HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-08-23, Page 7]����111)DAY AUGUST .'23i k1945
The tuckn w Sentine
Q � 1, LuCiaiQw;,
435: Scjdn.,, R.C..A.F.,• India.
Dear a, Campbell, ,
1 ,received another carton . of •
fagsfrom the • cigarette fund:.a.
few ,drays ago and I wouldlike to
express::—MY---sincere thanks thru:
S asdron:Le,41,1 i --John BeI1 of your Paper.._li .wnur .like.-,tm.. ia:
Buroia iwrxyl,il:1...''',"1,107•.s:;?-s :_1'' ;yle t4i S tl ,Trk pv€rt*v 'inri j, ?r1.11,7
a �.
eently awarded ,the; m E, - tai QQ:p„, .l?utor but.. I , ems. , th t.
arxtved home as. impossible A •dollar's
from overseas; would be
•wor-th -Ef cigarettes 1691r-1i—ice-a'
-._• ---ar - ri tits receiving
m n`.n.�' . y:.
.havre beeeeel.ving:, The
visiting. herd with Mrs Biussey Sentinel quite ;regulax;ly." I got,
e of hex • arents "Mr,.. g
at: the honlq. P . ,, two al ou : a:: week
t , ago.. One: was
and 'Mrs., Harrk, ixon,'a;'March issue; the other one May..
Geo.. Rol inson ` of the''.R C.&F,, No matter ,•how :old they are,, I
"who..las<Y, been ....stationed a.Ab- look fopward to them and rt
otsford, B: C. is receiving every:�word. I •especially like, the
dischargee ,and is home on fur:: "With the ".Troops'; colum.n;;'It's
lough. nice to"know what the other boys
° are• doing.. A letter. from home
Sidney Cr,ump,;'son of Mr, and yesterday;• tells me thatuite•
,.'':.Mrs. Fred Cruinp, 'fol./herb'.01 home q a
few- of them. are now,
'I'm still living in a tent, as I
have'beenjor =thee-ast- months, •
It gets pretty ,.damp'. sometimes,
since the Monsoons • started, and
our clothes
y, but
manage' to 'keep fairly. we
paramount, called on friends to
the'=eornmun.ity Iast week. Sid is
a member :of the' Air`. Force Ca
Bets and is, stationed ..at Leaside'
WO. -Eldon Buckingham left., on
Monday. for . St. `.Hubert', Quebec;
• He had, spent a 3Q -day' leave ,with •
his .parents,, Mr:\and Mrs Wm.
Buckingham• since., returning from
'cv,erseas. Eldon had •volundteeret
for Pacific. duty.
R; A: Thompson of St: Hyacinth
• Q'ue{bAee,_sYpYiepn�tp�,�aT7i J�`lJ�ayy (leatie
Gt.—the olue ei°�TT par-,luts,-."M-
and Mrs R..: H :Thompson. Not
long.: after' the" peace, announce
,menta was made a special 20 coach
--train-was speeding -most of°,;the.
personne of "this naval station.
on an en -o-the-week leave.
Reports, -.At . Centralia
Sgt:. Melvin . Stewart re 'orted
at Centralia an : Tuesday after,
spending a: thirty. day leave :with
Mrs:' •Stewart and .with his par:-,
eats,:Rev and Mrs J..' W. Stew
• art ;'Melvin wen't4, overseas_:in~
April of this year as: an •ani
-gunner He -Volunteered. for,...the
• Farlast-•anti was -<on h=is Paoif3p
service•°fiirlough when 'pe•ace'•Was
• declared .•
- -0n-bear-d--the- i oopship Cama
-:�-ertrrr an, whiclr�iv� a ,.:at,Ha,hfax
t-7. dnesday, - were Pte 1:^E:
Culbert, son of Mfrs. Andrew Cul-
bert;:•R. 3• Luckno'w and the late.
Mr: Culbert 13dr George ,E..MC-_
Innes, son Of''Mrs... Neil:. McInnes
:...of,.Lucknow-and~tihe�Ia�c.^Mr `1VIc.= �
Innes; and``Cfn Alex'Purves, son.
of4Mrs James Purves,=, ,R, i
' •Lucknow• and the'.,alate Mr, Pur-
• Capt. T A: Leishman was :ha
iY ,hurt recently. in - ;an overseas
• accident—...when:.,—the deep' he-
driving crashed, into, a .tree.• Tie
vehicle went outof control when
a front tire • blew`
Capt. Leishinan suffered
double':leg. fracture -beaow the
knee, severe. injuries to. his noso
an `
re of�-the-fo�he�ac�':`FI`e 'was:
travelling alone on duty at the
tirne,'and it"`wassom e '.
that•he was found:,' The jeep' was.
a Wreck and it was regardeda5
miractilo s tha •
'� hot � t the driver . was'
killed,. '
.• rs. .Leishman° ,(nee
uglas) �ary
and her•.•two children
have presided:bene"since he 'went
overseas '
Mr`, and Mrs C. ..
' E'W`ilson
famil .burl
Y of: Saska:to0n, +who have
been .:holidaying with her par-
. eats,' Mr. and Mrs, John Jamie
Son,".}lave 'returned td the West,
Mr, and 1VIrs Sid •jdhnston of
Toronto . visited for a
last' Weekw' days
Iedvers Johnstto�y iVlr, 'a d Mrs..
able,. The meals are average—at.
least; ,we 'have had worse. We
have 'a snack bar. .where acre eon'
get a , sandwich. 'in the 'evening.
outdoor sports are limited now'
due to •tile weather, but we have
a n'oyie almost every night: We
have .a tarhera ;club, of which 1.
m --a .rnernb.er-•a-nd�'I haac�'manag=
ed to .lear ' developing,, . printing,.
.—enlarging and a,.few other linter-
'e',ttng `things about it Vue
:have a sq a ron paper -; whreh r
Thative eLb
rie . novwt; :The :1 -an -t -.th
• , ., ;. ..• �; you,,
shoots Jn: Mud and, water about
half?va U.'
Y• p to tleir knees.; They.
`use• oxen .and their implements,
-are listilh. the ;same :as.; -the • ones:
.e •.
sen .;in Bible.•.gictures .:Civ t eat
ion has not:•progressed'vex -..far
around here yet. ' • • .
Well T :will close now, May
. T.
:extend .m_y.grateful thanks to 'your
and; The`entinel a
, � s I know you
have been very,.active. in.Making
the O; S: 'Cigarette , Fund • a • suc
Hoping .to~, see `.you".al•l Soon
again;; I remain,`•
Yours; SinCereiy;•
•`'Indoor EX-1'IbitsT`
• C
ere'lI e fan o ustandnig showing of • hbrsew
(41th ` r. ize money` Increaged
' :. • Four' •Runnin Races and a 'Harness Race
• Admission -ForSchool: Childrern . '.
REMEMBER this year its" a. big one -day fair
A5 000. FIREswp
' t.. Pi,ckard's
Hardware store in' Paisley while
the. Fire Brigade battled futrly
with 'a chemical outfit and..: uck-,
• ;
ets, as their .antiquated puinper; .•,
was out . of order: <• The p.rornpt
.arrival of 'ort Elgin:and.�W..alk-. •
erton brigades confined the'coni
flagration to' the mice building.. '
OMEDAY. THAT DREAM. home . ` don't realty need We must support
w' ll a yours—if Son are ?Willing rationing, observe price ceilings,'and
to -:fig yht for it .today;!.Brinks may ' : "avoid blackniatketS. . If, we :do
build a<' house but to ;build
a. ,hr%tn.e. : 4,ve can keep prices from, shooting
you need more than ..bricks;! You• sky. high, If;we don -'t, some day we'll
-.a" dollar for lift cents .
._a.. =af uture.
•��nee � securaty Jo „��.
these ''depend :on: a Canadian dollar'` ` 'orth �Yof goods: This #means your
'that 'Will 'ill alwa s'. bu. a ifull dollar's dollars—those 'dollars you've saved.
t wi always' , •Y .... • �••.�. ur'liome�-will onlybe worth'
worth ..,of 'r' oods-a sound to buy yo
g , . . s�t�.�dy,
dollar that's not pulled down to fifty .cents' Th is is .inflation!
•I inflation! That`s . at ` •
by •. �,._. ..� ��,� at>on'' come's.depres='.'..
half its value "; ' « And fter mfl • . .
tecessary NOW --more than slon!' We know what happened after.
ever nowt' -'-for all of' us to fight an,d 'tile last war! It mustn't be allowed to
-,:._ :•avork Yo' keep.that dollar '�vorth �"apperi'g
That's'why; for
-own sakes; and for the 'safe,. of ch.e..
Why is• it so -important NOW? .` ' 'returned menFt�1' whom we' owe a job,: ''.
',Because noui,is the:time civilian goods 'a future, a.. home of their own -we
are scarce' • and' 'money is plentiful. must ,make sure Canada's dollar re
NOW , is the tine .we must guard 'mains steady..,,We' must keep up a�:
against paying MORE than things. • 'constant fight' against our country's
are 'worth., ! ,. or•' buying ' things we . enemy --inflations
Pwblisbeaf by, TI -18 13R'LWING INDUSTRY (ON7AitiO) j o reveal the •dangers Ctiletlation',
Make this Pl d: a Today!
_]pledge myself to do my part
Tiro_ figHingii' t�itiotr. -
By observing rationing ,atid avoiding t
black markets in any `shape "oi
By respetting'priee cbtitrobi and other
anti= nIlatioz} measuples, and . re-
from careless and unneees
sary buying.` I will 'not buy two
where one will do; ndr'will Iliuy.
a "new'",whe're an "old" will' do .
By buying Victory Bonds, supporting.
'', taxation and `abiding
by `all sucb measures
vviiich"""w'Ill lower the
cost of living and.
'help".keep prices ata :
,. normal levet.
_IP' I�xtr , fh :.. �. - :...., Ali tt* '"`L" >Wd i iOr' -