HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-04, Page 7JULY 'T. h V W entinel'' Luckri rA4* w T. E NS RECEIVE LETTER'- N FROM DUTCH,'Y9VT14 CARTEI�--,BLAOII� ,Mr-'C_amrQn,,McTaggart, nd� FORLEG I Porcy Web6 -of' O' "Tbursd y,, high -L' V T Mr, n a Don H .,ea(J 'eorge Swari o ri, �i Mz. and - G Mrs. f , hOo pretty, wedding olace Bifl M lu �'arm;- RichMond'Hi.11, re of �.Dot�gAnnon*i 4 own ha,* receiveq the foil 4e 're� rian. rs. F. owing Ot.t S�yt` C.Inadian ��rrnywrgpant wh . p. lost" t zu6sts fMr.,4nd i� 'an 18.1�ear-ol�d erich O
Todd Putch Rev. 'Richard ,of- -a leg i an cefd StOWart. n a. en Englah,(*�' 'T youth, who, was a m ember of'the when, M�ijo'rl� while on active: service so a dri, WITH'T E T_ ficiating, v_ d 9 -,and met: th6i so MO, Y'ouiigest da ir w par and Mrs. Me .Brown! �of im er r6uhd,"
r ughteir',- e iW the 'itche dr- W w6` f ve. when'the ' 'n 3K ere e ors%a. Ca d Pq v1. M An* Mrs'. Wallac� 81ack,,�Godbiich oast O dians iarch-: R`Woods.'-,�., ed Jdtol 4ague.,,:.. bat. Ll ..., 'Job pritAfto, illustrating -tire w of 'D liont L6nd
o�, Ma�Grekor h ndin' t Ma.nitoba, is -sp , w yd, n.' 'ThLi''lette s hed�:as it e -so of M W 3$s D.' -Rutherford publis"' I n andMr�--,John the,. R M* dpst ehabj Ifarlough��he -------- litat4q; iii-gh Scho h f W -ter, T li'i t 11Z -Lic-qu - I � 1-11- -_ , " t,i eiat J0411. E., .11,U $40S -U -tir er--.-, ubi - e slxs� -ow bad�a,7� e. er- '26 B ig'urh for'si r .�Gordon t h in th e x e O.fias been -in e J x Yor's and,. is pr. ssior t, vLilfallin from' spt9pant admitted, ert-halo.'o w vi6* w Agne5 Neniy ae �imusing, a nte-., He. is' weffond,16oki officiers. of . g -When but of The. -Hag" corsage brdn�ze he- ro_qilltatidn -.brEinc s. owed -w ue U .of a' t , ..ere gu.0sts;.oi' honor at,'a She, h' , , I I aS, oses an th oni d . e e loppoftUni r !p.in4 th gift,,()f' th cbm la9t sli, t. an 'ee .. -h` c m sw how� 0. takib, a4va ,ritage. ot, P ObOb OU;will, b6.-ast g �,a
jfigt: at''ibe It e ern, at 1�. O'ge, a letter� 0.11a d., groom: The`bridesmaid,� -Miss. F �Qf .Aiei Sthith'whO habeen� WeOtie After unch' d he tY ti) .a. tr e, w,' - e Carter,, .5ister of "t p,,,ure of the* uture, cle ut tb'( '11' b ' ';' ' h q4t'ope ',at and,. -Mrs Lydns� r9M sine c n 't t 6t 'is e f I �4 ion is: pre§en esolvid' tly rdrit, -wh r.q-� M e e grqoi�ij -�v6re. ict s o quickly. 'mOeted street en, 'd P, le�ve.'at the hqme. of hU ritc r,ea& *an address. of you. n� "a . gth, dress of.pihk silk an, bow ever t ing.. looks aR hard on.. Y h here in The --H ith� h iatulatiptis and -g d' Pus Mr'and Mrs.'J. J. Smith. I I � 4 g.w. crepe wi W !tL:i sh' IdOrlength ri lit". Parents, Po. ��)Wishes",and yet. in�, th6 Reki eil, and corsage ..of pink roses.T - Bill 'XcClrei n e Mr. 'Eldon'Miller. 'm.a.do ther, e' listed '.1n. pTes- ..:roentr -�.Af ,800k-.Fibi� Overst ter all to' tell you Supp.drtin 'th Deceriiber enwion, of a purse-61,,irwney., Mr. 9 e groorh was etald Arthy Servic Corp n so the'truth he (and 911'the7 A es, 'bassaline',' w kincqr6ie servicemen, brother-ini-la' f, the. U in. Ju .194 1944
s, express.ed 'than and'. tie, was was rive 'half, ot. himselfand� Mrs. L�6'ns. pos e - to i� 4 �,;,'who d from, over -Ii.eiter. A 'dihner, yon 6� : , I
.recent,y ar who arrived.' ere is. in a, br!4e reeppti t d ..,on the.,.. 69th. 'Tank'' ere dunne� Harold 14' e .-ition thah th6 .,greater part, held .6t' bfide's. h6me the seas W ..yd .,St,:.Trans y, it, Which., ,brt C6mp Brown. -9 �he Went -overseas 'in -August 0 e. u c ..peop e. _Th6ind4ction �f R6V- -N E_rn" st 'i's I , , ::.iiid Cpl.' axer -qx 'the of th D t h" ''I' cent. 'd
too Will be`.eoiri'�uciedAh` e,. ri e f :the Un- O.red 'sun -an �a, 'Mother eozive 'Who,�is' outfit, I . by: ' d; b' .e d d i -C A.F. in,, a gown of - Col". th.a1:,y ited h - white 4t! e-' w a hics. t 9 'las' ."ygrars' ce as engaged. in hiulin�g. t church. on Friday . evenin dar: m h have oia. p4rpIe,,, wit -social hour wilt o M s.'GL-6.'Hamii�.- at 8.30. A 't I I fellow Ale grO;kt Sor- Xjyrr ie's ... and the the--co"ast 04England -1h'at �h vice. a Jes f e congr- n q w m's' mother''gowne apOened. Appro4ching.an to � rewals�, the t at. her hus e ser tb in'fig- cictent h 'j� ` ' - " aciation ..the who] I" nd gro6 d ut,, we . �ive � . I . the gaii�'iil'ar�.�:roq�Oested ..id,`.bring' if a ost-1- our -country. h6refoi we accessoriesi' Guests nUmb6ring:,20 'Bill was ip� collision with a -statio n 'The G�rmans, have i1bpd nauve ehi f6n with'., w itf,. intetsection". , h- 'bike ag: l6viiii Holland n h ba 4. W we are. f ree
is motor
I ch. and on -ho "to go.to. EngI his w' y me. end dl 'the ht iina6rgroun a'gainsit. -'WOi*e: fr .w _�T
totafiadii.'Bynowlt expected, M ha e u d om 0 'S 16 -irst Vd., .9, wen ag9n.Attent r. he e e-1 'a ds fiage W ,,..that George yarrive,J1,6,m_e a of her gia' n d g o --w.drId-And- hai�n.;L k-now_,-Y-a!i-moiAh, JO eCt lby 3 mdriths,*'. ny mat 'tile p th0i fi UA,hi LOW ips of Phil] t e- It'. of this- hidd xesu, e a an '.Clint.on.'Mr,�.and,Mrs ter ri� No. 111ne, Robert hi b ttle? era Hos id-sh wers--6f,�conf etti-I or-. y e t -am 7wh re usand, f besty0uh- 0 PU.
4130T DOWN'BY'NIGHT tnen, a gn 'Mr. '.a " i6h th�iriblod for ",our p -shorthbileymoon tid, Mrs.. Wm. trip to Win&- tated.'' FlG)qTER,W.K1LR,4ETURN1NG'. iers,aft rxj:.q� For, and Mr rs. .1 at d ori: -I),e.t oth6 -5 ansidiaw a WL son Woodl�� eop e, h and,'M frePdom'� Oux -p -I f ro'ifand W.1 -other .'.0 r poi 00" c s'_ 11r, I Alt or e357UQL: fav e -Y KOU r d, 1- suit4-w ct%�Y elsonitand ried tb':piek -carnps� a ss On Tuesdayi,ev6ri-ing -tecepboxi i .s nd� beige. - t6DOat.' up t eijhread of lific 4-th-Viewls rthe nto�� ceiWi -'a mess- en eive ..44#4... . . . , . . . ". , . N re� t ce orle a llfe'� n ph was eVidus to 'the 'marriage 'Ha�ll' i . A "' Pr' the� His.,.o' agefrp'tp ih.e giv in'g" e ommunity M �nd essliu., -i. 4t .,h Id., in t pportunity, caiii6!� e iorne details, as to: the, We of 'the - 'I I It . .,.
B�ciien*aldo 660 me'n'',die-1. bri'', the, in M E d..every d pairi h' . e,. was -entertained it' fqr� Mr; -and r si'...'., ffthloan criew of. the phibe Piloed by their rnes, ctory . ay. i rid then. they try"16 sp',eak 'h" road6d9t' at Wirighatn'.'�. deo'r;e:,,- nee -H pme of Miss EcIna Driver by:t.1.6 -b Vn FO.- Carolyn,' p peasant evening 'of 'dancing 7w roi,ec ionis in W Fi6tion". At. Dessau. the� staff of, .,so ;Alvin Corless-.: -Rear- gun- Ie,� when J t a 'theatte.. 'bit rea. r she.�: was Pre4e-p ied'-:Wfth I "I n G6derich, -talked to 1 isoniers' did hot, e �.her of,tliis, crew -was Sgi.,1VAn" as pr a ove y at U. -ch , hour ''%96ififi of Lckri w.- yidd� and' the I' n ' iAibrk :,C.was, a', job that- -�B table I ampi 0 po'tatde8� but:- the,AeaV'6§'-,,0f �Ihe- I' un e rea hi L19y'd I an -address. to a. e'thought.� th .,ur amily rom their c6u1d do, �'Veter trees., -orsooth - 6 f' "I eat. n 'return f h Thiftpl4ne 'lbaneaster'iot�.6_ d aF er e. �.guests,:. 61' hono�' ,�Was shot,down, over Belijum. 'at this: w'inteti Or, i)ota'to.es! mboh:,.Mr1 and, Mrs. _,,Carter will.,,�_ y a p.. e1I-_p.r6sente.d-- H ear ete.: B U t. �n q ri�sldle b� St. GeOrgC-_s,- Crsent tal��T- tito- -Caqi b too,. �
w W Morh 0 e have f 'he- i 1he- of I purse �on. beha awn tie 22fid - '1044 officer,' -this, black o efic ,the ciaiialty: rehabili d'r' P.Aine'urider. f the coin�-,� '.O d 1ar h- rade,,of p;,, now- . ), `l:'h'bve Meptione myse, -for,' XRC ISE 41�KE IN: Mr -and Mrs, S: 'bill tceit he Aili �rieturrijbg from .a miss!' n& an neig 'bors on part� of ur. Muni Bot d;' ' ' if " ' ' ' . - "E. E idd ho 'told' 1A..Germati'' ty h, E p, prie. n:t e:t, sau , Regimen o '�,END RSIN ished., with two the: Orangp-Nas doiil�gt f'.he,,w get; a; milita in he CE w en en:Vm five Crew in i,**anj th 'E �f:l,h . . e other ' ' iy train g.� N6w,,,and were, 16 un"d; in th PTION� H LD' h -am., a-good.*-soldi Towa�d the,, latter part'of July ifig. '114" L en U_ w e 'r', B , el- -'IN'..ASHFIE- ice pay .oi� iiig di trict of, M ..pprpn S. )PP* m d ente e, an� t" ys�lf .Jor the,. Fleet A'Y''Ithe 6an6.`are going't `b ' f ed -b� ride-rAh C p. e c
gill S ona-, aiiiing-4 n sqparate.-caketsl in onik. large :July. �n 9 re-' in. ik,of the'er6v were buried ds. t F a in. I., low ne so,thit, e' a d bu 0 e b n .;... ''tit" of - of the' .1 'Al n- is'fa'M'ily 14' .th ernmerii h w cepiio'n and.the 6ihei-.body whigh' was old. -at the ho me W rvice§, I arning�'thCw.ftae. s, uri r !I . . ., I -�-was--�fOuntt�itter-w-a—b-�uri�e-- in. �6-- M1 fine'_'batt.le! Dear.� The. And yet 1�*,. of n ar Ain O 0 T*o .'of e w en 8,60G ex-'. �,:,the�.'�UrdAooks, bright-. -Ashfl�id;,ior�Mr,. a0d Mrs, 'I rs b er v. grave nearb -h s' leToda: uripg— the -s en-airm-en, w e tek�a ev bit ere n6t4defit- .For. �the'_ rt petien'—d �'tsf embers ere in, for'. B�he will try. the,, as. th.Jap§. kiCafii` pa we i ank believie�d to%belong '-of' rs'� ou :liberation t6.'th,6 t'he-.Armtd - s;eo,r e . examina, ions o qu u were, Ellwood. Atkinso, th i.. fight. rew,_ me to, G d� of.. 'fel- a w-' 6stiin naddition`AL�if' hi t*' 'st vie th� 1 ban grade t'Bl ' al- .. . .1 . . ii t
to,; t is 6 .,Kilpatrick arrived''h6me to, G
ing spirit
re nq g fa Y_ is as a.pr ec ioni Aft& 6 p arising p a Catholic'�iiesi -was i' er h froffi'.�overteas ast ri ay. A k. , your n att Fi Igo! e.n. w �.countrymen,'..'. the. C�nadian§. t�a k fr Yh A n Jdne -.24 n1SL-,-W..fe re th h ir Lo i- O _t e Wher i and:,, da�ughter_aixi Y -113A And, -the" fore, ree. c ee S,,- e ti icatin Al eg, gna& cer is was -said, f r 'the ng� "45 tho'y",. en,! 19.44i.,64 inass in onths us -h E , .1 M ,.''previo r,om, 56vienth of :Mal 'I d., To 'faci -the ttI6 trouble �at firs a e ai4 spee cad ed him a an min I re crew earl fi uarc n a, few - -visits- est' sier e ng. the' Y y of Ah s erid; jn�t a sh work� and tP4 1' Agai. 'st 446 bu. to. W �angers- 61 t 'eft an orgery;- t' he housia. wa& prettily', d(��oraw 'If was ,i - whole,. cith&. h f he �Hospiial;'tLpidon, fix b 'the 'the' receptiop:of the;G;brmins, C Mem fs of .1 crew were ted with flowers and'r6o,. whiie anad,ian Bankers', -Assbeia on. C v.e'6 regular job td sap.� -an and, s reamers Id three 'were. e6. blue f. Al thre-e-ti.er for 5'years at l5th.May� 40 Ped- Isoutlines four.simp: e_rpqpirernents.* ort. his wife. and young .,son'. �qid gl, )R; 6 " f t ar now as on will htlp,.t6o�.. den of London,,. En a The -wedd k' ce' tred -tho"Aable :ple -Ven sho'ding" ' '
� in ha�hdlingthesei 'che"es. is ar -my si ,an' i40-ative$ Willed. Therefore -6iir Reg arres, nuck fr in 'here '35 -friends,' - d - S. - were 0 : dih,ton' w need'.1or'prop6rAdent' Uekno,w�* E ton, and- Stur-� Were serve 'by the hoes..�Many them. They w -t. not e. q� he 'ban c S. d Ipe their- ik C
s t kid By.,
s bhen.b.6th"' he and' -th au i u, i, s wer.e. received. �y. legal. pi�nis ment. 2,.. The, need to. -make sure, -that e driV ca- i� became d. 'Y and "Mrs, Atkinso� which ou.. .are certainly- living. at.hlc'he�u of' the' e is- torred a. . n use , as to ',V is "not, it. w'hen .The',ried to guard. -What, the other'. intended 'to' do t andorsed. A.PLIN'SER' ED, were Ae6ply appreciated, "as they For �3, aga�jnst] have'A. res nee or! -the ur son, give,'Ane y,pu: ..Of aken 1-4p ide r address endorsi6j nbxt Miss,' yQ losing. 6hque after and' n' en *ree' Dri ri�n C o r !s,,f rm in * . w 'b fore'' hingAt.. s knocked' t groom blb&rie N�'as h" s!'eet,with a ilumber, A hfipld o , the thosp, t :'_ . . 4. . : , , . . 'Seas'. ast 'wee" so:As ,U§� but only.the. %4.,The'iffi'portance: of,.-goihg, to groun e cosiing �the-.r' returnip f -Om ship. usually at 9" ir d w over hil r ad k w 0 A;& to e . F -4p, .'the bable in fte ffiorning.hoursAf. w6Y.on the Square near the,'B, Ili— r. Ir as name of the,stat-6ndlh6 thu h e at t 7 lin, whbse-,P�rdn J. . .... ta; ie�t, THI kiiqt C Sid po sibit 4 h AvenuL�-` j:Asf 0 wien" eri�ct* 'building 200 T&t 'by' .64: je Jso'� Yo'u' fur'�. nd--,aAd--wei e arAs'An, e rx er uc n TI -1 and e Yn very, ow ei Te s� ther. re bns� ificatidh a,,,bank in �e: surp� and lacerations 1ab6ut' -Vth� UcL. water. Th b�, 'b- t0ddents, when'Mr Traplin, w' fo 'bq'u��d f4, t ug� Ipres s-t.b.a7pks. for the. the- o' 'eft ing,-'th -arid-body'-Th Car'W A '�_ that riven.
n ,19'-d Wo�e pers n e Y C. at 'the 'grading.'a d s Iting'of cueu ers, -er6tion by, your Canadian.peop] a, e. c 'Brown, of Ooderi6 and fo heque is thexight person; there- .Ed� -large acreage, -of, whit und the o &r of na:tely -was Pe rave ing at lomr. er W1 Lieut, has� been-,'se-r'v'ing ciui Itiva.ton in the Teeswater, area.' faulis, in.this le"tt Iii you for- .Ov rate,of, 'ee wh h �tfie a en. chqquo' is- no w M, Oseas With, the,'Queen, tAt, h661. l6wance 't kno' n in,, S -P IV n sc. we�:were the'Abcal bank,. she .'should v0ccurted. iss Drennan wd�.tak�, et; of th6. 2nd. �,.Army a well- Ma-Y'tAR-OLD 'Rob e'rt ntonr 'taught, in Freich German and 'into t4�JL eli, - I-Orbon � oft! " iv, ''In-ftif l3rifish' d ii� e ee gimen 4G- e AU since wit his, pet' dog', s. ra, e away ng is c b d", Who i s k nobw� n- h she received me -it-some 0 Y dical attention be- a r. om, cot a c (sp6kO 'bad' t e erman, nk, Of lasf Y"6�r. He enlisted t f t ge_274f, r ce. eA h sp 'ak - - fore being, 'allowed 1a 9'hh- -6h`Mbn'c1ay evpnink-of 6dk- _6' -WOVW viate'' r igundgrgand- C Ottery )d1'gUff9 -Awd 'flob delay apd CWW;f�tlbe A, 4'Aosg, tig5t6d the' --.-a -and 'was found t ar, Next ig, the 'endorsetent, on, A, Aircraft t y resting in 'guffley about' two J, apet. t a i c fte6dom. AnA, h t h wWhieh. miles. -iout o, bi cheque—it must be.'endbrsed.ex�;, q Went. �e h f the. cotta&A. Ks, the pegecl �Ought lus.. by, your No" doubt: many. che Ile th -no brave: boys,, m Y reAc Ovel,seat in e�a pe4, ctly -as it - is ma e. out -to the h the s e. fall of- �h6t ii at 'Act b ace batik' . thrbug.h;, affer it 'is, endorsed n caMe :b the chanis_,kh6 ca h them for thiefi� .ck to Canada. a long. time. , k S. ha des of e 0 e'n. I r: later,. after Which b el )V� d -:ta a , - 1. . own. known �6UStoniers, little more than- iake 'an,, e P, '� 6 'uld*'tak �)n Y�6: d t1i '168h` -And now .1 01 er'e'licants! �e too�' e. joi,n. l"rifig.it or having,ifstoilen.be-w .'d Officer traififfig Army. in'June' of last' ind this" and in.'my tho Os would be' welt ught. I, sbake n storekei�pers 16': it'. 19'. e at '13f6tkyll I lee where,he served in, Fran&,. Holland, ry mu�b, and dvisedla ' make re 61� fh,�. i�en elved ca tel� hands with Youf VP s u 11-Mislion P P,Veiry'g Ion .of' a' ' I A Recipients can. h I reat� fificat' ny person o as 2n fferifig, -. gium - and'. GeA any,*, He is n��W,l tall MYMIL ' - - .. , . . . I . 1. .. .. . i..
b . . ; , ''.
Y rs,Jhankful, anks during I a, th6q " and -401 then We' ' -�Hjj . - ly also.by ging th''
tit to Pet- home 6n.leav th. J, ou e b tie mAke'sur6. also a ar mouth N�l Wife' nd tv�o'c i ren'a e' rathef that '.the cheque- tqldor an Fi,'G . To 1) t, the easier hours -of the d id: OX kturda-1 w
cl iod
bro er
0 r e 'busiest houis, actly, as'. �de. out. yea th' irl I than: du 'iig obd ir,,., 4ng'in,Qw6n Sound