HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-19, Page 3TiURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1945 Marilyn. and Donald. McAlpine of Guelph are visiting, with Mends hire, Mr..and Mrs L, A. Finney and , Douglas .of Listowel are vacation= Lorne MacDonald •t f •Petabor- cugh, spent the' week=ehd • here with tits oro-thers;. Jaol:s._ and : Gat , x' a A field iia(17,:r, i lrl„•• aid neral • tsar i, 1Yfr,ll?!d Nits Joh ndas: d dbrl� :;tf�u- n�n B` te• NIcIVIilI :...., spent the week -end with. Mr. and Mrs: ;Root,; Reid,,. Boundary West, sur Rr' ass i tie l ancY Lou '' Hewat` of Nobe is visitipgwith her grand; .w, re' is ' 1Vlr and , Mrs R',, ' •H; Thompson: . Joe •Agnew• is emrployed for the summer on the pleasure Moat Sagamo ;'which, cruises ' out: , of Gravenhurst on Lake Muskoka.: • Miss Louise •Greer, of Toronto, is spending two weeks, vacation with her parents, Mr: anVIVIrs. J. M. Greer, Andrew M Thompson ,of Bow manville • visited : for a'. few days' Parent, M a .d . rvrth 'his pa , r..'n_. ,Mrs,. 'm s D: Th on• 0 p Mr;`and:Mrs. McCarthy of'Lam don' is visiting with ' her sister, Mrs:"J.-4W;1 Henderson. a d . Mr; Henderson. Nfr, and ;Mr s ±,W. -,A r-• Soh.riston n two, so Bruce a d t ns ru B and: Pari.: Bothwell.''are • holidaying', at the home: of, her• 'father,• . Mr. W.' S; McLeod '' Mrs. W A: Porteous and Mary Louise . and Mi s E H. Agnew'. $pent last; :week 'at: the Porteous: cottage at Barrow Bay• :in the Bruce Peninsulfa: • r acid--Mr-s. ack=ohnston Shirley and: Marilyn`, of Elmira • spent the past couple of weeks: at Port Elgin. Slingey isvisiting. this week at . the hone •of ' Mr:. and Mrs. P, M. Johnstoln- •Mrs. A Nolan;, a sister af--Mrs; Richard Elliottr was a 'guest this p weel of Mrs: Wm RGblo. M:t'. `a•;nd' Mrs -,.Nolan and daughter Winni- fired of R'ouleau,• Sask: have been: M l visiting :with` friends and ;relatives' the commtT 1ty: , • e. :Luckn0iv 'Sentinel; Lush JRerneini er the baking sale�Urn •Lucknow this .Saturday aft<eit- noon, See ?notice :elsewhere,. Mr. and, Mrs; David Callander' and Mr,:.,Alex Morton of -Guelph spent the weekend with lY r, and "Mrs,- Jarn,es Forster , . N... _ M ' w_... -- rs Elizabeth MacDonald, Harriston,. is` vacationing.' at the •1-Iende't SOn home hear ' ht� C:N.R.. . i;(6. �•,h,p+�.--•;l��nrel:l rias- �.n�- grO fro: 'en �p� ding a tt.n clay, s vacation at:,Bra,es'ide ,Carrip near: Paris. . • Miss ';Ida MacIrr.nes Toronto' is vacationin with. th g ,,e lvlisses; Dean•and'. Mar"M ' F y ael.eod; Stand - pike* 11i11,' Mrs, Alex Mowbray and''.Mrs. Alba McIntyre have :returned of ter spending a, week's vacation ': at: ``Rest -A -While";• Bruce Beach: ' • Mr. and "Mrs:.Wilfred'Murdoeh: and t w o• daughters, Gail and Karr en, and. Mrs J. G. Murdoch • of Torontohave'•beens, holidaying at. Bruce Beach : -Mr. ,and Mrs -Morgan' Herider • son spent a few days last. week rn ,Toronto. M`s� He�iderson s mother, ,Mr . s Curf•re•of Wingham, tsifed •h ere w:it h Erizabsth A�r1 during their g . absence •MrsS N` ii d e 1 .1 r.d-Ritchie••RitchTt..is.np tWn ks wee h 1 i o days .and 'aecOmpanrett by.'her' sister .Doris, :;:v�isi.ted' • w ,L nd,.. a: 0 ori••last• week. Dori has..r�- turned to :'Stratford' Hospitalupon' completing," a three weeks,•, vaca- tion. Miss. Eileen Hall who as> ,eon- W ployed ' in. Toronto has.: returned to ;her ho..e here•.anr1 is beco'm-, ing acquainted with her::.new `duties •at Webster's' Restaurant, wbieb. ;the , Hall •`Family will bb= tat - ssession-o-f--on August,l5th Mrs. S. C: Rathwelt ;visited at:, Bayfield "on' Thursday ..With ,bis sister., ,Mrs:' Jane• Stevenson, who: is over. 80 :years`: of age ,an:d was unable to,•:be. present: at Mr Mrs.a_.Ratlrw.cll's_ alien, 'wedding, •anriivei sary:• Rotent„caller's and vis;itots:w.rth:• `.Mr:` and Mrs :W: J..'Todd, were,; Mr: ail. i s: �. u ;'• o nst ne `and. little daughter .' Betty. Anne and ham,.. Miss •Helen. 'Johnstone:of. Woodstock :Mrs:• Andrew: •A1l,n. and,Mi•. and Mrs.:Len Smid.t' aril �ifttle•,+daughter ;patsy of Cli'ffor,d:•; Mrs. John .-"Bennett and Mr: and Mrs "'Hugh•,;Bennett • of. Port: Al- bert. Mr, .and „Mrs. : Jae ..1Jassal • and. their 4 -year-old- son 4Bil1y visited. here :the end of the Week befoi e r`eturnirrg to ,London.' They 11ad.. s. . pent.:the.�ee"lc,h'c�lday�ii�� Eigrn -;ared' Owen' •Sound: Georgi H'assa_ll spent, the 'week -end in, t..or�den. spent:, 'his i-nrithor::,;has been receiving metIical'':treatment .for- several' weeks and is miu4h improved in healtht ` • NDr, and Mr s. J, F MacKenzie, their daughter. Chas Goody, now and cYr�ildr'hn'YMi $, :Di• Stan. MacKenzie Mrt_•and, 'Mrs. Jack.Weigand.an,d children, Mr, ' and Mrs. ".Fran . >; k Terras;• a'll. f D•etroit, etroit,' ,are` vacatknir at Bruce• Beach , •• . • Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, :Burton Reach 'Were,- Mr.s.: ,R: J. • •Ilrewer and Jimmie .of Mr, and Mrs”; Art Roach; Listo-•' wel;• Mr: Sam ,Roach D u I1garinOny,, Mr and• Mrs. •Norman• Moffat • Hamilton' 'Mrs, o , r Cecil• Sloan; ; St, • Thomas and' Mr. and. . 1VIrs. Herb Pentland. and Ruth, Dungannon • SBM<IMER''SCNOOi, CAMP i, TO. OPEN' SATURDA • • - • . 111e-sumrne.r s.cl oor-:camp. for all, Young' pt'oplr�';of`: th'-. • ' • c Synod. of- Hamilton and :Lon_ l don. Will ;be'. held at the David Perrie etx-.M'ia1:CamP,`Kiilta , from•Saturda y, •.July. 21 to.Monday, -July 30th. The regrstrar'•is R.ev,•Rich;ard Ste- 'wart, . oderich; Dean.,. Rey:' J, • dao' West f"la S ltitboro; Car"np :Meth er,yMrs. J, S. Roe rY,.p ,S, Leader,: ader,: oftHamill cf Knox. College; Missionary Leader, Waotls $ •ti<ll , - Field', .. Rev, C. L` . eld; India. ,Ration Coupon I'J,ue bates •„ Coupons now, valid: .•.,90 to 114; ' are butleir� • 33, sugar,4G' to •61,' ptreserves'' to 57 and: PI ta'P13,' good for the pur`tyhaie ofs p e- af�ptes • OW WDDJNG B.. a. ELL'S•..� •� PHILLIIS_WRIGUIT. Kenilworth United -Church was the scene' of a• lovely wedding o June 30, 1945 when -Doris Evelyn, daiii titer• of Mr. and `Mrs, ,Ottis Jarnes Wright',. Arthur,' Ontario, i?t'X •rn(. 1.he k ;ride• -of;I, Ac: Robert Jnsep_h Phllrl?s:.E ,..nephew: of-lVlc>.. a•hd-lc RSA. Bar}our; Guelph, Ontario' •, Before an altar bearing white 'tape.rs an lialik �d. Tali, prr,lc` and treternon;y.Was .condu'eted by Rey•F G Fariill; 13,E1: �_B11 _s .. z_ W.ihdso,�, 1'Jnt., uncle' :of the,bride, assisted b' Rev: W• Y. C, `Ewert, B'.A , pastor.of. the Ken ilworth'chu'i ch..:' • Given' in marri'a'.e g by her father,. • the: br>i:d > e<.. wore• ,a floor= length i ed� w di' `:'` g ng gown; with � white• ' 'sheer bodice` ,arid' a full skirt :of double: net caught with nla,rion- ettes. ,Her •mother's .floor -length, veil :was.. held .1h:place by .a: halo hat 'of • silkrriolair, • caught with marionettes; She also' wore' �a double strand of pearls, the gift. .of the grli�orri, and carried a hand_ b'ouquet.,of 'white%roses'. Mrs;, R C, McMillen, Port Cre dit, Ontario; sister .of the !groom,". $•:matron;.of• honor.• e -r - , ,w e a :floor length 'gown of:; bl e rret•over eel- se,i hi• . le- is M s ,Louise Wright; as bridesmaid, wore•a float -length.' g. gown •of ,pink 'net over e • elanese -B : t o d ress ' ' es Were. ' ''�. fashioned al,rkr:., with to •so-l'en th;bodi� x g_ res arrd� full -skirts and :.•both --atter nts -wore snatching' elbow length .gloves;: headdresses' -•=o -f silk •mohair-w•it'l si ulder 1 ' th velli rx.0 r hand bouquets _of:�deep pink,xoses. n • '•Little ': Miss•;• ' Norma:' Wright; cousin of 'the bride; acted as flow- ergi'rl; and '.wore .; a flotir-len th l g gown; of'peach organdy' in, a style: similar., •-,1: •r, tt� the bridesmaids and carried"'a' bouquet •of :coral.rose- Uncle rose Master Teddy Woods Of Guelph; cousin of •the' groom,: bore the.rtn op a white satin, cushion trimmed •;With• tiny rosebuds • ' The groom was •attended by his bi:other-in-laws .: Mr R. 'C.` `M& Millen .Port • Credit Mr.: Ronald Wright; brother -of the -.bride' and Mr'=.Vi � lson Woods= •Gael.. h-- :. ,... p ,., unc•1e of the'groom, acted•as.us.her's, Tlie •,.tt-ff-Loom' was in aril -for m -;while -t rest: •'man ushers::and ring bearer chose"' 'white trouser :;,and:''dark ea .s anwore wli f,e rosekitr.,s, `fi ladzlrri gm• "b> Miss Helen M... Trace, B,A,, of Lond(i.n; Ont.,cousin ot:.the• bride, `i eari'ng ar,fk or -,length.. gown' of blue', 'lace• During the :signing:' of • the i egiSter •M'rs. C: M.-Tracecif London:>i. aunt bf. the•11b•r ice, 4dress c'd in a street length gown of, tur- quoise,' sang;'"I Love .You Truly" Mrs. W C..'Ewert:of Kenilworth, inTa -floor-length gown of:powdet• flue ..t f eta a -co ani a f c mp n ed •h'er With' her viol•in and. later ,,gave �a vkiiUri 'soliz of ' 0 Promise Me", ..All 'tl ;ret ladies' wor e•:.eorsages of Tal sir an. roses. Follo�• ing•..the; s.ceremony a re c(�pt`ion v;as'he ld,`at •the-hom,e;'of t fi e' -bi ice's •parents, Receiing` were:the Bride's mother in ma donna .'k�lrr't,,' the ..mgr•o'dri 's aunt, Mrs R. A. Barbour, GCielph in '1 the groom's grand, T•()5C C`r( )C and _..-� -lirtitliG�t= Mr•5;=-�,I�;J`;==�j?VT5•#Tds-'=�5'f � uii.nc,V�; -fi iit:i':ee TadreS .w r e• eor tilt . (';;• ()fi White` .ros('S:• "•• • Th(':Bride`s tali]:e WaS. centred with' ri' three' tiered round: Wed- ding. cake set in tulle •caught with '°�(•>:�, 1'uds and ;adorned '` n• red, i �) o e:ither Side by ta:ll•'ttapers: s. A srtmpttrous "buffet lunch -eon, Was ,s r�ved..•'ttr appro imately- one, inindi+ed ti(,sts. Dur ing the ban q ret tvhrc.h followed; toasts i�ierc" .given' to,tl�c' .l)ridtt. the,bride: •manids.` the •h.r fide's ,panel tsY we�' �. •niar r recite by Ore s7me min i.� fel 4)1r .{,Ete� sa•rrw ,dery al it tv :year$. pro/inns.; Fiiiri :fo 'the . • gr'oorn's•. . r ticitnether .Later. -the y'ouri:g 'couple left .rin a :Weddin toter of .central' Ontario .g iicltidirig 'Tr�r'ontr , Niagara', Was - • Ontario F*GE THREE irst :uc:nche :aga •arta Saubler, the-- ride wear (1RN :ing•;an. Anne -Louise niod`el two KNOT -- ; .. ..: ...T At; heMeaford Cott age:•::. piece dress in rose. linen. with eye- ,..... t • .� .W;{ Hospital on M'orday; July 16.th, to•, et milling. Her, .acces- i.. . pique tit • A Mr "and, Mrs Wm, ?�nott (former-: series were rose; lief corsage.-• dee ,.ph*..'. ` 1Y Sadie '•_MacCharles) Of Clanks,- ; `. • Proses; and she : cs,rried ..< :son', Roiled* . , burg, ason', Roderick: Dawsom. a top coat of off-white shag .polo,.: ' , •Distant ,'visitors were present from dsor, Galt, ndonTor- ,: onto; WinDundas, Lo o.rangeville, Guelph, L'uckriow and Barrie. NORTH . CUL'ROSS (Too Late"For Last . Week),., . The friends ! `andneighlaprs o the:McKinnon family gathered- on. :Friday. evening:'to 'do: honor to their daughter, Joan, on account of her`appcoaching marriae, Af- ter the presents'were opened afd •Joan thank -ea her friends ix' • a IverYneat little Speech an d:.the ,. -srigiwg`-of"She s .a• jollY, good fel- . low,. Joan 'escorted the ladies up- stair's. to , view her , trot ssea.it which.. v 'i -s � Very • rY.. lovely. v Everyone• . Went home feelingthat at the_. had .h y aver; •1 easarr =ti.m e. Y p _ t. .. : •M. 1Vlerle'Johnston visite -his. uncle and: aunt, Mr. and 1VIrs.: Jos.:: Wall, 14th :Con: and • related' to ;them some ''of ` his varied exP eri ences"while., overseas 1n the',.air. force o An , othe •.. i : . r., soldiery who. vtstted'o is Herb. ar r. w o signed tip six years ago this fall;' 'came home e . without a scratch and praisesLL'the : Cana dian Government: for` using• the am ry.'so well' and . providing •a ,.•. really •grand voyage : back . over, th-e "big -sea -,water"•- He-was`veryr' r much:.pleased;:to find .his family all tri the pink. r. the 1:4th Coni :recently BAR iil Don't lose. a• singlejar of • those tine pickles'':this seasonbecause.f �• o page'' by inferior. vinegar.' For s re. results• insi s � ston'. Canada Vinegar r choice of leading fickle . manufacturers .and: es- perienced home canners. A favourite for over 80• • Write for FREE Pick- ling : Recipe Booklet: to Canada' Vinegars Limi- ted, 112' puke ` Street, Toronto. QUiltings were - held at Mrs.: Archie ; McKinnori's & Mrs. Thos. -Hodgins but' the w-or•rieri'-decided- to not `hold.. any `for --two; or: three' w('eks after which , Vfrs-•9.1'.et-� Hod gins haS invitedh_etact to I sic .was played e home.. �. • Mr: and Mrs,., Con Zettler and A son Ralph and Mr. J. 'J:.Zettler,' 'all of ;;Walkerton., • visited at' the. Ruth • home ,Sunda . . Mr,., Henry. Rut is , h helping, Y p g.., at hone with the ' hay, after; being on lie ,12th `Con. carpentering 'for' some time . ser ves• 'are valid 'for .the lihr:c'ha of , suga'r . at' the . rate • o,f . one-half ��pounc� p~e•t . ctrulion. ,, 4. PLAN-CARNJYA'L AT. not;:vR:QOD FOR I.LATE ..1111.Y • A nionst..e • carnival;, .mirtli.'tir'(>- needs "for • pa•tr•iotic purposes; will beheld-at olyrcind on Monthly, July 310th, •The opening event :e ball g rc; a -t r z>'cl(irk bettveek teams roni,t:hr` 1.Oth dih.d f3t1l oti- cessions; .and . the boys •'a1 t7 yea 1 ty so•rioust about this, with %each tract: out` to win •(it,.Tlic�rc,will be open air dancing to Carruthers ot•cheS-. , tra, bingo and other games, ,a i t ft`eshMent',• booth,': and "•a,-, .dr'��aw • fo'r . a . lovely • acc'lisional chair. : Thfs bfg event'goes on rain or shine, sopl4b to be at Holy- rood art :July • 30th:: MRS.HEN' E• O R The death occur -reds in' Windsor. on'ThursdaY,, Y y 'Jul.'Harriet, .12,L of Hardy, beloved:.wife of the•:late' enry i;'owler '•of Dungannori.4 Mrs, Fowler:' died at• the. home' -of i on Jar he m'es 'Fowler,,. with. tvhoin she had beert lig rig •for ,the pass eight:year's.. She 'was .mar-' rred•'•in 1902 :•� Z., to T=I en,ry. Fowler ,. Who died in 1031', She. is •survived, =by two-•�san•s,�•••J•antres•-^and. John; ; butt it-W'inds`nr;.'one "st .pclaugl ' •tet , : rs, James ,• , M Figgrns, St • ;Ca'tl.- rin:.' -. cs., two stepsons, Fred, Ches ley .and Chtirles; Dungannon; and four brothers, baVid: and William,. Hardy, YDunga non• Jayeses, Co1� • borne. ToWnship , ancl"„, Edwar'd,, God'erieb. •', The. r,ernai•ns were 'brought : to Dtin ahnon - where the funeral t •sev�e `was 'held- iii tii`e :Anglican Chureh'on.Saturd:ay conducted by Mr. Harvey' Pa•rk.er. :Interment; .way 'in Duriganr'ithi 'Cemetery:. Pallbearers were. Wil'liam dao-ar.., • Benson. Mole, W. J, Petrie, W.il mer . Hardy,, David'Mcl\ifi1lan and•. Williars liar°d Y Flowerb `� ,- eaters wet e•:1#oder itrk.McDonald, Gordon. Ritchie end' •Harvey Mole. • T VALUE. IR� �A• • • 5.y�.,.. , • - ,• • V' *a// J' 0, 1 W■ vE V nR,B >S TNS- GREATEST NAME1N GDE TO ii TtN ice,/� i,: ✓.,ti- ''' 7 ' SEE YOUR 1 oOD YEA DEALiEQ ►: OSTRAIYDER Tolephone 40 ” Lucknow, .Ont. ,•r i•