HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-26, Page 7��SDl1Xl JUL �,X 24th, 1945,': W, D, (Bill) •' Reed of . Debert,. S.; is hone on a 26 -day fur- • ,UIOW` Septi eL Luckng)* Ontario shoot w TELLS HOW GEORGE GOT HIS 'MEDAL, • Wye:got the lowdown: on how r4GE° SEVEN as in progress the' Yanks (by mistake• of course) bombes! the Canadian's with Forts. Whitby finished the shoot with ammuni- George Whitby won the Military lioneotploding all around him and Medal, which was, presented to, with' his gun • wheels ~burning: him.,At :I3uckinghaam:~Palace by His • Malesty The King' Qni l ridgy, July '13.th, , .. j' ... ' 'In all his letters home, Gcofge has never More than, znentiOned, LANGSIDE NORTH Mr, :and:.Mrs ' >±red*?VlcQli�`ll"rn, Ivan and Barry. 'spent Sunda with Mr: and 'Mrs. r y the award;. and hislrare ts-•liddit't Fa risk--lVlaf'xat <te sil'TCef.' "—iiilna�w� �*.. w �� text .L'(z�x.;. I = is -V]c;tinr�0'1`iU1l;C. faets..uS, tlTc:= aetion, ;Out 'x x FtIii l ,, s3aa a- i;.. .. an.:reg an •.rs. b.... -._ : _:. �: _.. :_ ;: w - _ tl Pen :told _-the:story which�apPears ass , oftat of f EtTorl. o. nto` at c • g alae vanc, .shall wesd _ wet-- foil Zosta f M M ;reward .aTe a tsiting with fits Pax^ . uth visft�ng: at Peter Mo.ffat's. a . , entic . . d Mrs Charles M d' •M Alf letiig; an`,'artill'er Alex, ac p y ,assignment, Lenzle: `.of �iam 1. ton • s 'ent `. the: hc. KAIRSHEA MEETING' The July meetingof the Kair- shea . Club Was at. the home f NIrs, D: 'McKi:ni? eliding, The roll- call was an d by= "What act;ident have -you d: this year", held ]vtacD on 'pr swe>^e ou ha _ by herb rr tiILPLOLL• ()Lk l..Tt' xfkJ Ai2Y2 YL' a1y": ,(' ,1rpHr.11,.1.Ilit sin in `:'i •( 't' . ..._.Y... g ._n t ..amental num.kers,. -Mrs, John Carron - rs e._ _ Jr,;, mouth' organ ,selection,," lyirs. Russ Middleton-; 'sa1os'.; Leishman; " violin selection,. Dr'. James Little. -lnstrumental, Miss. Lillian ' Osborne and remarks •:13-y• � L MCivor of Mrs. Wm. ona d with The • motto, "Lookbefore' you leap", , was takenMrs. Don MelYorY :ev. ert F. Dann ...gave armnterest' dr -es grits, •_ > •: •an,:. ran l red 1cilli . , Oeo e. won the aw • , • ,. ard. n) Toronto and` Bill' acT iter rad M flack In Holland ' Tpr,', carnes -Hunter, son :of Mr, 1nd;.Mrs,' .Win; Hunter; of `.Z.ion; s back in •Holland again with his mit. Jim..s.pent four .months in he Roman 'Way; Convalescent. 3ospial in, England with 'a tract Tred_hip, ,b`ut is now O.K..a' air), lin) received' the, injury: in. .:Rol- and when struck by. a,train .while ididg, a motorcycle, . He was lowl.ta •l ngland"for treatment. 1VIc TRIED° OV.EJtSEAS ., )3S.114. Webster was partied in.."London, England on fuly•2itd;, butno .detail's':�,of...the. iuptial-€vent-are available, ie", :we ,understand,',. has signed. 1p'lor.'sli i e irI the:Pacific.and nay . be' 'back to • Canada- next norith,. rAKEN.PRISONER AT DIEPPE. S• NO.W BACK -.HOME' 'Pte. Kentreth ''McLean of the, Essex Scottish, and:' .a• son of "John VicLean, of; Ripley' and the late Ilrs MacLean, arrived home on �tlday:;,July:. 13ta1: ": ,'Kenny had: Tin -.seas f r. almost 'five rears and since the Dieppe raid n August, 1-942; ha.d- been;: a -psis= - rnet' of war; in 'Gerrnany:' He. was eleased' by .the Russians •on their idvance on .-Bertin;, l en iy47 dolts h ]e and hearty >EVEIiAL SOLDIERg tETURN THIS WERi ,that called for fire .ori the ene week -end • ri'►Y week (.rad with MT . and, Mrs. "Wm over a; period .the MacKc�ngie,. 1.ii1 .4:EY, .,PROPERTY C lIAN iiES Roy 'McKenzie 'cif Ripley has. bought the residence of the late Hugh Sutherland and will obtain possession . in September, when the .present ,tenant,, Mrs.'Kenneth MeLay will move to the ;McKen-' zie, residence. . Mr, D. E, McDonald of Hurox Township has bought 'the `resiepcoeett - ,•}�•-- =fin -t^s:. '--'Herb Cal -ter `why az_ T have::: b cru ' h . no g' t..,..G•w r e. Gl>v�a :�.,�, property whieh is occupied by Mr ..:' and',,:Mrs„ C, ' Thuell erb '' who • • recently returned :from', oveitseas :; K. • is7.eloyed-"at the npShell a• position he bel Vbefofe enlist- The Adventures of Pee.teA i .. , by THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL' COMPANY LIMITED hat PETE .NEED.S _'Io RERU•CE; PETE. SWEATS- .p•.!. WEATS 1T OUT t -i 1• • Our:artist gives his version •of how the.. finest erode oil— symbolized by Pete —; ' is selected • and . refitted to make B'A. Peerless.' For longer' life,: lower. repair , costs ask for Peerless Motor Oil .:3gmorrowl-tgtt's-Alloyeti ;t-'•' •• ; ^ HEFU,WIinn I'M loson.sJ PETE =WIN$-KIS-GRADE .. GOOo Bye r T5o; GO9l)•BYE still' Aft'er.�"topping','the.famous'5- poxril :Cisrkson process •bre-ins w,th High Vacuum distillation, Highvacunmke.epsthetempera tute.Ipw. enou'g.1 to protect -t -he- • lubricatingquality of Peerless. The S A.E, grades are •separated —•=wilrbe`mad"e fo o a bet'►ter job in the engine of your car.'Y . --9a 4 i". • Aboard the #.":t opship, • N,ew' msterctam which .has docked falifait are `,a. nurnbei•' of local. oldiers including;,:TPtt� 3rooks;,-husband of Jean": Have ITS rad Mrs",'James Beaton; on of Vlr. a»d Mrs,. Joe` Whitby; xnl. R G' ra»C stop; son .of Mr. rad Mrs: Earl_ Cranston.,''R R- • .7 licknovv, Gn:r: Clifford Roulston iusbarid-of Nairne- purves; ohn :Simkins Tpf.. E. _McCleri: gha i tR 5 u- tzw.;• ,Cfri I Hamilton, Dungannon and' Pte. Vatter MacFarlane of Ethel, f Mrs., MacFarlane of Lucknow.: VAS Tung, .WOUNDED;:: 1N WESTERN •FRONT., Pte. ;Melvin, Johnstone, `Sony . of and Mrs. -.James Johnstone f town: arrived horde on ...Mon - lay. He reached Canada last reels'on•boardlthe.hospital ship, ietitia7, ` Mel •ryas attacitd to a'rnoto•l'- 'ed infa'ntrY`. regiment: He: went; versea last'.fall and landed he ,continent vv'ithin two weeks i reQching. -.ls;nglarr`d Late �rrilite'..w,i,-.:wr4144ed:-4l, ictyxrn_; ` b kl N icl" tt=i'C'�C.' loivei, T,uw •tic, h•ld ',� v'irr,tiSl'y 'received shrapnei , cvt;l;;;lcl ir1 h'is: ,right;. anttisnd v�• . 0 5cI`"}Tutt{ .ti'1th.the unit` y a`Shorl•tlfiT •t when' he ",got.., agairay]]"., Sind tp . pr action' diel i 1JiL ilii • '''reit ir, _.. "x� ereporting y • ltdV( 'br port`in . t ' fif,1t(1Z tiartt rs; fe bus lurtilrr'.' !••;! ter r tci •ti ° on the rtdrt 0o vvt,l w tj d ritually be thinks.. he's ilghty .ltiak, .i:•4, tPiitbut ,says 1at even : thet+ or,,t t . '.cases arc urprisingly chi c it,9 ve�re in ay' spirits ir' r' in r. e offered Str ' itarhard`Ct.rd»er of • •Zion offered .a • eizuteitere • whit s v 0" r e paralytic ' .' an r Lueknow ., on Y After, receiving; medical ttention he ;ova's, r• crho'ved'::'td his Ptie, • S, there goes 'the whistle that. . It•tnearns we'titst:ct: Maintain tontrols means `jobs! 'T3ut:.'rernembclr'' .• . and,,price ccilings, support rationing Factory whistles. will keep and urge the support f rationing Keep, pouringEemust , wisely and • with .the• ftine < t' it}" . 'reattst rare, e "gin ua ..� ..�.�.. �r.�.cl�iina Asa, �;�,.�o:� ti`s` do' giix�'if t �-tFi--fie, A'"��l�f,itcli"�'��,'•'�.zc:.:: ,-.��i�k�l�' �h-`��k�� ; �'�'�E dollar sound': •.And 'utalctis 'c' kecl7: 'd()Ilar sound If we :do ' ..r .may ••, ...• '- � the C,�tnld.tan c!<illar wcrtl,a t.lis,e_,ca1.keep lrieC5 {• iI ern rls1�g• ' . if 'vv e d.�rr t., sc.snle clay «,c li be l av rng : g as't!ollr,r f r+, �.�G Worth rf. goods ` v hic.h. ,�•�ttis cyu �' do11ar is oral 30.c. l:.c)vv wh,tt.liii•/pened after the Last r .art e _must light against it • z,-triicrtfng again. For our own sakes ,for th e sake -of the men who fought. >i crscai and to . whom We • owe future ; wit a 'job, we vtiiist we.'re 'headed fQjr 'i YCiatiiatl, ati.d it . • i,><tevitabl: I'c sud ei)rc s.si'o n! :Canada's !actll'e i!r't �1i': t ;el5fl t t1.w •faction is a %�ital part Ofii'I1 our �c):.t l :W'e'ts {„YleLt]•1:1tfl We Carta ti 111.5.;111.1:i4.t . ' t1 UCr--It) et • tiid1l Z?S r im„t ' f; /?t tt). �4. keel ;ttrind�t' doth ' b elf ,z' frill dollar! a • keep Why ,,rort Because vote,. . : • are ��it'iada s dollar worth. a fall dollar.. ' ` • ods scar'c'e, and ��et�. '..money.f is l g, P e'ntfful, This is a clang-et.,..�.• . , �. :. ..•: keept• I' •, fight Wem use u an •active • against inflation! ,ecus condition. ! ' �. Publ;sbpd ',z:'1 ift;'ItRI 1WiN( lNI)L15'X' tY. ('oN"1'Al'l(); to xeveili rile ct>Yttgers of ia9acid,u's r,' '. aloe this Pledge -Today! a:t -fed :se f� in fighting infliction • • By abservfig rationing atid`•a'Vo:tiin� ' black markets in any shape • err form. Elf letpecfing. price. aritrolt_.ard ,.rxthc:L "tiionsuresy atitI rc_ frourinefrom careless and,iinneces bitx. tam oma. - ,y�l;rie ane will do,.nor will I'buy':• .u' n.ew"•w1rrt':-n;"crldl" Bye buying Victory Bonds, supporting ' tsp goon and nhi&ng by :ell such Xncasu•es Which will ]ower the' cbst•of hying and help keep prices at a. •. • normal level, 3 . p. • f,. •a • • • • 0 • .110 •,