HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-21, Page 7xdURSDAY;. JUNEgist,. 1915
f'u:rves--of. Haniiltciin...
�3 � .Hri ,.,A� i �wnrl with lar far
d • rs. Ileslle'I'ua,u,.
en Mr,.an M
- ?a w. u
. ,. reeet�te� � "'_
..of , he Canadian Army paper "The
Maple Leaf" from ".Sgt Clarence
Greer. The; front page carried the
rd_.=Kaput'', a surrender,
single wca. .
' e' t. will " o down in history.
texm.tl?s g. .r...,
... :Whitb •son.,
. Mussell,
,of, Mr." and Mrs.. Joseph W:h}tby
of ° town,' Who recently returned
•-from overseas, has received his,
honorable discharge from the
Army, ll
Among members. 'of; the
R.C.A.F. "whp have 'arrived'•over
seas .recently ai4 FO. Colin•'Croi-'
ier,.. son of Mrs.. Wm. Crozier of
Crewe arid-RodrieriVIacLennan, .
'son of'Emile 1VIacLenrian of Loch-
alsh.. '
.• o'rdon 'Steward has returned
to Military Headcivarters,' Ottawa
having spent "his, furlough'` With:
his parents, Mr• and -Mrs. . Charles.
Stewardjai d a -week -end in Tor-.
onto with his .'sister,.` i'virs,` Hugh
Cuming; and Mr: and Mrs. ',Chas, 1,
• Grandson Back From Overseas '.
Sapper Max I3ildred, son Of Mr,
arid. Mrs. Lloyd 'Hildred' of Bervie
, ar..yed hoose-recetl_y from pyer
seas;, Max`, enlisted sohrtly afte
war' was 'declared -anrd` Was ::.over
seas for a' long ' period In . Nov-
ember .he was wounded, Hole
]and: Max is a grandson of;;Mrs.
Frank Cole of townl'
Going To Pacific::' I }
\,_ • FO, Bob` MacIntosha ; son of • mr.
and``Mrs.' Jack MacIntosh of Par,
amount reported 'at 1, Centralia
li:C;A"F.- st Ton;. the end "off :the
week Bob received his. Aar Force
discharge :in Januab', but. was
recalled recently,'much to;,his de-
light. and anticipates action . in
the Pacific theatre after' 'taking
a'refresher' course.'
1GIr, and7Mrs:.•Frank" Meyer • of
Formosa:ai°e anticinatina 'the_a
• rlVa Q tad ie.t 'Set
•> Meyer, Who was recently liber
ated1rorn ;a German.prison camp
andis now homeward bound. ,
Pte Meyer is well known by'
a .
number" iia this community'
where he'was employed by Bill
Stanley for .about a,year• in:,194.
He enlisted at'• Preston 'in the
Spring bf 1943''. and was, taken.
prisoner `iti :September of 1944.
. Pte. Meyer for `a 'tine was, in
the same • camp . as W. '' Alex:
MacKeniie , where the two
,thein Accan eL_'acquainted Pte.
Meyer was one of four brothers
in the armed services9,• brother;'
Walter, .worked. at Pati McMillan's
for a ;time`nd a brother: Art was
killed in Ita`ly.'. He was fatally
wounded when--thieir. gun,explod-
ed, and •'died the" day' following
• as a 'result"' of his injuries. <.
Pte,' Meyer's wife resides
Cape Chin in. the Bruce Penin-
In;Kin ,.gs:
:fIonor List
In 'the King's . .birthday' Honor
Ltht; FO, John William Bell, R. R.
4, Ripley, w6s awarded :th _ �
.' ; (member of thea O,. B.,l✓. :
tin Order. of: the Bri-
Presbyterian. Y.W,M,S, ..
The meetingof , the :
held .at thome of Mrs.:Mc-
Alpine: with . ood;
Alter .ttendan�ce.,".
, the•opt riin.,._ -...
•t _ g exercises and,:
he busi_ _ -
ness; Miss,,'earl Bender
soh gave :the ..Bible study "on
Psalm , 51;, 1Vmrs. Wm, • Reid gave
the; current events and a. splendid.
report, on the W;M.S..Presbyter-'
ial held at Molesworih .was ;'giv-
en by Miss Gretta Campbell: A.
solo' by 'Mrs. Philip Stewart the
toPie 'by Mrs, 'Virden, Mowbray,
'and' a 'readiri
folio g by, Mrs. Orr," as
and. wed , by the ;closing .hymn,
a' prayer - by . Marian : Mac-
bonald, Mrs, McAlpine served'
lunch, .' .•
The Lucknow•:Sentinel, Lucknow,.
bel: Orr visited on Sunday with l The late Milton F,, Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm ,r, . • •
Anniversary services were held
in the •church, ,on Sunday with,
Rev;Maclvor of, Cranbrook in.
Mrs.' Thos Robb and Wilmer of.
Laurier and Mr. and Mrs,' Har,,.-
vey EQbb .of .l iarnilton visited . o -
Tuesday with Mr. and'lVlrs : Fars
rah -Moffat,
A , Oxv born an Itancarda
;,` • was
ne 'Town-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson shp,Bervie, and was a son.
Miss Elsie Thacker spent Sun, of the late Mr, • and Mrs., John
`,day at Mr. F. G. Moffat's,. Alexander, well-known arid high
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, Mr, ly esteemed pioneer citizOns of
and, Mrs. 'Gordon McBurney, Mr. that. section, of Bruce. Ten, years
_and : Mrs- ..Bal•1. Evans : -and Teddy 'agog. in ;December• -_1935' -he� re-.
-and Mr, Alex .: celved- the- appointme lit of 'Re=
Sunday Vi'sitors,M c enz�e'• were 'gistrar' .of Bruce, as succe sor to
with Mr. & Mrs. 4' .
,Fach'Io�a' : the . late > Ont
ftttliily visited.":uric._Sttnd:4 1/.ri.tla=
d 'Mr ayC t
�. .._ ._ ,s�. oo nes-
LAC,' Graham' 1V1offat oft .
left• on,'•S .
aturday for •La-•
bratlor. after spendingthe
.. past
two ,Months at`bis ••home here
' Mr. arid' .Mrs: 'r
. C u,xrie. and ,dap.-,.
ght er, Mr: •and• Mrs,. Bjll lJa ....
Douglas and Betty •'and Miss Iso.-
The dearth of Mr:Milton Alex
ander; , registrar ;of deeds for the
County •'of. •Bruce, occurred -early
last;.WedneSclay' morning in Walk,
erten from- a' cnlebral''hemg
due" to; a fall thrpugh"-a trap' d
iri the Loft, of ��his. barn.
orthc d Cade ...
Besad has: sar-row•ng vurfe
the deceased leaves one,daughter,
...Marie;' and 'is' also survived by
three sisters, Misses 'Belie and
Maud of. Walkerton and _ Mrs:
Flgrence - .McDonald . of Toront),
and. two brothers, Gordon Alex -
,ander 'Of Bervie and `Howard ;of
Toronto F•
Vnitted Church WKS. •
The Afternoon Auxiliary of the.
United. Church.W.M,S: met at the
church on June 6,,Mrs,„C, I3eckerr:'
Presided and took charge of the,
opening exercises • The scripture:
lesson, was read by Mrs. B. Stoth-
ers. Mrs Becker gave .a, devotion -
'talk on , "The •" crusade • for
Chris �,� fo'ila by.;_,_.&entene�
er by se" ., ?' ,i l ii,;4164-
fa. Maablar n is --took .is. -charge of
the-- rog
...>s.,_, f? ^an Wh.tckl,=er%nSls'ted:``"Q�"
dea, ,ling with Malaya, which was.
reviewed; by Miss Alice Reid; An,
article from the Missionary. Mon
thly On. '.the `,`Crusade" for obhrist"
\ A
was: read. by' . P, Reed. and.
•W. ,
a: `piano solo•''was given; by Mrs
H. Allis,
�... =rte-�w5•�•�•wu�.���,;:�.��,•
The Adventures of Peeitee44 Pea ... by THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED
In this series our artist gives his version
of how the finest crude oil- symbolized
by Pete —is selected and refined to
make B -A Peerless, -the ' oil that's
to keep;repair costs down !
Ask lor Peerless Motor Oil tomorrow! •
,e. is
sele ate
Only the very finest specially
ielected crude oils are used
for Peerless Motor Oil.:
B -A's control of oil •we11s:
with choice of crudes means
longer engine life.
hrtide is transported in B -A's:
own tankers. For lower re-
pair costa change to Peerless!
HE 'SUNDAY . ROAST week- ' rocketing " 'of prices known` as,
ends, in the.country - the .old inflation!
amily jalopy, - these things mean
a pleasant way of life. These are
some *of, t e things every man
overseas. `. has been fighting for.
They'won't be'* his, unless all ; of
•"-ere -he our .fi fighting.
usmake Is ��' n g gg.
man comes back, his dollar' will
be wortha dollar.
Tb' protect his dollar,` we: must
realize NOW the dangers of care
We less; unoecessar •bu in musi
Uy y ,
buy .two ; where one :wits do!We
Must not `evade `rationing or price:
control, or deal in .black markets.
If we break the rubs, our ,country''.
-the` country ' he fought { for -7 -'
will , start„,on .that uncontrollable
Prices will rise. ;As prices go
up, wages • try., to,' tag along... and
u te. catch u . „The-value..:,of
money ' goes, down. :.Soon your
dollar will buy—perhaps only 30c
worth of goods! And there is.no
limit to, its drop --look at Greece
today! The nation is plunged in
poverty . y and depression.,
F' So let's all make _sure our
soldier's . dollars— when • 'he~ gets
...' . bn -.;, dol" :::r's
hack----w�ll,,..b • y. a % worth of --
goods! We can't, give back.. to,
him his lost, years or his lost
youth. But, if . we • keep up the
fight against inflation, he can look
forward' .to pleasant,, 'satisfying
laving :' . •the Canadian way of life.
Psi ilisbell by THE BREWING "'(01•41'Z'A1t1O) to reveal 'rhe\ dangers of infatidn►'
ake this Pledge Today! •
pledge myself to do my part
ftghhng inflation:"
By observing rationing' and avoiding
m_ arkets,..in ,,any_ -shape
Br .respecting price controls and other
anti-inflation measures, and re-.
-fraining from careless and unneces'
sary •buying.,.I will not buy two
•-where-oneivijl do,--nor-will I' buy
• new where_ an: ;'ood",will .do.
k By buyingVictory Qonds' a ; 1 Y
Savings Stomp., supportingnd taxor
titian, andabiding.,'.
by all such measures
which will lower the
'cost " of, living and
help keep prices ata :
nornallevel. • "