The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-31, Page 11TO RSDAY,, MA7f . 311st, '945 Jaen Wklsrin fir4t of the a1 x _=-tramp., 1ppc z � ,. ' sixteen.- ' - a .i c n S • . spending te• : •1+week of ts here. _ day.furiough-at th ir"horne :s"' ,.- , NAROTaD )EIUl'P C. � , I ..R-ACK• FROM t)Y RSEAS e HAD. N,ARit01WV ESCAFB Charles Mason, ' proprietor of the Central',Gar age, had a harro ani 'escape last. week, He'. vas _.squ,at- ted under th9,back.of a car when the jack slipped letting' the `car diowrr_ :o»: ;.hire: 1? tics .squatted position Ch-arlio' _•w.as so _pinned _pinned d 'jri that , tie' was unable even to utter a sound to s,umrnon hep, =He did: 'm-arr gtE t rgct his l_i�rrt�i �Y ex girt }arrrr `• tom` rr t�ij 1. - . fit+ rt-:' A,, a i x-ray„ i v 1 d E i. th _. F 4 d -dt n y - trn b c"-4 i were 'brok.cn., but IT(7-was pi'ett , well cr1ipliled up. for a: fe\v'days uclinow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontar g ' lvfic,;and, tir5 Win, •Humphrey sricl''f mrly .'o1 WestWawarwsha • received a vGr,v: ,happy surpr,'ise. j, ..Iast ;Thursd'av when , their son; Pte, ilai old 13utn_tlr ey 'Vho .has' keen over seas for upwards to four r. years, "walkiad •in on-!thern with ou't warning: ' !Harol'd i cached•.' .home before his hparents received `}ris Wire that . he's was: back' in Canada; The boon . op which, he r'returned docked at'. New 'York on Tuodo . Pte; Iiumphr ey. was a member • ''of the,• Perth . Regiment' that.; was recruited: at ,S'tt'atford, ..and saw' action in Italy , and in Europe; 'E'arly:. this. year; .the •Perths in common ^ with' • other 'Cana •ya,an . forces:yin. Italy • were.,, transterrect to the Western Front.' Their 'engagement was the ::Capture -of ,• Delfziji in, Holland;. Harold, who i .a `"five -.Year vet= eran" at. 23; wase onerdf.- a• niiinher of members of • the Perth Regi 'ment to return ;last week. ibis mil : ad no int'i 4 ,s --return'anzl rratur:lfy were over:-' joyed by the unexpected: reunion: GAINED 20 •POUNDS IN: LESS THAN :TIJI EE; WEEKS AFTER PRISON CAMP RELEASE ' The'following letter is the •fir'st. one received from'WO. Alex Mac: Kenzie, ;D_,' 1VI,,,since hislibera- matron from•-th:e�•-Ger-mate :prison- camp\-Stalag :4B., : • Maj 18, 1945.' Dear'Mother., and Family,. Arrived in„, England yesterday "and sent . you (;'a cable. which you should :