HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-31, Page 10allidlitiiiiiiiiiiiiiialloomitigait‘agusuamou..-,w mow- tin y. :- rlsasks i- 7 ^ ll • le OBITUARY, MRS. ' OHN' 1<. CAMPBELL L. The ;th • ofMrs •'Johu , . Campbell,• who was one month past, her 87th birthday,. 'occurred at the horne'`of her nephew, Mr. Brown. Harper, West Wawanosh, on- Ttrursa t;3- 1'7th Mrs mpiaell wassormerly C-athrine-. n ;Lhe late p'r:tllars1, Graham Mr, and. Mrs. Duncan 1 the who-yuere`.panee:r se,.tte ...fiS 4� t- , SecondConcession' Xinloss; a r'' _ Jo L:. he -+.-m �d ...hn .19 0 r 1� 4.s. rs-•-M : n� tohaes- where•they' , resided; for 'a_ ,. tiimae, before :'Moving toy,'Alberta. Sortie twenty years later they, re-` tand made their ,home. ,. au�ned�:Eas. • , :.. hp me, .Wingliarn where Mr ,Campbell; pa- ss edawa Y ear s'a o: For the .Pastnine"YearsMrs.Campbell . Made "her home, With •hr'nephew and niece;' Browrx.' and. Helen Har - Mary •Harper, who predeceased,' her three years ago, " Mrs..Camhad enjoyed pbell' comparatively good health until a, short time prior to her death, when she suffered a •severe. paral ytic" stroke.•$he was of. a, friendly,' cheerful disposition and took a kindly it tetest 01 all her friends and aequ4in-tanCeS. Iu n r'v i 4,r,:,.. tis, 'T'he x7Kt _ er -: at the Harper.. home,, on Monclay, May 21st, -Conducted' by Rev, C H;-= lVl _cDonaM,'s '. interment vas irf lin ham. Cetnet_e_r R.witiitJohn_ . h "W ra Brurnpton,;h'rank •Gam , W. McCrostie, Wi A, Humphrey, Peter Campbell ,and Will-,Ruther; ord' g �actin as Pallbearers, • .Of ' afajr'nily of eight; 'Mrs, Ca ' 11 is survived by 'two m be p <;.,. � ru . ton. of szsters, M,rs: Lizzie � mp ., Port Stanley 'anct Mrs,. John An- dre* (Sarah) ' of Maye p ,, per, and w,rty hetr sister,, _Mrs. Alberta, Predeceasing here were t three rbrothers,, :Duncan, ® ougal and Sandy, and' two aiste s, Mrs. Tena Graham and Ws Mary , Har er. ' p 1 ZION; Mrs. Cecil Gardner' and 'baby Kenneth : returned: I. home .from:. GoderCh hospital on Monday. r ;s. n ryn ref .Holts- . ���r��. l�`r anl� J��l�n � .. - I ith xuucl::'s ent n !ew`�clays..�, .. 4_p and- Mrs.- �Sad.��rard fret •.. nth*, THURSDAY!, MAX. 3lst, 190 Mr:' Eddie Johnston of j.rUCkfOW, who has been, a pattent .at Christie hospital alter losing both rew dr leis overseas. Miss Ellen An , Toronto} also attended the pres entation.' "Y .. b1Vir. •and 11/Irs. FratilcRitch a at, ten:dea...Mr,. D. N; Martyn'S :fun:- eral.in Ripley on. Saturday after noon.. , Miss Lora; Re, ed' who ,has been valve- sIl i �" "fie---�►f I1•re,_.$�adio, Co ,• Toronto,. thee past tw,o, yar; on handing' in her. resignation, was ,resented' with a .Solid, silver p , .;compact and aecompanted by art, a dress: While _there:Radio`Valve d '. r .et Co, �..resented.`the C.hristie''St e p Hospital ;with a:: nur`nber'•,of wheel'I theh o r o .. n eci • ss,R had . '.chairs : Mx A7,, term' ]t h '.w 'xt • e '.engaged r. the n `.n a e ,, �e of -making the 'Presentation. to g g Mr. Leonard. Johnston, bi ot; ,e . . h r of : substantial increase in 'salary.' a 'YOUNG LONDONER K i L'LED I N FALL Many .friends .in Ashf>,eid and~' Many r tlxe I;i pley cop muntty,were deep, y saddened lastweek to Jeatn, of the ,death of Donald .Nelson, Martyn; who hurtled -to his death-, from.a :third story._ apartment„ dow. in .downtownV London last AGO. r. r - -SSES' Thrrsd :--- rs—Mart i �;lze. death of :Mrs' M,ti� t„ki , _. 1rla 'Mui nf-sl:oeha1 :- €orrnerl ,�=-:Chrzsti- �.._ .'. 'V�elsli, Y ra''occurred in Hiuroiyrownsh p:-; =.VMarttyn, who wns 8 ,yr - ii :.._ . . her. 87th :of age, was cleaninga-window, rrn Monday��he: was t•.• . -ova. ar..tnient .when-. the �acc�is yeax_--�re-�un'e�raf--service- t;he ap . . �Pine.River. United church; occurred., He was in his stticiciria held m on Wednesday..' "' feet' and' slipped, while' 'en' f;c y the'' task, He Clung . for a ' hr ,; at .h �. g i.f .a u wire, wh'i:ch• s hii •eil, AC. Westfield , rriorrieftt to. guy, �i�-, "•, ieson : of Ash- witted ',an : electric sign 'in front: .'Miss Pearl, J;am. :. ,. p; .. n. e . st1`i 1d �•We r is k r • s :�� t field; Who'' teaches. a . a os ,has .been. re` butF it , b,r.oke; away:.:. and.'Dona1 .. Est 'Wayv n. h d. n Ea St: 35. feet ..to' the pavenricnt': below, ti 'Or ,0 10 kri.• tijo r rr • • •.ROVi04CE OF` ONTowI. ERAL • ELECTION, :JUNE • • t • • • "-�.Armyand: ; and The'attention-of members �of the Navy, yAir Force �;ei,t.,,E,,..5„r,• s .,'u item. under the all other pey �Wh.:...W ,�,...,, -.Ontario Service Voting Regulation ,-I94 5, is directe Active following provisions: 1 �AActive ervice Voters cif -their -homes Active Service Voters who are n their place of ordinary residence on polling day may vote in the manner prescribed by the Election Act for civilian voters, whetheror not their names are on the Voters' ,List, on_taking.a declaration (Form 8A) before the depttt5t returning officer. Such voters may vote at the. regular polling placefor the voting - sub -division in wh><c�they 'reside. Active rAe rvice, • . their •su ters on Leave or' Furlou9'h. wive Septa—Voters—who are absent from their units but pot.,in: lace of ordinary residence, on leave or furlough, including., voters on farm' leave or industrial leaver may. poll their votes y With as copam%ssioned `officer .appointed to take the votes of Active :, ss><i.... Service -Voters, on ; � producing ...to • such.�comtnii one officer docu- mentary proof that they are.on leave or `furlough. and. provided that:.. they have not already vote in nearest Naval, Military or ' Stich votersshould apply.Air to th� . •,• iForce headquarters s for information as to the location. ,of the e�.present Commissioned' Officer nearest �to thein, address. • . CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER,, v . PROVIY+i£E OP" 'ONT'AitiK The' falling ;man:. struck the left leg :of Pte.. Lester' Hess, Wolseley Barracks, ''who happened to 'be passing a't' the time,: The soldier . said .his leg' was not .badly in, jured He stated' that he did not: ' know , what shad: 'happened until :` he: heard the thump of the Victim ,on 'the sidewalk; Mrs. Martyn :and their 2 -year,' .old 'son,':John , were in the apart ' - when the: accident . n k, place, 'and'.liars.; Mai tyn said that` she:saw, -her .-husband...clinging t,?Y • the.' gum y wire; then disappear•fro vrew-. ' The in1;ured than was attended by Dr. Clifford Reason' and' re rrtoved to'Victoria Hospital. in the Oatman ambulance,;, Hospital at. - tenants stated that he died. about :an hour and a ha1,L aftei ad mrttaance, The accident tools pleas. at abt : 7 30:,p;m Mi ouMartyn' had been ;an op= for etrist ;with the Carlyle Tr ebil'• cock. firm for the ,p,ast 10 ...years., He graduated as an optornetr ist in. Toronto1. in •.1937 Hey wasi 'born ii;'i Ripi'ev; lthe son, Of, Mr ;and •Mrs....' Roderick.: Martyn. Mr Martyn: was , a` member of aLLondon Lodge of-�- Pei`:fectio i- Sco dish.:: iteKilwinning -Lodge. No. 64, A.F. &' A.M, and ' a. rnem' ber: of Chalmet s. Presbyterian ,• Chuii'ch.'''He is survived ::by his:. .wife„ Isobel, and a so:n, John Dori. ald_, his,,, parents; 'five brothers, • 'Eugene, Love"; :Eric • :and•. Allain; a -11 --of, Tor onto, and David ate';.•. home, two .'sisters,, Miss • Anl.elii` I�aierire �iltob of _Walkerton A private .funeral selvic'e yyas: held on; Fay e.ening ,in. Lon dori, :conductrided , ,bvy Rey{, McKay; :Esher of Cl7!alme'sto inti. church,;after which' ;the 'body ytias brought to.:, Ripley :'to' . the home • 'Of . his :parents; where ri :ser vice 'i was.,held: on Saturd'ay.. ,iftri7 nn ) with interment • in Ripley Cern:., ' etery '" _ r. N' ] T )L.:. NI A F E KI; G Mr. acid M"rs. erb dufraf; Mr. and Mrs: T :.M Ander san spent Sunday afternoon' with 'Mr anti ,: Mrs Lloyd Hunter, West Wawa-. nosh =1VIr Wallaice T�wamle, Luck"' stow; ;Miss; :Hiltial: Twari•ley of, Wingharn :and Miss •Fern Twam; le of Belgrave 'visited .cn Sung day °°w ith Mr,.; and: 1'Irs George Twamley. Mrs, Tlenry • Horton 'and Mrs:. G O: Bere called on Mrs Nor; man ShackTe on • op - ondti Mrs. 'Geo. Andrew," Mrs, 11e : Andrew; Lucknow. and IVIi" fir' thur' Andrew, Toronto, • y i5ite`. h Mr and ..Mrs. Will A.ridr'ew on Tues'day.,' , a , Mr. arid.Mrs Chas H il•lii.rnana,. fa'r�iily called on rel t it'es Blvth on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs S. B. St'ithers., Kay, .Stephen and'. 1:4.1.4th. •Ar. thur., .Mr..s, J; A. Crisrrn, aii,d ;John. of Lucknow, spent. May "4th `av the faun:, Mr's. Annie Johnston,T:rirrl r ow`,. ,sne•rit•.Ihst week_. v-ith .rr1;i��i at Mafek.ing „Y. Mr: and M.S. Geo Anrl+ s ‘k 0.f . Lueknow,Mrs. Maigari't Andrew,` `iori:'visitccl friofids. in 1i;'i'•ds.; ':Irict on.,Tliursday 1<tst 1\4r. and ,Mrs.:Euf;elnc" Tawas;, Mich,, visitt)ri and lVIrs Rieh. Kilpatr it�,l': on day faSL Mr,' and Mrs. Omar llia� �,.:inil `VVayric, :Nile, called '.at' ltAr r, tri• patriCi,,s on: ,SSunddy:, c•r