The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-08-02, Page 7r • 0 TJURSDAY', Ocala :214 1$45 { The ° Lucknow` Sentinel, .,; artneY, of the •Ca l3ud McC y n- icv p spe.nt a cawple:r,of . • ad7� l�� a v.., with hcEfanf -reilt, •V 3 e'•r . t ] ie orting at -too rnwallis-fax Pae. F 'Bud"„Orr'' of :,Hamilton ..• and recently ofMor:treal Spent the week-ed.•at°the• home 'of mother,. Mrs,' M C.' Orr '"Bud is ii osted.'to; BarriefieldC.Camp being PO MacLean Bell, son of -:Mr: and Mrs,' John (Bell ;'of Toron'a; acid, formerly of Ripley, is home from overseas for :a thirty,,day *furlough before: reporting,. for Pacific dut Y. _ . • Oa 'Way Howe " Mrs, Wir..'MacKetizie received, a cable 'On -Satin day _ , 2,:_ . John •M •cKenzie," statin son, F0, Jo., n a , la that he,expected to' sail in a fe w'. S. The Alcantara' ion which.. da , listed, ted is ' 'scheduled •.. to' John .is t , • c •. atuebe City• on Sunda dock�. c .Y y. r w, Ontaro ' NEED YOUR HELP `VISIT S• ROME. , visited at King college wbie.h. in ;1Nith boys froth this. district•ar'- NIS ANCERSTOthe 'college is the chajel Which riving home from overseas most is of simple architecturebut real - every week, ' we .need .the' assistPe - ' Misses , • . was founded. in 1494.. 'Adjoing isse Pearl and ,. Elzzabeth ]y a -beautiful building; The • in'.: ;a9ce..of friends and relatives to Henderson ha'Ve received; the fol- terior is' richly decorated with keep us posted We would ap- ]awing letter, which we repro carvedoak and canopied stalls, preciate being advised of every duce in ., ,from, Rooney Mac- Crorrr ell is'said-to have abled boy or girl's arrival and a thurnb L .nnan with, the R, ' ---�..�...., C,.�.F, :ower- ...his:. ho , . . -sketch, the _ .., _. ,... ._.,.M ,:,,,,--M„_._ rhes• in;th�s•.chapel.- _,-� nail sketch, of activities and seas; ;Another place .. of int. res. e length of servrce�,of_cas„ki,.oner--_ •- Dea'r•� s:a-r.�.and-.. • ._ _ , ° , - :.rt .,.M.;.. �_ .__r' _.-r• 'p_..,.... ....�.„.._ l Elrzabtth. tiisite� Z��as:St ~ Mackar s Cath~ew i7m� ii (rt• : - Il on ,, w efera},�lY'. 4 am ,•1.-,r-7•,;. t ,: .4L .� � � .. . � u �au,w.',4,'44.01,, w.r rx-ir , ria , „n, ,, .. .. ,� s been standyrig'-. -a,•.personal call•, . fet, us have ,s„ ', .. this. `n. it i, - _since --1 - .. g wever:-tri _3�'&-. I�awe�ven�•.beli .. _.� ,1rlf iati ii- leas _ —51 .ted ]i data, rvthoughts ...are of .•. with :YOU. I was :not .co let . mp .ed''uri until about that, may, ui ,;the. f' t, rex rove- w- .� � p... � ,t,Kf,= <iahall; • ^alwa ��.:: lr: •�G�- _ :T• �, . ,; � _ . 4'h'�°"forrd'eS::;Z'��0.•:=sia}•iY - .,�.• �.: .�;, .. _ , � ...:. ._ t � _r. _ _s�'ttiefi°aL(i.�e�`t`o'dIt'sy the... avr *,;leed_ft arta,, jn iriemories of: 'the,. years , 1--.7'sent Don River _ va ue ..o., The Brig of Balgownre any ...case is.,of, special °r,eader,ir -• with you.'One realizes when theY. c ,osses:"'the' Don '•te -near • the 't ret o �. Y �' Don.�u�. _.r ar.c. far., wa '` , a y: from home' tkiat..t .cathedral.'and,'is'-said to have been:. i t:he little hfn s ` • ' t g like :.playing constructed: "by` 'King Robert 'th HELPED A.Y �, PIPE- LINE..TO RHINE,. One .of last .week's' ar.riv:als -in .ucknow.. from : overseas was 'Sid' Whitby, a member •of' the ' 2nd Canadian D r'i I l 'i 'n Com' 'an Royal ' Canadi:ari. ,Enginec.=rsr,h;is outfit played a inight•im`ortant, Y p role in:. pipe 'line `laying 'So. that the' Allied Attack could , be Rep', rolling. l i n' o Sid landed Norman' g o a>. m n ft/WE SEVEN H.ELENS The annual social meeting of, the W.M.S. of the. United' Church;. Will, be held in the .Church "'on Wednesday, August 8th at 2.30.. Rev. M. G. Newton'will be the , special, speaker and the ladies from "Ashfield'" Circuit' and from-'” "`" ' "` t -he• ,-Whitecthureh.-»United.----cht rch -j-:� societies • have •bceii 3r itr rl,.. n •i: Z it:at" exend.c,d , t, 'alI .,the . .iadres..::o�'h�'; epmm-u[nYt Y• Mrs E .L, aixi-.s e the: ek h.... rit wre end.-te•'guest,` o�f`lte�r- �daixg� steer, --•-. Mrs. .A1 . ar-in and Mr;. Martin at t Wasaga` Beach Mr:: and Mrs:. •James. Douglas la M- � g s . e' ard'farrrily,and• PO. John McAree'. with.. the cats and :family .worship Bruce ,around' 1320. R: •' of :the Royal Canadian• Navy Nver-e"- ning meal•. arse -•••the.,, This morning we,,,boarded the ,._ ,ter, the c,ve•r,•ecent�.' nests of Mr: and Mrs:'.. ' things that real] 'count. ':` .• .train•�a d arrive' in .Inverness. , ,Y , . ..n arrived n.Inverness the J on, : I?O. _ 1VIcAree, � � �• ohri Camer capital- >of' ', the '' (highlands about whose mother : was formerl , Miss s believe I told you in my y first letter when arriving in Eng- noon.. -I ,understand that it- was T • Mary Cameron, 'has recently re- , land I was sent to. Bournemouth, from here. my great-grandfather • �, turned 'from .�:ovexseas:' a 'summ.er resort •a .long ,the south lived before goin. g to 'Cana a and u . • coast • - i • � Walter McFarhane,. w•ho arrived. s of England, I. spent- slightly: for that .reason if no 'other rl felt .:• • , ,. from overseas' on' Friday, -.:with over 'a month there and, in .that pit was my duty to. come up here: period I was ,fortunate to receive` I have always been - proud of about twelve•days'; leave. I• spent; :mY. 'Scottish ::ancestry' but I: 'am some of the' leave in London visit-. •.now convinced' I was. quite right, in Ju : of last "'Chan-, -ing'. such' historical places'. as West in -being• • and :am now,more . ly s year. As. the chap , proud ' t '' ALney,, •the _ ° . - . m -n ..•r.crud th ri a v- -where 'You. .. zi ..poi: s began to • fall': and h .-10..1`t-',' .... ... •...,. ,...... ,, ..... Ye buildings Nand Buckingham* !Pal go th . Canadians :swept :up the .coast: the . � � , , . e •people ;are: most 'kind ;and, ace. ' The , remainder•, of • th leave.. of course .with a.'nam 'thine' i need .grew for: more; fuel. Roads likern zee. • s ' :1--Was;-w-i'th arri•ii h`o'l'ive'near 1 �h' (e a7nta.d-ded berief'it: er`o Jrnm w?tFi transports'and • ll' irmingham,:''They• were ` lovel :Inuer'ness'• lies 'at, .the ` mouth, of a pipe line- vas•.t, e only°.•adeq,uatc-• •: •.. Y , ., answer,.: to;mc� and:I eri o. ed m d r connecting with 'the cross - J Y• y visit .wil}i the river Ness and i� a very pfc-x; .em very':rriuc , A� What:' I. w -i `• at •Birm•in . 1 et�Cir tfie i -t to ou ' a I e Tturne "t�"Ottawa after. visite -such .'to�the success of--the•-i-r -kfas ! a y y s see ..1Rh ion These , i e her.�rriother,:Mrs .Vfol.,et� Webster.. p A• , lines • were' `lard' fn: 344 'mile. len `th's, in. 'the.::sa . e• ';.Gunner Fred Webster. • h s �;1'eft g .. m them h tures ue spot. I' shall ;tr • cha .noel PiPe 9 p y•: arid. Jean •Purdue •has- r • -' . p t? lmnes: 'that SP' 1 .4or diity in .the Pacific' and - .Pia at M, r va a a. y, .-Webster,. Woodstock- and Drummer Mac: Webst r of .e. Ip erwash,Spent, week-'eiidleaves° �. here,—Kincardine News:' annex as ocean, Ga_...,es: ne, of�:t O he •Second°, --,Drilling• Company's biggest obs cam gg .**,•jObs wherr-Ostend harbour wa 'c:eare and lines laid inland in: B'e]glum; o.G t hent Thiat••job started on Oct- 5pendirig Furlough. ' Here. ober,.2 d and • the petrol was flow an Hunter Paterson oaf the',R,C,A.F g by,October 21st This Job ;re; - is endin his ,furl 'ceived 'even' hi p. g � . ough .the higher. priori, ,•.thaii•. Y ,home of rs: 'John McDour all: c'learin the wounded ded a, d the g g ni s . PPn i ,t • .as b n„ be Air. Force - for four years: 'He' has been sta :tioned. „in Newfoundland put .,on •completing his, furlough 're poi ,g.,..p is in 'N.ew .:Br.unswick�. •ARRIVED. LAST .WEEK Boys, back .from," overseas who • .arrived here, last. we iii 7 ek _ c , uded - 'slie B:r-oo ks;-rse��'' a �trin-� , ;Whitby, <. Ronald '• .Y,Cranston, Clef- for ' Roulstorr:''. nd.:.I.oh _� . -•a n mk VI S I`PS`itiOT ' : PIER H'E`IR 140Mc.rarlan_of=town had her sonW , • alter„wisitmg`her .over the 'we .ek end. He arrived home last' we ek on the :Amsterdam,_ tg jotz his wifen and two children Doris and Ronald. It was the 'firti,tirne bad and'his, young son. had meta. Their home is ,nezit Ethel,, to... 'which district. the McFarlan .fain '')1Y moved several years ago from: •'St,. Helens.: Walter, who is in .his fifth year in the ,service, suffered two minor heel wounds, but never had.to leave .his unit° 'NEPHEW DF . MRSt..JA,CK. SAlVl1LT0 1'.WON” Mrs': Jack )familton, Boundary Wert, has received word that her nephew���G:. A Cox of'Ylvobin= ord, Southern' Alberta has been. awarded the-.Dw d,•; -The•, etation award is not announced,_. • • PO. 'Cox son of Mrs Jack Cox arra theµ"7ste• Cox, mother was 'frirnierly' Saraki 7VIac-. *bonald and before ;going- West: hided on Cancession 6 Kr Mr Co tliec7 iii }iiiurrionia some Years ago , .__w _ .-._ PD'• Cox is a graduate' Of'No. 8 '$ombing•• Arid : Gunnery Schopl3 >veihbrr gel and'wt'nt overseas in September 1943, Be completed • two tours of°perations' before,re Turning' totanada• Borne': time agra.; •� , ci'Other'.Jfrti the Lther, hs nployed til tion oitliern irriga- district, ,. his ,wife'.and family'of ,Bluevale, were week-end•visitors:., with his,' sister;' 'Mrs. Gordon McPherson $ Mr. McPherson.. ',Roriald'iCr'ansto.n arrived 'home' .:from: °overse'as-. n 'Friday U ` BORN •.at:, the 'Picton Hos W"tal 9n,F,jul.y:_24th to LA Clifford,: and' Mrs. Purdon • (formerly Margaret•' :Aitchison of St •Helens) a son. ry ..Mr., ,and M.rs. ChaFles: Pierce of, .Brantford were recent :guests of visited Str t or - it from IVIi arra Mgrs -Lorne Woods a ,d on -Avon 'which f o my hotel'wirndo'w..whch 'Mr.. and Mrs Lorne. Woods• and ,is=only a•; feW mite b raibo As.: ,is quite:high _and overlookin' g the • • •:! ith .-�it .-w�esterl�c i :, e rg= M'' ,_M r` Beta 'u el: "_.r- -1 m -e -•-r f 3� ir3 �a 3 ree ion . ,.. _ ..-Dr�ov�n;- rid, s_ er__Bolsb Bo-._ __..::_ � _...e : Shakes eare anal• his'horn •, Directl •.below' me is - ,� .. y p _. .e is 'it'll_ ._ ._. ;..-.,;. Y . Qu.eens__ _- ' ' :. ... •.. ;_.. __: __.-- are .were recent visitors :with standin •.: and....1.. ate-•• g., has been; kept as..g St...On. theothe:r side o, f the.. Pfriends'.at Exeter and bashvtrood.1 irear=:•^a possible-.in.'the : '. -i•t-�-strect :are- a rx-tu3e-Frf'-�ver ol.d. Mrs.: Huh .L. Rutherford `and ' was ;at his :tithe,. Stratfordand'ver modern buildin ?. . to , itself Y s..The ' : , ,.... :.Za,:.. . ,: ;. • , ,,. .,..., g Y .Mrs: Bloss L ekirianda . • • r _... , . .• �. : , ,,... a g' d ughter :is, .a quaint',: picturesque little..have; one thing >in common and:, , .. i . town- . _ _. - . -eX T. Carol• :n of OriIlia,• Were, uests\ d is- n tat is the _ _ ., . a._. e-xceleln.t example .. :..•.. Y. are. -.-all- built.of, gran . , ..:. ;, 1 . , • .:: . ;.., last :week' ..of Mr. and, .:Mrs. , .Willi of n wand r.,.a ._i:t., a' ite.. Beyond. these I. can s - Rutherford ' - E g ,. s ppe.ared" two .. Y h. , ee ; rium ' • f Ruther ora. John . , .. , :. � � .. •. ' , .. '. ,.... . re .., n•�,. ce turaes ago,. I was :amused while :.erqus• � church stee les standin • • •• • : ' •' g P g turned with • them for `a:visit...:. looking high k g throu h the visitor book . gh •,above the. other, -.,buildings. . g . ,.,• :, .Two' Boys Honored . �'j; ; Z„ 1. In the di stance I can :see theriver :. ' •. > , -::� - , . .. ;... 4 -.:.•Jolie 'or -an -and Harold II -u- - -N�'ss v►rin in - - - e n •� b d� d _ in• the: Saivatio.n Arm .Service: n u�h ,d pipeline , , . , _ _ ___.... thr " rn Sffatford to :see- that ou h side'1; cle With s t. h•'infa'-. g a n Y �f,:Smith" from,f:ucknow .had trymen .still clearing out pockets : •. of resistance, t.. ', ' •also signed it: h believe: That-•` ur names: were the, only ones. from.. ,Thi 'pipe •'l;aying, job conti'niied• .Lucknow Until:. the 'Rhine reached., arid th bri n ht reflection ' otin :•' Wb i ' v �'d ,r•c n ':off righty from. England fuel' .could `he• , Wig .g• ,. : • ti rrred'-tzi Bour�rierributh where•".I 'the-slate-roofs''of 'bttages•nestlYn ' pu.mped at:lfi�e. rate of X1$,000` gal-.. ; . ' � ..��. ,, Ions per hpur. remained .'about a.. Week:'before I in the foothills and; others well u P, on the:.'li ' hla • ,' 'Th .0 as ... -osted .ao Linton; on. -Ouse rids. ese:,:,cotta es p g g Sid ..'hi tw . • s o-,br-c�tlrer's Geon c �- wkrr�}i-7s sitatrr�-�st�1 fork= . 'P b g e`-` 'herds '.and:fanners' •kno wri :here; as crofters: g • a• .Cyon a rre", :: who recently returned. more • house Formina ' most g,_ : m. it ov'e'rseas' service. ;.were:'hon cur s ue.background p e q ,>.to all this ; • °red at a, gathering sponsored by f ; Arethe highlands: i.n the West: 'AS- the sun'' as now 'setting `I can see g munityhall on Tuesday' i ' ,.: . : y n rig An :address, w* 'read`"by . Allan `. Zeller & Mrs.' Gordon' M6Pherso lVI zi and .:Mrs.: Archie...Aitchi on• pre-, . a P sente�d.e ch::with illfol —.4a-� _a li• _ d d,w savings s .certificate' on 'behalf :' .g b µ. .of the coinmunit ..'' The evening b a p.ei?t.. i i,:._`d-anoing _r - the Women's Institute. in the com=. and Ted, ,Kenny Cameron rid;E1-. liott• : We st enlisted b e :r'. l i' steel ,at Walker.- tD : ted r v- sz kcI ed- S:id ._was__disch.ar�ed ia�rr��d-i;cal rc3as-•- ons on•:January 15,,.;1940:..'lie tried unsuccessfully to•' join ..the Merj chant Nayafter he ,had -,.'Spent, _. some time at 'steam boiler main tenance work:,at. S•ky Harbor, In. September. of 1943, he .was again' . aceepted for. military', service and Went: overseas. in .April, `19'44, ar riving :on the, continent less: than three months later: •Sid, is now horne °again•and. if he -passes •hf ,, iiiredic'alr is all' set `'for' sc>rvir.e the Pacific: South Kinloss. W.M:S: The July meetikrrg 'of South Kin- loss•. W.M'.S was held at 'the. home: I of.,,Miss Dean, MacLeod •with'seven • mernbei•s and .'five .visitors 'pres- ent. s- ent. The".scriptur e. lesson' wa§ r. c'ad and fully explained by_ Miss Dean 1VI'acLe6d. • The roll call as aris 'Vexed • 'with a verse -irom The Brblp beginning with the 1ettt r "Y" " Messer Marth rand M;argar }. graham favored with `°a love'ly' duet "Star •of the East".. A report; :of -7:6n •executive mee cog:,vitas4i4V en =by :Mrs... Doug. Graharri and Mrs Wm, MaeI'ntyre 4Plans were, mar ade fobaia i-4,tobe6'l i 1ttiit the Fall`, The. study book •chapte-x was taken b,y; Mrs.,Alcy $utheX•e ,bifid •.,Mrs. A. •Mac rrtyr'e read.. a paper" on "Thea Hump 'in Chine'. A readint was gi'uen :.by Miss.• Mary 1liacl.ec�d and a thatrks .to thel'.hostess by Mrs. A.'. Sutherland .Miss I1J:ai v Mac .cod' ,closed the .meeting: ,with -praye'r,, Lunch was served '`by il�cr July directors,' Mr's. Wrii;. ]\ic1 7lyrr Mrs Wrri.. Mcl: ere .k shire.* l:; was : only,: `there •a'" few days .. when informed. I. was • do •rave •-nine more �,ay•s ` urlough. Yt p . resen'tTI :ani thrthat• furl ' . 'crugh . ' Two of •iriy;pals- and. I: decided that we .:would ' o: to '.'Scotland_. W leftY e 'Y orkk: arid after .9ulte 'a: het e all niht rid' g e on.' a .,very' crowded; train We .arrived' in., Aberdeen.:While' in Aberdeen:.I: .. Naw ..must._get_• from .win- dow' gazing ane;try •and end..,I• Letter because it seems to be •de- . '`in {.v.Clop g into quite ' am. epistle: .1:su'; ose,now CoY .yle Russell' p ,Y. haPby s arrived home:'I wass'eakiri • to hi .'fo `a while m �r le at • Bour�ie' . mouth: 'I .thought he looked 'Very si e 'arid ;dre p. a few lines. ' .• ac .4,S‘ v:e11 `after being a prisoner so long: I hope that this letter finds you :doth in the'best of •health. I know at this time Of year you•are:very busy `but whe. .:you_„ fincLiiine. be : k4ELP YOURSEI , E CAN GET . ALONG • • ;.1' It s . ,fc ri ssnr;Q��aQ s oc( , carre l r g�ero usIy `low . ;. , use less. use with. dscre'tioo ' rr ....�..,..r�'.�.-•,._1�.�. _.yr,•;i�=liw'. +Irrf �t•.w'!►eli �c �..'+�!..,p�{'�r�'.•'�'�<µ.,i+a��'�li�il��'•��-�'���1164104•41•,1lti1t 3Ali'���''��t r:. .it