HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-12, Page 61i'
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'Aug six
710,71.7 01144"1111114,0111' 110-4111WWIFFNINANIMIMILAIMP IFINIEMEr.
The L\r,,,1040* '
THURSDAY, JULY'11h2th 1945'
Toronto. For a split second i was
,transfixed; ,half -raised from the
floor on my fingertips. Then 1
rated: to. the telephone and called
The ;Globe. Feverishly .1 asked for
Ar die and Was told by the. 'quiet.
girl. operator; `I'm sorry, Mr.
Clark is on 'the air'.
•in readiness for .his Sunday .morn-
Ten'o'clock sof a Sunday morn Ling• :spell at the microphone• By.
:ing .is . no time to go knocking'' that- time •he has a roomful of
on the door • of a farmhouse •
' crumpled - newspapers and. an av-
Ontario or -Quebec .Not"�tliat. the',p .: p erage. of, thirty items;
country :folk' are breakfasting • or ; ' includiiii;
i erha s a ;homey poen �i or a time-.
getting ready for ,church.No, i 1Y, editorial, • plus erhas.fifteen
.perhaps p
they're clustered. around the radio .names for:`what he scalls his 'Oven: -
listening ta; a voice ..that .sounds'. Ninety Birthday Club • Andy:
• as if it . came right ' from their II would never miss cl eeking one:.
own 'back concessions though it' of the weeklies.`for fear he' might
.Picked.. up its mellowness ; slight a ;',onagenarian who nas
in, the noisy Clatter cif; Toronto's' just h!ad birthday party..
1oviver Yonge street Recti Fp ' see, who produces the.
• From the lush' . acres own. a- broadcast; ;says—Andy'-s� voice h -as=
round• Granby, Quebec, to ,the' none , of t
- lusi-ered fern.is-e-Algomlfess one
one. of Sunday' morning's • `rousts' he; puts 'h
.is ta,,=.liste i in on Andy Clarke ,that so.m
Stephen' Fod i
"I must have, yelled at her that'
T line. C. -'he "was ori the air D>it'
that he didn't know it—that he
must get off the. air' fast -tout;
they must tell hird. 1 hung up
• 1Vlany a. story about.` Andy 'two -room apartment, in ,cent,r t .
i daughter Marie'b i�r;
in the smoky rooms of the 'ror- overseas with, the Wids and iris:
onto Press Club. $> it: nowadays' son Fred is in the Canadian. Navtr:
his broadcasts are .different; more He considers his, grandd iughtc>r,
easy-going, with no •pressure of Diane, nearing two, "just lover",
a, newspaper deadline • to worry He works at' night,, probably h),.
him while he's doing, the job. Th'' cause of his thirty years or .:i
sixty -two-year-old former news morning newspaper.: He. has had
editor of The Globe is stili huzlcia
dozens of offers to take z,, -,:
his following. He can't spored ;broadcasts or do ispec Al
;:'up o ins -for fishing . eamp�;-t=.•-•'
to a filial
station 'in
pr• 1
Ontario.. He thinks them over 'Aid '?
'alway. makes. tkie same; deciSa,n;
which is really" a Daps t1e sty:.. -;
rnar-V- cif""the plhilosc�flhv the ! ::_ -,1
ft ac nil
ri�ti,rlr 111 t't1 �"� pally:,
_ ... awl:. � �-.wr.,.sz--
Andy. Olarke?" Theme g "QVell, i'd, like to ¢do it•:k)• ut ,%, R'
station, man, will ask h ni, to wait t
'a minute ` wiiile he brings:Out his busy enough: There's .001t.,
o use �; ;,
ting^ too busy. f like time to thull; .:j
wife to meet': him. and' ICI get too. busy I'd l avf> try
Andy' ;is, a'. jovial, grey-hairedi .quit thinkng' 4I.t. wouldn't be g'vi�t:: 1
,widower .Who, lives `'alone in ''a, for me....
Clarke's .broadcasts. ' is still.told . Toronto.11!s _ . g i
drive up .
rtiral Ontario and a
a -dozen gallons, .of
he -•attendant• pricking
t,ulting it s°
tteatiug and dashed: taaGk tQ tom,.
�rli<� . fi,1 fi.tz�:. r1 ricly stifil. i l t,i•i*>
is sto ? , ' r•
_een soinew�iat extended.'•b ' ,the
flourishes t h a- t character i ze
Andy's telling; :In a : noment, iris
voice was cut .pff and. I fell back:
into;: a. chat'°':eas relieved as if' a
V-1 had whistled right• overhea:l
—and then continued• on'1 /: '
• for. half-
Fas without:
at .him of ri
and his" Neighborly. News raid.dial, to h
=A� ,crackez•-barrel=> ��iatr= ,-come=chs
--fourteen .minutes a: week has. been voice i is t
on ,the air morethan. five yea' iricreases'"by the thousands each
ha d running,.longer• than any' year:: An , hisi.<clearly-articulated
other talker in.Canada except rural drawl .haas a mystenibus
quality that tma''kes deaf and near'-
e glibness of the pro-
i�mxritathr. and' there
s •finger• ori' the.' reason'
ny *city ,people. turn the
broadcast for a we-
e i;Qa`son .. iris audience;
alhousie University`s Professor
Stewart, who has 1eeri:` on the ioli
almost ten::
An • increasing; number, of c!ty;
folk ' are tuning in on ,the 'kindly
and slightly husky. voiceof
former 'newspaperman' but he still -
beams • his broadcast right ''' at thL.
farm and. the.small "town He,.:'
makes it a rieviw of the interest'
ing.' things: that people ,do -and
plan` and -think :about--in-those rrfl
portant pats ,of .Ontario and-Que-
becthat -lie outside the- cities.
Andy's Fan Mail
deaf w 116 to say they hear lura.
clear as a:..bel.
Andy. Clarke;, ,was trio •newcornet�
to the•air\when.'he started:Neigh
borly\ News. For five, years he
had gon:e,--di=i'-the .' a �ir--7witlr-•-the.
nightly newscast of .;the ;olds Tor
onto 'Globe,: which was amm
ated. in 1936' with The .Globe-'`'&
Mail: of today",It was the regular
thing --for Toronto thew-spapernen-
to ,tune in' Onthe :Globe broadesst.
...o'clock _�:bef ore turnip_ g _an 1,
each night -They did it not only
$ack:Ami.lanuary,�I.9.A,4, the CBC I`fo1 the last minute•`news but be-.
f 'Andy's: homely
ion w-rth theTitganadrar ek+y iso because occasionally g
son :.experiment_ in , rounding', up.. Clarke••
from- the- weekly ne-wspape 'urthe-Star is one of , Canada's best
week's-:happeriings in the towns,• known reporters and war cora e's
villages and:.: townships . of ' Oct- ppndents. 11e_ . is also , a • ecmterrr
tario;. _ Qin .the. , start it v'as an p. orary •of Andy's ,'•and occasion
unexpected hit, rolling up./:so ally his' fishing companion But,
listeners that it was. ex Greg is:, most. noted among the'
tended to include /Quebec ..and newsp*Per-"-eraft ;a atwinikhn- -
' identical . � •w: e e .k l`y `. 1Veighborl..�T eyed raconteur with °an unending
News broadcasts were started -'iii find of stories. Orbe of his storieo.
British Columbia, the Prairies •& about, Andy ,goes 1i1ce• this:
the; Maritimes. Old Andy'izow, re Andy"; Anecdotes
• ceives •probably the largest. con . "It used to: listen;to The. Glob',"q'
sisterit mail that goes', to 'any CBC news every night, lying on _thy:
c ' f floor ." With' the' Times Atlas ; ;i n
.... ,�' ` e follow the .way. _ -o tter-„,..in_ flit`-ss_:.c_.ti front •of m to --r.
y .,,. . ._. re Ver..
• cal:' Once in -a while -:Andy ;,is _Ethiopia, or ';China' or ,v"trhe”
needled ,,for his heav,ily=Ontai;in the little wars of. ten"years:• ago
,t, :' uebec lace
proriunci:ation, of •� !� `p
names --or he might inadvertent-
ly•" overlook the news 'of a
legged calf at: Drurnmondvrlle ,or
. a' ;28 -pound ,rnuskie .at 'Scugog.1
:Lake. 'He takes such communica
tions with high philosophy "arid..'
makes each of them an item ,mor
his ext wee
n _ _ k _
'started the 'broadcast.rn. co-opei a- cause , o y
11 he ave
Newspaper-A$screia "tea:_} _them ;something to talk a __
Greer of `the ;c5rU f6
used tp be.'Also ,I used, to •like, -
to,: hear. Andy's ' Slow.; drawl 'air d -
Off -hand delivery''and .the way
opened his broadcast. with :a
`Good .. ev -cling, 'tri'ends
friendly as if he hod just- walked,
fri on an .all-day-pbker-�, game:
.One night AndyP
--feet:broadcast He-;didnt,ge.k=-iis
es mixed ; u didn't stumble'
�. al st° 0 1' -pas. �.,p� .U.
:gym yr,�...._ .
'the continentputs so 'mush time over any foreign names and Ever'
e , :...P . i .:'off :.a, ou teenL the.boy with the hockey: scores-
---M•..into •the,ypreparatio _'� �, r. b
broa'dc at. And. spends arrived .without Andi' having to
route : a �'
'."'t a first three nights of the week.. leave the ,mike .arid,; go. chasing
uffin at :his, pipe ,as„ he riffle's '•after,, him, T. was just lifting' ray-
' t , 0`' „�,published,in self when' Andy's.
' through '250 weeklies
English ; rn Ontario., and.:; Quebec. voice 'came over the air ,saying:
By the time ,he has scissored l,the `Well,. how was :that, Jack?'
- fifty or: so . Most- interesting ,1.ckcat . `:He Was still on his phone talk;
items,:.he .has decided, on the ing to Jack; Sharpe, whcs-handled'
angles he's • going -`to wont _Into -'the "rn'icrophone •-at-'tlae.-..radian sta-.
the nest S'unday's broadcast - - ( tion bili who had apparently' for-
" whether•.•it's:.w'eather, ,community; gotten to switch it 'riff .the. air...1
enterprise, ariimal"oddities at fan., 1' was chuckling, to ' `rriys 1f when
tasia in the 'field 'CO, flora., -,No- Andy -said': "Saye •Frank, 1 heard
body can start more ..;rura1 • com
motion of a week -end than Andy
aririounc tg •a claim: for thetail
est' , holtjhock• or the largest
•It '.takes two more . nights .for
Andy, to wrap ':up ,his broadcas'
a good story. toclay�-=it's about an
'Indian. chief . '. :.
"1 -"NOW it , ,happens that: Y hac1
,beets, with Andy that' afternbr1n
when ,he heard 'the story., It was
a' good one, to But it was not,
suited for ,the 'air,.• especially in
The protective, principle ofarmorl.-- That is
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