HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-24, Page 6it Cake �_.'( Chocolate _GroId MSA butter • Yolks of '3. eggs. 4; ei I% cops of flour. cupeufiar : " 1 ts^Savoring extract `,, , ' 71 cuP of Milk 3 tBR. Magic Baking.Po der ... Cream .-eea dd•s ugar slowly;:add egg 'yks Which havebeen 'beaten until` thick;eddaavoring ° Sj.t,thr flour,and baking powd;adalter grrelydwird to first ixture.•Bake• in .twts• . teasedlayer-cake Pansat375°F�for 2Or25 mtnuTe ;y ,su6ARI.ESS ICING cup COLATE • FROSTING': ea 1 .ewhite;. ,3 . 'tap, __ • Mlaapp;3' rup; -N tsp. salt;1/ cup Cocoa.';• , a -S vanuta :• : to ' le.'syrup and salt in t with Put. e$$ whit ,, p Of • double' boiler' over 'boiling 'water ;and beat. • .. terfor•9minutes.•Removefroiflhe tanilia fold i b. ocoa. g�� Y, blending Welt., MADE IN CANADA, and spread over , • Low Sentinel 'TH1J SD4Y,; :24th,. ' ' , Luc aow� On. tort Back In a»l Engyd G. 1' '..• et,ters 'r ri. T'rlitnr 's� George• ;Lawlor Mr and. Mrs. Aubrey Higgins and Jack of•"Detroit, :Mr.. and Mrs.- , Jim Misner --and Nola ^of '•tr f�at'tl irr cam' ': 1r;R ik vi5 it lRa'.D with Mr. ane; Mrs:. Herb: Mr.. and -Nlrs. -Rich. l atriclfi and Douglas:: visited friends .1n. o -de h, -.and, Atwood on Tuesday. of Auburn received a d •.la5r 2456 B.as week •that then .son, Pte. ilkc�tt Vancouver ' B. �, ! Lawlor was back in. England : now Sentinel;' i• after b.eing, liberated Erato a •Gc;t �ditar• .k • - man- Axion can Pte. Lawlor ' "ti1 "' - TA iA-11- -0 ".Y.stn �5 xis his 3:2nd .eat, 4s t:-- n,1 h i cc. rg iern .this 50,19. lr a o\ ci t sin: ' 114;1 :Ut~ t ,i -1,�,: ,, study a.nd the• -Italian; eampaig�n and .: great deal; of :searching, • nd _the . following is nnv 'wounded •thr.ee times, ,in. Jarluai tttoughtz a .,.M_.r.-._.._. _ ......._ �rTtl,� D•eCe7:nbexa .r--, ast 37th..Ave .,, -at and.lyIrs, Herman.Phillip5 of the riles' lniclu�tous s1 Spent .Suri.day v�rith her:' parent!, Mr. and'Mrs: John :♦Carnpbel_i control and help to kc�e17 thexgeti. B,elfr. IO o'oz'.'is: t ix ition:, it should lie ;trier- Johnsto i .A • .. • fora�i d'' and Mis, E examlilaa,thoi•ot hly and re.,. and'Eugenia visited fr'iends`in' • ed Mildmay ..a on Sunday' y 1�' m y a. :it: ill k• • - , S , . et in' `illi.• •:.On. >c'Xarni ,a ., . _ • The Dlake $ W;;iVi..,,az :Ration can church on: Tuesday, •May 15,.'with found that. , 'before to c .s. -1\' . resident, in 'be' reformed our: i-uonetary.' sys 1VIrs. L.' Menai-y, � 1?. - car Mrs. Thos J Anderson tem must be examined, as it be - Very Bea _., .w ..:. gavete last chapter conies.` necessary • : to• -find: -___how_. 'very ably � „ in'' 'study k -West. 'of ' the money' is,` put into, circulation. It the .study. boo ,.. ;Date .Line", • • will. be found :there is .only one Kilpatrick of Luck- .method , used 'and that method is Miss. Susie Kilpat now was a' week -end visitor with some: person or persons.' mus14;:go Mrs.Thos. Anderson. :to the` chartered banks and, bo r- ironclusion. • ne : War Bride At''R,ipJe� .. at'. `"sub'eet ' the -°:people, to Italian Wa: terns th... J rs B'rU e M;atheson,' - M,ti. be" the: first Italian wai• ;1>i•i ,,. tIJ to reach.,C nada axe ived to :Ilti, on Township last wee; •with I,4.1: •.l usbarid, LAC. Bruce' 'Math- wi w , who 'is hprre' an a�thirty day' , � • and expects to :receive his ehai ge at an early date. ' ►� eral l Working Plan for. Full Post Warr Employment... 000fo get on in business selves,as' each choi�sies., -'7 0 000 em: started erans 5 1"yr=yet � +, , ; , • in'good -paying jobs in the land or for "them - ch, of them ., • ca .;1 to finance the biggest !1, • :.. building . scheme this . Country .has ever knovwn. • Jo with_bright futures for the:• J • - nd omen comin out of..the • yo ng amen :a w ,... .... with'the best .art of_ their , Med Seryices,,.w p . ! 11. • obs -with bi vas before them. Jobsfor,a t e .os � ,ects_ and ood, reliable money that :will ,- t the hard'work, 'kthepi,its<iiL�t�o'�er After all 1 row it.'''' 'The -banks:create ; th. money .(credit) out of nothing, monetizin th borrower's. seeur ity -by en ar ng :figures in _thein ledgers•as. a deposit :in the bor• rower's name. Governments,boi Taxation should not be .tor • the row''money'•in the' same way. ,The' purpose of, revenue but for rept,-. borrower -borrow: money to.... con • pure l only; that is, to regulate. ,- duct , business and nothing .moire, the anlount-of; money. -that should. • be in. circul.a,tion •but'iot toy ie When the : borxower, -uses : this. • ulate; the;: people. money for .business purposes . a- • long comes,' authority ; and' taxes Today' `taxation is' used to pc v him':•=Ie has to: pay'. a' business ta:r, fixed charges, that .'is, inter c�i• ; . 'license tax., duty tax, ,: sales tax, 'and sinking • funds ' and .to' • pay. excise '<tax; income tax, property. civil ;and ;social • services, also a tax, 'tax, . tax, tax in. s n. *- dor . pu- 1•ic ww ks piib ' oto hire people and pay• wages and woi ks are nearly all financ&d by salaries.' Again . ;along' comes, au • the use of borrowed .money 'thorityand taxe•s the wage earn issuing bonds, 'which ` causes a • ers and ' salary men..:They pay'. 'fixed charges, Upon exam•in-atiaii.,• takes `•On'^their., homes,. poll.: tax, it will be,. found that, it 'i's,'not- duty, tax,::°sales tax, •.excise tax,• 'necessary to i aise Aciriey by t 1, _Income tax and all..kinds- of iiC= ation:•or borrowing ito pay; cl i ense taxes.armers are also tax-. ,and -T 1- soci .services---and--_.j u.bll,.._._..: ed to� the', 'same extent,,and'.pos • w ,orks Instead, we :.should u, ibly;more. Iridustry;.must: a,ld: our own.credit;.(mon�ey) through` '1 their taxes to , cost, therefore up;. the ,Bank -of Canada, ;interest an i goes ' the., `;price •'of 'goods and the debt .free. Of coure, some pc o1Jl :., ?, •u1tirriate • consumer•:pays `all.' tai:- wilr:bririg .ulp that bogey of in-' .. es. and that i's. ' a'11 of us.': flatien; ...Well there rare ' meth, cis' Taxatib'n does.'two things.'. First, that. 'CO be used to regulat - iI -, ' s must. be added`: to .ast. flat,ii';n 'automieally " When pus; as taxes. _sic works , axe.: found.:`.to la'c n� _ ruses `the ..,price of- goods to,, it c • t, essar•Y, the' ques'tion•shoulcl Ito is ,sewers -' times•.•th�eii�_ :acti�a_ - ---:.:.-_:� ,.—..�, >_=.:.:: rise e c l Aced' to.be asked,• ;l a'. c, ..�v .1flc vale. Second, `it.�,educes the. pur- ., „•,;• oil :` • uCSti•Ci)� their :�.. er ,,of• _the eo le.; money • The. Y q . chasi:z��.-.P o'�' r__�_ � p.._ 1' ..... , . '•, ; sk e d� -is , � H��-� � �. t �. ,� . ., should : be a ,. Therefore, with the. iii, ,cease of; the .nrzee=pf goods a'n'd the r educ iiaii.:�uwi �c1ra iiiatci i 1 'r-- tion of •puzchasing ower,,we 1S'ti. °'usany .ou-t .ati •a1 ,--e-i-Cent„ti„. ;-. •BankofCariada can::wain, r��; 5u,. :: - less` goods andw•• use fever sti a n ne :;.. 'Toch • �t•c,� ht;il xa '�'i l this:' a lit` le plY'- the �o y Y vices Let use m e .. „ :::,._ _ national • credit,. tri -tire ,` e -c r i3ot :a we oviil o�.er cur• national 'tired .. her . w _t........ fort x ' i red .hanks ani in :::1 i tt par tai • ' our;`. homfarms: ,or busiiiesss�s e • � we. :i.eceive the hanks, financial: as ,authority,; always, , has; fi.s!: �tit1.11 credit,,and.the result is debt. claiiri ori them `in the •way . of tax e ation .If- -:we build, a _ nevr__hon e; interest But if .we would, fisc Gu ti or` other buildings .because v • ow credit., the: res ift ,wouici be. the -work done; witho-uit_debt ' did” so; �we' are �taxed:.If. ewe rm= �" , of:'our taxation ,'� c-:;' rove burr • lace we. are taxed.. If By the.' use. ; • P P tem today w,e' take: ,away fi.oiit • we gei•i;nto�bizsiness we are:�taxed. Y ._;-...:_ s some- to.' give it`,.to others, if' i�.onc=:" if we •work. fora salary or wa.gea toi redistribute. - ' is, IN • we ar.e'•' taxed. - No'. matter ,what. methodp s And:, remember., we;i, 'a11 depenel . we doI'to 'mke a living : leet are„ ; . , . ted`' and .don't. fei get atI entirely':on' 'the bank boil . ' ersto , , rg ,f....oursu. .l of `moire:��hiettor. ppYdepend oId:. the, bank.bo o-- a e is' inadequate; We should rc for iii. ,... our" su ; ly of: mon©y:. Te caws •, pl? oura', financial system in, ": such , : , of •all this is:,debt firiarice.�Whe:� , ha We .can issue, otir"o«':n the bank borrowers :repay their way•so•t t • money' •and credit;. ':then, i•axatinn -, bans,then. ands-'th�re•, -that money � ..: need only be.. used r canc'IS' t out a le '..haV e. Tl1e • • • i.i.ch n.ttm: found , there is' - too,',•rn result •.'i's" they •people have t};at :', • tion `that;is t�ikit karat'. 'much ,�Iess m•orieye • to buy goods in circula , . only to• redistribute it -.innto tli; sand •se•rvices.. When Goverr�meni�s , • .. ; _.. , .: � .. �; air = _ -sys:tem. scioltifie�ally.: TIC,-lac.o.1 i... ,. repay t eii�ian`'leails tidy -find - •., : ,. ,.. e,tQ t .e - a: 4.i0.a _At•.:A then would '1:1°°1''' never have. ave thele pus ha"sin`g o r'' ave. 1;161' Puv When. ind;usir. `re 'a §.'.theirs thea . •. d u own et e, ... .., tion: Had we seal o r find. it by •the .way... of. adding •tc•: ... u ...•.: u�� .4 Id' h'a've ,,corsd the Brice: of goods° The result,�•iri' 'structure we,cou t ,.., ed :pur• war' effort_ with It •richt both caslli is . exaetlY the, same, and with greater efficiency'° , purchasin,.. the reduction of the • power• of . the people. I• think it Our present debt structure, ani,. ,otef absre,.an°; .. 'riow can, be seen why 'our t :6_ taxation system; is an f��'c tions stern"hal 's'tdatee the' lt, ur:do away .with it.Iyp i' . andAle oor and sub ectsthm:,want ',economic democIT Y p J � security. with, freedom, 'w' mu't an evil S , .�- ill - nti re f e' m -•-our e r for 'ter : SO that it will -.work , far the,' people} ; iio,t ,,liek_•n-i lhes it do, . . 'toda ' Mone�,should be ':Our. 'ser'• yan'not -ot r master. as:.it .is at present. The •question n.oi" ;irises',• ' " h :..... eo it : going Whatr arty rvwe': the p p ..-; riot= to do?" :.Those of u's who ,rc . . satisfied, let ua Unite. Within as.` soclations and •dein and `i c torn Let us dernar` d fromour• 'v . P,` , not how things should' be dc!`e' but the conditions.• and, thC'.1'C• stilts' we .'Want. 1, am 5111 e' f}1��t' detnan`c1 would -:riot ;b' 'ri %°°irisin iiig debt-end_str:ang1•ilg t,,:.atior•.`. Yours 'truly, • G'ordc rt \ ., (money) to that arnount 'into c,} ,; and debt free, ,and rf'Aat any Itimc .. found necessary to' regulate ti -e amount of money in circulation the ;"income tax ' could., be 'used. Property taxes., arid .hidden taxes ' should..be abolished. !'axes: con- not be done' away with entii e hi -but can be: drastically reduced;: 1` sen. ..ear t0 es 00 0 OOO a - 2 -Y � _ _ _ _ the �Eesaih;Allowan_. .__.� , , the bur`den's of pparenthoo •' and'to equalize the ' opppottunmes 'of . anadianst'r uccess ,y. oun g, *nd: happiness.:'• Export. Credits -We've got; t0 ,have exports if we're going to have ' jobs. Your Liberal,,,Gov„ern -- °' anent has: ;arrangtd ` to., ,' finance war -wrecked,: 'countries who will be , good customers later : 6elesiriel'Development Bart eriuneni basset; up' ma • prising. 'Canadian's devil Your, Liberal r. Gov-.. finer); to help enter= -- p.'new business. m liesips-One man it .: erry three in Canada; yvorks;on, the -farm To- _• h ip them get 'better: , e uipment, your liberal. o;Verninent.has ar rged that they can .• us sacrifire``-a-nrd�el-fdYsclpl� . g .. , through the war the P eo pP le of this•country have earned a brighter hter future in a better, luster; grander •Canada -than we have ever known! a ians:- have' . accom OOK how much •-Canad t;. oven ..... the home front, e fished here on a.' P � •initiative` 'of ` 11 the without the ' energy.and vigorous• oun people now .in uniform, and young P P.;, their zest for Barin `! What is there Canada •: ' • n, the home" team? . ` -can't do ,with them' back o ? we 'C'anadians are'. Why, with• their help, . , , lieadedfullmss. e -rd for thea =greatest period . in•:.. our history! HE all-important';. question today'' is ,the ian staff -work .'and ;leadership which I, call.. "government";The. Literals have. a weWi :. crow the money tnex k tl eedoUetterworinK, `r�i�lgi�i�ltS d living conditions, hi g'••a nd�bold,a rts. o,fit�aares� outiiited;..£ar yuuz,.ju ;gmen't, in the left-hand'' column It has been 'designed with the aid of <the keenest°mines la every phas e. of industry, , ariculture, labour and learning. The plan - will work. In fact it is, already bringing results. continue to' do 'so!' The 'Liberals. It will tell you this with �c<onfidence because they have f moil ste s -in the. .. ?o••.'':.oat °: n - h ,, p. had successful experienceoperating , -orb-...:lou ..to.._...,.� _ .... in P Plans._ ar._h wide 1 • p nt after: the 3w n .: a>`ed .tremendous prr- �yi ;r. , i, floor Prices --The Liberal Government's policy is that when°farmers and fis ermen prosper, so do . . other. Canadians. lt.has '' herefore taken action' • tic s of farm and:. •floor under e e put P �� to a•.. fishery products.. Reduction of Taxes-YoLiberal'beral'Government e rim ent believes/in jobs first.Pb.this end,taxes will . . come down,to free spell ing 'power. These are jest some . .-Liberal -Governmets l ..emy, to iia , ur° full s e f �•en .� `as slim€ i�:tson at.h. vase savings it •'Vice; Bonds and.War Savings Certificates).. put 'through inem-' ployment Insura,zce, set °ups a;. special De- partment t o ' : Reconstruction staffed by. experts, in fact alt itspolic:es are di, acted : -to the s. ,pe".end-a "high and stable level of employment and income." OTE for your Liberal candidate. 'ia sure the team which made this ;plate for full=.yem lo: anent shall_ seejit through add. win the peace' ,PUBLISHED' BY THE' NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE: ° • control The question then arises; _What. can be done to -reform•--•our- taxa. tion system,. Well, : before any to ration; reforms can possibly' tate place •we must reform our. monetary system. Thiscan only be--°°ac'cornplashed- Tby --i niovtrig from the chartered banks the,,is- Suing of, credit and currency '(money), and restore it to 'tht* people through their Government' I. am not dealing wit ..methods to .put:.rrioriey into circulation', but with to cation, however, I will cite one 'method that conic;: bc. used. • 'Whe: *a governing bod,v brinps:ilo3wn ,ii budget, the t3anl,•,. of Canada 'cot give, it cre'wt • a, gal • th • of �dt • ih •i11 ca ty sic th • j ciS' tl,J '.rn. er 'wc .. lri� u. mil St( •bbei 1 11.Q p2 Br+, or. •in' du pa? tiq ;an be inf 'coif So ab� is •. .co1 lar, far' bel • yea ^"nn� tlxa poi rno t'he :r:au for,' yla' st) St��e aloe su'fi si:nt • af�•,% _W:i't 11 Labe ai qua an oro Txiei tion was ds. (iUt live carr ,tire the:' duel ei for `• .tI'lt�e Stea .crea •1943 ptit�� hag at. tl 1p, ,it ono .baer` etude lii:ol: ISost