HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-26, Page 2"AGE TWO ,
The Luclulow Sentinel, Lurintow,
.Lnclniow, Ontario:
EstahliS1ied1873 Published Each Thui,glaY, Morning '
Sugscription Rate $2:00. A -Year in Advance To, ; $2-50
• ' MeiPber of The C.W.N,A. '
_L Thornrisor_h. Piablisher and 'Proprietor
• . r4.*.`4,4
• rrorkerirrrkkOrgr-=t
;UX.N 26th; 1945
SAFEGUARDING SUNDAY , 7: --.77-4'WEItOrS"r07-XliblialtE?-, - --,:c-
, I , „ , . _ .
Of the `..aims and objectives of In. this -issue. we Publish , a letter
the ' Lord's . pay AiliaPice; ..,:t4e,,Ifroin an overseas 'soldier 'who •-is
. .
priinary.lask, is to safeguard the i quite disgruntled.',oVer.'lhe way:
. . . . ,
.. , . . .
'Vital values Of Sunday is a, nat-i the troops are, pr aren't, being
'long, weekly daY. of rest. To ac- i returned to Canada., ,
. . •
coinPliSh ..) this j the AIIiance, Must While we . don't .;•consder ...the
'ever- be On the alert, for therc. solution' to:, this problem ',' is as
are strong forces constantly.- at simple as the writer makes out;
work in , an endeayour4O have". it does indicate. the 'temper ; Of
Canada's Sunday' thrown wide some ' of thoSe.whohave seen long
open and explbited,' to the full for serVice overSeas, and carries a
'Commercial' gaM. , , threat of further demonstrations
ThLord's Day Alliance' strives Such. upiisingS, as at Aldershot
to secUrethis..one day Of eek
. .. .be_coudoped ,and were re:
4 4
free, SQ far 'as. is practical, from grettable 111 that.: they cast a' re -
the ordinary to). of life, and free flection on the otherwise gallant
• from the. atmosphere of Corm -Pere- performance, of the ,Canadian
.ialisrii-On' that day It - seeks -44'o- troops -Yet it.-iptiSt--1...e:401'..ntte:c1
topromote an 'ritelligerit •anprec- that there was 'Cause for Provoca-.
• .iation. of he .eIieii.tidr..S-_p'i-ritual--tiqrr'-b,eh-intl--if-all,--and._thaf4„dis-
{ I
'values orthis' day , thraugh---the- -content-exists-to a* degre_e: that the
-cultivation of moraLand spiritual "uprising' spirit is sPreading.
ideals ..; : \ . What oilier causes,maY•be con -
The .Alliance is Widely recog-, tril3uting ...factors, ' the . trouble
Plied as performing • valuable -stems--from the--ahadian-Girizerti_-
--natiOnal and comMunity. service ment'smilitary service . policy..,
in ..safeguarding the • Canadian i34-sec4ten-t-44°8-t•e--re,c1-still-fithtLe24-•
\ Y.,,,danglingAll____IirtyARY•fUriough
beforemen, weary of,., War and:
Aboard the C.N.R. train, upon
arrivalhere last Wednesday, al-, ,
ternooni were Flt, Liegt.„Donald
Sixty Years Ago.-
IXD F-.andilLAC, Elwood
.Solomon, , Both airtnen-liad..re-
Casualties in the Reil
turnoct_t-aTrada,„bbotird,lhe 'lie_ lfebenlitin
de France • - wer67.
e' Whites7killed*,--61-..ibfeeds•
„.1Lieut.MeKar,:s64- -
Tituitsnois, APIA ;,6 1946
and' Mrs. John ofEhtfl
wa hot down Gver- Germany...on
kebaiTaff'20th; 1944 It Was-tWO;
nitinths later before'. his parents,
learnedthat he Was a priSener
war Frior tejlig last operation
.19Ona1d-.:was.„ awarded the ,
linguished -Flying Cross for "skill,
'fortitude and deVotion,tO d,UtY''..'
He had 'previously been."Meluded
in the King's honor list.. •
A goodly. nu/fiber of: Kinta,il.
folk including his. parents were
ppt. to greet him :last
. , .
LAC. SolOrnon,,has been in the
Air Force for five years:Oe was
_at__;pauphin; , Manitoba for three
years and was•.overseas for a. year
id a,half: For a' time .Elwood
was in BelgiuM withPathfinder
ancl„,..MosqUito s9uadronS.• .I -Ie is
porting at•headquarters:
fle ay:.
ihatstekiS.front inari"s' lust an
• :greed-, foi,iribiley. -The opportun-
itis 'affords for Christian
77-Worihi.p and spiritual -culture are
Very important, , •ibu
„ these are questionS•for individiia
.• 'decision:, and 7 attitucle.
Individually apci co11ective17,71
hoWever, there .can be no dis
cOnnting the Value:Of-lhe_leiStir
and 'quiet thi on A*ay. of th
Week affords,' ;and which the 'A
.1iance- is striving to protect. art
fOrielyLfor "liornein an effortt�
reCruit..,gtifffcient..VOlUnteers to
Makeup ,a Canadian -force forth:e
If the policy (of-.firSti-ini..-firstout, . had been .adopted .,.. there'
Would- be 'ttle cause or -the
grievance that') have 'grown to
1 Uptisings„,
. .
JOhn Mel.;enriant.LoCiiITSli:
'carrier, .sl'Affefed: sun: stroke as
'h4t*.#$:' 0..119.1,4t;4 Cle1440;Xdf.;.: M-
berley; With the LochaTSY.MaiL
.'Th LOchalsh ,carreSPonclent
was "pleased to'°'notice in last
fOr. North Grey, 4.'helped
e'lteA;7fire -0 ...14r)knOwn". etiai .rif:4--
8..tf.O.-Od! • Ygiq''bai n'
JaMes, ,Yourig the-4)01111E1%y.,
• •
performe.'bY.. Dr, enh9Prreijra'14yltit)onri
'Week's Sentinel that our brother Witigharp,.'• assisted by Dr,. .'w
'quill :from Hernlock City Jiad Hackett's:if Detroit' and Di o Ar:-.
,awakened feorn his ',long "Sleep,. Gordon of town
:tOraped the „rust ,from his pen and :.Thoynag 4lton.,UnderWent a
conie out as newsy 'as..of yOre",.. iotis double„ operation; 'The
Oub,can McLeod of Amber:- geon Was Dr: Ferguson of .Londonley •
"had about 'Closed. the , bar- assisted .by'th .A, 0, Elliott.and
'gain". for the blacksmith shop at Pr. A. N...Spence of tOwp,
'Lanes belonging to R. E.,•••14ane. 3. • Smith.. advised 'the'
.A list of 21 regulations,' a col- public she was leaving 'for. Mani,
umn in length., Was.. published ,toba. in -..mid-AtigUst• and thanked
which were to govern the quoit- one and all for. the liberal 15at-...
ing- tournament -40 be held- at. the.Ircmage g'ven 110' chIrmg tile Past
Caledonian Games on Septernber :33 years..Her stook of fancy work'. '
8th an gth., • • . • goods' was left in cha.4•ee kJ!. miss .'
loved 'rlie; wfe of 4Jciaonpett be- Rev Chas sati"ndo. '
curred in ,Kinloss Townshp She :d4Cte-irifito the''.12):C-Wribelt-cr-617'.
was 49. yearsof age. St: *Peter's Parish....:
, The trial -76f: eb. er--"- • Thomas--„Begley.-Pf1D, Unganr4m.,
was bein-g-helcl-V-Regina. • • 4. ..,.p.utcliage0 • 6. n e w ._threshin,:f • .
• • EraStus.. Anderson ' •of Kinloss Machine.,"
,had timothy 5 feet .61/2 inches tall... .Mary son .0f; T, E Duiin,
Jamese Howey commenced his was:Se opsly hurt while iissIstirig
:-Contract-for-yratering.. 4.1*. Uncle, George • Du'rnin, .toput
1 streetS..ofthe village. '•bibkeh'
- bride .(nee 'in two places When trarriP)'e0 by
• • • Rwseliklf,4,741, Misg' of Seafcirth). thelTorsej-{e-was--driVing.
here 'aiid7Vere. SIOPPIng'''•:•at.• the -
Othersliack,Also---. • ,
returned to, this district Within
the IaSt. few days. • AAmong them
are FO. 'Fred '.Iialdenlyk' of . the
KinloSs 'WO.- NNormanWelWOod 01::Whitechurch;
BertLCuflmore- Of Wirigharn and
harn, and:.fOrmerly' of Luckt ow:
There IS.. the'teiideuey to as-
sociate the Work: of the Canadian
Red Cross solely as'a.hunianitar-
ian war service. , 'But in 'rkar Or:
lVIA.1ORITY.WOULD, APPROVE ,I peace whenever ;tragedy or
The:-intirna.tion:..last, week that
aster •• strikes, the Red./ CroSs, is
.WOrneh'S beverage-rOonas,,may be
'closed certain ',periods . each
• day' Might be ., jiiSt .."testing- the
-ice Witlf,a=vieVr7t-cr-theite-ri-tu.sr
abolition. --Such action, we believe,
, • meet with wideipread apz:.
.:Proval. Naturally enough, 'strong'
jjtheob- :-
This was .Proven again • :▪ last
meek when fire. destroyed. the
-stet iriet.._..Hanionic., arid left Over.
'Shelter ,and in need of Clothing..
Front the. Toronto:Warehouse of
FO. 'HaldenbyF-son Of Mi.... an
Mrs. ROy flaldenby of the Dur
Whitely il-.,.
. 1ouTWeirity.. Years Ago
1 ;..pw;hiviaeetiolins7ffofre.i,:s.eadl sale
7,7p. canOpyr The, death .octirrd cif, , j(,,hile.t.h..„
-., “TIVIr,.; Gedit'eMiddleton annound- MacLean- in his 07th ;year',
- ed the: 9Pening of a., grocery store . The east ..'bound ' C.Nr
.42. ti
g. :.
.cine. door east of Berrsis' drug
.. was derailed ' at the .-crosink. at
e .,
, • ,,- •
Myles. McMillares farm, ,:v.ithOtit•
,t•Gi,oTrali:Ornas orrigari, left for ,41.3.ury. to .:the passengers
t_b.‘. ,
1- , Janie§ Someryille,.. M.P. for
:4• West.:'-.BruCe.,'-',rettirnetLhome after_
.`" •.attending " parliament .. for . Six
' mOnths. .4 - 4- 4-
f i A heat '.,i7ave was the topic of
c-. conversation. ,Master .-Hor.ace-IVIac -
et. 'CiirrunOr,i. sUffered a slight heat
d •str6k0.,•: ..7, • . 7'
ha nea- : : 7 1 t i e . . ri. .. : t IHall 1 1 7: .had
e ra ay ..,' : : I 36- theriicP 1 c: wi :: quit a. i'dr Ost i: !)a, .1 ' ft kr:' , fr r thei9 e : S.. a7 : v°' few e‘rle
hain -Road, -east- of ,..Kirilogs; ar
rived. at 'TeesWater last Wed!**
Tday.:'-Ft-e-d-:., was reported miSsin
on ati'n16erational 'flight On. Jun
ed as Presumed deap, before wor
v. -7 -4 -;received. that he Was a ,pri
2.6-ner-of_war..--/-: He .-reOeri*.d_21-i
Wings. May, 1943,. and Wen
overseas, the .followmg:mon .
,• On Tuesday of laste 'week • M
and Mrs.'..Era WelWoOd of:Whit
church Went itill'orlitito to me
their sOri, WC) Norman -Welwoo
Who had'arrivedIn."Canada
theIle de France On Sunday
th b phone fro
prisoner; Of War for Over:,
ears. He enlisted in March, 19
Yariel-,arrived • .England as a S
Alice MacDonald,
daughter :of `-`1yIr. Maebenalet...
of airit.41r,was , held-. pp, art7tit•-21'
point ,.a•:'gun• in .her. Oth:ey's
store. Undarited---Alfce-SCv.qppeci
anP.1 ran from the stoi.t. for h.clp,
but; the fobber• Made a cjuick de
parture.. .0 ' • • • •
Fite destity,ed'•il'erb" Curnrs
hOney house and about 800 lbs.':
of hOney.,
1/2 Rev'. G. It •Turk t. Carn. of the town. of Walkerton bucd
41 'eron snake, it teimperance-deM- d' ;deficit oVer • 444,000,,
oriStration'at Kincarane.. •
uarY. IToverriber;;,•194he w'aS.;
shot down OVer Germany and Was arty Years Ago:
'.Roderick.71Vrartyri resigncd-rrat'w •
• PrcftestS re dire -aft -being receiv.- , Red sCrosS , trucks iwere. 'on liberated' OP May. 2nd of this year.
, • - • •
rnstigation of'..their WAY' to Sarnia by Five days later he •WaS back, in
. becloiel.s7ne::pett.s. wthhep r.lcon with wearing.' ap arel, and
• England where he sPent a -short
" P • •
t 1 t • n --for.. men ..- __ e in h°sPItal•
prospeots • of losirig 'a nidkle -migh -co k g
• • ,
Members of. the. Dornin COV-
erriiiient Voted theniselves thou,,
.sand,C1011ar -increase in their 'Ses-
Siondl indemnity .W -:Telfoi'd
Township • • and '1.-747.5-ilic7c-Te ct
'Allan '..MeAulex.'' Donald., McKay
was ,
ROSs.MarfYii'iri whose farryily.',th-e...'.
clerkship had been held , for .ek;er.
`the' .filthy lucre: %The argument and.- Children: 'Hospital supplies, ciA7C7L-r.:(Ber-t)7Cullirnore-who-
..•seri008.•, - • . .
should have equal rights ,with Sarnia.; 9,erier,al. HOspital:
former resident of West Wawa-. 'Mrs., Angus' McAuley and little
• ' ' Clo t e hundred members
his•.home, by arribulanc(...
ncluding blood serum were cap . be advanced that women
. • • • . • is another who has rettirned.. A
•nas'b.cen overseas for three. w.ears
.con ion is rttarded quite
. . • •
d to tainly .cornpliment to Canadian of the. Emergency Nursing rte-,• Walker of, Wingliarri at the time
Orson. :of. Toronto are,...gUeSts of./.:Reed, .Pte..W. D.'Reed.•OT Dr‘hvrt,
R A ' Mrs. W. G.. 'Re Gnr, Howard..
nosh Bert Was employed by A, J_ •M d M.
•.. 'xnen, in this regard;. but it is cer,.; s
id. h6the.•aie ,erVe Were; on duty; Fontinuously he enlistedi,'Ipuit•Years ago. Mr..• and MS. ,Pranlc:Ritchie. Mrs:IN.S.,.and Mrs: Reed.trf
burn were, visitor's at the
e . h.om
,Womanhoctt Y
411 .
berS-beeCOmiflgegila;the hosi*44..Eryiergncy hos- father liveS England' and h. ei
of .bv.r.age/,60.rifs.,.-:pitals 'were .Opened, • Ma/Med....by.: Visited, with! hirn frequen
_ _ •
' ular atronS
tons I as. they foster, .:Speak well
for the 'future of` our ,ehildren and
' 'QUM country;
' .
were served.. all dak to casualties
and an Over -Worked .hospit„al staff,
(These are but Sorne of the in-
dispensable serVices„ that the Red
MaYbe," eVery, • cOrnmunity CroSs,is. ever :ready to render: at . ta. or .
son,. Flt. Lieut. James Coyle
4 • ,
. COY le lcu§s-6117 Rae .
ahd, Mrs: RuSsell -Of
Wingharn and formerly of Luck -
:were 'thrilled' or)t- SurictaY,
July. 15th,to 'receiVe a • telelDhone
call, f.rorn: Lachine, Quebec
'4---MW...e.ri..,riotice. whenever :111.1sej.i.;: Ho, hadi.alsO" returned d -t5n,
*.orliOrri:blOwing '.tiotraltubs;-*11-tr
.for,....no: purpose at allz, ...day or
;night seeM, addicted. to seeing.
how 'much -none they can make,
or „attention the' can ;attract,: by
'"laying On the -,horn7.
LiStowel;s f action' in fining: si.x
ihdtcifins'for-pailtini withth ten
l'eei o fire•hydranisin. that td.wp,.._
reininds: one thaT there is a. law
against,' such thirigs, soxne-
thing' you ,and 1get away Witli
eVery day in ..the Sinall.tOWn. but
:wo'uldn't think. of dbing• it in 'thil
dity. Punny how we „can.remem,
•••• • k •
'bet :at•
. thenl. 1., • •
"O'reat *rnen forget. thernseiveS:.
'That's why* they're renierobered
by other*t.'; • •
Vsarkergyer disaster strikes,. •and. the Ile de Fran-cTrritrctikle.
suffering, and, :distress,. • •
• • - -
Tr„ucknow s not alone arriong
qiwns • •NTliere the "main •,dr 'ag"
'ten apPea'rs.t.t...be littleynore than
speedway,, Last Week the. pais-.
-ley, Ad.V.ocate. was pretty Well
worked tin Over tWo sixty:mile an
h Et e rfo.f hi an .6es...":through2 tb at
were tourists,., but. it ' appears to
be.the poli.cy of local authorities
nevr .under.any• cirturnstandesi
to interfere:,with the enjoyment
of passers -through -even though
they'may endanger 'the :lives: of
our.: children by -.Their: reckleSs
speeding,'" Our dorprrumity policy
appears .to be: ',just wait.ttil they
lorriebody thenwe'll get
McAtileY' and :-JOhn Will...spend. a
.Week iir'-
and Mrs...;Ernest.
thee tIVItry-itintlers-orr'-ur hondont
Were visitOrs. with Zion friends
recently,. • .
•-mr,and Mrs. Chester Ritchie cff
I:litre:lit Were.. lic'Te • fprthweek-
and' viSited;Mr: and Mrs: Wm•
RUchie.Other, VisltiOrS .at the
Watson 'Webster, -Messrs: Melvin,
. _
_ -
.. was shot dawn. over "Gerrinady oi1.• .r-- .
:21st arrived • back Barkley . and
,in England 'an May 14th of Knox •of :Limerick, -$ask..i
• HiS brother, Lieuteriant•Stewart
met in .14:man just a few :days
befo-e he startecl. for home:. His
Wife:-•-•the.foirner :Mary, „Graham
Of Esfavan, residefi in 'tor -
_onto.. onliSted irr.,August 1941, ;
aril :after 'graduatitiv.avap
servOr arid receiving, his cornrilis-
sion proCeeded:overseas', 'July,:
. . ,
.1942 • .
.gade TWo ,
' The Four Corners Vietbr,Club.
Mernbers met at Mrs:1‹.•Car
on's hOtrie „for the July qufltthg.
Two. quilts ,Were 'made, 'The next
.quilting AugusiIth will be at
of. Mr: and: Mrs W T. '0.a_rptaa •
On :Monday everiing;.,
yet,urned.,. tb , their troxiic.tifter. a.
fortnight' visit; at the horrfe of 1VIr,•
and 1VIr's, Jas; MCK.a•Y'of Pdisleiy
ThereWill be no, churoh ser
SundaY as.the regul.:x Aug'
uSt corinntiniOriSerViee.
•held at BlakeschW41ptll
Sunt.thY;. '
Bought, Percheion.toIt
,Ernest C.tirter of R. 3 Cr(..•
.pur4'c'hase.d. yeEirling
are at prOmt visiting'th.cip aunt, eron fr•oni mr.„ Doe,•••i:
`E. RIchard Gardner arld mr.'• Parlane of the 1"2th
:-"TIVIiss:: 7,16 -an.
Goodfellow Of:. ToeSwat(.T. • wo'c
Atiots, Mr,' and Mrs,;',
Hunter' tett:1'66h.;
, .
"Al'ex,S6O' arid I ittlesdfl
-Billy ...of 8tra.tfOrd are spencilng
a. while With her 'aunt int.i•tincle.,
Mr. and Mrs. AlbertAielrri.
and 'Wis. .Ce'c'if Gardner David SProlil of. West- Vi:‘,1"ana' "
.the latter. part of thy wi..•
vouNG---,cubnuor ••
• Oidief-Weading
th-e -"-.15rrittd:••••:thur.6h
.Seaforth;'.-0.n -
when Mrs., Ella :Young, ill!
Ella Sproul, da(„t'ghter. ot. file, ii.tte
iise• miltviesidsn :ADS 1:ailepok..dswaoyne:bom,s; aL.n(Sz.ndait'n1,
r of
viSited oVer il*:..week-end: with:
- • .
Mr. giOlard Gaxdher .uffer,ed
a' heart • attaa on. MtindaY While
in town and .bad to he'tenve-Yed
the I 'ate, A:rth.dr !.1 wer"
••united in .n2Eixriage, 13•(,.v. A, .•
Workman officiatett Al,tc sho,rt,
honeymoon the kOting ce.....•ple
reside on the gr�Q' mrleOr