinis.
were left
16thes they: happened to be
:Wearing; Theae-friedgerOVeringa-
Reporta. that. have COrne oitt of
, .
-.devastated countries • ,are
heart-rending :Confirmed Stories'
o ,coun less deaths7drie-to ex-
, . .
, potsure7-..of. 'seven people ,sharing
a giggle shirt -of feet wrapped in
• aiewspaperi,foi. lack of.
children ravaged by illness'• Ong
disease due to inadequate' cl6thing
for. 'their 'emaciated bodiea. All
• are." in des • erate need of clothing,.'
• :shoes' and lo?eddirig. Unleas theae
need s " are: filled, :the ind4dirith-
inate• visitations Of Nize,ttter. will
: lake a greater ..toll bil'-human
'health and hrithan- liVes--'Ladding
to...the:huge total. attributable ;to:
adistie oppressors. "
These people are -'ottr---frienda•
and allies. By extending --help to
them now, te net only give them:
• warmth of body,but also :the in-
ner *warinth•;(4,heart that ,comes
th the:knowledge' that they
he •not beep. forgotten. By help-
ing' them, we help Ourietifes--4Or
with adequate clothing, and re-
gaiined self-regp. ea'sithese fellow
.World-citiZens carr ge',Oii to re-
• - buil& ill& part et a W„ar.,.-§hat-
'tit drive is set for-tlie period
,Of October. 1 to 20: Go \ to it OW
i'ack. your . contributions in a
bittidle, and leave at yoUr. nearest
receiving • centre. Durable, wear-
., . able clothing; shoes; clean, used
jAarikets; .infants' '.and children's
Wear; knitted. caps---evetything
tisabIe Will be welcomed ea. heav-
. •
.., .. . .
.Canadians • dug - deep in their
pockets to, finance 'their, oWn.. war
effort During the War,
'many, Canada :.spent•inore than
05,000,o9o,poo on war :alone. ' TwO7
thirds of this ,arnount was Met
by .taxation- and most of the re-
'public through .war . savings; .vic-
tory bonds, etc, Revenue derived
frorri personalincorne taxes in the
year 1944-45 was , almost '111/z." -
feeding the hungry Teeple of the
times that of 1939-40. ' .
, . world: Speakhig as a:Bruce 4.-Y,
• • 1 must .say that I am not tee'
x -
The Ousting: Of :the ..-editor ..of
proud of. the Political Arend ''that '
T• he -14a • le -Leaf", the Canadian. s_taken.„Place_lin :some of these.
. - - - weitern-provinces.._lo those. Who
Arlin newspaper, because ofsliis,
are, thinking along the; same, lines
may I sairthat they are good peo-
ple .and .eventually will: see the
ern:* .of theirways. .
about :my riding. First..and7folies;”
Moat, .,Brdee. Is, known over -thi-a-
Country-as- orie. of the best, if not
the 'best counties the d°min-
iPnf."„trude. siiut- forth a; tre-
mendous effort ;toward winning
this war and the War .of 1914-13
ili.,merb, money and materials we
liave 'contributed..a great. share..
In the past .Bruce has contfibute&
greatly" _tdward. populating., the
western provinces .those Province's
.which_have done so muCh toWard.
critical editorial on the army re-
patriation policy, will not be very
popular with the rank- and. file of
Cariadians in or out Of the 'army.
GOVetnment's conscription -
policy and*.likewise the GT.Tern-
Lmentrappr_oVed. repatriation Pol.,
Leaf editor has beefi. "eliminated"
becauae he had. the courage -to
voice his opinions,„ adds fuel.. to
thecontention of, Many that the
repatriation policy 'sis - far - frOrn
.satisfacto , or is not being tirn-
plemented as it should, be.
- x
au .•
SerVeA.' any: ,Purpose in: protecting
fruit from flies;lee.a nave it un-
coloUrecito avoid, as far •a.. pops;
. , •
ible, any rnisrepresentati.on as to
the •quality or condition Of the
in- government, tliereforeTrny. At-
titude to: the gevernment is poor.
In the past I. Wast:. looked ..doyth.
upon..' what :the future may
bring .can. orilyChange, that,. to
.change itifrdin,that,,Can you give
',me some advice in .What I could
do in the. line of farming. nit --
that I Want a big!'one. I Want one
that can bring/me §pme:profit, to
be independent, to getty:in ev'efk
ay,....}tight now Lam' at wit's end.
a ip afraid., .to step into ..civie
street• The: aetback •I lade is
ger,than the battles of the :beaCh-
head-in Normand
71-7*-OTi. Id -he very gratefu17fot.
any advice I may get: '
"I thank yOu .
Why should that boy notbe
mven, the: :Chance of --settling
-doWn Oh,sa laud :under .the vet-
' ''.-
erarialT-re-establishment erne
-,WithoOt :• and
.status ;as an Indian?: ”
Favors Decentralkation
While. Bruce County is the fin-
est rn Canada.' econornicallY, 'we
areot7inq, ,Position -that_
it should be :pOcSible for the .speo-
ple . of this ,country • to achieve.
For a nturiber of years. now We'
haVe. not ,..thade, the .;progreaa,,that
it as • our' rightl-.7V:Vxpe---ct-t, due
partly to. the 'fact' that Bitice n is
Not. the. least •,achieVernenta.; of
Bruce have been the able ,Men.
that the,. couriWhas.,sent-7.to47the
4 • „ • •
Myself .excluded .' .Proud.
to -claim the. Mitiister of Trade
and Commerce (Mr .1‘Aa.61Ci1111011j',
of the present. 'government asf.
itiveofour cOuntyt+---there-4‘*
Senatora Donnelly , and Mars --There-
, . • •
who are .aelive in,. the • senate, at,
the .present ,time.. ;In our ;'town
,OliCineardirie*e are gad to have
With Us, yet.the':Hon.'H*.-fClark
Who...for Many -years served our
riding and the government of.1.1.,Lriricipily...
• ,a rua1 county .and
• • • • • •
Canada.: in .time of .war.. The: late agricuitufe.,, is not getting its fair
Hon 1.ath-Csf.141c911*. who in his. .share-Of-riational'ineorne, and chi.e
time; was :Minister. of.. Trade .and ;ryartly. to the
Commerce, was also -a -Bruce boY. duStry...
We ':. have .. no great._ centres,of
At the .:Present.‘ time; CanadaHymnYinn 393 was ,sung foliovqd by,
learning :in Our county,: but WC
pas. an .actite ...hotiaing' shortage,1 a paper by : Mtg.- F,Zueben Wilson .
.• .
15.ti.t let me saY,:.:M17.SpcaZer-rtliat+.-", Sloreadin.-g-th0-soSTA--r!4ey.,-
. Men who l'ia:Ve-inacie Outatand:
•housiii liortage_in_LIthead offered praYer:The nieet
ingi.ersesciooi;i'das.; tlfe he thibeus.pi;iuexis;ti7ar)..d.
.'ilie.'farMS*.ef. truce ,coiititr., and,cing..clo4ed.,with the nnzPail.,0erw,
• in" saying, . that...Br:wet 4iotien,TA dairiti7idnaCcTii.".VIF:
'Makes ro For Indians count is .typiCal.. of .nici•at' rural Jserved by tho-liostc-Atypo.
Atthe present time there la -in -.counties all over Canada:‘..Toisavet wishing: Ao.L• donite, .used7rp_t11.1Pg.: •
'Ottawa:, a deputation Of, ,Indians, thesituation we ..must have to the , needy. 'f.)eopie,.0N;crseas.,are.
_the original inhabitantsof thi Centralization,. we Must revise. asked to 'leave .them • at !liatail
.eountrY.,:TheY"'are- here to have transportatitnrTates anetlid-Wer-
:in)ustices 'removed ,.and rateg;.:13-kao-.,.:dding..we''shalI:ketp of $10,00 from Miss Maiy yid:Jew:1r'
• ances: . correete-dtiri7that.---delega-:71.alive' the W..*$is4o,,liel•iisett•
-thin our ..Indiari: PeoPle,,OU,Bruee which have ctone much tOirard. an "In Memoriam" fOr
her siser,
are representedOne of them is: ":building the country we live in .Miss,Sarah,McLean. .
sergeant and another'a corpdraf. and, 1OVe;'.Ifilconaideration-ia. not
who were Inthe'....saine,Unit with to -these :facts Bruce t alon
me overseas in the last War. We with similar counties,..Will: decline
had a 'platoori's Of those Indian. in population and in productivity
boiri•in our , Unit and ..1.'feel. safe .It is nice .tel seeour indtistrial
.1 • 1 •
in aayingthat there was not a. centres grow, but if they: grow:
better 'platoonin the , Canadian' at the experipe, of Our snialler
army, 'We ,tritist."remember• that ban places , andat.the:'expense of
the Indians, were here:iaefOre,WO Ottr, eOunties,.. ;We. 'and white,1 vvag brought.eii
, •
.were;:.,andthe least4e cati'dO is
to give them then- rjustdues. and.,the future of Canada., ••
the :comforting----asatirance. that Urges Unity
thiriutureWeifare is- in good Permit Wie, Mr 6r,.-.716-
handS, ,May 1 at this point read: n.yentical,..-.. one of,the
to the houSe a letter whiCh.Lre,:. isi,opiqins in .dqn4,0a..:, to. 7 day,,.,
• .
oeiVecl from a corporal, of 'Indian namely :Onit:y within, our dornin:',
..aneestory • •whO ..0.:tiOW,otterS7eas': I believethat ' eVerY hon,
This is frOM'b Orn2a1V; first bfit. mernbe,ris interested in ,finding
talion, 4:tegina., F6f1e Regiment a remedy. In this war it fell 'fb,
Canadian army overseas, . \under my lot to have charge of
-the 'date. of June 1. 1946: and toon• -Of .sixtY• men„ etigaged, in
.geadgl :-:'s iloaciing ;and unloading,shipa....on.
..:"Toyour letter of March 15, the _cast 'coast- ;In the: platoon
1.9:45,.-wilich I -Just -received a -few Viere- men- -frdr-mu
daYs ago ' changes' of id- rt",..nOse men 'got 'along good to:
dress. It ioOk time tor'the i)OStal. mix -
corps to find methe casin mot uruts rhe
"I:have, done you the favor laSkl 1t up f lioae, Men fon all,
ed by you 7:myselt:have no use aver Cada wiul, 1 believe, he)p
to, whatever party`rnay be in:: As• in • the future '• toWard. ;unity,
to my atatuaof civil life .1 ,arn an knowing each other's viewpoint
Indian 1 hive, no citizenahip. All, will alSo help, To learn one an- vejte which is no. good other's language Will 40. a long
to 'Me whatever, I .have no voice Way 'toward. salving 'the probelm,
' .
AN'D .
'(Owen Sound 'Sun -Times)
„ ,
Scots •Wha hae---whatever that
may Mean..
Anyway anadian Septa are to
be permitted to eat.taggis.On. St
Andrew's p , T.11, a t hardly
eyek,' St. Andrew's Novem-
ber 20, on a.Tuesday and
Trieadayi.aremeatless, days under:
Wartime ?rices and Trade *Board
•'The Board ,haS decdedtoun-
bend.says an
OttaWA-StOrY, 114.g.7'
gis be permitted to be' eOn-
awned on NoVember 20, meatless
Tuesday or no theatless. Tuesday:
Scots will doubtless ,claim that
this just shows.' that ;-the Prices,
Board . 4 :,possessed of: cOmin0
sense. Some Canadians of Other
natidnalities may sniff suspicious7
may. reca.11, that the head Of
the -Prices Board is..a' the
name, Of Donald. OorderCand 'May
hint at .uridtid,influence; favorit-
isin:and corkuptionin high 'pladea.
Some still unkinder, -will
insist' ,that there ig. nothing re -
Markable nor contradictory about
the rOting that'haggis can he eat -
:en on• meatless day and point
• to. the 'Prices BOarcl ruling as
prof of a long -held suspielon
garding the'nature of the Scots'.
I national,
I •',; '
anhigMy esteemed, by, 41
:know ,-ther.n.,.. For 19 yeais„
Thompson was alditect'or and "se.c.,
retary-treasurerrnot Wet wawa.. •
nbsh Mtitual Fire Insgranee•Co;
1.4eY have a family of eight, six
of „whom are living:- Mr..s..14r1(:.
:Armstrong of West WaWariosh;
John, On the hoinesteadi: GerthleK,..
of Brampton, josePh. Of Couit-
land; :William of East Wa.Wangsh,
who , returned home from 'Oyer-
Thompson, recentlyreturn:A
home; tWO daughters;10....C:
Martin •ana. Alice Cbed SQme years
' The September Meeting' of.".tfie
Ashfield W.M.S,
was hOldf'a.t tho
home of Miss.Sadie,JOhnstert,withr.•
22- ,Present..:The president;. -Mrs.
D.. A. McLean,- opened. the Meet,'
• . . .
Win 8
missionary encleaVOUrs in Bi ltish
Guiana The
psalrn 46 was read by Mi Ea 1
Howe She gave the rneditati�
thought and'Prayer.trn.-then,sai.iie.
''.chapter. Prayer. Was O'ffereci.
,MrS.. Franc.ey.:pirs. John
sRoss gave a reading :•The roll c,11
was answered. with from.
seiii-ittire Mrs. 7.13.Onalaplen-,
zie gave a. ,,roadihg.
,Simpson is 'writing , lettei of
sympathy„ivray ,'•owing recent be
a paiDer on "The Spar.row.s”. Fall '
• .
.(Too Late .„Last ... -Week)
Mrs Donald FoWler on Moixlay
everiin entertained 'at her.lyme
in honor of 'MiSS Dortithy
a bride of this
wagon; prettily •decorated,iiiliialc
.know thatsuch is not good forliade-
, With -pretty a nd usetul.gifo,
1 The -.'bride,,:.....taken eurprisei,
thanked each, 'for' ho
TPad. a'„coxyqiiirtionta67 pcicires:s
pressiqg..good a
jolty .good fellow *0...8...sting in pm -
sop; Contests and g'ipt'y,itrpre,en,
joyed 'followed by a','dainty'liihtb
bY: the. hoSteSs.'''• ; •
On �nday;set-n.'eb‘ir6idn g;
danee in the. parish 1R. 16r Mr.
and Mrs. -"John 'Garivwshy
.484, r:tr'hga:;r:LOr.1).c.hiest.rcia; A t
qiijoyci `rnusic Mr-
t,ii`e young cotiple'wpil..Cit.1100,forl•
Ward and an .6ddiliss. of,' go0
Wishes •waS' react b11Ss 1161.e.11
:Stothera and ,aiortey
•presen,ted n ,Mr, Bili
ieps, onPridayytile young coole
klyre-rtiarried' gatilrtiuy,