HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-21, Page 5URS lA rp '41111E... A .
. da�;w: 1'da Satarca
The Lucknow Sentinel, , ..: cknn
ores ing ball. game, . A splendid
program, of races were run off
Miss Ellen McBride has been for •yoijng and old after. which a
engaged as. teacher for .our school bountiful supper was partaken
tq slice eci Mr,-J•ohri Blackwell ' of, A minute's silence was, oh -
Mr. ana Mrs. Jack 'Graham of served in memory •of three mem-
Ann Arbor, Michigan; are holi- bers of 'the clan whohad been,
laying with the former's• parents; called to higher service, namely,
Mr. and. Mrs; H. A. • Graham. Larry Cpngram, .infant son'of Mr.
-F ends4rom here--a-tt ed- and Mrs. Clifford :Congram -(nee
end. h,:, Model- `M, e' ride•?, Wi=lliam Wal!
furteral COf tl��-,_.1���� 1'��4.. ;�?lYltc,n .,
A,1 ka id .r�- •' : • .: .� •. one: of • tit(' k arisl•. •.u'cl • � • � •.,
._ ..:and=Mrs:.,. � ,i
l f)3 �- •S � _ mos Scott M- �nd�
r W m, Wats e lei . 'a 1:In
h bereaved famrl h• � nded•�an Xn
Ouww t3IG.•t `
tlh he ' Whistler"
ob' -'Taylor lin
Last a Hor
4.myogiyisouTc,oko •`
Matinee Sat.. ftgrnogn at 2,34
e i e of •Walker, ton ,icer- e- g. l rilembii.,
o ei=view. ,xnll�',:.5-exte
led"Tto 't e .
- IVfrs
�' vita ion to h
. .old fh� fam-il icnic.
..-m�Io`nWin, .. Terry of /1 Sr .._.. __._..�r�.,•..,.... ..,,... h ._
a home zre t ear= --The tot...-.
StadaconaTIal fax, Ieft -friday to, lowing officers were elected:
spend • the remainder of herflt.- Hon; • president,; Mr, : Wm,' Scott,•
lough with her patents, , Mr.' and pr.es.; Mr.: Wilfred .Campbell; vice
Mrs, W, IK. •Terry..at Belleville' be.:
fres;, M. Geo;; .Haldenby:, sec:
=fore reporting for duty;•dt .R ll� tread,, Mr, JohnMcFayden .con
faN." .: •
venter of'spprts; Mr.: -Everett -Lane;
. The .Woomen's.• Auxiliary ;met•:on 'convener,: :of. lunch.-' Miss . Ruby.
Thursday,,; ' afternoon' a t'• t h,e• 'Campbell:' .• . ,
ch Mrs:
es- �. ,� , Wa'll presiding The' AC•S. Glen Pinnell Mrs:' Rin:
•opening -hymn •was; "The -Old Rug= Hell,- Bobby and'Sandra;of 'find
ged.:Cross , Edna Boyle read the' sor spent the past week with Mr:
scripture lesson from . St. John,. and Mrs. Wm.. Pinnell. . .
'chap, 3.. Prayers followed, ....The • Littile'Bev,iri MLean stu,ffered a:
roll call Was answe ed by ascrip- painful accident. o.r, Monday after -
titre' verse. - The -correspondence noon last when .following 'a tract
was then read; A letter frorn the or""and. wagon Which was (proceed-
Prayer Partner,=secr-e-tary, Miss •l:ng. east =from-thevillage:-on„ ;the
" Irene' Isaac was ; read: "stressing •wrong side of theroad andas,'the
June • . 26•'' ?
: � - the..great need of: prayer and in-' little four-year=old lad'.; went to
tercession, also a' letter. from Os-, ,run across behind the :moving.
NARCaARET_SULLIVAN' node Hal' vehicles ,__ goode Han _Toronto,_ advising:the -- .icles he did, :not noticea car
W. A ' that in the_ will of, the late coming.:from the east. and he ran
Mrs. Jane Percy $25 : was . be- directly .in its path•;aa`id 'as. a- re-
'queathea` to •11- e -1 infou h Wo- .sult• his right TTeg had -.both- bones'
men's Auxiliary, The • ladies also broken) above the•:ank1•e He, • was
planned". en :;a day .: soon; to rde
oo-: rushed immediately t•
o. Dr:, John
" orate' "the, Sunday School :as••,1VIrs, stori's office at•Lueknow.for x-ray'
H; , A. Gratia , had'.ki .dl- .don -' and where ; he and a" . Wi Lia
r,.. � . y. . at ng ,. m.
ed -_'_wall- �.a 'er -to • decor"ate :.doctor placed:the! ale •.,.in a: cast•_
P P the�,• . , 8 . ,
Walls, This. being a 'work meeting The 'little .lad is. ,a:'favorite of all
.the afternoon was ,spent in quilt, inthe village 'a
nd it was `. with
nig *print uilt fori -re ret :that; thea .l ar'n
.• . o . , p .: � . the .ba,e.. Th:e . g ,, .•,.,_-. y e _ ed • of his..
qtr s- den t ei-osecl _i _ate HBe-min-.`-1s—'•=the young
Mrs..Stanleyson of` tL and.
Fair' of : Ber_v .. 1VJ rs. B,ert.:lVlcL' ear,.
spent.aThursday. With her, mother, and'.at ,the time of writing he is
Mrs:,.Siessor. '. 'snaking favorable progress.
'`Mr. James . Johnstone of Kin-' Mrs M:..• Pierson of 'Millnrton
. '-H E L•E' S .' cardine'• and his ne hew,, Leonard spent is few 'days .with Mrs' .34'
.McLean '� :.� ;';r•�'h "`
'Johnstone; who.'. -was . recent�ly•in= ,,
valided home: f rom overseas; call' School' vas.iclo�sed Thursday an.
ed 'on friends in ':the .Village `eh. observance 'of' :the',.;King's::birth-
Tuesday,:,; day,:. June :14th;, Iso ,the .following
.� g
dayt'o "Permit rmit�•tea r. '
.Mr: and; Mrs : arold� Percy .and p the and' pupils
Baily-• ited re. nt-ty ., i_, to attend the-B�ruce,:-Cou-nt �-Fed-,
.. y, v s t recently . wcth, M.� , Y ,
a d- Mrs Joh' -.0 i eration of A �ricnitu.re.',Some'from
n. Currie' and Mr.:.& • g
Mrs, `Willi : a . W.'.' :. h a m ; .. here attended .,but • the da..,, w..
woodas a Visitor with parents, ., Pp► ?ng a . ,. ,.:. 'here , . Y as.
r' and -`Mrs. `E. 3. Thom:" '' '' (, . Mr. Mrs.., Wm.. Slessor and:.'so rainy 'Several., who, had` plan
�M.,Thom.: ,
• • ,Lois: o 1•Berviej •visited•: Friday ev-' ned on going, remained :at home.
"I' � 1S
Congratulations, are `due; . Miss s 'w' Little Donna:;Haldenb dau h,
., ening ith•�Mi.�and Mrs.. Bert :Mc=' ,. Y, g
' Grace Weatherhead who was suc7 - . Hal..,'
Lean ter. Mr. and; Mrs: _Howard Hal
•.cessful a inassn he . _ m
. p . g etc Mrs..' l�ldon... : _ • ,:.: .•_: de�nb had .ahe. misfortune - `::on
.. . • . . , . , .. Eckenswiller,:Mi s, Y.•.:had:'
Stratford Norinal School. George Colwell, Mrs; •Roy. Gra Thursday . to fall' while lay.in
gy a p.Y g,.
h:am•'and .Mrs. Alex Per' - breaking `her' arm. ;'
c mot i g
r n ._
M .and Mrs. 'John�Gard er .&. y
_-- 1-7: SV Th th is ' extended .to -r:,
Gate], of Zion- here .recoil :bl;ey+s.:.ed to,: Kitchener:on TuP ay �' Nl
'lgrs.Scott Re -Union • ' and" Mrs: Joe Cassidy ;'(nee; Kath
Mr. Mel Reed of Toronto • spent,
the week -end at his'home here.
' Mrs, Lorne Ivers returned home
.after a few days spent . visiting
Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Alton, `Til-
bury. . . •
We extend our sympathy to
Mrs:Roy iu=tied"gg, whose -broth
the late Iia• riclGi•bsuti
ei is 'i i,►et'-neat > in d. ti ag e way
was sailing o'n while,on th,e Great
r, an • rs. Ernest Hall and
Mr,:. and Mrs., Bert', .Wiggins, and
daughter Valerie o, f Brantford
were Week -end' guests:'with rela'
Oyes* in :these .parts; Mr, Hall who
has nOt been•enjioyirig:good: health
is gradual];» irnpro:vin• •,
,`l,Mr: Cecil Orser of Detroit. spent
the. weekend-• with' his 'Parents,
Mie: and+Mrs A. Orser who-•r',e-
turned 'With •him •to visit for:two
Sgt, Harvey. Bryans "of ' West
minster Hospital, -returned'. sold-
ier - from Italy, was ::honored by
the V-7.. Club at..a dance Friday
night :in the Parish -Hall: He was
the recipient•.of a gold•ring with
insignia: as a gift to;'express "Wel-
come Horne" We are gad to
know his health 'is gradually im-
Miss' Mary McEachren,' teacher
at.: Windsor-, sPent the -week= -end
with •her aunt, •Mrs. . Otto Popp.'
Mr : and 'Mrs.. Jack Macintyr,.e
arid little sons, Grant and Billy:
are '• moving.; soon >:to Wing ham.
Mr. 11ilacIn:tyre, has been employed
at Port Albert airpoirt,:
r••Dorien.:Rutledge„was here
from° Malton for a . few clays and
,attended' attended the funeral: '. f his uncle, .
e . ate 'Haroldab os , at ;Go -•
erich - -
,Quite a nurn- beg of: the ;Junior'
Room pupils of the schools are 'ab-
sent'•this week due to chickenpox
rriaking...an 'i nasion::. .1-lowever
none.' of...the chil'dren': seem• to be..
g >-i
noticing it'onl as an'' ordeal
:..�. • Y.. ,arid'.
a: fore -runner •of the holidays.:
They may' also' ffelit :an aecom= `
shmen -'
t . and'. 'another oilier of ---those_
kid -diseases 'to strike off 'the list.
'CPL.' Alvin 'Sher : ood
C ; =A. F, ° 'arrived 'home. here at
noon on Tuesday after . servin
for: lyearS in the European
war. He has fared not too• badly
arid .;is in excellent; 'health: ':His'..
many friends are glad to seehim
back}r,e- o aWfter all; that'' tiinei:: . ;
en s
_.. .. __.... �i'tnf<t-he_-
United • church M,met.,I on :Friday,
June 15Ilr-rn
�tie-Sunday ;Sefiool-
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
The ,story of 'the gradual :dis-
integration- ---
dis-integration of a . group = of=
nurses under the strain •'of'con
stant bombardment, overwork
,, i
*imminent ,in'6 2a'1t.
Also "Short Subjects". '.
-Mrs Helm, Mr and :Mrs. Lorne
.gods and Donna arid, Miss Mary"
,Rutherford Attended the Webster
picnic at Harbor;'Park;. Goderich,,
onS u
• at -
Mrs. Ronald Rot w ' Nor -
e . t e i_nplew. r: + • x, r.z + '—"-_-ii Gi a -ha rn l -o -f: -•-C lifforn-d e:,in h e
Rev Mr..Newton of Thorndale .;on Saturday afternoon over -1-50
.relatives and friends''-of._the. late'
will be .inducted', into • the charge; 'IJu h' Scott famil' :-:.gathered
• of St.' Helens and Whitechurch• at. Y . g . red a,t`
the , St: Helens'United: 'church on ihe''home of Nin 'and 'Mrs: Russell:
Friday evening; June 29th. • Needham, ;Con. 101-Iuron, to,mark•:,
the, l:.lth..annrversat v,: "The' after -"
All, the. ladies • area invited to noon was;- ,.spent renewing c-•-:
the Red Cross quilting .in the quain:tances while : the nen. n=..
•community hall on Friday`:after-'''joyed ''the, usual,:harseshc •pitch-
noon. , ing. The, •younger.. engaged; in an'
rcie' ;:Bar Knitting
Botany ' Dryspinnera Reg'd.
Kincardine Ontario.
'loss of: their dear. . little daughter
•Ja.netwho -passed =away- -Friday
morning ;'after a few ;:weeks ill_,'
fiess. The •funeraf , service: was
held...Op Monday morning 1.Rela-
tines: and friends. fr:o.m, here at=
tended _
Ms Williaiir'Percy, Mr, `Alex
Percy, Mr; •and. Mrs. , John • Barr
and.family'<stent Friday wi:thMr.
and Mrs; Neil -MacKay; Glamis,
Miss Margaret Robertson ; 'of
Pur plc Grove is. enter taining the.
Pi esby. teria-n W.M.S. on • Wednes
•day ; afterno n . • ,
Mrs Jack4Hodgins and John 4i\
.:Miss Irinia ' Hodgins ••.:of.,Kincar-
•dine visited on Sunday with Mr.;
and 'Mi s: •Jas Hodgins. -
MiSlsEvelyn: McLean of- London:
was. home over, the week -end .
-Mr: and- Mrs,�:'J,arnes lodge en-
-tertained the' ine,mbers of -the An-
glican choir on:•Mgnday eyenrng:'
A pleasant 'evening. was enjoyed:,
Mi': and.":MI-s, Hodge Were pre-
Mr. •andAMrs, Albert Scott, 'Mrs. '
Clifford', Scott,: •LAC. Kenneth'
Scott of Stt atford visited at the
home Of .TIM and Mrs. } IVI ]tori`
'Walsh on .Silnday. ;.'
Mi'. and,.,Mrs. Alex :Percy ,and
family, visitedop Sunday. ;with
Mr, and .Mrs, Win. • Stanley :and
Mir,. and 'Mrs. Alvin ;frwin, Luck-.
• Mists Marion Walsh, Helen Y&.
Seat :.4 Thoinpson of 1 ineardine'-
spr►it-.tlae we,ek en d", at `their
homes here
Mr::, and 'Mr s.'Go.rdon -McBurney'
and family were. Stiriday visitors
at . Birt MacLean s.,.; , • .
13>aU., L $. MOTT of Tana and
formerly of Bcrvie,• has accept.'
'CO x' call 'to:Lyndon Uni.tedµchurch
whore he'wi•ll••.assume his duties
S1t�ir�,1,y:, °• •
lrfw'"•_ 1^.`44111i'.
FRI..- SAT.. MON: "
Jiine_22n 23r_ 1 Z5thL
_? Gla fCE T 'ii'i U
hobo-074.stone tT vet-`
ran _haa
-.fust";-.returned =.ho> _-�-•-�-� -_
ast meek-ta ial a `•
rooms ,with the -:press, Mrs. Popp
iri .charge . Mrs. W .11 .P•etrie... read
the scripture • lesson The' `next
meeting will'be a_ picnic July 18th
on .the church.,lawn, .when all the.
;Sunday School children Will: :be
entertained .• The PrOgrams, land,
games will. be in charge of Misses
Lucille.' Eedy, Doris• ,Reed,. ',Beth
McConnell and. ,Madeline. Caesar..
.Betty; Rutledge sang' a: solo ac-
companied ,,by: "Donna . ,Hodges • at,
the piano. Mrs:'Ryan ' led. in; p`ray
er. The topic was given by 'Mrs.
Hodges • and a 'reading by Mrs:
Brown.. After • the closing: hymn
the- National Anthem and mizpah
benediction,-.. Mrs.J'. McWhi>(nney
conducted .d,contest.
United Cliureh'Speeial Services :
Fl,owe;r Sunday at 'jthe : United'
.church :.Sunday, morning •at
,m:':Was observed by a:good atten
dance: The' church: was beauti-
fully. decorated with ferrCs' and
lovely spring flowers with mauve'
ander,vedlow:-eolars-•predomina nrry
Singing canaries were there, 'a
morig.st the •flowers and burst sin
to song: at ,intervals:_, While , tht..
prelude "Joyous March".ii• was
played by. the orgaritist the" ii -
day School - Child*„,,Caine
single file from the .'basement and.
up the .•ais,le. 'They :each offered•
a botigilet of •flowers'uw•hich were'
pl•aded .on:.R a-- standard -by-• -Mrs -
Vickersori and Mrs.. Amy . Orser..
The- young'•folks °coritrnued `to the:
choir. loft and joined in the: songs,
of praise. Mrs'. 'Rdy Finnigan gave
an appropriate• reading.: Miss, Mar
`ietta Stingel . sang ,a 'solo. Miss
Dorothy Robb,, ,violinist, » accom-
panied Mrs, Stingel at the organ
ter the congregational•; hymns 'In
closing the 'minister commented
on the ,beautiful arrangement' of,
flowers .and thanked •the, eorriinit,
tee for their endeavour, He also
corvette K
We:invite you a11; to.come ai
thrill` to :the. tale. that is.'.
of "Corvette ;K-225"
The show starts at':8: You can
still see, it all if you're late.,
Socome yo' all 'n bring :.yo''
date tothe attractive; and new.
Show Starts at 8 O'clock
thanked the ;children for • their
splendid'•co-operation :and atten-
tion' given for the service: Iri the
evening Mr.' , Clarence McClen-
aghan" c Whitechurchof..'
.,�uas'tl3e .
I ' Best"-'. .,;
.g s�eal3 er'-- sped-king:oi� o P . _.
Life -of 'Moses. Father' '
. ., er s may was
Marked.:; at this • service..iand m..
•keeping a, choir:: of:: 2,0 ,m le 'voices
led.', the• singing Mr. -Will. Sage.
of ';Port Albert was •at, t t he ' or
Albeit gan,.i
lsa• ang a:,sola accompanied -=-Y
by. Mrs. °Stin el.
at ..
g the.. rano..
Mrs. THomas-•:Drcksori,' Sr; was
taken ill' on Monda'and
Y wasre= .•
moved -to.` God
• � erncli Hospital': `for
tee e
atm •
since -that h
is:'a little improved; •
• R.N.; Mist Ida Wh .Y , ward
' has followedd' 'i
he nUtrsing , profes-'. •:
sion in New :York state for along -
period of ;years has returned to .
Dungannon, her: birthplace, and •
taken •up'' residence. and,• enjoying'
a `•complete change.' . ' Recently : •.'.`
about 20 cousins met at the home . .
of aMr '
.Arthur 1
E li
o sociaf.--.., •
eve?inpresented.her with
a m''iseellaneous• shower ---=of-: giftS-
•.ii}'1., 1,, , •wC.•
Shortage of early=hatched' chicks
extrahea_vy-.-dema id -for eggs.. -
and' poultry for both home and:,
export ma `
rkets. ,. .1a sharply in-.,
creased price for fall fresh eggs
•for 'shipment overseas . it alt
"adds up”'to unusual .opportunity„
Will you be cashing in, or just.'
wishing you•were, this coming fall;:
and winter? It's still not;. too late: `''.
if you act. promptly,—start:`good;
....a a ..gro.wing, early maturing
chicks and- raise•them right. •
The •Bray. Chicks Of ;,this year of ' !.
poultry_ . opportunity„are1i_vv.ingAnd
'growing sixty”, That means
high vitality and vigor ---Just, what.
you ;want in•your chicks,. •
Diy-Old chicks in many breei'"'
and hybrids :' started Leghorn
;puYlets fclr prompt. -shipment .
started heavy pulletsfor a little'
Iatm if.'.ysou._hook-them Row,.Act
ri ' ht awl: ,•
g .., .Y•
120 John St N. Hamilton, Ont.
b' LOCAL AGE1•1T -