The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-21, Page 8lei lel ...P0.191P11111.k A'IkG:.11GB* la ow in** Lucknow, Ontario • • • ►TT ea R EATERS, -SHIRTS &:B.XQUSES 4TO MAKE. ACTIVE OUTFITS,AT 1VIODER4TE' PRICES t]I1'-I1l[7LO R ra v EATERS ar mast? Ptt>4ar for ..: brae, ..wr ar,4. 01.1:rim ae , '.r • '�.'HURSDAY,. . imp "31st,; too DISTRICT MASONIC SERVICE. HELD HERE SUNDAY A Masonic district -church par- ade • was ' held to' the United Church on $undaymorning with the District Deputy,D. L.. Chap- man and visiting• brethren in at tendance. . •ilev J ''fir, Stewart chose his. 4xt- frog -.1st-.;`KangsrJA Axid il- Ines "BLOUSES niade ?tn'Tei1e & :chambray. =-Voiles'#louses .have `drawstring in „neck and sleeves. Chambray in stripes; tail- ored . style. "-DIRNDL SKIRTS, in large flOrall`designs, crepes, button trimmings. ' { ° 15:EW HANDBAGS'in novelty leather,` " especially designed r .. ' ; for busy daytime use, in white, sed ,, black { f • BABY YARN (Beeh$e)•°in white, pink .or peach AERO ALUMINUM KNITTING' NEEDLES especially suit- able for knitting -Beehive yarn, in 'sets. of 4. Sizes 11 & 13 � '.Table '� T EFFECTIVE June 24, . Dates lniti`�Otfier .;Spec ie a 'Full Information from Agents Canadi n National Rt s. sorsIER: NOTE MADE LIhT%E CHANGE Y'REMIER LOSES, Although the soldier vote made little riiference. to the party n staridirig.Yn,•tle..I)o�ii� n,Y� use , in -,the -at . of it 'did result 'd"fe,, e_ Prime Minister ; MacK izie King, In'ihe. Civilian votrti 'i rne, Pro G: 'F. riding.of r e:A1 er t : Saskatchewan, :,Mr.: King_.. polled., a Majority :of 263 votes over •' the socialist. candidate, but the latter received .93 soldier votes as corn= �IdY'C`i�a = iiY�i 5 poi'• -the1'.riine Minister_ who ,:trailedk'in the total to th t .i e° ect that:: vo es It s d by,. 129 . _ t • ..?�P Mr King. will be acc rded a seat in. either* Ottawa East -r, or. ':the nearby' ridingof Russell;..' The figures,. for -.7- Bruce ' and 'North „Huron follow, '. with the: soldier; ;vote : and: ;the total• voter ivcn g.. • s+. ''i IT `Y h1s district Wzi;31. ed with torrentii 1air that x.. rftis " iccomp ar ied ' by a ' sharp electrical storm and high winds. The. `storm *as not so'bad.:locally' s to the east and south. The ram- on •Frida and !. Satur.-° tin ecl 'c4 � i er Pluvius: over oda' ' �1Vhi1e ': Tu t. �} p. Y - did it a bit,warm weather. corn-' bleed . with the moisture to pro= nicite ' exceptional growth. simmer �u gestiost A, MAPLE ,SYRUP eoupon,°,16 oz bottle :CLUB -HOUSE OLIVES • '% n'perial Mixed .16oz. 'bottle' `;., .. .r, • DEVON' PEACHES 1 coupon, 20' oz. tin ..196_ . JORDAN' 9e- JORDAN'S" GRAPE • JUICE 16 oz. bottle • 25c 32 'oz. bottle. 45e TOMATO ' JUICE Assorted Brands'' 20 oz 'tin 1' KELLOGG,'S ALL WHEAT, :With Free.Fruit,Jce.'Glass 2 packages --2. ENJOY Cool, Crisp `Hammier ,Salads. with; Garden - .Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 'from • MPS� oneelle pari 1 to �1..tr .'ivc onhz1e the to hpOrar`thi`ngs are quietly tor - gotten, It was' the building: of the temple, not a' hundred:' other things he • did, • that memorialized. King • Solomon: Rev Stewart, condemned : the Social ' evils of' today, specifically, mentioning the liquor traffic and' loose tongues..Drunkenness is a :disgrace to the lodge,: to the corn munity, _ o'" the. ,home,, ` ,he said; Those ' who gossip about other. do ' themselves, the most .injury; but if 'there are children within their hearing their minds are too often wrongly impressed about the character 9f other's. Let, Us try to. build'up 'rather' than ,destroy. Let us ;look' for the good, in peo- ple, for there 'is Some in all ;of us,. was the appeal of the speaker. 1VI'r; Stewart also app"eared -for fairness} 'an'd consideration others in our ?economic life, and i •e "ach e •neje 'ivho cbad'emiled t leconomic: success by. exploitation and trampling civet others. t - • „: :Tn the cnoif''_ai'�.l�ei-i'i:,Ndrs. D. rt ;MacLean took the solo . pa.. , SPECIAL$:. i 'Men's; Work shirts and 'dress :shirts. The Store" with', the Stock. THE MARKET STORE. - 4. 411 REDUCED P AS .LOW, 1 V *eIl'u .S�i WEDD TG'BELLS LTi�ONS--BBNRY , k A p'retty� ,June'•,•�iedding . too turda' nSa no , -. i h noo Y ' race h p g :.lune 16th' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John , F. Henry, ,Con. cessio'i', 2Huron Township, when their younger daughter, Agnes Gladys, and, Mr.Gordon : Melvin Lyons, yson` of Mr,' and Mrs. • James' T. Lyons; of Lucknow ,were united in marriage. `;:Rev,, "J, C. ',Hutton -4 orated . in pinkand white, the • table, being .centred ',with 'the ride's.. rake.. The bride's _rnothen r eceived ih American -printed printed silk jersey with corsage of roses and ; , of :,'the . y,til valleY. She was >as- . as- sisted bythe grobm's' 'Mother. wearing blue' .crepe an d a corsage., of carnations : and'J 1y of the N./al- ley.. i - ley le The young ;coup leftlater on. a wedding, .trip ,to Guelph,,}tarnil- ton, 'Niagara 'Falls and other pbints,.-;For 'travelling the` bride ,d nnnd a - naerieir printed silk erse. dress , blue co `a d ac= match.On their re - essori�es to e e c tiirn Mr, arid: Mrs:, Lyons' swill:;re- 'ide `on `the' . ,gr'. m do ''s farm 2 , Con.'12, West•• WawauOish, ' d", .�t I D -•,.r. ' E•H TEIt- "PION C ,L ODERICH S ':SATURDAY'- g AlthoU h the. weather: was6far from p'romisingin the' "forenoon, `'e :w'eatherman _ _was more c .on' ate in the afternoon and :per- ed ` the Webster .Family . to North 'Huron'' i lecessfully: ;hold : , their ' annual I,. E _Cardiff;; P C..:. -218 710picnic at Harbor: Park?. Goderrelyl D: <;R: Nairn, . L: 232 5270 on Saturday.',' There were abou M: Mills,' t . ;C C....F'� ruc+e133 •. ' 5 '150 in attendance. ; • ., '; 086 . . The;. � - ')8•:afternoon was spent soca; . Robinson,. P C .., ' 363. 7037 iallY' when '• old MC . z. ;�•� " friendships w..ere °:Whitter,L.302-"6534' renewed. A picnic supper`..was Jainieson :C•C185 1142 served 5.30, 'after which' s orts, • Program gram was held. • featur • Mr. and Mrs ::Roderick Cam er- ing a ;softball game between':. The on of Port Huron. were'.guests;the •North and The South Duripg the first of :the week -with Mrs.-R_J dal bag i e :music was supplied: Cameron. Mr -`'Cameron :is"••ason bv' two.'members 'of' the incar= 1.1; oth lete.:'Mrand-BMs.- John dine Pipe Band Cameron and' was ,born. l on '.'theRela;tiwes'er-f ,: + Ed' 1VfkQuililn fare i,':.;east' of town Seaforth,,,Honsali;: Varna, ,Clihtor�; but left;. here •when; a child :Ashfield, "West •-Wawanosh, ' dianapolis and Lucknow: It was decided to .hold' the • picnic next year at . Goderich:. - + '-. -her fath - ',ae-b -mmrr ...•..Given a g . y et; the.. -bride, took, her place be foe'. an `arch of ink and white r P. streamers centred .'with.'', white' ' d tor' ted with wedding bell -and . e ��aabrid ferns. Thee Juneflowers' and fe s. _, 'chose . a street length :dress of: powder `blue sheer And :Wore :the p gift of the groom; ;a gold. locket, 'and carried a bouquet'' of pink t Little -Dor s d ern. i i� f t ons ;_a -� rna n ca Bradley, niece••of the bride, made. a chars nhg ``flower girl , dressed• in fushia crepe, carrying a bou- quet of pink :sweet' peas, daisies. and'. fern.. After the ceremony -..a wedding dinner: was served':in•the dining room which was; tastefully , dee- BOtisl To Isabel, Wife f. '"" "lVl'A•RTYN b o the late Don N: '&Iartyn,�formerly-of..'. '233 W --nti ndas St., `London, a bro then for John,' itr Kinearttine: Gen;; eral'Hospital, on June 12th, 1945. BEREAt . Alexandra' ' Hos �ital; Goderich; ' on June' 7th, : 1945; ,to `. Mr and • Mrs Orland Bere' (nee Mark:Horton), "R: ''3 uburn, . a i daughter, Marybelle Jane. • setters , To The ' Editor FIRST IMPRESSIONS' Dear fir; : ' " e 're comin back" arld Th Y ,>g . everybo .y is proud;. grateful sand •haPPY•�iund Wouid.'like, to;Show it in ;some: tangible way First' ; impressions are:; lasting impressions,, and ' our Boys will never ' forget,' how t11e old town looked; 'to them upon their ' ar- iyal after--arr-absence--ot years •.'Could. not the•"waist=thigh grass andweeds which are overgrowing - - the idewalk-leading to the-C.N.11, depdt be replaced' by, soiree,; per- ennial flowers and -the approach, 'Made a place of beauty instead` a• what it is Vere,:,. are "sure there are many friends Who• iiritl'giadly give !.of their 7 -flowers :to Trialfe .this ;transformation- if: sonieorie' wiiLonly take .charge of the work.' Let's not ,put ',it I offs dnlhbker. KITED • CHURC' LUCKNOW J. W. Stewart, Pastor - •CK: N p;W' ,ME: • IN AND •SEE OUR NEW GOODS limner Purses,. 'White. Gloves,' 'Knitting'tags, o'' ;and Girls SUNDAY, JUNE :'24th ` 0 ia.m Sunday=School. 11 a.n. Morning Worships T' p=. -Evening Worship: Monday, June 25th, Congre-' gatinnaLmeeting at .8;,„o'cloc_k•._ Shorts, B'eds'preads, lannelette and, Black Dotri, 1�IIen's • Sport. Shirts. FULL LINE LADIES'. & MEN'S• WEAR' •