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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-17, Page 4
a. • PAGE FOUR: The' Lucknow Sent net, Lucknow, Ontario. 1,t, an :Gr Sorb -'i an .:._.ape .Plastic Eyes .-.. Arxny . doctors have ,evolvo+1, new low cost p'laat e eyes ' fOr wounded Ine-rcl-a4S-Itr-47elgtihbilgeh, .o:camfoltable, ana�d laok" like naVture';s very own! American W"eeklY., with thla Sun �`.w a X11 i m —(MI. ,..,�44 �, l�s=, ;Ti'ltt, t � ___ � >�yr(} t slab)cct .... V Fi d.,l ,pk 1Se k . thl 11��1�t,tan . J ©ff.ce - 1 � CI3ES�EI3FIk�I D FOR SALE s�� W4-�"uTF�I�; gi1.1'_s blcycic .Apl' �'_ -.. Clover Seed and Timothy. Still Available. Ioneer Master .and 0.A.C. Hen 'Chick, og and' Pairy feeds and Concentrates. ic Also' Master .Pelletti VELIV.ERY,..., SERVICE THUR,SDAY,.. MAY` ' 7t ; . 190 .: �,.. ro R i• Ii MEMO ■ A _.._ (..A'DAtg � +11'14'18 13:.:. _. _ li �an2elo;*;who: passed a of May 20th,1943, th CARD :OF TtIANKS: floici- *L,ucknbw. N,Ve Would like to expresS2pui- ,sincere-thanks to the. members, of Mrs. .Wilfred Hackett, Mrs. Har. - Miss .Lena Robinson, %Mrs. Camp- bell Thompson and Mrs. Kenneth 'IN MEMORIAM, to oppose .dar.field Case, is SOcial 'CreitifTp–anditAt'g'ais0- dutY trailer FOR- SALE-4extension table five, .,c1-i'airs1 and a buffet, in cream, i.WANTEl.): AT ''ONCE-L-Coolc with of • oUr dear' sop 'and brother, Junes Kenneth 508'St. tered'into eternal.,reki May 21st, 1943, age' 18 years. SOme 'clay we bope- to 'meet again, To cladp his -band, in tbe..Better 'Never: to Dart ..again. Dad, Marjorie ,and .Shirley. • & Selective Service Office, Walk-. AUCTION SALE of hoUSehold" ef- fectsief B.'Pearlman, Will -be held in the Arena,:Luciirt6W on .Sathr- 'to the items listed on the bills there is a sewing ,.Machine and' an, electKic vacuum 'cleaner, Teirnt3 cash., Ben Pearlinati; Prop.,, Henderson, Atm - o rogressw 04. Toetay e -call t -h rn bct And those who think of him ,t') day : ' Are.thvse`who loved hirn best, The flowers' we lays, upon_ his ' grave May wither and decay,: But, the love for"him who lies !lea Heath Will .never fades away Ever remembered by Mrs, Cameron,' Axabelle tienneth ;and Stewart. • 'sessmentql,oll of Ashfield Town:. wilt be *held ToWnsh1p Hall' To the...Members. of the Horoe Nursing class,. cete aPpreciatiOn Of the beautiful spread you -1a,ve given Me, Please. aceePt• iny warmest thanks for -honoring. me in ;this lo4elye way.. or;... i'939-..reponditiened,Stewart-. tioned 7 -tube -eleariC *radio, 'with' ,ectric,;receiVer; (all. Sets haYe'nW Writer-. 'and 4-1.v,hel:` fraile4 it4SURANCE Special, rates for ,preterred MCDONAGH 'd are now in 'a 'position to INSURAN CAR; FIRE le CASIJAL'IY . Free Adviiice On Ali Insurance Matters. • • MOTHERS, WWES AND BROTI/fERS and to hose Who Served So Gloriously For King and Country You .ana- your loved ones have done a good :,jo They have 'acted .nobly, ' • early The Lucknow. ,Office Phone' 80 Tbe.,Ekeeutoiq'„of 'the estate. of -1 MeLaY the, .1 of Huron, 'County .of Publie'Atiction .ori tues'day May , •Tbe property ',Consists of good PaSture', land., The Property , Fol. further partietilars'a•Pply-to• ''s preferred risks.. LeCICNOW Phone 82:43;Dungannon • MSTRONG OPTOMETRIST if You have faith in me please clip my message, and write at once asking them to vote for woj.. be. 'received tel of,.standaid 'paint,' of the interior V, , by August 15th. A marked cheque' I of 10' percent must :,accoMparty• RUSSELL' GAUNT, Sec3TreAs., No. LucknoW, • o'clock, noon,.Mity 28ths:',1945; for the,' pOsiti2ri of "General Drainage ,for.„ thp ,Townshfp• of 1 Iterntineration to' be at the rate "por,,.,m,ile one way\travelling ex-. f "' 0.1k7 EACHIVIONTH . tuairtMac env' •