HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-24, Page 54th, •1943 The, .L oeknow Sentinel, ,Luclsnow, Ontario yeetuitra • • • Matrnie Saturday of terrooit` at Mon,, Ties., Wed, l Humphrey Bogart •PAGE'• OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT JAMES SCOTT The Auburn conl'rradn;ity mourns th:e. death of a beloved resident,, Mr•s: Robert James Scott who died in Goderien .-Hospital "last Wed nesday. night -_-after -a, serious 'ill,' ness of a ft)ty • days., In. her 69th. eaL, .Mr: , Seutt_i;rik;;li rtr1`{ . izi 1`4 i1- itig healttl for sorne�: time:.1 —HHIVITS•Scott-° was formerly Mar garet Isolzel_McLan .daughter. srfr -,V, ::l3armhar •.MeKentie Mtn= 'Lean ;and •Kenneth McLean .of .Ashfield, •Township,, Where •h'e' Was; barn on.January 20th, °•18.77; and resided..until her marriage: : Mr. ,and Mrs., Scott then took;` up,` esidence in •the Auburn •dis : tiict 'where they. have. since :re- ' . sided • F9r a •-few Years Mr: Scout opei ated the Auburnchopping mill. Besides her• 'h.usband, .Mrs:, Scott. issurvived •by one son,. Sgmn, Kenneth' Scott, who on • `Marci.i 22nd of this .,year returned ,from. 51/2 • years 'active ''kservree ever, • seas; four • daughters,'F Miss Mil -d•red••:Scott, Rg.N:; •Mitchell, Miss:': Grace Scott'''of= Hamilton 1r;1. 1{eith• Gardner -(Isobel), Bemni,l- ler; and Miss :Jeair Scott, Park- hil,44our,-sisters :-(Minnie) - Mi s: Biot ks, .• Calgary; •.(Liilian) ,Mrs. Hector;McLean,. A.mberley;_ (Flor- ence)• Mrs Jarnes :Thompson_• of • Goderrclh -• (Grace) 'Mrs; Hicks, , Picton, ;and three brothers; Dan- iel,. •Kintail; Kenneth;: yorest; and Cohn John, Walsingham. The fur}eral• •was' held on Saturday of, - tei�noon ` from,• the .fanarly ,res-- ec donmeeeteryInter merit was. in' Colborne • • auren ; Bacall "To Have • endave A drama made to' suit'Hum hrey Bogart .., P.. Y S an tle • sensati ria o - l ..new : star • :Lauren Also ``Short : Subject" A 9 Receive Government Pest pert Abe11 • •who sep arents, :Mrs ho • T mas.•-Abell.:and' the . late. Ai?. Abell, formerly resided here , . h .s eT•appAffted Tnp oymentTand C1a7:ms () ictsr"�a-t "t Ie`:.) i Al stowcl ' Sol dive Service Offic e Bert erir •lited the ,day :war,•was -declared.; • . was overseas or wo' :e . -recery e ` `• 's y:ears s• and. ��, honorable sc:li>a� ' d .. ge-, last.November, He. h`� ld therlrt BSM..Forsix•`Months he' has been operating a delJVer. '_ p 1; Y buil-: tress in Listowel, o . JA,ALCK.T 1 Eli; who perfoi tne�, w-th `iii' 'Osh a Genes ..rays 'dtir-. irl the i `rmast •year •'Inas a'ctua n;�•,l to'.hi honrc} til ��V4alk:•l�rra,'. SERVICE,' MARKED '� 1(. C os><NG OF: EADIES , CHURCH ' Last Thuksday"`'a ternoon ,•":a' .convent'ic'le,-'service• Was held : ..n. E ad i e '>s' ' Presbyterian church wh ch marked;: tfie c1osing,•of ,that church for ;ptillrc •'worship: Rev.: C ':H MacDonald,- moderator•, et, •the. Presbytery of . Huron:-Maa land, had:.charge of . the service... Re. was assisted by Rev:': Richard, Stewart of Goderich Rev:. A. H.: Wilson of Whitechurch,; Rev J. S,: Shortt and Res, S IVf. ,Scott I • In_ the_Levening:the .._Prgibyter.z= met at B:eimore for the • purpose of un=iting B:1'uevale' and`i3elrnore -in • to. one . pastorl a': charge „Bluevale; and .Eadies has previously- ,forn7 -' edp pne` stor..ate: Re'v.:.D.._.B:-.•Cram: ceindu'.aed--.; c dthe--se-r-vroe•assist-ed bv- Rev:. S M. • Scott, ' who= , gave.: the' g, add.ress,•--and=by;-Rev ' -MacDonald, ' who•' narrated the sterr5s' .1cadi-xi... • up, to • the uniting;_ of these two 60.n-gregations . . __,.___,. 4 „, .moi. , .. . „ ___,. 1 4 „ • . .FirFilt if 1 4• We rc.,t rating Jor the green light.'When'telephone meh and niatcria1s are • o poi n Frac ;en:i........iurme r Oen the 11th of Decei ber,_.942,:. 'ohn •Bracken.. sto-od �-j-the.dt-� rini1iptr fore a' great concourse Qipeoprle. John -Bra t ie-Farme ;was accepting the leadership of a great resurgent peopl• e's party. In. ring- Ing tones he was speak— ing of peak-ing.,..of , "The' People''s. Charter".- 'And„thesoul searching sincerity of • ,, this man of thesoil, with his Vision of Canada, of. Canadians and the "world :of plenty that lies within our grasp” was deeply 'moving. ' Picture the background of this man this moment John Bracken, the farm boy, on 'his father's farm in 'Ontario, milking, haying, carrying in the` wood, plowing then young Bracken, Honours. student at, the Ontario Agricultural College: going to'anitoba :'as represent- ative e resentative of the . Department of ,:Agriculture .. . P ' `� n to Saskatchewan as'Superinter}dent.of Fairs and Farmers' Institutes and Secretary orthe' Provincial Livestock' Association then, later, `:;John Bracken, author, writing' books about farms, farming, farmers' �� Andnow years later,' in. Winnipeg, John Bracken, the farmer, is speaking of "the right of : farmers and other primary producers.' to a fair share of ; the nation's . �iy]ncome. Noticethe simplicity ,.of ,the language. he .uses,. TeJ,Gar,:. eonci sincere. `burin the last the -as sayi=ng, "farm income fell to such a : low average as to become of very great concern in our Canadian ,.,economy. ,It is the responsi- bility of the nationto see that this great ,inequity shalt nol be perpetuated."°• -The� n suddenl �� , h�s�woice:.rises�• becomes �eveh ' , • clearer, '..' more incisive. Y "I may say quite frankly that if ` it had ,not. ;been, for that plank in your platform which pro- , vides' ; for : a ,square deal < for agriculture,' I would note. be here. • • Two years later, in Alliston' Ontario, ' again. ,the same simplicity, the'movi�1ig' sincerity. • "I am an agrarian, sa▪ id John, Bracken, "and:' I am a Canadian : . ,who :seeks: to correct'. the major. social. • injustice of our day the ;unfairly small share of thei.'L` • ,national .incor>e-thatgoes-to. farmers and': far•• •� .m . women and farm workers:".. Then, with;"a statesman'senlarge- ment of vision -he=added -: "W n 1 - :. � , , ke the mjwstice to-•�-the ' .. farmer is rem :e� ,' _._, .-._ :avd,_the_ecoomy_:..of_Canad'a_as-a-whole wi1i -be strengthened: •- - No one could be Iess parochial .in._his outlook— more deeply concerned ,With,'M: 'a ini al - .welfare than t ... ... John Br tie -th-e ;farmer • who ,;em a e s wen y ' years ago on&career_ o- successful as- to -be without precedent -in- contemporary;pol,itical history'within the British :Com- monwealth of Nations, • 2 Published. by: the Progressive- Conservatrivs' Association, Ottawa.• •j • eIConservative back again,. we'll :resun►e{• our .rural.expansion pt igratn''wheie wed left off: First job of all will he to stiPpl•y 'service -to families nti..our waiting list . • . Then will eonrc sue'h major rn e`cts ,:.i�' 'extettdtn aeilities •• into new <.'' ....,.,.,..,. ... r :.;. �:___ _ ...._..� -.. ;�•-���., sem"^-�•• . � ... ore& , . re planing ,veto -ran:. c;lu prtutnt,; : ra ;l Ktar urd� : ot,' St•rvthe.�' Sitnply to relieve 'prc:+i,`nt ereowiiinix on rural linen' will mean running•' �- - utore thartW:13.0(1Q' mt•lc :•»nf ,. w,tr . ,from • present: pol. „.l.► tic :Tlic . iv ':I L iu d • extcutions, to •they' pole •1►tit'A.;themselves-u,irniei02,5(l0 tiiile.s ofcointolinities•Ahereyer 110 onfl! (aridly per half .•' ;thr`ttir-tn • • mile of main road wanting telephories, wr plan' to con. trtiet pole 'lines fiat 8th',L�aTnReSuItS Bruce Ca Towns •. Teeswater .. ...;.. '80,000 ;240, 38.000,: 97` Lueknow -1%2.000 181 ° .Chesley 185,000` 544. Walkerton .> 400,000 •. 855 l•-i-1 .. -r , n • ^-P{1 t' ^•E • V 0 Southa' pton .,185t000 545 • Tara • 43 000- 110 1 incardine 21)0,000 774 1Vli.ldnlay' ,a,: 75,000 183 Tiverton ..16,000 46 Paisley'. ..,r, .,.n a ......• 59,000 • , .17.7 ... aWiarton,t. 118; 000. No. of Objective • Orde • • .. It ail means •PEOPLE AT WORK r :. work ^ %vlrieh roost he done, if • telephone 'e'rviee is' to 'keep: pace . with •rur �l• ne�'i1 It is „work whit,11 • ' _"' -! -� :' 'calls for' the efforts of line'nn n, serviee men, opr'r.'ttors, office worker.,. ���••rc To getit done. we'l'l need not onlv jeer . present llell'rmi)Io Pe, plies • ' \� . all;"tliose_ i €4 away on military tit rviee but many `more workers hesi:dr§. 4 /4 t. y r'+• M • `j ,1` .' 11;fil •1, • AFTER FINAL tocroRYr, WtttSTILL• tee ego 611. •. f l%ir ?�c�itic S'nt41�ov Grr/drr °�=Ji✓ 9 - _ Vii•,>iSrotvo<. V %'of ,. rS' Sales • Obj'ti"ve , $•139,250 174 '5 • , 1.000„1.61r1:;._ m. 165,9Q0 • :•14a”• 2.6,6;650 • 144 " 550,150. ' 137 it '' 205 950.: 43" " 25.1.,450 135 "® 55'350 P 368,9.59 127 94,050 1126" 18,850. 1115 " 66,75.0 • 113 '• 124,000 105" • 981650 131" 128,350 120 "2 60;750, '120 X17„750, -r;; 118 ”;.., it 700{{'• 1 1,5y ''• 109,950 1,10 ": • 110,300 09:800 105". 125;550 `•• 102 " -. 116;500 , 100'";.' 70.4•3'50. 100.4 10:.400 -.:...1:30,"v, Townships • Kincardine ..• f ,..'..,.....,..., • incar�dine k,MI VVYIIrFr.r Sau: peen.• ... Greenock •319 • 75:009•: 140 10+.000 „ •...'288 $1,.000 100x000 ""nuc• 2655 ' •,' ,_ ., 100,:000 « _... '216 CLbI'roSS ..,, ,. ',Bruce ,.....„.,...,•;„„.4„,,;....—„,.160,600'274 Arran , -05..000 .231 Carrick' ,122,000..1.333 Huron ,. 116,000 21:4 •A rnu')cl including Ileprorth 70,000 •• 225 Bruce :Peninsula ,-: Linsf•szIN , ' S',n0t1.... 55 Albc�n.1r1e tr'tcllldir'if ▪ s Capt: Cr`ol ei" ...r .„„•,...i.. 2,7, 000. 107 28;'O it 7'c,bQ'i'rnory, .201000 S8' 21:450' F istnC)r itleluding ' • •7 Liort'$ -Head ,&3,.000,, 180 56.4250 Ww "r,,ta1 fo•r:,:.Brttt'e 1c. unty .»r$e4t>11,5 •opo ;,834 -S..31.70.2••,.,054••:‘•:;. A tl • , . 122 '197 "' 100 ,Y r t:ti , •riAmeami 't 'lir'".