HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-07-04, Page 1$2A0 A Year --In Advance; `500 Extra to ' V. A, • OI,:• NAVY LEAGUE'. TAG DAY PROMOT 1 ONS LUCKNOVV, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4th,, ,1945 tl'aneS In . lliltabetDeal,.6r,derl ni�ri ale -,1. �,.II�,. '�;=,gitmz'+,if'ed':-fes .a �--. -. _. .r , ,.- _ndrews Geo. e . C , Jack:: Ernberlin, Ruth;' B Gardener, itbby;... Harn'ilton, Bruce L • em' Eddie; .: .'Mowbray, $o66y,. ' WE ON SATUR»AY- EIGHT PAGES. On. •Saturday . of this. • week the ,Navy 1;-entgu-nf C, n r,a W,' •, zi l h ld it's .annual ---€a ,_ du' When; • -'our nickle Y s d Imes and ,. ing on this organization's vei ': s lendid' work. p. . •. In peacetime . as' well as in War the Navy "League offers a marine service that. no Pass ; Button,,.'Eunice: Camp- ,Hbeolwl, a;lGd,wen;;., • Gaunt,', : K nneth , ao rganizati. o n' . m a vail able. to.menof:the seas. 'During •RQzella, Little, Joyce; Roulston . amore• thanfive years of war the a 11 , Bobby; demands on""'these services li • ' xv ccs ha re Stewart Donald Thomp 3 mY.i r. , , , ;• ,.., ', the'Navy •League• defend • From Grade 1I, to Grade Ili 'an more Graham• , Ronpie; ' Canadians, to carr. 'on" y their' 'w;oi•k. • q.Tagging in . Lucknow. on: -. Sat ',urday' will. be done; by local g'ir7s. Be prepared to . buy a= tag, when. Irene, , been increased many fold and son Jini Waith Roddie s. more ' .'d• on the generosity of Honors -- Marshall,• Edith; Ross, June; ley, Roy; Webster, ,George, Risk -Carnegie, Valerie; Gol-' Ian,. Margaret,. Gaynor, ' Leon;:. Haldenby, Dale; "`;.Hedley, Kent; �� `ow" ra win i"D'ohna � 3e e �.IVi n `Tr � 3r, • Jack; McNall, Alvin; McNah, . Margaret; McN ay; Kenneth. , f. , • Perfect „ attendance •-- deer•l Webster. ix M E MacDoug ll;-Teachle'r • � Honours. -Irwin, Helen.. ss -Chin Charlie• PiCollins Lloyd; Conley, Betty; Ernberlin, :' ::.Demi •Ho wrald, `V Im' 0_111 i -stop -..:Ruth -.Ki atr� : la Mathers, .Billy; Ross, Bowen. G ll ondit o nay 'Joe; Stanley, Jean. • 1eV 1to . 'Grade Y . lion urs --` AndersOn, a ,. , A o , Georg+e• • Hamilton, Jean; Huston, Grace; Johnston,: Betty Joan. Pass- Gammie, John; Irwin 4; Vlll;K; M cLe -na ' • ifs' Reid, Bobby.• they call, or when they ;meet:yyou: They o:this+s__. d s �. i., - - .-. and gladly. Your courteous :. co-opera- tion -they o-oper;-tion-they will appreciate greatly, ENGAGEMENTS Mr.. and Mrs. Archie McKinnon, Iolyrood;' announce' the enga e .e t' -o - th ' .. gg., .,tzi_ .n_... fT elr_daiighter-.;Joa-rr,�tu• Mr. Joseph Bu ns, son of,Mr.•.and Mrs . Thomas Burns, 'Windsor, 'the inarrititacf, O R REThREb ' . FIRE •CHIEF' Tlfe. • Clgta k1; 3 Ltlt•.�z°ztl... _, aid- a:tt '�trtt�"c � e��rslzzai;` di nch- . int= .eld� �� .. -�-- , ers_.of- ._-. . . Y --1i �, 1h ;Calgary z , Fii e •'De artme P nt in ]honor 'oa their ,chief,•.:Mr. -John McKinnon; ''echo-_ retired after: 41 .; Yeats pi service 'as afire .:fighter. .in that city: 'Mr:.,McK intron ..who, ;is" at present vi iting :laerey was• tl res' '• ted' `;with a "' " presented valiseY by •hi ,s • fellow :."sn•ioke eaters",,' There were 70 at they luncheon when' Capt. W. A. Cowan enum i crated' some:of the'improvements- made in the department :by Chief McKinnon;and said •he', was' one of•• the most progres°sive-'men ever to head the; department. , The new chief is. J. Shelley :who had• ' been associated With Mr. Mc •Ksni:on. foi..:f,both- ving onNNt le De?art ent away back in the days when :motorized; ,equipment was never dreamed .of . Mayor' Andrew;' Davison •attend= ed the luncheon •and ,presented Mr. McKinnon with' a complimen tar =letter -which =read `in `part -'as: :follows:. "We: have•°always found you ready and willing to co-oper- conseieitous.' service is ` certainly. appreciated :During your tei ure as Fire Chief you :displayed7exe-. cutive'ability, of a very high Order and you are leaving,.'your • De partment in very excellent shape. We s'n erely trust your will be spared �r`:. ' par'da omany years- to enjoy, your well 'earned pension". ;A'nn'a Church, Riversdale on July -14Th; HOLIDAY ,CHANGE. . Commencing ::next week the Lucknow Branch' of the Bank of Montreal will observe the• weekly half holiday ;on Saturday instead of- Thursday'. See the :advertise' nt_r garding_Bank. iurs-else-, re`i ir1 Anis*issue. Conditionally Nicholson, Ken- neth,,'Stanley,' Clarke,, . Helen M. Hamilton.•: Grade. V to Grade .BVI ' •.. �onours—Chi, Gladys Harri• •� ilion ; tfy; MacNa Donald' McInnes, Catherine-;- Reid, Edna, Thompson :.: o urn in,_ Bettyi`' Irwin, Ellwood •Ir in •w , M ;ileac, Johnston;._, Joan:;: ;Marsh- ` all, Shirley; Moore, Eva: Grade' V1 to S Honours -•Anderson, Mary Jo; Howalk Harold;. Kilpatrick, Nor- en;, Lloyd; 'Do is; M Moffat,: Shirley.. • Pass.- Agriew, Donald Howse, Gilbert; McAlpine, Donald; Mc= Kim, Jack; Stewart, Donald. ' Transferred To Brampton ... Lloyd_Stewarts;--who `hats: been assistant manager in: Loblaw's. Groceteria at Kitchener' for:, -the pasty ear;:hasbee' n•i::. trans ferredto'rBram ton, Ll d spent the week end-holidayfat.-.his_honi here:: B,EDROOM, . s SUI' OVERSEAS E �E'f1' ,WOOtLTa�'� "INDUCTED IN ASHFIELD FRIDAY • BRIDE: K�ES` IT_, HERE, On: -Friday; evening, -;,June 29th I • _ T c Rc' .:C, -F1.: Vv ot�ll.��T•��.:-:�.�'aGi�c�cci�..;,_. _ ..- riitii, tei :.cif' tf�e A i o z 1"' "C' f` i �.l r•• - _axiirens.:. �,.�t;-.a.n w � er�xi • .eld ,Hackett's Church On- Sundays:;, Rey.' Woolley' conducted -services at all'•three' a 'ppin' o.meats t .., I Rev..' and': Mrs. "Woolley ;come here from: Corbeton Where he has! ministered.: for ..th e .past., four years. He . succeeds .Rev. • Howse . who has served in Ashfield for a similar period. Mr. arid Mrs:- Wo011eY have an adult family of twa. married dau- •' ghters and a son who ,is'with the Army --.Ordnance 'Corps , at Tor onto. Attended , Graduation. Mr ,and Mr.!si_. ? ciii i %vYi': kt Berson. `were' in Toronto last week attending. the graduation exer- cises- at the Moth,ercraft-Hospital ,on ;June 38th,- when their -daugh- ter Lois was one of `the graduates. Another.. member of the, graduat- ,in g _class,. was: Miss. J'cari::Bushell of Hamilton. .and' , formerly IL of Lucknow. Jarri ori C iada a.stzu 1e of :wrecks _ __, s4a~._..,. but :that's . ': lon :enou h to:co .. g. g•n vince:, her that. she likes',it here:. he' S s moz•.e � n� ea edw More: tha 1 s th the` ,: p _. , land .ofs--her adoption.randevery,' thing; • will; be 'perfect' when -Jim. 'he loin able i ' to . s .. lain , r Here, about Se. e t .mber•:,it'is do ed:�M s: 1?hl P .: P, r . 1 lips; is now ,making .her home in Ashfield with -Jim's :parents, Mr. and Mrs.. ,Elmer Phillips. • - • ;• Mrs.._ Phillips was. formerly' 1 Rub • Prickett of Hove 'Sussex •Y , , , which is ' in Southern .England:' It was• in Kingston -on -Thames k t'ha't Jim Ruby met,when romance first bloomed. They were married in ..June of 1944 : and? s!aortl y.; wi'ter : pri. :ally_:22nd J:im sailed for the .continent with the A'rrfy Service Corp He' 'is at present: in Holland, and' last. saw ' Mrs.., Phillips while back to England 'on . leave in • Fe ruary. '-Jim s brother Archie, is also in-. :Hollan -. d -but.-:has:-•met-his:J•sister, in-law.: When, .Mrs. Phillips 'sailed for Canada on 'board the Sciatha she deft :her p • arer[ts• and :a fifteen year-old brother behind. - .- ` :' One; thing that;.•'appeals partic-: uiarly' to Mr's Phillips:'is out climate, •;:in contrast to rainy ':Eng lane% -and we - think '.v i e' been having a wet season • Jim's Dad drives, a: truck for. `Maitland . Creamery and •Mrs. Phillips' is - taking advantage of thea ortunit and enjoying in it,,, of • accompanying cher Y: father -in 'law-: on his (route, and 'taking' in, the • scenery which is ;all so new and ::Pleasing to her. . • EXPECTS TO ` RETUR ' N TO FRANCE . EVENTUALLY Mr. William McKinnon 'whose headquarters are :: at 'btt wa a , is visitingn . at present 'in Kinloss at the home me of his brother- Dan T. McKinnon. Mr. McKinnon. who spent several years in Paris; France`7moved out - f : that= --city the day the Huns moved in back ilul►l'!�iK in 1.940, Severall 1. m , • ; . : •- . � .onths' later he Was,able to .leave the .country, via. S pain .an arrived back' in North • A feature .'of. The Clansmen's .America • in September. .of 1941. u T"eld on' •Thurday.,: ugust 23rd, , . Atlantic in October 19' 1 •'arid in TOP DRAW PRIZE ann as� uminer rn ca iv. ,al to be :Mr. M.cKznnon first crrossedw.Ahe Fishing was Good Abe. _Johnson,`1..Harold : Oelker and A. L. Brownfield of Urbana, Ohio' and Frank Thomas' of West Liberty,, Ohio, spent a few days fishing at •Clam`Lake on the farm o, f Mr: and 'Mrs. Art :Breckles. They had ,'good lu k, and besides living on`. fish while here, took' home about fifty pounds dressed • Perfect attendance—Eva Moore, CHILDREN GIVE Neil-Murdoeli ,! Mrs. J. A, Crispin Teacher. TO H.C.S.:• , FU Grade VII to Grade V)[ll • • .'Local donations to the'..buildin building. "fund :of the•Sick Ch'ildren's. Ho'•s- p a , ital received :'at ,The --Sentinel Office'up to Tuesday• ave; total- :; led $40.00 SAI .th -C 0. 0 and .repr t z $ P c donations. Of this amount'' ten dollars was contributed.; in pennies,. , nickles" -and d • i mea=t, 'second and.: third, room` . of ]Luck now'P'ublic Scheel, B'roams' do nations:'were Room -I $4:50; Room II $2:50 and Room III $3,00 In addition individual dons tions of $5.00 have been, 'received from ::Mass ;;Marion 'MacDougall, acid $25.00• from Mr': G H Smith. The:T:Sentinoi w ill,-con-tinue'x receiveBoast onsfor-ashort'tinne: reHyou:'Lore 'interested-•in•—ths worthy• work; act`now °Make,your donation this` Week -end. • Erect .Welcome. Sign Lucknow Branch No, 309 of file • Honors, --Anderson, Ruth;Chin Mar' . ,, . Margaret;' Johnston Bruce; John= • stone; :J�=' • . , • it ;tri Milne' Gladys.. . I. Pas S—Chin Morley Gammie, Dorothy; • Oollan; Wilhein ' � can;: iris, George; 'Johnston • le .: . , Y; McAlpine,:Maril. n; G an m T o qdf :�- a ill e- lVii llan'•Jim•' • '.MacMillan, RP. . oabt ,McNaY, Bobby; Orr,' Opal; Shiley;Ross, .Arnold Stew _ • art, Winnifred.;i Whitby,. _•. John D. Ross, . Principal. . r , Cipal. ',ANNIVERSARY ,S)SR'VI ,C,. . ES: `: T ''ELik AT St. PETER'S '., S S . b.. c� c'' essfu ` la.., • __ :110.1! ring . • .' wen � versary services.. -held S P' etc . r, s. Ali .' .� Chitrcl...� o , . Geo ' n Sunday 'with Rev. George- Penning of ' London • as guestd preacher. at bothmorning• ' end eveniit '•. liver' g• services` when he ,:de, ed in ` It is spiA ing"sermoas.. e s �y Y� .e t the 'first n Y ane„Years since Anglican 'congregation '*as established in •. L. .four Years ucknow, atX later,: a church: built on ' was the' 'bi�han 1900present' • site, `: