The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-10, Page 2V • • • t, !''AGE TVO ntinel,� Tl><eL' ucknow Lucknow, Ontario • THURSDAY, MAY 10t1t WEDDING BELLS TREILEAVEN_CLARK S pPring flowers were arranged• a- x?r•..t1 e clia of St. Pa1:11's church Bloor St, E.., Toronto,, for, 4he. ,wedding 'o aturda eveiiirig of n Saturday -Beatrice Maico�1 prk .claugh •t c r • 4r. ; of -Mr. W:ese. •�'Allan-l � oraxens Ave t n of7:Mr and•'Mrs Ffii•eleaven;-" -Off Harvey Treleaven of. Lucknow. Canon Wilkinson. of ficiated. 'Chas. Peaker played ,wedding music and . accompanied the .soloist, • .Miss. Mary` Munro. Given in marriage .by hers unch the *'bride wore' satin on long'` lines ha3� :with. fingertip veil .held by a *Jul- scade..of of a � 'and.'. ca . let ea s_.t. �?,. _ ' • ornament was • d� r ses. Her` o � re o . ?} Y a ' two -strand necklace of pearls. Miss Dorothy Clark was her ter's li ,idep.maid•,..S,he wore a floor length blue taffeta with square neckline, a Juliet. cap of the • taf- feta and, bouquet of coral roses. ....Groomsman was Norm Macdon- ald. Ushers were Art • Lewis .and• • A1' Le Liever, At Daltrey(' Manor;: the' bride's mother received in a two'- piece' dress 'of lime - green .crepe With matching straw ' hat .' and • corsage ;, of cream. roses. ,The .,groom's motherwore a suit=dresi. -of blue lace .with beige.hat •arid. similar .'corsage. For the . wedding trip;' the bride changed to, a •lime- green • dress ' arid, '.lf at.. with.,.black to coat and red' roses. The couple hostess, Mrs. D:--Graham::and • will ..reside in Toronto. odor,.Mrs.' Dori. MacIver. FACTO RY :IS . SOLD The Maple Leaf Aircraft plant Was Sold ld last week, although no ,._. official' statement . has, yet been. relea -Yd, `-awaitixtg--completion of ' f -th transaction,. ' rP rP 0 r -a The•--�pu4-c -ase _. ,--Wi11� Altor2--�--•�- _--_._ i, :a : ` . •i� lr:, t. i...,r. t a e 'Kitchener rr�l ��ta b r. -,details .,.o .. .-the. ELFAST r; lames' Gibson ' of Auburn was a Sunday,,, visitor with Mr and Mrs. Wilson Irwin. • 1Vir. and Mrs.: Roy Maize. of • '1 jnal ,. with 1VIr. &• } d to 'Crewe spent -Sunday h S" e South.iln<oss..._ ,. . a-weel_end: iSktor Thee regular meeting of S�outhnes,.• Campbell. � � �- Kenneth 1Vl eKa Kinloss • W.M.S.. was .held' at the Mr: and Mrs,, Kenne ....a ,y home of Vlrs.. Douglas Graham, on Ma3x.2nd''There were 16 rmernbers resent `and'' five ' visitors. Thi opening• exercises were conducted b, `' 'file . ,resident,• ` Mrs. Douglas's Graham , and Mrs..' D McKui- ed the reinairtider, '.the pro �a r aMrs , L.;:•E.. Plaint!: Qcal aid eneral • Mr...and Mrs. Wm, Youn, Of Chesley visited with friends last -meek, Johnston ill. �Alhn and ,13111 the crew ,o t 'fined. •thG G1 c recently U rent l>rik>fi fr f,r.1°rt<>N .` rnl=rc~r non :.o c nduct read the scripture n Thea roll' call. and children of Ripley visited on Sunday. with Mr.and Mrs,. ay• fred' Hackett •r;and "•Mrss' Roy :Alton "'and ' •�.M, �. Mrs.' :Bert.Alton. motored to loon..- evenin ` and:. at- tended don: ofi Tuesday, . , g , ; ,,. the,. graduation ; ,exercises- .,- .. `' Jose h's• •.os•,tal; where, at •,St. p � i� Miss' Blanche 'Gra- hamniece, ...,... ham of 'Port Albert `We d . _em - ass .;attended the set'- ett s Church on Monday evening at• which;Rev,• Howse delivered a -very . instruc- tive and inspiring sermon, • s S `it'h•, of. tu1� 11., leas Mz. Jam m is •_,P., rr int1� _. Furniture;• Plant at' W nghan,, - Win, Armstl on:g of • town is nog*` e. .lo :ed b- the R ploy Planirt 'Mill' -. and:• .Manufaetuii�ing' Coral= pany. Stuartf' St. Mrs;" George o. -ens and Miss Catherine NIacGcezY e c c't: or, of 'town:: are spending . a-.t� .. Chicago,: ` . with. relatives in g Mrs. Elliott Sandy, Con. 12, A.shtleld; is ill at iter home, • a "" l i:;s Cathewne.,_ Johnston. ;i Toronto Unrvets,rty has• been a i. Ming with , her' parents; Dt' �tiiu V . nstc�ri. tirre •visiting with lacr �.�.. "tcr;''11�Ias �C'aTberi'y 'u-nd` `Mr.:c a, err in Tot onto. ; l The Paramount. Wornens Ing+i. auto's May rrreeting will be; ht ld--- ,, at. the.; home• of Mrs;' OlivG� Nie Cha 'les: Committee'.;in• charge ;,' Herb, Ensi maid Mrs. WY ' 1VIrs:. e b. g uta et Dextei;;`; `W :s: ere. 1VI'x Reid; ,.0 1 .: N1r,.:and.. s.� . , . yc"tr .:.•Fern Reid '. 'Reid' and Miss d �ti e .r,c, rse con- R London •on Saturday attending was . gith eyed Or aye Treleaven; 6 „ Mr: and Mrs, Harvey, f !f or,t the raduati cl • r Pra er •, . Sh bei of g ng �Treleaven the arnrn ,•the wo ..... -... wedding of o,f their neph4�>,, t g � ',Prayer". ... rs. S: F, . .Buckton era'.were ,: ° iven 'b M B. and Jean and M attended the , Treleaven Claire. Sgt'.:Major Clyde Reid. pray g Y. A large crowd Mac nald. vice of raver. at Hack Sunday P qs, DAA IacConnell and • Mr_ A. Mac us. Olive' d Leod: M real numbers were a solo' by Miss . Blake and a trio by Mrs A Macllntyre, Mrs. D. • MacKinnon :and Mrs `W ; F. MacDonald both accompanied'; by' Mrs. Don MacIver.' Readings" by Miss- Marian Graham and Miss :Ruby Irwin. Mrs. L. C. • MacIver' took' 'the:' topic. from'; the study: book. The' closing .hymn prayer. ',brought:the meeting to a close. `Lunch :was served : by;.11ie. Sent Smokes . Shipment • ee��nn andMrs. - l ma'n Mrs.: Edgar Hol y N. Johnston have forwarded an shi ment • of. cig- arettes i-. .other .,periodic p g arettes to the'.boys overseas from. this 'conimunit The" carrying on Y of this work was sub$tantiall�y aided 'b a recent.dance ' which, they .sponsored and which netted their smokes fund $11'5.00. • 'wedding in Toronto. on •Saturday. Maymeeting Of„. the Wo - Institute ":will be. held. 'n WO - Men's ... i the Town' Hall • Or Friday; - >t2 ay 1lth: at -2.30, Mr.. and. Mrs. K W. Bertrand, avid "of Toronto,' Donna and:-. IA , - spent the weekend with Mr, a.nd. Nirs. Charles :Webster. la' Campbell, Reg.N.`;of Miss Islay p , � Kitchener . w,as • a recent v;lsitt)VV: with: her ar::e`i-its, Mi: and P Jack Campbell° • 4e pMi , . .•'• • • ti, • To help .bring.'the- men , and women.'of our: ArrSed Forces home. • To join with our' Allies in hi 1ping t destitute., liberated people To provide the funds .:for the rehabili- tation and re-establishment of returned. men. To provide '.the"foods' for. the. payment o£ gratuities and'pensions to: returned.. men. To help play. " • _ our ' ull' part ~ in the war against they Japs. Anniversary ,' Anniversary services will :1;o held in •the Presbyterian •Chco..ch-- en Sunday. At the. morning vice' "thc> guest speaker will b,. Right.:. Rc3V.,'' A. C. 'Stewart,' mod-: er•ator, of -the Gener•ai''Asscini}j j. The, spea'i er in ,.the evehink •�, be, Revy: Iver D:' McIver of Crrn brook: •Mi',.` .arid Mrs: Gordon. Tfiornpi a' of,,,Edrnoiaton have been i isiri!r.� for..the :.past .week with hlIis.1) ., n.ts Mr. and" Nlrs, D.:M.''1'lar in, ,M l NI ,'Thorn son, : r ane rs p�r,rn t It til :rcceritly were statin tj • Cairol, in .,the 1`T'drth ` `r 1tr)rics kvhere` Gordon .)1oveel d :t'in r the de 0(i'Lp r of ;this cri•l t'ie> ci, .and 'k•vherr• 1l Tltcyrij s ;`late ,' joined -.11.1111. .,..1:,.1 acted' as t)hirrrn cisst,.in tint' patal`•at ',that outpost LOCAL. P:OC;T MET;TRAGI'C.DEATW This cramrnunity `was shittik4 cl on Saturday to learn of the ti ryr,, death . of. Dr - -Ja1ui': II Vv 1�;tr3, which occurred suddenly at htk Office here• ,ori .Satur da'y'. mot.ning: LastAugust -D,r' Whrt•� Oncnnd. a •pract,ise .ii'r the:Jol nstonc 111;i0:. bit shortly n)isf1 r°r• tune ',tosufxi,'_1'—a •.heti •�•'�-' ''.; .�. hi.rh incctribrjtateml 1 trmc>.. about t14 fr•,.L p, r. l kw 1hc' cte ith:,c$f . th.c 1i rpt ':f,!°�;v,. ttir,nlst- 1 Miss `C`•1th'c0rarlcr 1/\71iif.r, -�•la,�a.d•--lx�.-a�ld� ld.�:4-�-:�1�1-�,>-r'';' , the, 13ncto:i'' but 't Co11iri &wor�e1, an to tit 1ttro�v the �ior`rri n� " r:17r brothor's" death. °"'�"' • • .11707 :rado.atinq. Drht'te practised frzt 11m f Won. a• fine reputation as a elc , laractitionerFot,. sdi e nine,yeate he. .practised at::Brussels.;,anci t1r� ii was appointed rnedica;l offici'=r.rar the '.Citty. of Port post 'he. *held :for ' 15 .year s:. 'pr ran to comingL .icknow ' Dr Whi•te's death: was c1iscot 0r- • ed by a patient •who v,rs ted his .office'rn rnid=morn.ir g on,' Sairrr day. `Ile had 'then been c1 id, about. five or si*a,'hours. No. icoC cel t �cns. deemed necessary • On:.;--Monday--tlie- re taken 'to • Nottawa his llirtl.iplae: near •Collingwood; where scrvrce was he:NonTuesday• �witli. inter= 'merit in ldnearby'- West ' Chirrclr Cemetery,_, . Dr: White is�survivcd by aSof;:;. Dr. .John ` White and a 'd•ttrt;htet', Mary sis' .Hteelr•' •enC, a:both erine of. Ttiraflto; by ' i' C�irll'ng I Hanowood vearnal.;"* ina. arri;ed 5ihtc;r it I •To r�naintain the fight against inflation an so guarantee =`prosper' ty and em- ployment. To. provide increased personal :security. for 'individuals inthe future, o enable" individuals to pttr;chasc peace-tftne goods '. and services ' when available.. • • are Final Vctory on riome an i�,► •1•00>I rlii.&4.1r*.11••••••• .:.ti• s _-w— rye • , AUBURN COMMUNITY, HONORED MR. & MRS, 'TOLL A da3icc was held"in'• tilt esters' 'H'a.11, •.Auburri,..n .' '�- :day•:"vethg' trr"Hvorrrrr~oof.- t air�S 'nr'ff' Mrs. A ibrey To11, f.orn c r lY 1�7*. McCrostic, .newlywed :, 1'trtl5so"'' orchestra. pro`vided; the risuf ra ' Lewrs'Ruddy was toaster :,f car'• monies and arkaddreSs was. ra'i to .the young cob -pie by Cal 1 ,q(s. ici• and" a purse of. 1m—off. t .14,ti.. i)i'OSrrited by. Nelson, l';itl,,rsv:i. Mr, Toll' 'fittingly rt,,plii•c1..1,00• was served, ,. .,, t� • 1) :00 .ic ••C tt rr; •ac 1r th cln `C7 hr 'Gc ,'Ch cin F