HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-12, Page 5TooRSDAY VLX • 12th, 1845 • • .17 �INGHAl�t1 �; '-Thursda'r•Friday, SaturdaY LANA TAIRIVER- LARAINT,.. "USAI�i^ ]I E "KEEP ; .:YOUR DER .1DI The; 'funniest show since "The Women". Here is a lowdown on the :• woMen. in ' :a man's world. Aiso "Short Subjects': Matinee Sat. afternoonat 2.39 onda ,.Tuesday,••y'Wednesday JOHN GA,RFIELD •PAUL• HENRIEO SIDNEY GR'EENSTREET t etwe-en. • The Lu.,.cknow Sentinel, j uckno' , Ontaric A S H F'I E L D. Mr, Donald & Miss Mary Mar!.. Lean are.in a - Leanare•in Chicago; to visit their' siste ,' Miss., Sarah,, who is semi ously ill. klan air{�ett T-1tag T he Ttie puplsF of • Hetnio r,k City school �vrtl� t he-'-ratepayet s �o f'ihe section met in the ,school on Nioni, day evening, of last wek,' Ham ton Was fnr.. gdioi;t ;:li t;t•agti, 'Lhu itx t riumtr�r being ` addtess_4read: bin:Miss 1 Betty Hamilton: ari`d-tt e7presenra. tion , of two,sm'a11' tables to Mit s '.Cowan who has' resigned -'as 'tea' 'cher-, of this school. Miss `Cow.n thanked the•,pupils also the Arils -7 xtees •wh9A`had made it so 'pleasant U.for her. 'while she has bee nihett. teacher: Lunch. was served by the ladies. An extraordinary ' melodrama,• telling a, , fantasticsggit ,cast and j prese ec�wa: -coin pe 'en i t t hor ubect A Iso S t S PURPLE GROVE Mr,°:.Andrew ''Emerson . visited. with':: friends at Clinton ; and liol •sville last .week • m... Mr Donald McFarr.lane is,. re.':. toddling his .barn.! 'Mr:: James Pollock • and Miss. Sadie of .Brantford are . visi=ting - ith--f i w ren • s -•-a• �-•-th • d t e --Grove . �' Dr. Shornf o Kincardine had 'charge of the service: in the Pres- �byterian,. church., 'on• Sunday,: A boy's ' choir • from Kintail tamp, 'led in the service from, song: The. Kintai�.l'' Women's Institute niet,fbr •their July meeting at the • horne of the president After the usual opening exercises` and'.busi ness. had 'been taken: car` of 'a let ter•was read from, Father' Michael M • ' 1 , a to`' .who. been '. D w o- verseas tot• Spine' time, ,'th'ariking ;`t%e' •ladies' ',for gifts 1sent tow'°liim by ::the' societ : and: hoping- to.`: •visit ,the Y branch on his, return tp Canadd The 'roll ca11, '"Stories'. of•'Local' History", also 'display. of relics y� esting°•:Mrs:,Sim'pson read a paper 'she . had prepared" on ' the history. of the communities of Kintail' and• Kingsbridge;, which • was :very., much' enJ oye b all, M .... , j y, d Y.., r. Wi.11.iatn. Johnston, :Sr,: an°d. Mrs. John Cow an; Sr:, • were at 'the:•.m'eeting by special invi .tion. WREN Cather: ine " MacKenzie : who was also present' was '.asked to s'' eak'. but p her work., till the war: is over. is military secret so she could'not ° k PAGE KINI,!01.j91,H Mr. Jacob Eckenswiller cele- bratecLhis 87th birthday on Wed- nesday, JUIy 11th. This grand old. gentlernari . ,,ke)joys ' fairly . good; health andli s many friends wish h Tn-t fair y. Ywhapp;Yv returns of the_ y _ , • and 'Nits: 'Tom' Elliott and Joan,�lVlr M ery ii. Elliott & Mis- 7 r:W� I..La,a''iitle�gi 4'Ya..t 'cl 'e•c c ti;tly' with 4W7''' is NIt K • Boy:ie The. Women's Institute• Met one Thursday at • the horrte': • .of 'Mrs; Eldon ,Eekenswil:le r Theres>- dent', Mrs, `Tom IIodgiihs, .was in, charge. After the opening ode and Ford's' :Prayer ayer repeated, rn". unison the business, was:, dealt, with,, It was decided. to *have a 'bingo' booth at the Holyrood .car nival. the, •.end of July, Prizes are to be donated by the' members. A ,` n ane inhaying the• o: Y c rn uni: h m avrn I.t t x b anyone in'the:,.armed 'forces .are to Send in a brief summary :of they, sailor, .soldier Or ' airman; as to their place of birth, school..days enli .tment, places :of training .and period' of 011ie: servCe; 'also snapshot, or two that the Institute wishes to .keep as: they compile, a war -time ,scrap book, • .Bring same: to next meeting.' • • $5.:was donated e the, ic.k `Chil•.dren's Rospital,•:. Toronto. , 'Miss Edna -Boyl-e gave the topz rnr ni `srcrl composer ;MI'S. Jim Iodgins read' a ,poem' of A' Merry Heart: Miss' ' s �anetecl-a�c _ -�o t st-4-�1VIar .ret e A-rin-ani •• Elean • g d or` Murray and•Shrrley Hodgins .sang; My Dreams or getting`Better all 'the T' ime:' The August :hostess is" 1VIt s., 'Albert Cr'ang; convener, Mrs:' W J McLean; assistant,:Mrs Alex Percy: There 'Will: be a par= ade'.;of kitchen 'aprons: Lunch committee,!' Mrs,:': Albert. :Crank Mrs, : Tom ,Hodgins,:•Mr-s° Archie McKinnon: T e:Nationa. '•nth t h {A.: cin clos • d thelunch, e meetinandg was Eclipse Qbscured An overcast .sky on Monday morning permitted only an oc- casional, glimpse .of, the partial; eclipse of the sun. The eclipse in this• district was Only about 70 percent.. of totality, reaching- the Yeak o�obscurit";" ` o'. p . y_abou�elocTr: -T-kt is•�a•rt-i;a-�-bl�ekorxt<•-oi--ifiiu�r covered a period .of approximate, ly two hours from,start.to' finish. '.7ai'n't('rt+ •ent iii whxeh h�' .Faff(*rn a fractured ja���° Miss E116n. i ills de started ��'ock .at theBruce tnn, Kincar- dine, on Monday for 'the; next few. .weeks. Mrs.,wArthut, Graham and Mrs. Harold Thompson. •attended`: the' Pentecostal camp .'tmeeting; ;, at Windsor: during the • week and Mrs. W. J: McLean attended' :a similar camp; 'at' Braeside , near. Paris `" Mr. and Mrs. George0.Haldenby, Mr' .l and Mrs. Howard McGuire' motored to •; Buffalo' on. Thursday to be -with: their brother, Albert .Bell :who underwent 'a•major' o =__ eration there., They ':returned , on Suin-ay° "11/lrs. John Nesbitt' visited hast week in, 'Har'nilton *ith . friends; Mr: and ...Mrs... Arthur' Haidenby and'Marjorie and her. friendMis's Gert•t°ide Doherty • re u• n t r ed'°. to 'Toronto after a visit There.' Miss Marion Walsh and Pte:. lViiller•Hartinck who has _ ecently re u'rne.`horne•a�'pilsorier ofnwrar. 'from ,,overseas spent, a few.'days during the :past week''_with :her -MON. PARA 1U,1"41" �4 "1'1-1E HOUR. BEFORE' THDAWN" arrin '. ERONIC' '.' r RANCEO T T • Binnie Barnes, ' John. Sutton (Froin '':the great ; best;,Seller and ;Red Book sensation :• by P: . W. Somerset Maugham).; • • Miss Lake surpasses her brill- iant, per fgrmance °" in "SO `PROUDLY WE:. HAIL" in this, the most hair-raising hour of entertainment . ;on our screen - .Also: showing... , . : Paramount headliner ' musical "Three. -•Sears in a. Boat"' "O:ZARK'SPORTSMEN" PLAYING . NEXT WED., THURS. Note_cliiang.e-in days -from .. � " • . Tuesday, and : Wednesday • V AVE,A A . D• A M'ARI•NE! • 1 11, e. •• a• • Ptt- .2• ser ved:o She.: of poenl, "H=ow Halifax -got -its, lris-`S1 er FO Bei-07Elect•' The.' friends and •neighbors".of was a; parady on '"How hreland1 Mr.a got its •name'', ; She also :read .a' • n g d Mrs. .Charles' Shier � as. oe �. on Ha ifax e rr t Cto m t 5 h e m l' bed. .p t their Home on: Mond. a Y� eyetiing: and presented them With • gifts' before 'their'departure to their new 'ho me in Ripley. ••`•;,i,.:, Mr 4a-tr -"'Mrs,•-John -. rnerso•&n° d Mr - . Andrew Err'iersbh .visited Gently at Mi•. Isaac Nixon's'. at -Belfast:..r' Mr: Calvin Re bei tson ;visited 'at Huston's qn'=SundaY. • Mr. arid Mrs; -Mai Glen.:_)sane•& family s ent'a v P n e enrn last. week g at .Mt.. W. H. Scott's.:- . ' . Miss ... Ella 'Whitley- hide: -. of: ', y . Hamilton. V isrtrng her- aunt, Mrs. 'J.:E;m- erson. Ration Coupon„D;ue_Dates. : - ' Coin•....... . pons •,now valid "are butter: 90 to, 114, sugar 46;to 60,'and 'pre serves 33 to .57_ -and Pl,-'-Butter coupons 90 ,to: 115 expire. August 31st.. • Brine 'ha „been, s,tationed,,at Hall. fax fir some ;time, After' thank tng hose -;=' •s Bakers for their. ...:.a, c`:. n ti-,1#4,04x6_i::•�a�a-ala neeting •closed thec National,'.:Arrthe.'.m:' Then, lunch was •served .bthe' committee charge:.. Caught: Big:,' Pike ' i al - ; �Mr 5.' 1 Kc. t �_ W� l.ci .nd a ...,e Mr° and Mrs. Jack Mc ail n spent a recent', week -end .at',' Clam Lak•e bn the, Breckles•far.m. T .h ey ,fotirid <' 'fi•si�i-ngo•©•d, caatel�in'�,..g-:22 one, of hm s.. which ea used 33 inches in •length . T}TE: SCHobL 'AREA: plan will' not ;be: adopted. in "Kincardine Township this Year , -as "as 'the ••p;r o' posal•met with. oppositioni some. ''school 'sections.: • OIWIMENCING LUCKNOW, BRANCH OF. THE' BEANK' ,OF:. MONTREAL a ose Each � OCK NO a • ;fide: �e �I:curs: • • . Monday To' Fri a - f 0 a.m. t� 3 p. n Saturd•a ...... . Y 9:30 aim. #o I �` IVoO:• • • The ;'home of Mr;,- and Mr s... Archie' McKinnon:..was-_the_scene. dofFriday. ..evening.' last When -neighbors and'• friends' gather ed. to honor the r n' McTCinno duh t r •1Vliss d e „ rid ef airs' wenk-°-and to. howex.T,her' with many lovely, and :usefu=l'• •i:fts The 'hyin .room was 'prettily, decorated in',`pink �tream rs .and .;white,': s e .. o . . strains, of the .bi•'ida1 ch,orus',play. Cd b .Y : ' •,ly s..Nellie Brown,` Verori ca .Mur ray »led the way. for the k 'true' to het• ,;hor oted pl„„ace' u=nder •• a neatly ,streamer -trimmed uin °bi•ella�; Tom :Hodgins acted`, ..,n•. ;as--chatrlady the f:ollo�vr g 'prog'rarn:'solo, Ni'rs. frown, piano. ..duet;,•, Edna' Boyle •and Eleanor 11Lui L.ay, .contest, • Mrs Tom _hod solo;' Margaret Anii,'Murray;. , g violin: music, , Reuben Zettler'; reading' Mrs, Bert McLean; song, Eleanor and Margaret . v urray,&, S,i�irley. Hodgins, ;.. contest,.. Mrs. Perpry° Hodgins; 'solo, Mrs, IVeil;ie Wa shy . Mr: 'a .Mrs.. •Neil:MacKay and Mary, Mr:.• and Mrs: Fred• Parher 'and Fredd.ie : of Glamis, visited :on Sunday ' with Mr:' and Mrs.: Alex Percy and ,'Mr, ..,and 'Mrs :'perry Hodgins Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd' Percy' and .Mary'of, •Kincardine',were.recent ?. visitors with relatives here. ' Miss Oirve' Thoni son i5: assist - p in �ih h m r • g at e o e of Mr Harold 1'Percey: G Y . • _.._B';_ _ Cox _.._-_ _o€ Long Island ,Valle Stream N: Y. 'is'• y visiting With. his mother,,. Mrs°''111L• Cox , Mr .and Mrs. Milton'' Walsh ..and Scott - visited Sunday "with: Mr, & Mrs .;:.Win . Cla • ton .Kinloss: ' : SLAC. Mervyn Cameron, . n mPr xrue._.of i'etP on . 0 visit uric ed d n the: week• ith'< her. g w parentsi, Mr.:_ and• Mrs: William. Pinnell. >- On. Monday -.last, July9th, Mi•s: Mary Cox.' .celebrated' her .91st, birthday. Her: many friends' wish, ,per,.many more happy' birthdays. To mark this memorable occasion, Mrs. Cox, Mr ,arid'Mrs Wm; Cox,. Rev.' ' G ° •Benson.. Cox/.; Rev and :Mrs: Charles Cox Were :entertain ed Sunday ei-ening at the home of Mr: and Mrs. ;Ja•ck Scott,: Huron: Mr. and Mist ".Orland . Richards, George, Jean and° Dick visited on Sunday. with Mr. ::arid ,Mrs, 'W.' Boy• le: and• ,-Mrs. ',P Murray,A. ' & Vetonic;a'were guests at the' Cas'- sidy Weiler wedding at Lucknb'w; Brown piano solo, Jean Thomp on Tuesday. :`ori. -.Veronica 1V Urray- then, read,' .' -�• , ori -e-tt 2. - otn--x.Iun r p.�:--wpd tern address. to.thc bride expressing 'c�krrldr;en returned to :ondori af :iti ."-w °,t e:� .anent vca`v7"t�cS3 T�ti�i`s1te5-:for l'ei -�-fu-ttr°ief �?: �. ��-nE� i?:,.1� �-�P. .5: Nl��,� and Mrs Frank Johnstonew •"la7pl�lratPss ,� Little,, -:Bar l��w°ir a _ Jean ..W,:� ....._;.w m,... _..� Niurrav c�C. Gf�r ald .Mur ray dressed • Kir and Mrs Chester BIacl 'Well as • ,iniiti�attfee bride, ancl, .grooin'-and Keith, -.spent -S inday-with-Mt Car ric d' in','the baskets: of lovely and Mr's.:Frank Johnstone. 'gifts and placed them.,before .the Me.':and.:M=rs, Fi;ank Johnstone. • laridc. Ruth McKinanon ;arid alive: `were ,. t•ecent•.: visitors ',with 'thein r thompson assisted ''with. the ,gifts «hil`e Veronica Murray; r ad,'the• •-at tached,nver:4's roam:thankeul : the ladre3s ft�a thefi kindness' to he e•ancl invited. everyone Co come' • upstairs 'to her roorn'.to• view 'her. trousseau wi1ich• was beautiful. • .A.11;,joinod in singitlg for she's a j0liAr , gobd feLlri;i • ••after which Itineh; wa5"served Mt and Mrs. Wrni Wail went tp' Hainilton''to visit their .Son Al- , ion- who, •is • convalescing after a daughter,:Mrs, Gardner'', • •M. Jos, , Johnstone of Luckno.w �v sit 1. fast wee1 `at Mr.,) i ink Johnstone's, '. , Mrs'S•:fails Johnstone is visiting with her sister, Mrs•; •Sid Gardner. 1VTiss Jean• Johinaton.e is visiting at 'Windsor. and Detroit. and Miss Beth Jolihstone,is t isiting in Lon don. ' • .Messrs. Harold and Alex Percy,• `•Jack' Barr„ Dun :Gillespie' and Spence McFartatl• spent ;Tuesday in London. . • Henry Youngman, Chas.. "Reid” Marshall • •Freddie Rich .& his orchestra It's funny -' it's :wacky you'll love it. ` 'LY'R;OOD: Mr. Murray Harris visited With, his :parents, Mr ',•and 1VIrs `Haroli' ' Harks' of Kineardine fo=r , this week -end:' Mrs: Rachel-Cxlbert Eva` and •Lorne spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs: Jack Peterbaugh of• the: South Line. Miss :Shirley. Colwell. has .been spending,: a few ' da• ', i ...,. ys . w th and Mrs. Donald:: Mc osh ' NIr_"and • • a • -, e.._._ - s. J -ac a O -en'Sound i° w are v siting friends` in:the ' neighborhood.. ;,•Mr:. -Charles Con gram returned• home; last ` w ek: from; London a where he•'underwent a7major Op- eration.. p- e atio' ., �r.. r► r rx . M• • Co gram •'rs,feeling • �';' . •-:u . m ch abetter, - , Mr,1Vi nd' Mrs. rs. Harold Harris and ".• ' , Mrs: 'Elizabeth,lHarri .family sand: • ' Miss •' Shirley'» Baker; all of Kin-' cardi•ne :� ' � n� d Were Suay ev:eiaing°" '.callers at Wm.. Eadies', 'Mrs. Pherson's and Mr. and. Mrs; .Toiix' Harris' Mr s. Tom - Harris,.' spent tile- i •�::• week -end. visiting her father Mr , :• Amos Harris . of = Kincardine..: Miss Mary:: Stinson, ;who 'been 'nurs'ing ' Mrs: MacPhersotx,' for the past three weeks 'has re= l„tui Heel••to her home and Mrs: CoIT i`-vr• rccstv-u>;Ct=`_.is'•`cicrw--; ici-u•-__,_.,•_. tendance M t s McPherson' �k ea1th. rs:,nxu harm roved -. Mrand,:Mt s _f-iaryey Ac:keit ,; and family of Lorne visited•in the community on -Sunday:- Mr: and Mrs: Wiri. :'Stirling and MiSs Joyce .•Grigg: of Clinton; also Mrs.:jack 'Walker of•Owen. So nd' 4., spent Sunday with ],VIr. acid 'Mrs' e -Jack Ackert. . Mr and Mrs: Harvey Dobson of Ethel were .Sunday c isitoi .s. With Mr: 'tl-1Vi •Ernest -Atli -ea. Miss' Shirley Robinson of .Luck' hOW•has been spending. a few' hot,- idays"with Mrs, • Win° Eadie. Mr; and Mrs:. Ernest • Ackert; 'spent'•a few, days last°•week with, Mr; and Mrs: Fran'•' Leslie of Kin.- tore. ing= tote., NIr;arid, :Mrs, Raynaud .Ackert; and Ern;'est 'spent Sunday with Mr; and: Mrs, John Read...:., HI• rrmr •t ' ►alllIBM ""Pw meiMr :#c W,,.-#���:=a! • "+ .t i RIM1._,�, • • • • • • • rM •