HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-13, Page 6•r
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r40NIFI i. ,: liILD!![ait ;�N,.e d i �kcx' :i!.�.'a1�1 !�liis�"ir !`:1l�rw�i il1!S R' it �, `i► '
The tuciutow Seutiin4l„ ;Luc
THUR• ,Ba. SE MBER 13th0,4945
1341'6;v s�arr' ��.et .*s1` !..r_ s_i�?*slf ttltis
t E , �., nfld-half-wages .. . ,
ell;Cad votoIt
tsps wh4tepeppc:r i s�sst oon enged tomato
5. tbs. shortening. , coup, ••
•• . S lb, ground raw beef
3 tep Magic Baking••Powder,
_ •
• , s..
via t-atid'- eplts°-°'+a d 3;:lable poott
shortening; mix in, t oroughiy with,' fork Add
tnnk'and stir until•blepded. Meat remaining�two
• • . tableapoensshortening” in• .9"•• frying pan, sand
cook onion until: soft • Add tomato ,soup, re -0. .
staining• 3 • teaspoon salty'and. gtound :meat;.•
Y• bring to boil'•Spread. bakinngg powder mixture on: "
top of meat mixture and bake at 475. F. fo=:about -
20 minutes. Turn out upei '•'dawn on Targe .
plate. Serves 8. ;.i
Nt'C"Y� d
-The . storekeepers • who' . were
• ••"Don't �.ou know
�ovont to' declare., y
there's a war on?." when asked fob`'
(.Intended for last week).
.Vir, and Mrs. Chas. Knight. and
family, of, Toronto spent the vweek
end with. Mr:T ands.. Ms ..James
Wraith, '
Mr. and Mrs. Wraith and Ge t`
visited, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins
Sunday : evening.
Mrs, Mike Carrble is., visiting
with 1Vi..rs ros , Marina. .
ed S of
i4s �Ma,rion H . g �
take=.0 Iter y
r. and'M s P,lex Mc ay 'and
family of 'llathilton 'Motored to•
Mr.,„ 'arid. Mrs. John Ross' and
Mr. 'and 'Mrs.. pert u w-te
,.an ? . Y ,
d' f `inti of 'Kincardine ar►d' Mr.
and Mrs.. Joe wall iijsited Mr,: and
Mrs. 'Frank •Thompson" - Sunday.,,,
Miss .Eileen. 1,oss• has returned
to •li,amilton after spending a.;few
months at her. home
Edna ` Wall: spent a 'few days
'ndMrs. • El
- last w.
f s
naw being
scarce .goads , g
- their, customers: "Don't you : mer Wall, ,
ed by ., ent_las•�
_.; . r - •. _ Hod ins sp n
hnow .the .wars over? • Miss Shirley g.
r 1'M AN u���Vo01tir
a g tot+ ~ • � '�"-;
'Tresbyterian' W.M.S.
The • S' ptember meeting was
held in the .church with Mrs.,
Mullin,• in th .chair. Mrs
A. C. Agnew ave . t e openings`
prayer,aand this roll coli; Was ans.-
' veered by. a verse from Acts •,9,•
This cF:apter:-_?ska afterwards e
12isi111�1.L�N,z r.:i
;' 1i 1
=waS derided. �;4t-1'f�"�"lttb �_.-__
los AuxiIlary for the October
ni,eetin _r• An excellent•topic on
the ; Church: 'in Europe . wasr pre4'
and 'read . by. x Mrs: W; i otig as:.
Mr . Elsner': Johnston, gave a,•reath-,
Ing and the•news from•'home and
':foreign.' ` fields was - surnniari ped..
The'next meeting w ll. be .held ln.
the church and will 'be in' charge'
'of Mrs. A; C. :Agnew ' and• 'Mrs'.
W, J. Spinfl1ei., •
Letters. To. 'The Editor
bear_ Editor:
I have been watching with in-
terest the reaction to this inioi rn "
ation regaicding the "Ati�rt�ic
)3omb" disclosure. For many •
years there' have jieeti most extra
ordi.n•ary `l z'.edi t ons -t 'tact a ng
the power contained'in the at1u11
which w9,uld sonie..day be rplvas
ed It seemed veli tantast'te_ Ii1.1(
It ] ev%dent �-tl �:'rs
--,•.• - :M1fl , f .i„ ,.
ood.teaSon heir hitt l t�xc{„•,�, ,...
1owever J •:arn .:oonVine .d that
!there is. a :great deal of lob4i talk',
indulged •.in: regarding the asks_
ibilities. of, its peacetimne, do vc_►c;•p,
ment -; N, ere are• • a ura
laws :which T belie'v'e "will I:
found td opei ate;:.w•ith this, fiiic4 u
'as they, teem to do with,all oti",iers
Only .'war : time exigencies miade
this development • possible, The
expenditure of• two bitllian cl4ars
on'a gamble would only be juste
fled by ;the necessities of si.. }ifs •`'•
and death struggle when cv.e..ry
thing must be sacrificed, :if need
be, to. retain Our life and fi'ee .
dotal,, We have hathe ti enl.cynd '�
ons energy contained iii TNT for
many :years.put, no progress has
been- Made 'in' making it available
to 'drive the wheels b.f industry
and the Atomic face seems to nE.
even ' more,,. destructive of .'any
.means, of containing: its .e-norgy;
There'. was a great, :deal...of . im
possible-.- nonsense-talked—alsout
week: with Miss IVl:yrtle Whytock.
fAt SIS•411yltlr
IG1i Y0.
%a. 'E!
I'ROT ,Hilt I'
liquid air when'' it wasTfirst`dis-"
cove're:d. It,has• faded Out.' .of the:
pictt r ; -eo Pletely, thea7.7 costa ryas
so out of proportion 'to''the enei gv
which could be recovered from it•
A. little ':child. playing with a,
�q match' could destroy a whole city',•
but virhen: the attempt is .made
'to: uti ize ,this energy: in a pi�acti ,•
-cal way, the material destroyed
would be out 'of propos tion. to
the :benefits ,r•eceived.'' A czt.eless
camper by .dropping :a cigarette
or leaving the embers of his camp
:fire... 'unextinguished, .,w 1�Esii : the
condition's are :.right • :can desti riy'
mony` square miles of for cst...but• • •>
When the attempt is_iriadc :.to use•
this' material wasted"~ ii, �i pi atti
:Cat Way. .by
°corivertisig t11iti azeat
'into` power it' is ."not. pi actical as `
a source ofenergy etceht;,in
limited, way I. eio'ssed tile- At
lantic 'ext :theLusrtaiiia, and a ")
great:•sform•:came up.Tlra-1-Tm�n=e.�
aster =tivas 'toyed ''with,, . as a ,piece .
of cork The energy being w-.aste4
'on that great expanse of y 'ate
could not be: calculated ,but still
no. bite has,'ever. been able tai des
cov ' practical method -of uti}
sizing:,this ` energy.. In• coni'ei•tfng
'any. source. of' .eneigy ,into :pisco::
cal ^use, we never rect>vei
fr actlon;',01-the •:t-heoreticiil • :energy.
cxpeiided':. There is ti`e-
mendous''waste• in hire pictecss-.anti .
T a.th. quite confident this :natural:
• Iaw• 4w'rli . i .. f'oound. to trri V Hl •iii
the use. of the desti'.ucti n of: the ;
atotri. However • tlici'e i5 6.tie "'t.,''':
profitable : ,leissoii w`e cn:.1eai n
m' a,, crYlpin ofh ee�
difroscov ry,onte' respectatlo"suet i er,1'cri'eri 11t
for the .intell'igence ::v t li }1 could
.create and, deposit tt iti incredib1I
source :Of destruct1V'E•
:su'ch cornmoriplace. and i a ittleCS'''
mater ials.,.We.•'are• al.l ,,,v l;ed up
over. out discovery; et 't.: What
about '•'.t.tic 'intelligence w',hich
ci�ea'ted it •and". hid °:it LtaV8 fat '
'rn pion'"of years?
W. Inns.
`N1is .•Eldon Bradlc.si c6lr1r ..Amfbe-
Mle.yanctreturnBed Satui
on,:N.:,after ,1,,9i(iinlthe
stth crier Trion the w J.JY' l,AC.. in0
Bradley, R.C.A,F., Sha t,'ii�IdC
coind by lvl 1
st.erpanieof WinghatYlr, v�^i�, +pent
the.holidays with " ;: :