HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-26, Page 5• T t�irzsllrA T! 4 L a ' ,, 1945 ' v is • • • • • t f' • Lyceum Theatr WI NGHAM Thursday, Friday,; Saturday' L- Y.72-60:1;111 p0.L1�c1L1[E' 'HIILL'Lp • N5 4' f'SHADOWS =I,N - Th NIGHT" * and * *a• . • ;£H;AIILES • STARRE'1i in** ..COWBO.Y...FROM"• , LQNESOME RIVER" A .mystery •thri1er:ands a wes-' :Matinee. Sat. afternoon at .2.30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday July 3 :, 1 0 31 , Aug.� VAN: 'JOHNSON, LIONEL BARRYMORE' ' GLORIA DeHAVEN 1 ' omen ' between . W i a 9 I The Lucknow Sen i el, I.;uckno' EL ES The ,August meeting of . ,the Women's Institute will be held in .the Community Hall' on :Tues- day afternoon, .August 2nd. Roll call, My birthplace; su.. bject, His. "torieal Research in charge of, Miss Mary Murray; program commit- tee, Mrs. George Stuart, ; Mrs, John- Carneron--~hostesses; • M'rs", Lorne Durnin, iM. rs. Annie Dur - 013 I Tv ARy• nuts, EDG4#4 RITCHIE, (By our • Zion correspondent,) -One of the mosthighly' esteem.= ed and. best loved. members, of the Zion community in the persona of Elizabeth Helm, beloved, wife of Edgar Ritchie; passed to her eternal rewar .:_in -tier 43rd year; Goderich General. T1ospital on July .,Yt-3lar-tt.kM lierns's€_�.;r:S.__ �Nfio'er�3a.i�._l :wy'- t;, 1h_•ye„»hi.::,- ..°tS7:rri1cL_k . ._.[ h..-rld:ren.'s• JuT-�ly -. 17 dthl ; afte r a'.p major ajor operation run; Aerati nnun: A special collectiop wll be ..from which she tailed e recove eceasedhad-berr`n Hoital. nv o tk�)r-"Ina "ha•lf years. ott bore her affl'ctuonToddad h_pat,en Patience -._ oii- vii� o Lsiiitfotksitors,ltt?de;-In�complain.0gly submitting Mr. ard Mrs; David , -. to her Heavenly; Father's. will:. John Web'ste.r of .London was a vis`tor'"Mrs:: Ritchie, only daughter of i, , last weelt with her Mr. and:Mrs.. g rs, Albert Helm `of�'tlie daughter, : Mrs, Will. M"cCrostie '&. 1,2th '-Co.ncession. with her sister, Mrs Cranston, . ' of. ".Ashfield, was' : born on June nth, 1.903: and. had •Mr: _ andM.,WalterVanWYck :been a life longresident of.:;"theof Wingham,. were recent: guests Zion community. She was mar; of Mr; and "Mrs." D,: Todd and Mr; ried . to ,Mr. Ed ar'.• De - and Mrs.:F. G.' TOM.. g . Ritchie in • cember.._'1925, and • continued-,: to Mr.and Mrs,., Alex 1Vlurdie "and reside in. our: rni.dst ever since. Bobby ,.of. Toronto. and Ms, Mel Of a• kindly•" quiet °unassuming of ,such 'a �qua•lity to endear: her predeceased ; by five ,brothers to' her • many friend's _ and_ .Charles who died : ' with ,. _ ,° � _.n those .111. ..._ .., _ .. in r 1926.. _ ohri with w,hori ''she °•was associated in 1935, David in •1936`arid Alex HerrGhrrstian. - per'soriality im `hi -1943 -~A •bristlier Kenneth `die pressed•. all with w\om she:came'.as a•youth: °.. . in contact and. were helped her'acq uaintancesh• a q �p`SXDNEY GIBBON She • was a loyal y, 1 and 'consistent ,The.'death , of Sydney :Gibson;" member of Zion',Cliilrch' and waS,.1'31 Cambria'Street, Stratford, oc- cu' ,.Ge Ito Brown of Kitchener are holiday disposition he personality -.was visitors , with ," Mr. . and and Mrs. R. Woods. Twenty-fiwwe; ladies attended the J .fly meeting-of�•the Women's'Mis� sionary•Society held at the home of Mrs. George, Stuart_ with •the' president, Mrs, W I` ;Miller in. charge: The, theni;e of '.the .service was "Help. the Church of Euroe" P and the worship Qervice w cla y, so:ciat'ed with - its -various . •. Ontario . The funeral,.service 'Vas • held ate • MacLean home: C.onces sion .12, Ashfield on Monday af- ternoon, conducted by ,Rev., W..0, Rhoad of Ashfield • Pr esbyterian Church., Interment was, in South' 'Kinloss Cemetery, the pallbearers being Jack Weigand, "Frank .Tpr- ras, Fred Jackson,, Grant Mac- Diartnid onatd,.-Simpson --and Wm.- Buckingham. During, the many, Years ;spent. at E. nston , ya. .. , . Miss MacLean. bye, he -r frien°dly_:,� manner forrn'eid an, p ,.. r. , x : ,..6.'� t�f��lwlr �' � Wide circ le ,of friends who mourn her pa,ssin She- •was -ever 'ready•to l 'el °n trot ble"moo: soy oir'• .an d her home was a`. centre' of hos_ pitable• kindliness Y seldom _found today 'int the. larger centres.;' Thea love and esteem in': which `she • wail held is testified to by ' the .Min, dreds ;of Evanston, :residents a *ell ' as'many''"'Ashfield f,.ri;ends,. With whom :she annually renewed • old friendships,' Miss: MacLean -is` survived ,b -a Y" sister and two brothers,- Mary and Donald on the homestead and: Duncan of: Los. Angeles. She was ducted by; Mrs. John:Cameron. It Organ•izations .• 4 -being _' , g organist of was decided; to ask Rev:' Mr.'New :the. church `.for •y Years,_. before:. her ton td address the August ,meet marriage, arid seeseta,ry.and .oi g and ta-uivite� theJad-fes= of ga*1st; of--dt-he W M S, ••fo��::.' ears:. W1.S en' �Wawanosh,. Township, :a :sox>'.:of. Whitechurch a,nd.,of ,the Ashfield It is.: said. that, :cha, racter • is ,. r - I e Mr. 'and;Mrs James .Gibson.•'He Circuit. A :duet• by Mrs E. W. v.ealed'by •w•ha•t;';!we• ive`'to t , , .• . g. , the :was i.n his: 7.2rd:`,year, :a painter .Rice and; Mr •.Lorne• Woods and world Of frail ph'.si.'ue she '.r"-�t•zJ G 'C% ': 6 • . t rs: •1:.n`i'.:'- "oi- -_—'as . �.. ,vc . . __..: + .— .,wen. " a ail possile; mit enjoyed. a A. 'eIs• .r ,t ho P a � he J Y. ;,..PP • . ,, A dev:otedwife•and'�mother s different....churches of : Europe :will be sad y mourned by her bei.. aye& h:usband±�_and'.•family-=of one son, Lyle ... and•_ a. !dau htei Jean. Sur:vivin •,besides e - ,. Surviving:besides- . 1# r; hus." band and°children are her: a' ein parents and,�an, only.;brother, Wil; The comedy and' drama of the "`Blair , General.:. Hospital"' in the'hest Dr. Gillespie 'manner, Also "Short Subjects" Teacher Honored At a picnic at . Po `larBeach .p ' ... , • Miss Lillian Osborne • was .'honor. ed by the pupils of :S.S., No. '16, - '. liuroii Township who, presented her;with a silver cream and sugar set.: -Miss." s orn' `w'll O b e< i °teacti " ate the Second Coneesson • I{iin lost; this coming .term: A FIRE TRUCK. has -been pur= chased at :, CJwsley at'' a east f t - �5;356-A For�d:chasis=w.as pui chased : for ::$11,402 .;'and is 'being equippedb' th'e Bickle=Se rave Y g. ...Co: -at- a: cost of . $3,954. xreci in -S rakford- ner pital early Friday niorning• .:.after :•r•:a'illness_:QLab-out_thr-.ee months: "Mr. Gibson was born in 'W est: Were .read Mrs Gordon''McPher. ;son' -reading--the -appeal-for-Nor Way ;and Sweden .Mrs: McKenzie Webb . for ., Belgium and :Holland,.' .Mrs. Andrew _Gaunt for.•France,: e- Mrstifo:T-th.Chrisian5. :of Germany;•. Mrs: ..'T. F Wilson • foic the 'World Gouneil o..f Churehes •'and = M W I. Mill r c xs e, for the United- Chur h of Canada': .c. At the conclusion •a'. pleasant. social hour was; :enjoyed, 'when; lunch: ;w s ser veal by hostes': PIa to a.ttend--the;-social ec ri_ -anl d nce on"�Tuesda"- ::even-.� ng a. y iii in th'e .,community.Hall in g honor of Harold Hucnph.rey and J ohrx Foran`: M. , t�R. H0 VIE BU'hLDI N r MUS. T: � . 'ED �BE � CU R, Home building is � ht :hl .. esi�entah .to. -over �` 8 eshortage's, y Come sst n ho•� 'and tob r<srn' ..chorta es . vide dwellings r:. t -.i hared: g for the Forces as d sc ry g . Shortages of .. workers ' for: ` bu► din • `'homes 'and` `for producing the.buildin .i iaterials are threatening, g to impede.. Cana. ' construction p• . da s ro ran for 'the �const`ruct � • P g, • . oxs�=P Y , . • ��� All � •,:.. men . exper.ie,nced in home building..-rlrlh.; ri"'u�,iib' Duiiuing' i tateriais, 'wno are 'Ill)[ irllw Working Ln either of these, industries, are urged : to b. a l.:to- , Pl? Y . to nearest of f ice_of the-Natona.lrri (sa • ' • •m, Scr>viee ttnmed�iately;. Merl experienced at home' building or producing supplies if now in: other ' essential work, will be 'given permits oto Work'at jobs which will -assist the house. building'progr in.' • All men'} 'hot' now at housebuilding nor pro ,during supplies; wJ O scan ill t • job in this ' • r - program, : are urge" to answer "this call. . ,1 Appy :at once at the ' nearest office of the L11atiimal I3m jyloym " ent Seri•lsce. s .' DEPARTMENT :'O ' LABOUR '' HUMPH1R EY MITCHE LL A MacWAMAI:A' mister isrt'r of Labo• ▪ ur Deputy Minister of ..Labour 4a.w-d i t • r anSer.vi.ces were held at: the home, dl 0ravesid`e by: her astor R 'v - .C. B, Woolley on -Friday,, Jul Y. 2nth ;inevitably .,the '.f. neral was I. • attend.ed by a ''large, : circle. of 'friends• and acquaintances ' and amid a profusr;on '; of;_floral' butes; skits:. Wa5•,' .' lir ,G C' Cemeter J • y by six ,;cons, 'ins.: Gordon and; Wesley Ritchie, James Henry, Jamesl.Z.:ittle; ,'Rob-'; t a' :.B rt c..raid, e e m...Th.e.. flaw_er= btarers were boys'.`of the "Com-, mumiy ,. `411ot ' deaa; o"_}i riot but�tin�we be •.:yond the Shadows Into the 'full, Clear 'light, For ever done with mist .and cloud and, tempest,, -.Where--all- is -calm -and -bright :Not silent',: just passed.:'out of earthl hearing : To .sin . Heaven's`sweetest song; Not lonely; .dearly loved'..and Iov. " visited. :last week With; Mrs. R X TH1 LucicNo� COWBOY CANTEEN. ST— iVIiISIC---FIx11I~--- • :i Charlet •• :Starrett etr :ne Frazee A Host of Others, ,The greatest, assemblage •of cimtkoy talent ina •me. . ban . ,rx'y, g. up round -.up,. :SHORT, SUBJECTS: NEWS P:LAYIN'G' r NEXT WED., THURS. RICHARD ARLEN • ARLINE JUDGE in, WLLDCAT. . A story about men who -drill; for oil and: especially Of one who has oil in•:his, blood, dyna- mite in .his; fists and d the: devil in las. heart ,.. Also. POPEYE "AXE -ME ANOTHER"' PLAYING': NEXT ... Friday, Saturday, Mon -- u' 1� •� q .� ouise Allbritton Robert Paige. of Stratford for the,}- past 30 ,year. He was,! married :on December: 25 1900; to •Tena McConnell and the` ..couple. made:-the-ir home in-.pizek':' now, Seaforth, Mitchell and " Sask atoon. prior . to .going to ;'Stratford. -Surviving, his: wife;.; are two sons, Sydney J Gibson, :.:at• home and M. • Gibsori, overseas; three :daughters, 'Mrs. II • COMING Donald -O'Connor in `Y:CHIP:-OFF THE OLD BLOCK". OCK". Henry Johnson -:and ,Miss` Lotta,- - Mrs� Edna Forsythe` and Je F. r� Gibson Stratford and :Mrs. W. of `: Toron.to . spent the ; week e d , McKenzie:, Detroit; . three :broth- p ,., � with .`Mrs J;' B.:Morrison and. vis ` ers James, Wawanosh: • Robert,; "iced her :father iii" hos ital ` Sault "'Stea.Marie: •>and 'Walter p ter ' :,; ..., , . .. � -. +' , Mr..:and. Mrs. m. ' B "o n ' Saskato n, :w . • W w Mr,..,. o ,, t. o sisters;. Mrs. Jas.... ;> :,s -pt;, . ,. Ffru Baan. ,Dunganri_c�na an� lc 11�I rc - and M -r -•-Charlie' Ti-ffi;n ; 's -Pent. 1 �of W ' 1VI 'ship , ' Thee funeral w,as"diel held: Miss Helen Patterson of •Kap»..• ` d om`the' ' .ho-- -_ - uskas-i-ng --i --hallo= in with : 'hex^ Greenwood TGillia�tf..tz�ii��a,1.�"hom:e. _ .._- � ._-- ,:..y g _.. __. _ __ at 2 'o'clockTMoriday' afteriao�zi 'grandimother, Mrs W. A. Taylor. 'with Rev S M. Roadhouse of St - mi. Tom Hill last week had •the odiit-, ,fled.-.Ck%iu=rch-.;i=ii---eha-r"fie- 5foxtune-'to fal'T = while-pai:i ti'i�tg� =" of the .service..Interment was:"Ili 'b'reaking his. collar ;bone Avondale " erneter. . -:- Y The Langs:ideresbyterian W.' M. S. held their meeting .; .last: Thursday gat: the home, of Mrs. Tom`',Widdis' •of 'near''Teeswater- with Miss; Grace . Richardson; ist vice residin in the` Presiding absenee o% . the presider t, Mrs, Neil ;MacDon ald, The.topic' Was "iven by a p� g.'Nliss :•r ei G .ac Richardson:. Prayer .,ye was:, given by. -Mrs Walter ;•'Pinnel. A - ... piano,- iinstrumental was`. given by•';*' cConiieIl� Ashfielei Town. Sunday with Mr' -"Lloyd Bel Pine- Riwer.• • LAN G S' I D,• E : Mr. and Mrs. john, .L, of .17 etroi-t-and: `thei-r-,gr. n.a' dson David • Proctor .of - Northville Ing Tiffinn and famil l Y• We' are. Sorryto re' ort Mr. p J. B.' Morrison ' is a patient :in 'Wing- rs ::Rev: m-_ , _ ,.: -Gramm.•Mrs. P ha hospital... His man friends M.. eter G.: y. will wish hint a speedy'';recoverys "Moffat :gave .the : mea Cation The • :Kostess: served lunch_to. an atten• • Cpl.:Ber•t• Cullimor�e°. visited o nl• •,.A-e+idst the,:whiite-robed throng. not tful' keeping, forge eepng fond n. e , reme bra c m 0f:. dear` ones left awhi e, .:.. And. gladly looking .to the bright 'ieunion' . : With handclasp and with smile"..., , SARAH :51acL EAN . The deat'h. of Miss Sarah''Mac?, Lcean,:,:a' native' 'of., Ashfield,, and :fpr; many .years, :aa resident 'of Evanston, Illinois, occurred in. •Wingham Hospital on Friday; She • . ri,-,A ril. ..,..:..I w_as-�67� years,_of..age�i• p :i tiss�MacLean'' w s one Of. T'I e children ,born to:. Alex MacLean and Catherine Finlayson natives of }Scotland and pioneer residents. of Concession 12, -Ashfield Tot, n- ship:.'In 1908 Miss, MacLean went to 'Chicago to• train a nurse in `the. Frances;Willard"ilospital 11,.P - on graduating she. followed her,, profession for seVei al years, be fore :opening -a- 'rooming house:' where she, catered to University students, . - Five •.months 'ago Miss. MacLean s'u'ffered a paraly ,' strok •and since• then had reed rre• t attacks. that resultc4,,.in• her death;They Wednesday prior to:hei- death she„ Was ' brought to Wingharn Hospital by 410'; brother and sister on their retur.p. to their Moine' in Ashfield`. aftcer :spending a .couple. of weeks. in Eva i Ston, a 4. 9 ,.y Tuesday with' 1VIr and rs'. dance , of 18.. The :next ,.meeting YM V, Emerson and Mrs: A. Emerson. Mr.; •Elmer" Huffmari has -re- -tuiried:'horne--aftei`--a--week''s -visit. with. friends in .Cornwall • Mr and_`MrsCharles Elliott. is' to be held at the home 'of -Mrs. John Richardson." • -•• Mr.- and --.1V! �- rs:- - l�at-z--'of Go de*z �F Val is visiting this 'week, with their daughter,. -1Vlrs.,;' Charlie 'Eh. : >,a: n rR Tit. �� . �., -. liott' and Mr. Elliott. q&L.A '.1 L.' D., .1vLatilt-W0''111: of Goder'-: • ich visited on Tuesday evening Mr,' Alfred'Ritchie of Lucknovt>• . y:. ,." and "son w h"1Vlr; and Mrs. Victor )vmer- visited on Sunda'., .with: Mr •:' - ' n :Mrs - RU se tch e` est • OSt:- & DUCK FEATHE • Phone or, Write , Us ox' 215, Kincardine one 181 • • ,,ter, . ,.r ..�.;Ml-'�+��,��� i�.1r�1. ti'tay:... �11�i•. �%�y,��:�fi' �•��.� �fl^ R �}1I�'• !' �'. `.€'ail A... - ..