The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-08-02, Page 4• e. Lucknow Sentinel,- Laickno r, 'Ontario. ARMY TYPE' TRUCKS. FOR FARMERS AT AN. E -11E,, E;: I Ar ittikEi S� '-A 10 <,om�encing at:� These` trucks: which have been declared' surplus• •by the - *rifted Services. to ..Wa.rvAssets; Corporation, will... be .sold. .� bonafide_farmers- bearinu a certificate t0-. thiL e ^ .. 011TLY.,to feet from. their county.:FederationN}of Agriculture secretary. ,• a will be conducted --' auction sal �.bY War, Assets Corpor- ation'inco-operation with the'Ontario Federation . of Agri- culture. hWa `. s -Depart ent-Will -be on-- re esentatiwe, of " he� .Hig., w Y to is§ue ;transit, l censer to those; purchasing, trucks • hand INLOUGH . 0.13,.x, -r.- , Mrs. Kart Boyle and lit tle dau- ,ghter Carol returned • home from Kincardine Hospital. " Mr, and Mrs. Tom Collinson*& Jimmie �f Preston ..visited over .the •weekend ;with 3/fr. and. Mrak, 1� A. Murray. •. Mrs.,., Ada Hodgins , of Detroit is ,itsiting_ with relatives here The -0i-ifs A uxi lard met�at-thR: `1 r ilttern�^'�.. burri. 011 T11ltY ���s��°: Arte -the, ' opening,_,; .hyrin. Mi Ralph Blight read and explained the.seripttre lesson, This was fol-' CQRNS instain:tly relieved' .with li TH 1RSDAY, AUGUST 2nd,10•I . FOR:. SALE• garden fresh vege-1 tables, including No. 1" ,potatoes. John Barger;; Ltickno.w:. `FOR.`S7TaF,_2...ynd "'Ycrd =h y'2 C ¢.. nrt ;r ' 'aT?S� Pl1Q ih1R flP iegistr'ation. _.,Alex Percy, Kin- lough• lowed by';pi'ayers and eac ,mem Lloyd's. Corgi'. and; Ca]lous.wSalve ber' answered .tkie roll call with -tthe ,effective corn;remedy 5oc a verse �?f • scripture. A letter• of at TAYLOR'S �I�RUCG,STORE= s. Hon ns.wa s read..fro :.. ... :thanks ^, h � . .. our to; 'the girls•for; a quilt they .1941.• FORD. Super .Deluxe Cab - had :made and • sent- 'to her for, riolet• or $1,000 Victory Bond will work: among Jewish Christians in be. given to . the ; holden, ';of ,the. �heres.'d t welcomed lucky share drawn.. for . at the• Toron�to,T p the 'Sr, members who were preS ent and .also a number of visitors. All' joined in singing "Jesus shall 're. th,e - un". 'reign .vuhexe lt �_ J; .McLean gave, a reading ..and ren.__. (aa'It Fair on `September 22nd. ,Shares 3 fok _$1.00. Sena to 'G:alt Kiwanis,. Charities, Box 12,0, •Galt Ontario.: .. . AUCTION SALE of real estate Mildred :PinnelL;sa_ng the. hymn D _ __ "Softly and', Tenderly Jesus is tate .of. the late Miss`L: Dreaney _ . - �...�._.�,, - w _ _ . _ . Jesus. on- -w'-ll _lie �-he-1d.�-at-•Duxaga,nnon yon; Calling. ,1vlrs; 'Toward-Thomps z then called WREN` Iona Terry: Fo:. the front. and`,read•'a suitable'. ad- dress expressing the kindly wish es • from the girls-t,p -her.-,,.aS be returns 'again' to civilian life after spending more than "two years and household effects.of, the .es Satiirday, August 4th at 2 p'clpek. Among the'Household effects are, bedroom ksuites, 2, :heater stoves, sewing_', machine, coach, ,, etc., etc: Terms. cash: Real ,.estate , Willbe' Sold sublet" to reserve }aid Klatt • :half Of ;i t`he:. society presented .Mier executrix... with a.' lovely; New Testament. OF' THANKS' INSURANCE Special.' rated for preferred risks. Ask us a`ttout them; MCDONA `' R.R. 3"Lucknow,: Ont,' Phoine; 61-5 ,Dungannon -Topa=ti�a-nl;��'h�•�gi�ls�-,�-c-� °' mess to'lier-The-guet•apeak-• ,..... _..,._ itind bona an iC/1 1�11cLw�ea;i vvtstt . to,. .acknowledge with heartfelt thanks; and appreciation the kind ;acts nd enc-ir-ess•.ions.-af-sympath- 'by; friends 'and;; neighbors in ,:the death of their` beloved sister: INSURANCE SOVEREIGN.• LIFE. CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY. Free Advice On; A]1 Ifisuranee `-Matters Distriiet4epre(milat've ... PHILIP S. 'STEWAR>f ., 'PHONE.8 ... •LUCKNOW. er for ,the (afternoon was the Rev. Benson Cox';. of •:New York ;who, �. y 'o� Thwhile, meditat ;tion on th'e; 27th •psalm. Mrs. Jas. Ho'dgins expressed, thariks to the: guest speaker' and ,also to Mrs; tion',2of• wallpaper 'for the, Sunday -Schoo-l-roorn.-Mi.s.--McLean thank,' -ed-the, girls for". imitating, ,:th. e :15.r... members. The. doxology and Nat- itre eatliAgntelii;tmd7weri teii. stullneg baennde • cit ihee_ . . Mr..: Albert Helm Wishes' tO I express his sincere . thanks and ,tion after w • h. lunch ' Was .served ., . . • appreciation to friends -and-neigh- 'btphoaert hs y... tfio:thdr uetrhi. e.n..piii.r..... kit iiIii need nil:iensastshasn c.la,p,ESIThinlitst- , i_ i bisyMmhtioihs,siess:ciE: ga:vyiejilnlsdt aiii.,::.pchLiener,na eii,nlolo7fv,,, ,eLi g .oi!it:e dr,deo, .n...a. _ ut September 1st,. Mrs. Andrew Culbert and faMily' Wish to:sincerelY thank the Many frien,ds and' neighbors for their.1 .of,.the loss of a, dear husband. and" onfed-e`ration= lif WIND, CAR, aed_ 1 i ,r■ `+r+Mllt+rr r ferried ris` ACCIDENT &'' SICKNESS . FARRISH Phone: 824.3.' Dungannon . 1.0 Application,. o THE FIRST, WEDNE.s6AY: STQRE son- -returned--horne---fieni:•.Wilig.:. ,:thursday afternoon ;with Mr- :and \• Mrs Clark Johnson of 9th COn. YOr Mrs WREN. Iona ' Terry .whO• ha's' een-,,Serving with" the `Woinerf's fOr the past twO Year's in SC HYa- Cinthe. and 'Halifax: returned io civilian -life :this. week and As Spending few'', holidays With friends ''at ,Kiniough • • he Request Of The Lucknow Business Men'i Association, 1 Hereby Proclaim McKinney of Parkhill which was s„*.bn the funeral of the late 1Vits.T. ed' to ,her husband "Od other.. tel., ..and Mrs, M60111vray. spent an ev-= w ening 'last week witt.1 & Mrs, •po Art Itodkins„.. .8en Logan of Ripley 'W.ere' recent 41 visitors ,with Mr. and Mrs. jas: .w 'Sunda* viSitorS With, Mr: 'an& Mrs.. datifice 1.10dgins were Rev,. cox, ,Mr. 'and MrS.:Wesley poyle, Edna, and May am, Miss'Iotia Terry r',JOhn.fticliardson arid Grace lc' held at Crodericli. park: onl js visiting. with her mother Ved in: health.: r. arid :Mrs. RusSell Ritchie Mrs, 11„., Tiffin-spent:Sunday- it whO are holidaying at point visitcd_ryhufsdayl evening' pro 1. -iC;SOLIDA R VILL?4,0,,,' OF. LucKPioW And tail. All Ciiiiens Cili.liqrfe.:; uart-MacKen tie Walkerton, Ontario. • LAKKNOW ".-TIIE.LEG.ION• BUILDING the Week-lend:with ft:km(1A •,r, and Mrs, Geor'.g Tiff it) and nd : Mr.:Torn 'Wharton, was ; The :*caretakers of. Tjairis' grass. ham is 'visiting' with Mr and Mrs; Scott and Mr -:.a & Mrs. oharlie,l'iffin spent Sun' day :with 'Mr. and. Mrs, Bradley. at their 'Cottage at POint,Clark. ISSItt,i.by.*Cdriii is assisting at-' the„.1ippeno2fAt,: and Mrs. Gordon. Stobo :of 6th Con '; Culross ThiS community all attended' hitechurch for Norman WellwoOd; 'a' 'Prig- CP-1::-.1;9*.Ft .***; r:'-frwRlinieMrtOCC114enliairnght.n.e, so a prisoner' of.war.. The boys Ore Presented. with.bill folds. 8a.Mri, Wesley Tifftin 'spent' Sun, day' at -Goderich'. Mr. and Mrs. Rill. Evans and Teddy, Mr. and Mrs, beo. Tiffin and ,olleen spent Saturday in :Oharlie tp.iot.t, Mr. and Rat** COUPon Due. balcS Coupons now valid, Sre batter. 00 to 116. Sugar -i6 to and'pre4- serves 38 to 57 and P1 to P13.