HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-12, Page 3T.lt v spAY, • JULY 12t110 1945'.'
Local and eAera
his .vacation at. ;Parr'� spending
the .Hewat home:
Miss i "atherine • MacKenzie t
the Toronto. teaching _staff is hol-
jdaying at ho home-lzet.'e..
Mrs Harve•y Webster,, Ellza:bet•h
.A1 d..Nanoy have- beens-'ui§-tt--r pr,. _Ball MaeK 2.xe., •
• , t:rlatl:
t,r� in 'fL2r
The Luer
ow Septi; .el, Lucknow, itio'
Dave •Ho'rrt`e of Toronto has:
been visiting, here, •
Mrs Arthur. Stewart of Detroit
is •viisiting with' fifarvcy and Ntrs;
WS4.; ALe. enz-ie•-
trait visiting' with his ' beothe,•,
hqr s d`•.Aux i\IcSur le:q' of Pon t't Jac,.
ivii , ps •.Clai ist na and Florence ,-Mich':; visited. over the*eicend'
,M'cKinfQf.,of F•c?rt EI 1e are s erid with Mr, and Mrs It'd Campbell .,.
S vacation here -H':-: _ "
ingT 4irc.,ck . `M1°.
tchie oC W,indsot�
Ritchieof S'tra fdrd spent the ast. week
Miss Doris -Ritchie t p as the :guest
General Hosp!tal.,is.visiting at hier,'.of .Mrs,'•Charles• Ritchie• and John,'
Iotrle:lioie• ,"Mrs. " Ec 'Ansley and her, son,
,140 ,..,.01' V; :Johnston and sone Lyle .,:of , es
sahon visited last
Duglaof Sarnia
...are 4isting week at the:horne of Mi..:and;Mrs;
with. het •parents, Mr and Mrs: Ira 'Campbell;'
Richard Webster.
Mrs. Agnes Thompson and two
Mr:;• and. Mrs,.' Wm.:.Rob.b 'Of. ,children; Donna and Jimmie and
town s'p'ent7last Week :in Colling.- '.nephew • Jack of 'Windsor: are
wood with Mr•. • and Mrs., Andrew: spending.: two weeks' vacation
) Hamilton: with: Mr,''and Mrs John ,Cartel'..'
Mrs. • G: •A. Bower; 'and son ' Mrs. Tyndal„Robinson, returned
Larry of Kirkland Lake. are• holi lastm
week•.flo'a. trip t6 Western
daying here at ,th-e hoine• of Mr, ' Canada -flat took her ,as f:a r CI.,
and,•Mrs' George ower Abbotsford; B.C. to:visit• her Sign,
�'_ .r . F-ot ran of :.
L�,ndorl IGeorge . . ,Y .,:
1VI1ss reties
spending' 'a: monthts• vacation ,tt' . Rev. and Mrs..'. J. ,W. Li11lico.. �f
D o,
he home of her•n other, Mrs,` Con Worthigton, lr%linnesota and. Mi'„
t n _ ,•
oran; ' est.Wawanosh. •and: .Mrs.. A. E..Mi I lson, of; ' Wosta'•n.
have'' been th'e” z
t: g cSts Of Mr:,,and
,..Mr. -and. M s:' .'Roy .MacInnes;
Mrs•' J.,°.W.: Jo � _ •
Patricia -and` John•'• of Toronto.; vis=
i :� 7
Mr �. 1Ari x
c�rL_�u_ck.ri�v•_ dye' n tli..�;�-_.r,..--.____ ____ tl crny:Ksnii incl__"rtai;.
'.ghter,: ,Miss Claire Kenny <<.•li:'i,•
have . een guests •at the Ti c�leuv •1i;,
.,home':;- re'tui n(A...4to .Fitt c) 1Pi.l
r 1 t ' ,�ai
Tweek 'The .•` t niiy horn;ts ' is ....14;
Ti in' .dad.
1 d W•`
tt � t oii ` of
Fails- "Yi i eci'4'l a ,
s. tT ur°
' tri
t 1� I •:
1 M �.
Watson rs in : i.a • is \ ,.
,. C.�,.r e:Uf • illy'
rz the'
.IMi'.: and .'Ivies,. 4:...,p. itgltls;,
attended a.;. reunion .,of the\ • 'eiSh-
.man` family at :Belg•rave on 'July
2n'd • at the'horhe, of Mr,: 'and .MI ,.•
J.• C•. •Nethery...About 150 were in
-NI rs, .-J::-1 T c-L-enr an::of:'Tor',
• week -end. .
Mrs,: Jolie C.'Carruthers :and
-s endi.• a `` m'onth's ~vaeatio t
P g . n a
,the Carr hers
ha e
Miss I
sob� N1 holsoi
'onto 'th p•s ent..t
e '
,.. P s week ,ate the
• home' of - her :parentsy=M-r,- ;'land.
' Mrs. Dan Nicholson! •\ •
M. And •
r Mrs. G11 1
s bar. t ,Hobr'o, gh
and ;Teddy :were ,recent ue its of
is � $, ��
Mr: and ,Mrs.. Art' Breckles , at•
there.•:farm:at, Clam .Lake...,
Mrs: Ida. Flynn: 'who�has been
in poor.health for a time''rhas One,
to Toronto to make her,. horn
with her Sister.'
iw rk
a caixrp.at T edfoid
�summei •, 1:
onald--=.wl10 : anto--is s endi-n' •-th'e�tunTm'er~ •.t
"her ,h me .here. •Vi it
o s m,g
are ,Mr arid. Mrs _Malcolm �`MaC -
Lerman :a.nc} eiau.ghter� Jc h '00
teaches ; near .Sarnia is s.. endin
the ya'cation at her horde in ,Asn :�
Mrs: Allan Stuart a•rrd children
E;garville ; ar•e. _5. end r
_ .p. d'ng' a_'week.
at :the home :of her inother.,. Mrs.
W R:Martin of.:Paramoun
t• r
Visitors wth.•'.1VIr.and:1VIrS:
linton :H.
g enderson' •are• :Sgt: -and•.
Mrs,t,Mae Graham of 'Summerside:
Prince Edward Island; .Miss Lois.
• Henderson of Toronto; Mr, and
Mrs..Don Graham and Dianne of
Stratford• and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
• Trench and two 'children. Of Lis
.• Mr G 4: b ,ot St. Helens,
i, Mr.: and Mrs, . Sara': Durnin `and'
Hetty,: of • 'Lucknow motored to
Granton -,on -Sunday afl�sent-
day with. Mr, and Mrs, Joe, Leslie..
and Gordot, Other guests'•at'the
Leslie home were Mrs: P, A,. Dur-
Lake,--w-h r-)• a13c t1 t .1 a . cz i i t+o:n atm
Kineti.r•dine, ,ea .licd,'on .,fr:icTrlrlS.`he e•
las.tF :iday. HisSOn M•dlkoln),•*no
is at .''.re'sdn't in Holland v> it`lr,t'hr.
Canadian,•A'r my, :.ra5 t;o1un:ti'ered'
fol •'sez•vice.. in. the: Pacific
Holiday visitors at the horne.of
Mr, .:arid Mi s.` W: •G. , l i msti•ong
.were Mr:: and:.••Mi s, 'Fred Waith
and- Barbara of Londoni; Miss El-
len Armstrong.: of London; Mr;
and.. Mrs. '.Alf Arr`nstrong, ,"`Mrs.:
:,Gordo.ra.: Armstr;ong.and:Miss,Dot:_
othy -Berry i•y; :of` 'London and Mr:
and,Mrs.. Joe Austitro.f Wingham,.
Recent.'visitor's at,tl;e rutile of;
MIs.:'John Car. ruthei•s 'were' MrS.
Catherine Maltby; Mr; R;obcrt,
�1'tn o;Ackroyd Se,, Mr, and, Mrs„ Robert.
f London Mes, I Ackroyd and Rodney, Ms°, and
-.'ilenry Caitel{ of .:Clintot{i i. Betty `Mrs.: John•Ack'roYd•:: all of Br,anip-.
remained a
pend t •ton; Mr ,, and Mrs: Gcol� e `-Fisht t
••week'..rn 11. g.
Lori on" i_
• � _x.. vas t1 -n ::1 h- -a nd �-f a , �- � = .-._ : . =r� �1 .:._
Ts `l?. A,-- --_� . ,, rd-1VI-r- ,a dAri • 1
ur- m-11 a t
Dur ntn.don Lowery: and :family, •
.The June meeting of .the Kair
shca Club was 'hel• : t
- d at . the' home
of •Mrs, 1-1'iiyd : iVlcD�iThe.
roll, can was, ans;ver.ed '"
y "birth,
1 tic° . A t icnrC. was• planned, to,
beheld at Poplar le,adli the:riea:t',
meeting Will'l)c,: held
of M eld at .the home'
rs Wm; • Mac15'on' alcr on July
12t{i;' Th'e pt•64ta••rri• "was as fol-
ioW$; Co
leg,. Mrs.!.
iMitnity singing; • read-
s.. L l clvor iri'st•ruimen=•
l)r; Little; motto, b" Mrs..'H
avis; i Y .; .
; topic Canadian .and tst-
ries'' by Mrs, Her �b'Buek'1on•, to 'o
Mr , r ( >
sw ,Phillip 'Stir . �. „ .
''Reit y• yj� ry. Wa> tr • address,
•4i. •'M51cbo
traldr rirtnar ks,
Nr a.
'Mrs '�I� NI:cKtrtnoti arida �rirt"i,”
M15::•Scott ,
Granted .A Feliowsh%y'r.. _,_..
Rev, . Du'neari, 1VIt Ti3y' ;h, fnin i.-:
ster of. calvary :United
Loddon, :rias- been -;,g,r.an=tPd�tiw el_
}owsh11) :to that " a11i w5,c'}'uiol
-Ale ohcllio5.;. wh 1r<}a .._rtlxrx.�t .rt .YLalx .
IJnivet;�ity .'' Now ,Havoc ("c)nti,'
Mr, M,cTti' rich. ,w;i}} '}ti's • h.crl .•
iclays ,attending this srhopl., '.•
THE''.P.T.B has refused t h
time be,ing.' to- issue a permit If)
CuIt'cess ToWnship.• fpr. the:. lijx
Chase" of `•a ,power' gi'cider,,,witl.r'
siroty plowing equipment` II
Mrs. Sarah Wright of Cleveland
visiting .•her ,brother, Mr, Jas.
McWhinney, • '
Mrs..Gor,doh Kidd and dhil4ren,'.'
Ryan and Shiela* are: visiting the
former's parents, Vtf-. `and
-John Ryan _
Mrs ''Chasc- Durnrn and ', ami y. ,
Margaret,;J°y and aL, C� are.wspeiJ� M
(bog- the 'month of. July.. in a cot
1.4g -f2 at • L'ugies Beach. •
Mfr. an ;:Mrs; Jit Miktion and
little daughter 'patsy of Sti atfor d
Ive.rs,•, J'rrri )ust returned., from`
"overseas after'' 31/2. yearsse vice
:pent' `}n sevEI al ur.17.ea'n: •a. ii ''
o 0,.; n
t1 ies, He '-1s looking,, well`: and
.'.rudd,y,, g , . low'of tan. • •
Master °Toren y. ''Cole, .: W.110
makes `h'is` home, �ith'' .
. w Mr. and
MIs: 'John Blake, entertained a
1Jumber • of his :.fell'ow playmates
to .a. party, on .Monday •ev.ening,
July: 9th, : .the occasion being his.
12th birth,day.� Many::happy , r.e
turns...of the day, Tommy.:,
PO. Jack Ceasar, is on, leave
from Moncton, 'N;B;; with •his parr
cnts..Mr. •and Mrs. Wm. Caesar.
MET: and.M'rs. Alfred. Haliel and
ltttlt= sire :Jrrlm' of P't Colborne
are.: spending 3 •weeksat:.B:ogi:es
F3cach, They ..also vi rte 1VIr'
abc15.: r: a
p arc:nts ,. Mr: Mips. Jas.'
Finnigan ' and',.other :tklatives'
this district
r 1.
. .l Bl�`�-,•,
... , acl.•, an.cl childr.cls
Peter. and Mar'ii)n• ;of ',Wall -Cc -Ft -on
;pari} spc nding t}lis week with her
• han'nts;, Mi:. &`:1VI1 s ".Harr R ah:.
rEl�z kurlai:t= crzp'tam • 'thy
Rc sail ve Ar1iy "r,s at. camp P -eta
� a ,
M 's. Josi 1
ou ... Seafol. •
C „Ma bel �i Plough•,. Lo dole,
yliss :.. v s
.. a I� llo-u
seen `lastw ek at. the farm oriz
on the 4th Con :•of Ashfield.:
NI>ss Margaret' Stewart .has re =1
turned' to ` Toronto . t.o\'take .up
"nui sing• again with: a fol mer at
`•:tent .,. •'.. I •, �
Mis...Frank Jones returned to:
her` ,home:' latst , Friday. after an
operation at Goderich-;hospital."
M•r;.: Wllbul• Brown,is nu�rsrrlg
- very -scare• --knee' these? -da S;'hav
ing dtslo'cated it while in the.bush
1 th 1 e•riiavcd cine t)_f ot�a.-.we
It t;s�ct1 i>t�:: W-i`H-ran -- Mc�k. His
h .alth hack.:beenimpall'ed this last
s1�••`ctiars` to .the:'-ethat, his'
pdsking• wos ,i 1)afip' r c.lea'se, ahay-
ng, ;suffei;c;l. ci pat alytro stl oke'
John °.Moir. ''anal` ;Elizabeth Smith
of Hul lett 'Tow'hship. He carie to
',Dungannon when quite' a yourig
man to conduit a bar kering. busr�,
ness • after -;working' .iii shops: at
'foi onto; "G` Ir_lph and: Penetang
ur.n6: , Ike." was married ied forty-one
years 'lager ;to. the, late Gr ace. Mc=
Whi,nriev, ,daughter of•,•the late:
Mr.: and' 1'Ii S Wm.:' McWhinney
To them were .born "Arco' child
tett `. Ma•t y, ."Mrs„ 'Win.:. Cook,', Bel-
fast• `Ben;' 6,41 C:on. _'Ashflcld'.;'and
H •• ,on the ',home farm.
Glenn's Hill where they•haEre"liV-
ted :•about thirty y, ear°s. Mr. ',Mole
:v Vin his. `69th::yoai and served
-•11 iii �"VV t-`Wa arlosh--G:a"wno'l:
o t ..
;as touricilloe and also as iceve;He'
:a 7;..!;t-a't''in.0 ...:Conservati.ve- and,
When. health 'permitted. took an,
;racti�'e'pai't .in cornmuni.ty affairs,'
is.,jct� 1al tn€inner';: attracted Many
fi Ie►ds.' I-Ic'„:la:'vbs ,tclT`rtctrxrr' br
titdc�s his :.daug}ter• ahcl 'sons, two
;titytt`r5, • Mat thin. ' (Mrs. Arthur.
�.. • . tv
Pcil•i . r rll_:.Ali�,(Mrs,'
til ::.: �rtrrksl, Ki )carei'ine, ,Han-:
�itril• ,E. '1t �. ,41c}t .:Cbascn)o r), Hatt-
iltc)n ; : tt'cr •hl'rtthrt s'.Fri • NIple,.
Seztfnrth finc•i Dive • M6.16Y Roch-
r'rstc'i -IV Y; Afie'.• a 1)r"IL'ntc' fun3'.
oral cit h,is llit4' •11Ciar11 th(� remains
"tc'rr=cti, tyt riil;e.lti ;tcf'rt T?ul'ti Ang-
ire an chin ch • for• chirrclh service
e`)ndtrc'R d• ley Barry
ol:: St.. Pctu,I.s . Anl lrc.crli ehtrt,ch.
Th'e .t/all i•ettr c'.rs, were neighbors,'
Vim'.' Caesar, Wm, Petrie Everett .0-8 9 -
�. t 8 ,.,first Ger,1•nari sub. to, sun -A.'
Errington,; Wm.: Reed and George •
. _d eorge render ;on the orth
. .. � America
; were�coast,
Set of tid
e •
his ten ,gandchildre who Were' proaches to Canada. the• Cx.e.1des:' arand hil ren of tables_for,the east,rnw•ater pp
Sam".Br}1Y, Grace and_Mar Margaret ..
Cook,;.Boiby •
and Lois Mole,' In
tef•ment•wa.s..m;ade 'in, Dungannon
.Cetnelery.:Friends . were '•present
from .Belmore, ,Port' Elgin,,` Sea-
`forth•, Southampton' and Roche-=
ter, N:..
'. Remembrance .Dayat the .Dun -V
•'gan.non cemetery, an,:anrival Sun -
to honor:the departed-'
Will be held. next Sunday at..4.15.
p.m.. with Mr, Harvey Parker. of
St. Faults •�Anglican;church`givin
,the •'address' and . the 'other local
ininisterss•'. ass isti_t�'li "A 'vola '.
th(r " .tile . comm unity churches:
,Will lead' in. the' hymns.! s
• Rev W.'JJ .R•oge1,s,of'L•ittle Cur.
eu t
s nct°
.d eu.D
pori .• Unitecl .carr - ;o�"
. ch,n:. Fr1da
night of last�•.week'.., ev Harold*
11, �Iarot:d
Snell: delivered a .brit ht -a d in-
n uetrv_ g e--adda'eslh`-
ga-tiozl "and Rev G."' Emil o of
gra gra e to the' mini
star ' Pert
Albert and' Crewe., con reg ati'
. g g
also attended and after the
vice,' retired to the basement foil
refreshments jand a social time.
Mrs—E•rrest-Pritcha\ d Toronto
r ,
is' visitin ' mote: r •
gher ' 'mother; M ,s..�.. B.
BORN. T - 1
Mr. •ani ;Mrs Kitchener Finnigan''
at •Goderich Hospital,' a son•:,
Mrs. John .Moss ' held a; R:ed-
Cross. quilting ...at her home on
-Tuesday.: aiiernoon.; A ten en -t':
the.`e cl s
Iolding 12th At Sayfield 2:
• Ora'ngei :en ;i'n this: district :are.,
day Llceteb :ating.the °'12th -.of -July ,-
a. =a- mid.kir:. Bayfield Lodge,
L7. -0'.:-L--.7-='24, :is.this ' year observing
it's' ...one, hundredth ,anniversary',
and."it 1s fi:ttirig that'. Battle:'of;,t:he
Boyne °should.:be •co'mmemorated
at...that centre: • Lucknow••• Pipe
`BancUs-d 'attehdahce-. , . :.
--blit don't risk` wasting
--precious `food and sugar,am.. ..
by spoilage thr ugh. the.
use , of inferior !'vinegar,'
Use :'Canada
the vinegar.your.Moth-
er . •
used —' always uniform
high'. • quality.
as been the leader
Ontario for over 80Y ear's.
On sale at:all grocers:'`
for FREE Pickling,
Recipe Booklet\to Cana
da Vir a ars Lii %ted 1112
{ Duke 'Street, Toronto.
I►'a tes izeci
'NI AF'EI hpl,
Robert Anderson; Carnduff,
Sask., visiting;with his. cousins;...
Mr: and M'rs., Trios: J. Anderson.
Miss" Mary 1Jali; Brantfo'rd,.;ar
rived °'in Dungannon last Sunday
to:spend the summer months,.with
het brother at Mrs. W.,Andi;ew's:'
Miss • Eda Phillips of ' London
spent• the 'week -end: at her home'.
'NIr.•and Mrs. ',HarveyKiipatrick
wef'.e..in;.Sarnia.'a couple of. days
.last week to see .:Mrs.:J. A: Corn -
who had been 111. '
JIr..` ancl'1VIis. Herb` Curran eri
el aine": •.•,a eir ami
grandchi1dre on Sunday.. Twenty;
:were..;- :r: :
°sen ta. en o t
he -:da --
�p �.
J Y. y
tog thel c
Mrs k3e1 tt am Curran went` to.:
Toronto.':last week -end .10 ;Meet
her husband, SBA: :Bertram'. Cur'
ran. of Cornwallis, Who is spend
ing 2, w Tlts'1eave •among friends
in this district
1MZi'::r'red Cot•nisli t
ited .}:its. 1 'ti
stem. -Ml, Harveyil-
. patriekw Belfast for. a' couple •ot
days' last. week. '
9 ,
and, Mrs Orland Bere and
babc,'''Ni1e,'' visited hei parents
9i1 Sunday arftei;io'on,
Mr. and • Mrs. -'Henry HortOY
'attended. t be funer •ao•f the late -
t �e-
. ,.
Mrs. 'tiorane • Hortoti .of Saltford.
r Yr.. u'esdty. •
<t .
Th r-oaf,of--th
ea•p e
od,ding is:in the
eating: The proof •
hat-Goodyear=---tires 4te the
world's first'
chdice'lies in the
fact that'. "More :.:;
People Ride on'
Goodyear Tires.
Than on . Any
Other: Kind"'
NA .40
::•. 4JSNN
1' l
ea hoie� 40,
P y�
`y raver emir. ... '! i lk y0101W7 w(i 9 It