HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-08-02, Page 6!ACE 'St Luckiio* . Sentinel, Lucknow,' Ontario 1 THURS:DAY; AiJGUST ..;4**d 434', I: LI ARTHRITIC` • PAINS RHEUMATIC .PAINS • NEURITIC , PAINS VARICOSE : VEI S SINUS (.INSOMNIA_., NERVOUSNESS . • HEADACHE' C ON$TIPAT;[U ..-andmany other - circulatory` ' aiI rents Y.PS, CAMP AT KINTAII.: FIVE' RACE HORSES. GOING: CONCXUDED MONDAY THROUGH PAVES• AT BL03,TO • A• most: successful,;, instructive and' enjoyable Young People's Camp concluded on July 30th at Kintait. The weekly attendance The race trapk at. the • Aricul tiiral Park is'A bi.lsy ' pla.ce• any evening now. Any night.will find from three.' numbered.' Young, People wee r•f• . � to 'five horses working" out and present , frgn ' Ottawa, Hull, • Nia- quite a few rail birds encourag= gara Fa11s, Niagara Falls .New ing: i � few , o' Valetta,. Chatha n..3Wind; .exhibition rheatstto put on a Xrk, x or•• _Sarnia,Hamiltoh, Sheffield, eG Pi'�'sFnt fimc� �t'hPrP are est lan boi'ia, ii �>+ ulL 1i' , _.._ i" horse.'"welzkrn r�u` das,�AYonton,.: Strat#circl, 1Vlklver- -track.-and robabl inore,w iI be tons; Brantford, C3int;.on and. G>a here before the season is apv ,1 erich . Prominent among these • is "Dark" L, Wood of hil Field; B .• Cloud,;> ahe Mystery $oy being, India, was ' lecturer on Viissions. trained byMr. Paul Watson: We Gordon Hamill, Provincial Y.P,S. a �esid • were .informed, that ;thin. •horse has p _ ' . ent, impressed the need of Wonderfulpossibilities, .' and;;sv consecrated: `Christian:. service in trainer ainer works good l ; he,�that •, . both as ;individuals and ht ` "Dutch h • societies: Bev. J.S.. Roe • of West Flamboro Was dean and Mrs. Roe -was camp: .mother.. Rev. R. Stew- art of Goderich s ressed they need.. -of each: Sbciety _ and each Y.P.S.. member. distributing information lite, e em - 'n if work a ah si in he fact . Holid �p ' •� g � «. aY, Worthwhile". The Kintail.camp- ers: attended. She egula . servie.. each' S.unday.__at tb.e-.Ashfi'eld'Pres- byterian Church .;where . Rev;• Knead is pastor. -Mrs: r :J: 1 ouglas and Miss' Helen Mowbiray of• 'bu-cknow :de serve 'Special mention for their .parts in reparing . decidedly ''ap petizing meals It`•:is ho •t e' Y.P S: • of the several ?resb`yter.ies will' endeavour to :make Kintail ca 'a 1945.•;an even greater' suc- Will Feature The Clansmen's ' , ' If n'. Display ISO] 9 urniture 'Store; OUNDARY• EAST. Miss Clara.. B.herk, of B:ay 'City, ''Michigan,, Mrs: Roy, Hudson. and Mxs-RT Y c `iimes and two: children of Toronto visited ,with ',Mrs, n Hudson •:.and v • R Y TRUCKS ..TO BE • A 1VI M rs :' • . .SOLD TO O _• .F ARMER S ;Tack Flanagan ofToronto Gretta.las week t.last week withher Par,enis,ArmYPatterntruc k. s , f5 ur- se Mr. and Mrs: Tom Inglis,. •:Miss•Gail ` MacMillan' visited: ' • • •asst week . with Miss Patsy ,Mac Millan. Miss Works Joanne of Londiin '".:. is' -holidaying with :Mr and. Mrs. ;Pat MacMillan is n le of •Detre t `Mrs. Ro Cr g spending this week with - her mother;•-MrsrGrillies and •'Jack,;."= ,Mr. George Kennedy attended• the Masonic Grand Lodge he1\ in. _ Toronto recently.- - li Al wheel; drive) are : Io be --sold. to. farmers by. War, ;Assets' Corpora - tie on in: cop -o eration with' the a:On . tario 'Federation ;of 'Agriculture. he followin -• types will be avail- able, 15 cwt.'=truck, 30 cwt truck," 3 'torr truck 4nd:.'.field;•artillery` 'tractor. ton: • at s .and a lie " :S ecif icati.on PP ., , P rms' have been 'maled to all. fo f:armers;in-the Counxy:f.yae- are - :interested in, :purchasing: _a.,'ilili.-. tary type vehicle,. the 'application. form :;must _be signed and in the handsTof W..V.•�`Roy .Secretary of 'You Don't.Need A `Vacation" Huron Federation,;. not later' "than .That's -the title o an article -1r -i gus ih _ auction-sale..of. ,.. iiet:.Ainelic;ani—lirielcli. with next these vehicles will, be' held at �,� y • -Sunday's (Atitgu,�s£�5� issue of -Tire • Loirdorr-On=August, tOtli: Detroit • Sunday. ;Times,' which' him only every 2nd,nightu tc Henley" is owned • by ;Mr; J: ' 8; Watson, .*and ' his trainer, is Mr, Watson's " son, -Edward," who' is bringing the brown. beautyl, along in excellent style, Mr, Lloyd Tur vey .; is working' "Christopher Stout",. a . veteran::of many: trace meets, "owhed. by DonaldMac- Charles of Lucknow; Mr'.: George McNall,: who recently" .acq fired -' his ,-grse-from-a -racing stattle:-in Stratford, has christened his "Booby' Trap"..In this case is the veteran; of •the•'combina The horse has yet to prove metal, but is corning along n under. George's • careful. guid Mr. aitland Herir • centl r • •r • gives: the opinion of some doctors that the real *ay for smooth°sail ing is toy -get. rid..k)f worries; • stop; wrangling and'shouldering other P eo• le's problems, Get Su'ndr 's Detroit Times. 'Won Dance Prizes' ;Two:of three prizes were claim- ed at the C arismen's • dance ori Friday evening: These .1uckY door: prizes of '$2.00 each were won` by Jack Austin .and Gordon Foran. are now .booking orders. for Storm : Sash •We Q • • Orle early and beassured of prompt hip ment., I 1.' Win.• ve:.kM1+r"�.x-'�.*.-5 v���etT ...1 A complete line'of Glazed Stock now un -hand Expected To' rrive 'The First 'O ANIt'Cc' 'NIIL quired' the. well-bred hors.e•.:' gy' Worthy" sired by . "T Ax-wortisy4:-This--hor-se-is;.: up by . a splendid 'acing . should' make' a' real raper":.. and's a•. . .Blyth: Standard acer orge tion. e idel ince =a atch: or Details Next ; Week there'll • be dancing ,° •.carnival game and a prize.•d'aw for five grind prizes, with a three-piece bedroom suite heading ' the list. AGED MAN' 1t ROKE ARM IN FALL 'FROM' HAY .WAGON • -Thomas Hallam, 'Auburn, ' 75 1.- rears -or age, :suffered- .-bbr-oken. arm in a fall from a load of hay on • 'Wednesday. ' He had bicycled o,. the home of his .son,. Gear e liana/iv.:. f aura mile§ liana/iv a distancem• o f_. . • _ , to- assist • with the' 'haying opera-•, tions. He fell from" the ,• to of a; 1uad-10-feet nto theTiiarn f4Oor.,. He is resting at leis home 'i n' Au- burn and., considers .he escaped .hostessand "ail taking ,part. Rev; Dann i•,closed the meeting with prayer;,,: A' social •half hhut . was':. spent. • Mr and Mrs.. Chas S4hetiva ,(1 _ of ,Detroit "•visited on"' .Saturday with .MS:.brother:; Jin and Mrs:' Skierwood •and family. �Mx_s.: •Mc'Laugh-i �;. '-a-t�'n;�i" , Joan of Detroit .and : -.Miss: Anne Cly amney of Belgrave•:spent' a few >•'inngan Mrs:; 'John . Petrie Of. Go.de ?ch Mrs:`'Springgate; of Chicago:' and Mrs., .Geo: 'Faegan of' .Go;derich spent -an evening recently. -their 'consins, 1Vland- Wf rs. S:- J. 0- Kilpatrick., Miss Margaret Oraha'n of I',ucknow . was a •week -end guet. with ' het,: 'friend; •.Miss `Shit -fey Sherwood; .. ::; Mr> ,Wm::Campbell •o,f Donny.. brook is .visiting with his daugh: ter Mr :Crozier: and Mr, and• Mrs:' t s • Graduate At . Clinton .Merilbers ``of "the grad ati ,;F class of Clinton `Public.- Ho pi al • included.: Audrey I Congrm'.• ' of Dungannon. and betty Cr ig Auburn. H•e Was Right, But -= •br •. Four:mert:were,pIayin g i at the` .Jonathan 'Club, ' t ,geles, '"When : an argument ara se.: 'ove the "cutting of the ear. n . •an said'that the_ person.whb mc, is Eliecards• shoii1d''complete• the Other.s'said:"No". The dealer ;s he -would write_ to.:Ely-Culberts id n., ime.-T-0.4.44_14-13r ig—e. ex_p t_ or advice. A few days, later he: e- •ceived --a ' 1e#ter . f oin' .-Culbrt on stating that "tiie cutler rho ld- es mplete--the- ut±i-n- bridge dealer, who -had•-bet• that he-, as right, was' very .happy ,until,:` ail- other: letter arrived from Cud ►ert- son enclosing •a bill' for ,$25:0 fore' professional advice The; eater.. fooktlie lettertohis lawy . ;'pro testing that he would not •py.the. bill The.. lavvyer : said , the' bili was legal.' In a; few; days the' dealer, got a bill, for $10..00 for the pro f essional' advice of his lawye 't New Zealan-d Weekly -News W,1VIS. •Home `Helpers A, special' Home Helpers meets frig of 'South •'Kinloss W.M.S. ' was. held at the 7hoine of Mrs. Allister Hug es ., T e !nee i. g• ,opened -by singing 'a hymn and prayers by Mrs:` Alex Sutherland: Miss Martha Sutherland read the scripture lesson. A: -lovely solo -by Mrs.', Harvey ,Houston 'iivas -enjoy HinSs ed by-al;l.: 1Vliss • Marion '. odg . ,' deaconess of Harnilton described her `work 'Miss' Annie, .MacLeod . o zier moved a vote :oi>;` thanksn to: 'the Clifford Cr.o Minister. ':(dinner 'guest) "And - what will S(ou Andwhat:w•ill.(ou do -When you get as big as ‘your mother?;" .Little. Jane; "Diet" ermati: The other da" Efirst .Fish. Y. .:went. fishing ;and caught one. of'. reat fes et me see; ;what those g h . l is it you 'call . them?. Second. Fisherman; ' Oh, you, ;mean tali'ale s First. Fisherman' o, that could ,not•..have been .''it.I , vn 4 g whales 'for ,bait: ... ....__ ED" MASKELL, : Colborne Town ship farmer, is in Goderich Hos- pital with a,. broken ;back, which he received in a 'fall from a°load of hay on ''hursday: afternoon ousan 11 s of : are. for larvest- � ons Ready . a f L e. t: Food is precious—let's pot, waste it through,; ,lack of help!' Now,. in, additi a our own •,;needs, we must also help feed the ii:'illions .:„ of':stry ng people in :.liberated Europe: This is a -'.tremendous.=..task, _but' _it can be done; -IFwe , all do our share. This is 'the last harvesting emergenby'we are liable to meet this •year—so let's all, pitch in and doe :a real „ Job! ; Help will ,be' 'needed from August 20th'~ through „tp • October ,;20th • Fill • in coupon below.. and . mail' TODAY! FREE TRANSPORTATION For four weeks' service, • transportation will 5 be, paid.: one way ) or "full' season. (August 20.thrto,October .2.0h) transportation will be paid. both ways. .• .:)+ . 4444.._ THE NINE "DO: MORES" ._.�. •Do nnore than exist, live bo more thah to1.tcli: feel. Do.rnore than look: observe. Do more than 'read: absorb. Do more than listen. , Do more than listen: understand Doniore than think: ponder, • l,o more than plan: act, Do>'mot'e than talk: 'say 'something: —John H.' Rhioade5. • 4. 444.71 MEN-+:EverY.'tos ible ma hour 'hl'Uti 1 b , ' r•; •. ..Put t.n.. ;The • n' .i it, despe:rate.. 1,11I,ir r, Y,.. your'servick3 Tot) 'W O 114.E tY I , v` • a,vailaiile. • hrtn f • 1'l °be;used . !`ill i', couptin , and nr.ut ) ,BOYS.AW) (;(7..1,S Thou:l'am * ,rrr,n g ,i •. Any H.i.. h student 'w i l l i n s: • to. • work ; on art t'.c, r r h.t t _. �+Yrrii4yrctn, :.i, n d •i f requested by th 'sin 'inter of.Edut"ira,4,,'rn • remain, nut of f'L'l1'1l for the month of i740P. oma,, ..r 0 CLIP and MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE. Parliament 13u1'tlings, Toronto. • I air lnter•e$ted in .helping with the !rite:, :harvest, Please pend me furthbr inrt:at r„ion�;• .. NAME •,. ,,:» 'ADDRESS . , ..« +..,,.44.14::' . !'BONE. 4.1. ; ... ..{:.q.....,,, _.,i r. AGE„x li st=six s i i POST; OFFICE• . L'W'ILL BE AV'M AI#LE FROM TO ...iw t (Dite) (Daft) NEAREST RAILWAY STATION 4444.4444.. » „;:r: ,, ,:,.,.... NEAREST .'NIS .. stop '. Atieommodation ie in camper supervised by the YW.C.A. or Y.M.C.A --•1)at °u` ' . Must bring'eheets and. blankets. DOMINION -PROVINCIAL COMMITTER ON TARM` Al!L w '. aCtioctrurutAt TABOUR . EDUCATION