HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-26, Page 6• PAGE Spr
The Lutcknow Sentinel;
Mr,, .John: G. Smith' pf Kcar-
cline, and formerly of this ,corn-
aunty.:. has three...brothers over-
seas, one of whom recently wrote
' s to Tack and waxed very indignant
over the way the troops are being
returned• to Canada. "
Aftet an, lopening greeting the
writer Went on, 'as .follows:. "I 'de-
cided to inform, You what is. going'
III, on, in:th Kia.' £ -gettint,us ho -
ilr;iiilc‘r • nf..POPPIA'
--in.- atc ay.
till'. rte.d
dumb by- putting King back
Yesterday: (July; 6) we 'Were pol-
itely:informed we wbuld be .lucky
to be pack next . gasterti You_ have
likely heard there was trouble•.
started ,already in, Englranda over
''the -way: they are sending them
back;. •Well the .'opinio. of "all .th'e
fellows' here is that t re's• going
to be plenty.- here t , : if they
don't; start doig som ing abou
it pretty d - - - soon
'The : civilian ri
•po u atio .T in
=Canada 'could, help a 1 t • if: they
would' start td fight b t for the
fellows'. over here in.. lace: of sit'-
ting back . and listeni, g o, all the
propaganda '•. the a oyern .eat
hands them,..They h v . list ed
.t9 it for the last four ,*ears
surely now' they .kno v what's
ing, on. This,boat situ tiOn' is o
an excuse: England .a d he. St = tes
s can -get their "fello ; s ome. be-
cause ,the' people. •fi ht fort eir
nen to got back
"The .Zombies th !t
ed _ o
n.UN Cie!t ►N,N O.
'Mrs. Abram Culbert, who, has
been residing with her son, Mr,
W, A. Culbert on the 4th Con. of
Ashfield;; • quietly observed her
86th birthday on Friday,' July 20
The following. Sunday some vis-
tors came in' 'honor . of her 'birth,
day;: They.were--SOrne'grandchild.
ren . and .great. grandchildren, 1VIr.:
and Mrs. Earl. Sher wood .arid, little'
daughter of Carlow and Mr, •arid,
Mrs; Leonard. Cxawfgxc1. -ehiid
ren . r+P Clod ., icel1 M.Zrtt ':Kenny.
- c t'grd vrth'i-f;,.h- cl' _s) nt ' some
hpii;day , :ieetur'ried•..home 'vt: ith his
•family that evening, We are' glad
to ;Say ,Mrs. Culbert is. iii, pretty
fair: health, • going; around -the
house as'.:usual, Her .hearing :is'
son ew.hat impaired but not Un-
usual: for that, -age.' We wish .her.
health, :`happiness: and `extended
years. •: ;
:The horrie of Mr. & Mrs:, Jacob.
d was made a. • very happy
•home on Monday. evening when
their youngest child and •son Pte.
Alvin Reed, returned home from.
overseas. 'He was .reported miss-
ing in •February and it wasn't till`
scveL al Weems that it wad"'know.n
he was sate; when he was' libera-
ted from a •german Prison camp:
end After many. anxious ;hours by the
go` family, one 6W—readily, eadily, imagine:
n1Y his'welc me home•.' '
Anoth r Dungannon boy to ar-
rive Shorne this week it Pte.' Geo,
Hamilton; younger son of`.Dr. Jos..
LOC17419:* Ontario:
:THL1RS1ltA>i•,: u J'ULY 2661 .1915
'July 21st,; quietly • observed her
89th birthday, ' Mrs. Wm: Blare,
a few months older, spentpart
of the day with her. Many gifts'
and cards of '. congratulations;
were received ,.as well as others
•who. called in person :and by tele;
phone, Her, many friends are .glad.
to know she: is as well as usual„
.M.any.,,,l .appy.` returns of thle. day.
Work Will Catch K. Now
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Carter of
T T Ialyrood: axe Y -vvrn to the
farm Wn ;fohn inn cif B K3'
Nelson has :hired. for; the.•,fall and.
winter Worn; It looks as if 'Bill's
work ,wild go ove .. the top with.
both Nelson t ar}d,rnest to send;
it •throiigh..,l
Send us the names
' since" the fight finis
the;sanie:.time as w; do that,
been; •here ' three, =ourand.
years =The -whole thin _ is'.
dor't-xvait unack ixC a
we kPow rt, bait -it trete, islr't
something lone pretty goon we'll
get there:the' hard way, and .• e're
j1st the, ones that ''can do it :too
Lt'11 Cost the, .Gover.n ent 1ot
of'money:by.=keegrng:-uShere very
much longer. ". If the. people at
• home "would start to kick and
kick plenty ;we would get bete
• a. lot Sooner.
"Figland •:Want e': money
she can get off yrs before we o go
back, . That's brie reason• we' are
ing held• here: Its two mr nths,
now since it ende,d`andhow any
'have gone, back.. The fellow ; that
sates- nglarid all -through t;• are
the biggest majority that's g • tting
there first There's been I 'ts • of
pointS than T have. That's.,t e:way,
• traint tha c- have -T tti '.e- way
the •are running; things Haw
`a o `tin soil ie "�'""" • o�rr° -1 .w
wlyed • Bnxuygo-Was en d
� i ixt� thus =Pnrt-S'-tnw,ar s::g-et =tor pail of xhe.-eu&ning:with': tri,
brig 'us:, back: Don't belie •e : this''
sto%y` k�uat. shortage -an long to Mi All n Kerr Mrs Orlin
They•:.ha've ,them- if origia•nd, '.Bete. and. Mrs..: Chas McNee -:.ear :
would:: give, them' ..;' • *; .. tied in;. a large basket Containing
many., useful gifts. The bride" re
sponded ih. ;;a : few 'well ' chosen
`words, Mrs:;' Chas.. McNee;; Mrs:'
Gra ee„ an& Mrs ' Orl°and :
Bete served .refre'shrrients to ;close
.a very .happy evening with :our="
pose ,Of welcoming back a former
frie.iid:•and;rieightior. in that local-
Miss, Joan Rivett. returned horne-
last: Week: ,aftet'':visit.ing • a -while.
with .her 'sister,' Mr•S. Eric .Thoth=
son.,of Corinth. •She was' accom-.
panied home by Mr, .Rook J'ocklin
a friend of the:.family•frOlp•Kit
here aarho:..was.a..pal-of Leonard.q
R i 'eft •o•Orseas
• Mr.' and Mrs. `Graham 'McNee.
'and 'children "Allan -.ald ,Jonna,,I'
also Mr: and MVs. Robt Bere visa
ited relatives _.at- Kincardine,• on
witand- Mrs,,:James•-Hodes Sunday_._ x
ins. We ate sorrrMr 'Thos W gr %s
is well these'.days ti...,._
1VIr.:and Mrs: Atehie•NicKinnon: not so
and Gorge e returrie . home after,, Quite a ° number ; from here ata.
a i i' � s in Windsor tepded.the funeral of the�late Mr.
spending a` few' .da�• Stratford, with :friends Sid G'ibson;'of 5tra.ord who was.
miss a -..... a native of Ebenezer, West'Wawa;