HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-13, Page 12POPULAR PRICE "T„ esses • FAVORITE. FASHIONS :Nw'Neck Lines I he� Nip-=in_Waist-_L-1ae ... New Colors. . GVI S I .:find leathers i.'n'slip ons that will eoml► nient our rail outfit" . 7`ix ” gloves "are alt well rinignett.- ret,VaeNam Biegc, FABRIC'' GLOVES feature many new • tom' designs -that "add something, extra to• your outfit. " Shades Black, ' Brown, ge HAVE RECEIVED -a belated shipment . of Ladiesr' Cotton Pantees,. elastic bands. 'Saxes, medium, large And O.S. 71. 1 st 1. 0111 • • - (Continued from, page i) old Molson's Bank at. the Ridge town, b ranc h . ' He spent six years ,Head -Office Montreal and +before. being. appointed Manager- of 1 of the Lucknow Branch06 in 9 ' was at Meaford' where---he-met ,l and married, in 1905, Rena'T. Mc= :fru lock 'of".Thorold._„.Mrs _ Smith. ` SEPTEMBER �6E'STI • VafCamps BEANS Package 10c• e -Baked Beans Real Hom JIFFY-NW'CRUST' Package , „..... 25c '} Way Easy W Y to Flakey Pie Crust CLUB' HOUSE COFFEE_ 1:-• lb tin 50c Packed fresh from,,the Roaster LEES MUFFIN” FLOUR . Package A Nutritious flour, for Delicious Muffins PRESERVING PEACHES? USE "FRUIT=KEPE! :CYNICS 41.A tED. TWO: : THOUS • A• ND'With 'the termmatinn ;,of the. blood' donor service 'of the Can- adian Red Cross Society as:, car- ried :.`during the, latter years of t%e--ward -it s wrnterestn to leak back: over the' splendid re- cordreestablished`-in this commun.,. ity. [h first' clinic vim heid o? dune..lst, 1943, with. '51 onbis"lir attendance. The last:' clinic was. on' Augusvt•1st,;.1945 with an even -Yhundre.mrliFU TO a 1 ee.• o s g that -two-year period;; clinics were held at intervals .of ;five weeks. There were 21 'clinics held';, with a• total- enrollment of' 510 ,persons- and total donations of ;1945, for' an .average of 92.6 donations at each clinic.'•: a Thirty-nine have, ': given .;ten_ or more donations andreceived gold `pins; Several other's were preper- suceumbed uddyenly-40- -a'-heat ed�to-9ualify for a . gold in at. attack in • November 1939. the 'September, Clinic wiiicb,, wase in 191.3 Mr. "'Smith'_resigned'the can celled.' Gordon Fisher, Jim Campbell.' and Harvey Houston managership :of the„, bath ..here, each made twelve .dbfiations This and ,entered the insurance and. tbGnd: `business which she has-Suc- cessfully assuc Y -- cessfull conducted.._ -all ,eight, Victory Loans he has - put Luck= now Over -the -top -single-handed handed and on More than one *.occasion -ranked--high -inwBruce.-Countyfor- individual "sales.; 1 A . • TOURS, ;SEPTEMBER 13th, 1944„ HURLBU' O� THE IDEAL 'SCHOOL SHOE F( • 1t ``was on, Labor Day -that M -r. iizith *sufffered a__sever-e ._he. attack. He was ,much improved "later. in the week and anxious' to get up. About three a.m. on Mon- day he suffered ' another attack butresponded quickly to, Medical treatment-' and dropped :off to sleep . again; About'4ive ;a.m:"-.he hadanother attack and, after ,`speaking: to his nurse, passed away very suddenly. A. private funeral service was - held at his late residence 'on Wed- nesday e held i nesday : afternoon conducted by Mr. Harvey Parker, who is sup plying in St. , Peter's Parish. In terment was in Greenhill Cem4t ery. • with W. W. Hilt -W. W B. Anderson, W. A. Porteous, J. -C. McNab;_ Wm. Hornell and F: T. Armstrong acting as pallbearers. .,Was possible as'� they►_ attended Wingham Clinicsbefore the local clinic was established' ' Clinics w.er-e... in charge of Dr. W.` V. Johnston, local: chairman of `,the. blood: donor service and: 'Mrs Wm brie i as president f the Ware Work Committee:, of the'' 'Red Cross.Mrs. Jean Jardine was -the urigiria3-se r-y-'bqt= ha give ' up her duties ,.clue to •:- ill health,. who was 'succeeded by Ms J.: C. McNab who has' been assisted •by Mrs . L. Philip. We will award free to the winner of ` each -variety of bak ing ,in.the Robin Hood Special (Page 16 in Prize List) one -- 24 . lb. bag Robin , Hood Flour, if theprize: winner has com- plied with the rules of entry,. and has purchased the flour, from' us: ;'PHONE 8 WE DELIVE A wealth ' of floral tributes xpressed-some of=r the: things We have ...been trying : to. say about George .H..Smith: -Truly- a prince among men has: passed on—and by' his passing .Lucknow has •auffered an irreparable loss Mr, Smith 'is survived byone sister, Mrs. T. S. (L ora ' eid of Orillia and :John Smith Of `. Wash ingtoni, U.S.A., who is `ill and was unable to :attend the funeral. Mr ,Smith was predeceased. by .his wife; a sister Edith '(Mrs. G. A. Newton) whopassed away on September 25th, '1944;; by 'a half sister, Mrs. G A. (Ida) Siddall Mrs.. McNab; 'wishes to express -appreciation .:to _the. donors , and;. all; those who contributed" in -any wayto the success of *these clinics. The following, letter _t as been. eceived--by Dr. -W. V:P Johnston, local.::: chairman- of ' the Blood Donor Service: -" Dear .D1-, Johnston: "Thank You". These two words seem to be so inadequate at this time, yet they are "full of mean-" .ing, for, I: •do "Thank, yon" Most sincerely for the very -fine .co o eration you" have given to our Blood . Donor Service. `and - two half brothers, - Ed and Frank Rooklidge:, Taking Business Course' • The greatesn loy„1i` anz :.sure we ;�get:at • this time is in knowing hat .tkiousands rof lives. have. "been saved:.by, the Blood Plasma sent from Canada: ' Our '.work' forlk war is now fin= ished. Personally-::,L.•feelthat.`:.we. will ' have 'a Peace -tune assign-: ment, for on. Thursday last wthe National Blood Donor Comn ittee: engaged Dr; ' atanbury.-to . make a survey Of Canada as to.how best to carry on a Blood. Transfusion ervice: now that the war is over. Dr. Stanbury has been in charge of all Blood Donor work in Eng-. land for they, past' four years..; - held in the `Town Hall. 14► : �rneetm r�l� b Lucknow, on Friday. evening, September 14, ' i ha-to-�or aYize- for=the local;; it -78 o cloak- s rp,: . 8. campaignin support of the Salvation Army's ationa1--Home Front -Appeal,.- -which--open next Monday. Your Attendance Is Ttequested m.;Murdie, Chairman McKim, Sec. now always. have `Peace on Earth• to all Men' of Goodwill'. . With warmest war . personal-regardi; :.. and every; good wish," Russe11 T. Kelley Chairman, airman,.Ontario :Committ'ee Blood„ Donor Service.. Made 525. Donation At 'the . ,September meeting. 'of. the. Lucknow'Fire` Comp p,any, ihe.:i donation, to .the N l�` atinua1, National 'Sanitarium Association was,;ap: proved':" by the Company.. .This Yeas •. r donation was' 2500.. $ • 11. L want• you to know .how deeply appreciative •I am; personally,. not t.Mi ss Ruby Irwin,; daughter, of,' .only for your help in the Work, Mr. and'iVlrs - W J. J Irwin is tak- but for your friendship( and kind ing a secretarial course at Wells iless whenever I had the pleasure. AoftiOiriy, .London = .... of visiting your -_Clinic ,May ".we ._ __ .Cambridge Made -to -Measure _ Suits for Discharged Service Men With, Priority Coupon • •• , .ear. Made-to-Meastire and•"Ready-to-W •°•. TOPCOATS : and OVERCOATS `for.civilians:also 1111 READY ;TO- '`EA ". SUITS 1N : ST! Y idlesFallCoats"' 'Suits 'Dresses • Sweaters and . , , ' :Purses • • Leave . -our• name if - interested `in a Fur coat • 14 • fl e Store With The Stock µ_Congoleum a • n Some Seconds !el -to ►ug Y � Special Prices • •