HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-24, Page 3T11111e$RAY MAY 24t11, 945 - a • • • The Luc ` now. Sentinel, • Lucknc " A tiNDER PL4NsME•N: AUSPICES.. lIN THE TOWN HALL; : LUCKNPW, ,TUE'_ ciiiittaTHF LUCKY DOOR- 'PRIZES There' will be 5 pr%Zea: of $10.0, each given to • the :holders ofthe lucky nu'mber.admission, tickets. ADMISSION ' 5Oa: LUNCH, COUNTER • r. berdeen Angus ps, Sale • 8 BULLS 8 Winter:: Fair Building, • G.uel :Ph 37 FEMALES Saturday, June: 1 r rG These''cattle ;have been. . selected' fro M pian ' of. ou • best '• ,.Y t •.�i �in'' herd headers, . others 'are , best suited to commercial herds;' The females have excellentbreeding• although' not , in :show fit. All cattle are fully 'accredited for T.B.' and. •negative. to the blood__test... • ' This is)our opportunity, to secure : • • breeding stock atyour own rime. g P ,.~ ONTARIO : ABRRDEEN A MGUS -ASSOCIATION T. "Ale.x•Edward's :L. E..O Neill Sec'y. President Parliament Bldgs. lore For. catalogue-Write.-the"Secretary." • HOLYROOD • Mr. and Mrs: John Jami€' on o g knwv'' Luc ovisited - u` S nda '' e�enrn Y. at .Howard Harris' , Mr.' find `Mrs. 'Willis Corriga. ---,--:—of'Cooks'town-spent -the--week-enc at''Richard . Elliott's.: , Mr 'and Mrs. Wm.-Stirlin 'of. Clinton were Mondayvisitors .4 Jack Ackert's. . Mr.• nd• Mrs: Andy.: Patterson • d. Y.. a G' n n ,don spent .Sunday evo:� 7a;. Mr. and Nhrs.: Rh s.:'1'(911oe:x, i :� n with` -Mr -s: -Rachel:' g ._ . . Culbert:. ° � . _ . • .Richard ansi_D_onald. of...�Vsnglzdiri. Mr Lloyd A�1 ert left Wedn'es spent Su'ndayy.'evening `'at Parish ' �:i. day for.. ;Morley, ; Alberta, whet e. o', . a 's h e will spend the ' ` p. summer. at n" .: -_-. ,_ -=-1�[a�.d, :M C;lai:.1�.,:�>�ltnst�aia.. • --nited-ttdran. residentta • ,:s 'eit 'Sunda. •a.t'`: Mr. anad ,Mr's,' school p , Y •••it ed to: one., ri?Vm.; Brown , , .� : .'M'r Alex ac en •, ,'_..' r : , zic of .Lan '•:Mt•. `a d .Mrs;: Farh� blof .. ..� n ,fd side cas-i,on for �t 1 • • L ANGSIDE .NORTH .0\glens;, Orr of :the 1`..CA.1, p � at "Rockcliffe `spent to Week -end with her. parents, i parentS,, a'nds Mrs.: Wtri?, Orr ' ...>�,.-C n .atula:tron' • :' _ .. � . _ Bill •S Cott :' c on . the';•`a rrivaT of: d' ,'bb .,girl' in y � Winghatri; 'Hospit,l On Sunday; May20th... ' ' .0 aY, Mt ,' Alex . -MacKenzie attended he L' •L • .t .O. .. corxventio 'iri Or•lira n r.. last week.- ek MEDALLIST FOR SECOND TPM •- :Dungannon School is rightfully proud. of Miss -Marietta Stinger who was the winner: in the class for girls: '14 years, and under again this year at the •Goderich Music' Fe ti-va-1,: 1\ a ietta also won this award last- year. for 1161.04, C.(4.0 rt3k: as 11.tid. fi,l Hurtri :Tlrrit�* C,'htireh oi'"! Mag .-:(Jt 1'O fiat:16.'-Th(' majorzify'� of the rural-:.school1s, o,•f.; Ashfield. and, West Wawanosh made' en tries. A large increase .in the�nr�mhf;i of-'.entries'and a ,greatG;im.pro-E"' ment in:.'the' standards wa"s np.ted this year, fitting . t,ributes to the exccellent cos structive, criticism._nf the adjudicator 'last yeaf, Cyril Hampshire 'of: Hamilton, The • adjudicator' for 'this year;; Mr. Harvey' Robb Of. London, :re mat ked on thegener.al 'excellence of the entries. •'Stariding; of . the: one•:hundred. entries made .f:roin this'district by pupils of the, schools supervised by Miss M.' L..,,MacDonald• would.be rather lengthy to ,record', here.' H.owever,, the following finalists: are worthy: of honprable'•mention. �Jnisori:`chorus 2nd• Dun anno' • Sr: ' R,00n,' 83; 3rd; ';Saltford;• 82.: 'ears and' .. ,.., Years under, 3ird,'Bet- .,t.. Rutledge; Duni. ann y ,. �., , . g. on, 82, girl:. 11 Years and under,' 1st, ';Mildred •Ot alct, Saltford; X83; boys 14 •yeats and under 3rd, 'Elsner''MaeKen.. zie, Lochal h, -83,_ bo s=;8Y -years . .. Y and .urider., •;3rd, Bob .Aitehesoii St. Helens, 8.1.;• •two-part' chows; 3;rd,•• Dungannon. :Sr.., 'Roorr; 82; r - sett: S=tin e•1 : .Dun a -Trion , 84."• a. g., g. ., Those: taking first place were presented . with ; .silver medals.;. Marietta Stingel and M.ildre4i, Quad were among :those'present- ed. ••Special..":mention: was made of the beautiful quality of thevoicc, of little ..Maureeri 'Vassella of Kin=. tail': Her future'development will Elie watohedwsiil;lie interest. `and,, kindl appreciation. I?p n :' The ;girls' and 'boys' :choruses. from Ash.fierld:.wer'e commended .on their, fine quality. of tone brit were not:':chosen as. finalists. All competitors are' remrnded: that it matters'. not -if you' win `or lose` but -=it matters: ;greatly how-. .you sing: your` song., The criticiser s, are bound to prove. helpful 'arid even the.+e .rience_ of'_:sin inti' [for.;: an audience,' of frim 'five hun u�•ortf -wh i l' ts>tcd Sunda at, R.Lchar 1 Gordo --srse tn--Th-u-r•-sera ,een-io Elliott s. these school at. Mr `and ,Mrs: George Fish( z':•••• w .• GOVERNMENT CTORS'.• OF B1UCEY�UROI�I• VOTE:A1�1DINFSOLICITED J UNE 4t „• LIBERA CANDIDATE' 1I • • urnr. $ruCe %lh6xal Association ciaiion • •_ 1 . , • . �.. v. Y. ` 1' . thousand:' people is •ri. and unfo'rgettahle i:!c, he.`bots .and it y . . n. ,g is hof S: K:INLOU GH • �R,w.., ,, .-a-i-et:.�.Ruth; only •',daughter of - ; 1`.I1 s, P .A; Murray snent'�a fe•:, Williarit,: Ruth and 'the. 'late ,Mts. dad=s at'. Lurkrir�w. with :,her..sis- Ruth'of .Coni `14• Culross: and ,the ter:. MTS; Joseph' Weiler ' e`room,‘• Mr. `Reuben 'Zettler or. Mario•". „1 PAGE TIIIREE aranteed. rs A Hooper .i returned' :;AO Mr 'and •Mrs D.' Downey of • New York recerzti to rejoin her Drayton' Were*: ' Sunday °` visitors husband, after visiting:';for a time With Mrs.: M:.A. and' NIi s. Gert.,• in England with her family. rude Treleaven NJTi •O ICE -Jack Hussey ar-lhe Canad ,Dr. James Little will be out. of *Navy. spent : • "leave here,With town May. 28-30 attending; the •Mrs.:'Husse� Ontario: • Dental• ' CParents; � Y t the home of her: . onvention m Mr. and. Mrs. „-Harry- Toronto, ' 'Nixon. • • Mr. arid Mies Wi11iam; Spitzer Mr ' and . Mrs Robert Fisher '' and daughter Helen, ".Mr. • Giillen and Mary of Hamilton -,and ;Mrs;; and `daughter Loretta of Walker- itdrew Huston;.,'and :her ,,sister,. ton spent 'the, week -end. with Mr. iss Eileen : •Krauter : of. Toro: nto _and. Mrs. Donald=MacDonald--of _ ...- • 3 David ;Huston. „Major Operation in 'Kin r p , ca d�rCe and net.floor length,: both wear - hospital '.some time -ago..-':- .. : rng•• exquis-xte� ,veils and. carrying-. Mrs: 'G.len Moc re of 1 Hamilton.j. • . _ ...: ;French.. ' bo,ticf nets of ' roses ` and, was here ..,during', the 'week' at snapdragon: A• dinner Was served 1' tending the funeral' of 'her,. uncle at the bride's home to' .th in^ the -late -William, McFarlane and 'mediate:relatives. In the even` ng also t'o ,be With her; 'mother, Mrs a .reception was. held.' at "Gie •.Douglas• .when';the. bride receitr ed:.many' love'l ifts: and'. - • . i e ,number :of 'cheques 'Mr, Alphonse,,; 'Murray. cheques: ' P • ?°' ur y made'a• complimentar'v speech 'stressng'the. high:esteem, in' which, the bride is held b �':h r Y. many friends and neighbors and, hopes that we become better'. ac ate'' q 1:n d with. •Mr; 'Zettler, . who. replied very fittingly and invited all': to-` call on . them:: Music for dancing was..su plied' by Mr. . PP Y .1Nilt '.. ,.. bur Erb of Salem.• " • A: uilti. n was; quilting .g held, at '1V1rs.' Archie : Mc?arl n a , s ..hm oe on Tues., day,.,: May, -15th ; and: completed; a ° lar ' large quilt :1Vlrsi' McFarlan treat,-; -Mildrerl :. Mr.: ''Bradley,' Mr''•and ed°the' 'ladies .:to a bountiful, re- ? `rs. • .Ja'�k • 'Hi a. Hast, :alt'hou h•. not'' n' nd e' e o i .Shirley of. � y ng _ Kincardine also :Mrs., Ne hs of of health. Such . are the sec- Hamilton.; had: ta•Saturd y ye_: r'ifices women in `tis 'coup the make '. � �� for the at t e h stri . a .e f Mr: 'and iVl>.,.. and home- rri 's `'H -les-s .in other lands. ds. Sv a m o.athv is ex re: se . s d to the NORTH C .ROSS dfarlan . families In the loss their' brother ,•, Wi l%am.'. It '•can'' truth-€` llv -7:FTTLFr1�R - u be ` said `' •' A 'wedding i wou dn t harm a , hvi'ng 'thin 'a torest ••.to-nk place.in St. Anne's' hocv ver seat of sma'1T'�.. in .. �,. .,,. •: ,the ,.. �litrrrh;' Riversdale' ''on' Monday:. ; word's of -the Poet; , '. 14th; the bride being Miss •Mi s Herb Carter, Barbara 'and. ' Don, Ripley,' attended::the reset tion for�.Miss 'Margaret Ruth'. and :', 1VIr.' Zeatler, newryweds. ' i town.. E N,.'Hodgins, Con.••ratuiations to rs. Pinnell•.&& the arrival baby ' girl • On :Sunday; ne: t at :2.30 p.m. Rev. Georgie Honour wi:l :.preach his ` farewell sermon; .lin: his three noint garish of 'Bervie. °I(rnw-arf and Kiri 1 u � o a ' e arid gh1:. I -f . Mrs.: Hor- our will' move, to 'Wia:rton during the--wPek to take up duties th'er e:: Fr.iends"l ere•regretthe:departure' p of :. this fine ;young couple-frn,Y the•.community,.where they leave many friends ''who wish thein ever. v`- success in their: new parish.' Mr.. and Mrs. Wm; Pinnell'. and 1 c:6 •• 4. . • • • ••1•'i • • The toininrinitv., was shocked •Walkerton "seri" of Mr•;and Mr '.• Taken :To Toronto.:" a•,ad•eed:onTuesday:°even= Andrew Zettler •'•Th ebridal •cos-• • (Bill); Websterof'S'v r'dsn rn, to yearn the; tracicdeath tume was ri h cr my. satin - and, wood, staff;,. who has � suffered ° a• Of:' the.' late Wil.lram McFarlane;„ het,- floor - 1•eneth;•• ;W h;i 1,•e ' t h`e good'' deal latelyfrom stoma ir• deceased .liad, not been seen bclesrriaid, Miss :Leona .: Zettler, ' ulcers :was taken to< Toronto :the',: ce_the:'nrcvious,nvcning.'Early ..was` Gowned `i'n; pategreen sa in• first of the 'week_,_for obse.r-vatiorz� Tiirsday evc;ning on the 'arrival i�. rf.;.lits sister..:ft•orn ; LucknowHshe dNcove'red his wearing :clothe: and Tau hanging iii the house and` Vie ,dnt}r, was unlocked. S°.he• irn, 'Media l lS, g N,'f:e... the,.'alarm and 0•29h a6C'(]1 'h ••t)a1!ty: was f.+ r meci,, for' s .f- ismer i cthiglit_hLs• l�fs' „ •,::.�h,,:d v C' c.,:e•rt,,K`�~ fit ,'11 •iilst:.0:.yhctt•dpi;ta�ue frcirrl. . ,1-srl>? r, T;h& f•nnetal-7c:�as-ltel-'1:r.,0 th,*..'•h�trtir',rlf ..} is.4,,'t'(ithc't';1` A, (•i.',ie 1VCr~l ar l.rsn(' with th' •e. •;` 11, 1)rinn t'oridueting the s.r'r§' i "•�r . Si\. 1'(':iU'hhOr.s, 1'(+emirs anti 11t(:” i•i'ni tins wer:(••1t1id rest,' in_ South ' 1`int(1ss Mr ;Jerk Wrrl'sh s1ie.tit thc.,w,eck mid• at his linins here • " -..� • 6 .. .i.t • , z„� f.plJ:irck3io�ti�.. f•+ �4t�z�rtf •wt;{7t*��t (�(�1.=(rr•cia>•w , rt h',fi1-ia�n•aee �1iws"'lller7 Mei.tde'at her htirtie N:T';•, • Jn'in Sftirgeoii returned f6,.. hr'r: Rc'r V ie,'rt'fter spend- it th( ri,i.ct frtti' zt pttil:s with 'Mrs. \v4 y. niv; Flnrl' Mr's. tl'(i1,in, C(i1i�•(011 n'•itl Y . y� '1'41-c) \Y. �`!�1 r'(1•.U:t1C5f 1rt46.I lit,' \vt`(r- • v.t•�',(1ding .oh W('c1►tcsday'. hast ixt 4:1its lr.(}int (tf � 1,}i"t 1)1 i•rlr" 1),11 r'1ifs, `14411 (11i'(1 Mi�:s'::F i,.in �wtr.} t�;rll, • '1\,11.-S, Frank JttlrlIst'r}tie •rtititrrir to .her lionie trfter :Undergoing .tr h loan Results-1n:Wuron Stibscxlptionsra.nvassing, District ,: Qttota To -Date. •-% Fr.ussels $ 79.500 `$174,400r :140 2,50 -189 06 • '•,�...-?��r•ri•�i�rh•rrl� ;,,;;, ,,,,,,,:: .. °.>m•� "f�fil::�tlil�t�:� Sea iarlt CoA 9 .12750.0 .k.239.00•0,.0 329:050' 137.93.: 1.1.Ow•iclk '``tir•lrl')et•ry . Ccsclerich .(Tolt•n) 82,000 112:100:' ::136•70. 609.600.. 129.;4110 709,400.',., 1201160 .' 11.0 138•950-• • 4,5'0.000 • •\Vawanosh Fast 74,000 'Fill ir11 incl: Hai tit•est 97;500. Itxr'ter ` .,159,500 *ci ,iii 1' r nshi t1 9 ,500. Blyth 49,000 Tucker sr'n ith 108'.000 , I?sbcrrne' ..._:;:_ ". '�,,.. .,•t'.F•pltert`° Elast »_ .,•��,, .Y..� �.>.,, �W. L:(1dll lw: • Cli i,•ter't C'olbor•n�e'• ,.,,:. ,Q r , r 1;000' Stephen Wcs'ts 7t,000. 78,050 , 109.92. A•fi1.)fz(al.d .:. , ..112,500 :. , 122,950 109,28' 'Y?o'rris .101;5n0 109;750 108,12 r'TCillo „ . 108;500 116.850. 108,70 Ntrllett 1(18;51)11 4116,550 •107:42 • Herr cell and }lav l ast '108:501: :,,t16,050 1 6.9 tl G Strii,lr�' 110•0C10,.. lLin'on County Total 3 1 .5 0 0 4,154,000 Ah• •.School`s .,... ,., i” tt."Ci •132,81:. • 132,77 . .132.71 k131.26. ,12877 123.6'5 •s,6 00 1,-Zi.� 7 224,100•` 118,25" '79,200: 131,55 116,65(1. • ;11)6,04' r. 28.0,900 . "t, oM13IN't1D TOT'.L ,,5.:u 4;4349,'0., ..,,.max.,._. -, ,n :.,.. A ........•., ...,. ,. ,,. ,. M ' 130 83,.. -16417"5 • • 1,3.2.56 • • • , w •