HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-24, Page 8PAGE .EIGHT ,71117sDAY' The "Lncknow':Sentinel' Lucknow, Ontario ,Bables'FOr Sale Wartime conditions, and an `in,' creasing demand -for ,children, foi, ',adoptipn, have Set up:. a black .Marketso 'brazen that it. adver' tises. enevieve: •Parkhuitst, nat- .nown YesearOlvauthoritj ' ese t a frank, revelation of p 'r11 this xn--- aFroc�ng • social: Weekly, wit", Es.'. : mica 7 (MaY271 Issue of '1'Ife Detroit :Sunday Tirnes,. A_ THREE-FOOT section. ' of an 'aeroplane propelle. found north of-Inverhuron .reeent1 r giveS fur- ther credence 39„,...thebelief_ that Dieppe `Prisoner Safe Mr.. John McLean of Ripley re- ceived word tee days ago that his son Kenneth, :who had been a; prisoner of, war .since the Dieppe raid in August,,1942, ways an,`A'vro ; libera t ed: �:..and _Safe ate n _E ngmlaand Ansn�bovnber missml1Kenny, popurlY. kno nto i em- on•..a.. fligi�t from _Part Albert la.,t he as:. Cedaz dole , was. a >m _ _.• s sottish Reg • . , . lie--i:� ; f--•-th Es .-5.,.�...._.-_�._ ,,..: n • i�► . . --fa _Y. 1 . vrent�.ow `ti?e .y. ITT o the political and econoi nic. reactionary, Socsal Security is something tob e unrest:: Social makeshifts: .;; � to win•votes -- . a 'soib; to soothe • • axed as a bribe of a kind are actually offered to -day as, political saibstit for sound, reconstr • post-war reconstruction o f econom:c� planning for the . r :rA •r~ 1.. - `• •., Progressive Conservative Party To; the -S ate`'`�oc;<alYst,on the:other . fihe P g - : is -+. to.. provide, without delay, a. Band `Social Security is bookisha- theory pledged� .r, .. I that nd'- . comprehensive social `... I .. to , o rove ' `.. � < ; . and ... P .. , seeking •. uniform ., I poverty would'Abe . security' programme:for'altCanadians, m ehl • more . endurable if only• . it. were� y •. �'including: i' ch' more general. ,: And• noN John• ,Brae the : Prog: extended unemployment,, insurance : listen . for a moment to , en, the, forthright leader of nivel ,.Conservative °Party . A/. Adequate payments for the maint,en- coverage.. ere. in Canada, unlike in ance o 'unemployables.: "The Sta �e h � Germany/ s ' the servant of the people l , /Accide not Its aster ,•Fiilancer and econorr�Ic 1. nt and sickness:benefi mecha suis 'associated : VVIt�1. t, must ; .V ildren's allowances:•, • the servants,: not likewise be regarded as h -;.,�;:.. .•: , ,. •"..,��Ma�ter-y bene re mai ns; •our econa�my-heinder writing, -.of . ,prosperaty':.A:ND socialv `.' Widows' benefits: c :`curity as % rope . ffnetion• of ` tke } a etirement pensions.. n•. • State." Notice -Clet prospersy and • linked ' together.: social sesta sty; are' d • W r determined . that ' :Sociala.; • • eeurity shall no longer on er be 'regarded as' g ...._but�as ohat it is -a social a � slid-r'itY .,-- obligation and national resonsibility . P of the ' very' : first. magnitude and import? "'row. with. �•st �Social Security_�� mu , � _ ..W. : deer, •• Soc y_._:_. .._ -... , .... nos erity--because the degree to' which • social servicesmay be provided is deter= ,mined by-thersize 0LthenatiQna c • d old, age ensions at' age 65: icrease, o g p ncreased pensions ;f:or-: the . bliz Where: ',any a n '' of,,these, .� social _s.ervic s` : :. ially' we are •administered• pro'Ymc y, shall provide grants large enough. to:_ensure o standards of s'oeia1— •senu'rity adequa t ..,•.r.. all Canadians.: C omp . positive and complete: programme a;:with the make -shift ex- pedients edients of;' other parties. ;. No other P _ . r even -a ro lohn.:,:� • s��t��--cans=equal�or pp , � ,, to maintain .t at Inco e .. . eareled,ed ken ! . guaa anter -=of ,• securitiy.for Lall high ros erous level. It is against ..,•., ata .prosperous Canadians. . d •'of lent for all,`; that this �backgroun plenty the: , Progressive. ' ConservatiiveS • see • It's rationa Social Sectii ity • • • • seciirity—NOT •rationed WIN WITH BRACKEN OGRESS'' E VAT1 fi Ptrbliglietl 'by the ftogreisive.t"nti: S ,. COUNCIL MINUTES ASHFIELD TOWNSHIR Ashfield,; May 7th, '1.945, Council met pn above date, all members. present. • PiinuteS sof the April mee-ting-read. and'-app'rove.l It ways moved and carried that r council. make., application for per: rriit tsi!� purchase a-� bullgraclerto widen, the, odds. and sn4W , la ing It was moved an, ca:'rr'ted that Council' lmy :a '$10,0"00,'bond. • The• '.following . accoufits.• were ordered <paid Pay roll No: �t•;. $'101.051 W. MacDonald, wire; spikes: and .;steeples, : 3.13,;' Rooert Stother,s, .,repairs, to grader;: 1.50; Th'os;,. Wilson,,grader.. insurancQ,. 39,82; 'Imperial' Oil, gas; and' ..oi 83<95; Wm,- Hogan, sheep ' claim, 25.00;. Wesley Ritchie,,, valuer?;2,00; J. A. McDonagh, ":premium- on' treas: 4=4_1_16,60; Thos. Wilson, premium • on road insurance, '$125. Council, adjourned to meet .May 26th at 9 am. as court of revision of the •'assessment, roll. • June.': meeting Council, June. 16th. •,• • C. E.'MctONAGH, Clerk; KINLOSS, TOWNSHIP Kinloss Council met on April: 16;1045 as ` per adjeufnment, all •mernbers 'present. The minutes of, .the .M. � . arch, 19th ; meeting were 'read and. • approved: The tender of .the Drury str-ucti:on Co,.of Arthur,` On.t,; Was. + Itht 1915. C. z b <e Construction 0 non eF .Trt f4t chtyruleig To: nit ]r"ard Vti'; To Itt I'. Kmouth. • Stocked For Every ; a Car: and Truck Deect;«re Ee Its Cau e Run-down' Batteries and Overheating.. REPLACE NOW AT Canadian 'Tire Corp:; Associate Store :ampbefl's Garage 'Phone 184, ; Wingham, it•resolved that we who:are called by the name: of Christ, Wherever,' and whenever it is possible cx- tend•• to,•them ,Christian neighbor •.' 1rne5s: and -friendship": asurer• s • reer 'accPpted':fgr the w6rk"ozr--the- Th-�t r . p t present'..-' Ackert Municipal :Drain.. -at • t 'e 'ed by. Miss S< Carleton, owing Burn :of $0715:00;*.the ,work= too be': the,: absence: of the treasures; M con}pt�ted by . yemb_er 1 1945.' 49is Maeiay. ,.wed '9425.17 , •Applications to be; .called:' fe� was remitted to treasurer, Tor the office • Of a '.general drainage- omo; 'an me ease o -71e -peck:iT inspector• foi •'the .municipaht was _edence .of progress, The Council as a. biddy were a1� vi "• pointed a committee • to arrange' for the home' coming• of r'eturne'd: :men from the municipality,. Council'then adiourned to,tneec again on, :1VIonday , the. .28th day of 'May . at the usual 'time for. general eneral :business: and ;at 2 p.m. as. a 'Court of. Revisionon th - 190: assessment roll Cheques, issued.; E. H. Agnew, relief, •.$28:68; Daily Commercia: 'news, .: • tender ad • Ackert. drain,, Maelntyre, inspection 'fees,. 1.70; Adam 'McQueen,; itefund '. dog•:_tax, . 1.00, J. .R. La n- e, 2 O.A. pension . applications, _4 00, :.'P • A. Murray, • • expen ses Good Roads. Con vention, 20:00 Highway cheques--Pay•roll 'No.: .4r�.$45,2,.90,t:�Mr� :: (',Pprge�G`'S? •w�':...• stamps, 3.0.0 • J R. ' LANE, Cler"k. waCr'.vc 1'ti:rt:'h 0a' tvP, RRESBiT.ERIA' AN iTAL HELD AT: SOq HAlVIPTON The 19th; annual meeting of the B •� Pre b- terial o the V'1^ ru-c ,. � � man's Missionary Society ;of :the Urited•church: convened in South- GENIAL AIII AT. BRUCE. Gl<^Ti9'II ,:NC1lMINAAT!Ol Returning o"ffiiCer A; •fl :1VIeTav ish', of • Teeswater' presided at the • offic1a1 :nomination' of I`:Bruce;`. `County. Federal candidates; held', at Port Elgin last week The_RerL 'Elgin reports. that the at '' ,mospher a of the ,meeting. was !'of • rare; 'congeniality The three 'candidates. ;are, G, `. .MoffatJamieson, C CF:;:Andrew E: Robinson, Progressive-Conser= r L1 . .triche , v,ati_�•e and�;,Carl'-H W • The Tim ' es ubl list. fished 'thC p of persons, signing ,tlhe..nomination papers of :each 'candidate A •nu .ber_o . tho e si n ng''TMi_�1-ohs1�T son',s:' pers are,'',froin this iStiqT':" :. as fo,llows:. . J, `W Colwell, 1-fe .yi cid, L(li Hewitt, = •Kinc:a.rd1l�e, 1 �+ ruthers, 'Iiolyro:od,.. ,Richard is Nott; Fiolyi o.od; Herbert, N. Gr , h'arri,;.Holy;'tood;�A.'Huh•IThI • rood; • Gco:-W. Halclenby, Holyr ood ' Jas., Johnstone,: • 1i 1: Holyroody Stanley Johnston , ltl 1, ampton United: church` -.1•;Friday;'1 Holyrood; Bert • McLpan,;' 11 • : 4 ' The 'res•tde t Mrs ` .. May' 4th.p n , �;HolyroodHarold Stanley,.. C. 'Krug. of Chesley, .presided . •Once: hundred 'and sixty-five ladies • at tended from.theforty-two auxil-.I caries. and flve4afftltated. soeiettes.- of . t 'Pres tern 1. he by, ... �, ,' Resolutions endorsed by HarY,- rlton Conference branch *ere read : by . Mrs.:, John �Collr fig "Whereas ' vi>omen`sh , : " .: rooms • are creating deplorable conditions in rnany. Ontario, Cep - Ares,,. artd'; whereas, -:toe ..bavera ge. re i. sapx�aa• �..,�ert 1e-souroewo,�.�`c�iNl�. Deeding toimmorality' and disease., writ: -coating t6 4a-eni1e:';,an•d pay,,, ental delinquency, ; . and `Vheras Ontario :is . the: one province iry; C.a.nad allowing open ;beverage roomsi t girls d g and .women; and whereas we petitioned last your Lucknow;. Joh;n;• Johnston.:'H&• rood, WM J. Irwin, R.' 6 Luck now; .Robert' Moffatt, Lucknow; :James- '-1VIeGillivi.ay' HoLy scrod:_. _. Lorne' 'Hodgins, Kinloss Frank. Millers; :Luoknow John Holyrood Ernest 'Hanna; Holy - . rood David Tioss Hol rood As-, •: ri-syMcKiinon,.• 'vorton; ►? '- 'Langstaff, Tara, Gee.: ' Langstaff,' Tara; C: A..Andre'w Tare:; A h Scott, :Ta'ra,_,Lornc :T.��--•�>7taeler•�vaod^,;�Fol t�,.lt�: �Y, '.��• E: Pittman, ,Tara. , MISS `1VIcll+7UGALI:PRCSI•DED AT. TMACIIEII.S'; MEET:I'G for the closing of these• rooms= therefore. be it 'reso'lved that we again petition the government of the province of•Ontario-to abolish :vomer s.' hevc rage .rooms- ,w Op tarie permanently; ;furthermore, be: it resolved;.-. that we a ge thrr neccssity'o.f temperance education iri.:�Or1t�irio' schools, that we may In seri e; measure counteract the education'rmw :bCi:ng rc ccivcrd by ;