The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-03, Page 10.00. A Year—In Advance; Ago Extra to U. $7 A. • ' _ • .FIFTEEN MADE.' l'ENTlfOON-ATI PUBLIC MAY DONATE • TO HOME COMiING FUND' LUCKNOW, ()NTAltitii „TIIIALSDAY, 1%;1.4k 3rd, 1945, k Donor., hdd.ria.".07,144-7-Th:trrs.day the , were lti.•,:dpnations, to:•rnore than..400. the number of dopors.'attending'•the...last 'three clinies. ()n February'.9than at- jendarfee:reCorcl ,Was set .with 170 9.r,1:'.'1VIreh"...1qth. there Were 431, ,•• and 'last. week ,156; of ,whi:eh. fifteen were..ten4ime.clOn•- . ors ahd received goldbutter's in , . .• sOciation,.:at t1 i' ” • l'AISI)OSED OF SALVAGE. I•FROSTS AND COLD, WINDS. • HAVF•,DAMAGIING lEEFECTI 1., The-.4.01-4-t"thms,rr's 44$.,f.R-W4-04":p1Rfiggd'tO'r....acui.•,-,71114::::: WhiCh. W'''CAL'S' ti:j1f6Tal of the Weather -Willi eqi.cr,iwind.p,,,,7gxsd--.irgfi.r.7•1j.tTt.r-gi7OS:- fmtjm, of 2.0 . for the ' Soldiers' liornecornipg Reception „P. u n dthteughout ' Aprit. The 'stiminer- Collectors' were aPpOinted to eark like 'weather, M.10:ch.,resulted in. eoyiy vas the various .'-business. :.estab, i all. All salvage' materials 'May growth,''. but, the ,Cold '-'whi'd,s "r,thq„': , Spetiihg .gria,,, 'premature i!shinents 'of. the 'Village, and •this .bq' left it( Johnston's -Feed' i3iir.r: frosts tliat were'to'Innip..n In, Aiprif j task:, is being ,currently ..c,arrilec,:i. ,0,:r.'held "until The, Club'S',summer have .had yerY.dathaging.;•'effeet...' on..,, : . : --:. 4„ . .• , 091le"ction tii.kekplaCO, .., 'A'. rura.:, ..Growth is at ;:a „st'apdstill."...Tee4: • ' • But "th.e Privilege '..._arra diitY,'of collection it., ..not' feasible, but and. cropS .are' bee -oz. -fling -seared i contributing to this'Iund should rural. resic“ requested t 1 sk- isi.los.e4.1 of. -r,r, 7v14,), 1-1-1Q110-aY.,_4n,c1 s ut 114.-- .6,1_44,-x. the. Opacity of the hiv,(: "box transpOrt. The -yv,irte papc,,r sifualion • remains )acl..4t-o, ti -)e is urged tti' save., - - - NCIL SEEKS At thc•May meeting - on -V1,6n= clay .night the Village ',COOneil 'de- cided to call for applications for the Pioitaor.i.-,bf a' full time village:'' eniployee to act .as,hydr6 litteniaN, 'Y,iiate.r.y,rpi•ka.•ear,etiker .town man .for, general vil]age work. Applications' wi11 he received 'up, to May 15th,: anCI if 'pOsition;. ,( and. b!:pw.n. from Wind -and frost, not later than ;Tune 1st, , • %recognition or their le.ontribtitions. interest more than -the merchantti ljrihg in-tneir salvage, to de- ',and the nay .eroP and 13astures, This. action was taken follow- • , w omrnenee. The h i Was in charge and irldtistrial firms of the •Vill- • pot, with th(,. omphasis. on paper , fb all' reporta, have ,alreadY sui ing receipt of the 'official resigna- age. ,Donatio,na be vvelcomed and rags.' that have been out. Oil hen...oforeerd. by ill .healhwto • . s • filled , duties R w. JackSon.of Kitchener, - . . _ • s. . rrom every citizen or the , exed irreparable damage- tion f Bert' Ward,. who has assisted.. by. Miss Phyllis .Smith r.-.11 • f '11 b PANIPIII F S - A f. Toronto. Medical. attendants' ese, „0 course, \kr' c • :on a 4T SIJED • . were Doctors Johnston, Mecal,- Connell. - The' nurSing staff included Mrs. • Wm. Mac Kenzie, • Mr's; gobek • Andrew,• Mrs. -Allister Hughes; • Miss Hannah MacDonald, ' • Miss Lena' Robinstin,' Mrs. Waltei;•Mac, 'K'erizie: 'Mrsi 'Donald .MacDonald, Mrs. ,Thos, •WilScln,' • Mrs. Alex ••i Sutherlanci,, ,IVIrs,..‘ George. MO!17' criek Miss saqie Johnston Mrs' Finlayson, Mrs. Wilfred kett Mr% W. S. Reid;. assistanls Mrs': Jbsepn' voluntarS, basis, and: may he 'left WITHBADGE .OF HONOUR at Sentinel Office or • at bOr: ,,-.-.' , don7,.,Taylor's7.Vtie-StEi.W7MIfk7.77,:;A:i:!,:).„4iir;e1J,s.---'.'bi-0.-6-d. • cl On 5 , , your donation. , noW ;if 'Possible, •. 'clinic • there We're'. fi-ftoeh t en t irn c dcai$ ,1,11 attendance nee..wil'6 recei:\;;• . . - FAIR :1IOAR,D SPO.NSORINO. • ' ..ed g,old pins; the '''•13adge: tif1-161.1 BA.BV:, BEEP 4.118:, . :: ' , : our''; •At the.prev.iouS,,clinie„thc.r: - , , •;• -.7--.-7--7... .• . , Were four ton.-timerS: • , , The Luckholv Agrieultui;a1 Sec.- , 'A pamphlet issued., hy: the 1",,Tti.t ety. iS. :spons.O.fing g 1.3,aby...P.:(..:(.1. .lenal, .plood, Donor .-sc6;,..i.ce.,•-.06 Club ••ip 6iineclion •.',. with. . the ippj-,.. •eern.wInii,s:. i'2.aCh Oin... It,''read's annual Pall. Pa.i,r-.: • AnyOne, CO3-.. "..'Thii-i , is yo tir: :biz dgi.! ; '.)"f.,.: horiou7; ernpltiting jOinii* •t h (.• .0 In ,b YOU . liaye .earnec1: .4 by ,Yei..ir'• 'ger • hOtillel''at. once. contae-6-.-P-i-, esli-de.47-erey,s-ity.-.; a..3.0%., pa lism-77:711y- tlic John Fairish,, Secretary .JosOnf. gift' .6k, your • ble-O'd, It takes threo ......4.grie' •'Mrs'• 'Tohn' isiPa.ii*V:'.''' Air,levV, Or PrI.Y Of. the directeis., don tion to make one bottle 'it -..Donors'.Were; . . . : .- . •• ' " Fitst'donation. , . ... ... Winner's at the. locai ',fair. will he '.c.lried serum„ YoThhav.c"?.• gi n ten. eligible-46--enter-tieh 'calf, at the. It4;equres nixie 'donations:. to , gi.- - .... ,.. : . Mrs Esther Oil;oilt. Mrs .• .AP'•ria. .17.4.11crton. clir.iittrias..:E•ai,r.. ... 4 .wouncled.m4•II a chance tc;•11\„7..e Mae.:-McDougalt. .. Mrs; •Rayb.rd • -"Yon., hae..'given ten'. Think of it Ackert, Mrs.:, .Flossie..,.M,....".1verS,: TIv..Futtli6" Diuss'iii$Or$: .• _ ..Y.ei,i''figN'TO given 'apprci.xii-nately . . . .. . . . , . . y pr -new . plec ed.. t e .s rn total. of „the.. amount. of grass, intieh .parlier date than the town ,,,,cirik...pert,hag been. ern-pio.ed, by -the Village 'for' a r .due to" the:: scan:t • pe$tyre, avail' most 26years,.and his.resignaicn= !•• . . • • " • Injured. His .• .; - • . ' 'Yottn,.. an .emploYee of BortivoY'S: garage Chesley- 'and - 'fbrrrierly df..1.,neknO),V,,.., had ..t11.0. - ,thisiqrtune recently .,'to:,haVe - heavy ii'istrumcnt fail hiq foCtL 1 accepted with rogr(t...A.... ter of appreciation of his Services and his..salanir date.;>thoUgli he • has. been off WOrlc for , several:. Weeks; was unanimously appi-ov- ".; • rp..1teb"at.e • .ReeveJoyrit informed oPricil that the.HX.P.C,. haicifia,ut orized. a .5 er on, hydro' uSer • . catisi,ng• injiiries laid' him; off k •Mrs. Marie Kogan, _Graham. Mc Nee,.•AndrewRitchie, iCharles president of the 'Business Men's'.bictod Your OWn bodY1--And .11,IcLe4p,, John. MacKay, But Association has, ailed a meetingSO doing you have. said to a man -'Cochrane. • - for: Monday evening, when .retail lighting in this w.ar.:•,,`Ifere isvouj, • Second. Donation store hours will be further dis=, extra chance- . thiS :side. Of • , .e d the wai:: 'John J. Bradley, Wilfred Deer:- , • • , • wdrIt 'for' a few .claYc. " • • • • • 'Deadline "tvaS.;111kind:1 • Monday .was, .•, ni g 79`. .the many :'Whti left', this a:iv:11.13i • A I 1944 billings,s,This .applies to all' tigers; power, commercial and domestiC, • and ,will be effective, .edit4-on--t.j.ie---next This.•rebate is in addition to the . . . j• • ate redtkction ,• recently an - headaehe tor the Ilact r lounced and Which was the See- n& rate. reduction in. about a 2-,montlis period., The rebate ' • • • • . „ licaVed sigh of 'reltel . . • tornis Were in thelinaik Alth'ouil 0 Monday was the last day for, 1 will Mean'a.saving of abbtit ussed; reports Of .ctirnilititteeS ,tleaven' Your ioo • the. "report, yinent, Of • tie k ..tax has••been defeR..ed Until t ust in :view • of 6in Victory .Lo-pri being currently in progreSs'.:•S o hydro tiaers,. " . . i•C,Ottriki/:.,:approved of •.the : local Ystern inv.egring $4000 8th nan, Robert Farrish,• Ross. M'ac-. ceive an • other wnpor ant .busi,, This:. your 'most: gift,..is TQWN TOWNSHIP lihersOir,7-PrardriiamiItOn;. Peter • • "..Veins'.of a man of cothbat—rh0.11,: LAG .IN LOAN .." fightiii. for ..YOu:2-116Wirig int0 ,tfie • • • • Cooks•Lester Morden Mrs E '7ith " your oWn. son—who 'knows?' ' ItIAIRSI Nu- CL.ASS 41e ,Webster:e-MrsAnirtiemDexter, .•14frsk • • • Isobel. Mullin, "Valter: eat this badze 'proudly It r.-• ruee County icto y Lo -n • I)exter, TO. RECEIVE PINS• Council decided'to purchase a 13asii...Hogan, Mr. Christina . street anner, • .kLucknow Wel-. • .a •s,.i.rmbol. It .a .syjakirrn r. eturns up to ',,'NVednesday. nOon .• • .,• • „ ,• • ,. •. • • • g'reat' gift. beyond'. price • 1.,,,ear thi,. aren't ver:y.:.. compIimentarY to. , , . YietorY• Loan Borilds..: -r---€:outicillor park announced that ,planned re7co.rn,. •rfienee the garloage-colleCtiOn sys-. • next -week: • - 4 Kinnon,: HarOld Erririgton 'oeo. M . . .Form1 graduation eXercise .bad'se proudiv--,you. t'h_e. r -'LucknOw- • • • • • , • • comes You - at, a cost of .$350 Third, Donatiiin. Donald. McLean, Gerald • Rathr •woll,::•charleS,:MOTee„ISitchener: -F`innikan.'..Allpn:MCLean, Sohn H. Mason., 'John'. Gillies, Harold 'Rif.... 'year, 10.4 eCTIOletir _riLevthrt'r';t-h--c1-0-ffrse,1-fflizsassing--Tthe to-s-fr A,13reckles; Gordon Miller, . Mi;S:3;it'a6h-:gracitiate - will reeekve • Hogan, -Mrs: ...lsobeLGatintMi-s., presented bY, carripbell,: , 1. ni, members 'of the' rnergency.• " " Horne Nursing. 'class:: n�V is in 1:151 l'jlaee With; , Among towris ancl villakes tonighl (Tlitirsday) the clans- ..BAISi sTEWART_TO.,14E Men -COurSeS, liti.kONT REPRESENTATIVE 9.bieetive of $112.000. In '.the .12 , of, $18,700 _or,...17 percent of Of" Larice7dorpoifal .'1.4orne: ar.;: ;•rri n c panties .. Kinloss 7 • o &fah recently both St: Holeris and tucknow 144: • ' ' •• u i • ' G d t• v..eFagas- and :As -r.esidine.WitlEhef an Mae MacDonald, " Which .w . •Co,therine. 'Hornell; .Williarn Far -was...: the -Red .Cross home nurSitlig', recently resigned.-,..ArinOuricenlent, ...risk st,irtiCe,.‘i'MeMillari,..•:::' Albert..dourSe.. organizer., Of th riew .p.'iYpOn'istrrierit has...bp•en Brovip;'1,,,Vitliatri • who '.• acted.as ins‘tr.i"iCtor.S.:,.arc • f‘..5 n'ceivd with' deljght by M'-, Agnew, Richard Park7 Earl S,wan. 'receive special' •-.1722.-,7.....L.SteWal.t.'..ST many' friends • • •A •diStiv.iet,••4Fei, he ha., . .bcen, Dufferin e*peeted,.04Cildarlq9..pf •abottt,'14,.:Jead•I,I.all:et'S at ' ladies. •Cdars.e, ' • , A native .of tho thu:nity', 13a.m SteWart,_-,h4S' been pained ,as 1-1-Urron' CoUnty AgricultuVal.' Represontative .to Succeed Mr.- Bruce Mathes -On, Ivho • North Donation .•• been.:plarincd and a very' pleasant :',/**_okinE1-IlandersOn;•-•,-..faek• -,Mc- Gregor, Williarn Humphrey,- Wm. Wiggihs, -.Harry Mrs. ' Johnston,Ni1ie Mrs. Mac BridMrq,- •Dorothy'' C. rosier; ,Mr's imin; _Grir'. AI B. Kalif-. man,' '„ , • Fifth .DOnatio,ti : • .ctirri(. •cahveit, 1D0nzlira. •Simpson, Mis,'tioroili•'‘.'..14Ohb.; 'Harry Lavi.S, ('ecil',S61.instori,' 'Ha rrV MactAri", • 41(1, ' ' • •lx. v'D• n.•ati_ o• .-(''_Wer Pin). • Witjter IVIdeKenzieLlio,n, • • , tc•Jo..Mooro' 'ffusseli Irvin' Ifogap, Qiifftird. J'alinstOrr,' J.' rka.6ton. Ra.kol..Elliott,. Wy1. Sehnlid,001.•- lon :•Anderson„ .John '...Griixdo# Ritchie, Prod :Gue'st;: GOrt1(..,n 110.!ss,„I•ptircl • La tion . . i3iake, IVIrS.- An n ;0 Fj5j1 Everett. ••• Thirr:K , Eaclie, MCrvin • .A Alexander Mac - 1t. whether oi' :net; CONCERT -ATTENDED it, are invited to ,bo present, 'and .'indicliteS • a general -lac,. 111 • . 14 sales of p.6rOrit..6f USbandiS MOther., Mrs.. Robert tFie,Objectiv'e of $15 000.. !. '' . ••• married Mr. and last May. a'sly:r.s.s.":hsen, e.w.1Fa'siV.ee.nr With the. loan ,period half gob:- ! have a big job :of. bond: Ltielcnolk: 'and • Kitiloss reiisifIdeinlitr,S2.:riagd:flii. 451.;:ier'eyli,1?al"anrciriawri 'hiin e '.1-,,n0.nr,..,doOnn. ‘ak,ie'd of tharnS S(ei Y'oii.r :salesril,-•;n dbn. HhPr"....'110,m.0 Nik.7a deinolfshe , .. dk'''s. t.,,9-dzi,,,'.'; ' .• .. , ..,.; . , , - . •': , , . . Her .1)A -rept -S. -are not living She „ !the ..iEkUce. coun'ti?,• . total,. at l'as .0 „Pi."QtKe,r7i.r.v41g.:#3C. Greeee Wednesday 'hoOn ...‘Vas $1,355;360. •and a •Sister".tin Canfeen duty in representmg.'45'percent 'tif,:i.heLoi`-''...Ynglni4... .'-......- ' • . - fe-ct.ive;. 'wit -h., 50 . percent . of ' Ili:: — .. TO. OPEN. COMMITTEE R00111: .. •••.' the --Progressive - consetratiVe ' AsSaciation'. Ter-. Huron-lruce in,„ . which, Tiding Mr., Jack Hann ;:is the candidate, is:.oppilirig.a Coin- ...: mitte,d Rooth' in: LucknoW;.' in kthe '.. 4i:l1ink "Blocl,', adjoining,. the Lnek-; now., '$a Ivni ink- e-Offigb: ' It ':i.S . , .: . '6 • timeeinpsoci,•, stands ni 32riel...plaee. among 82 'ults, is not the " Coun.ty's,..0 ttat'SPot' NIrs. Carnphell; Miss IIai'c1 a1 the s•taff (IfL.,,i.n.strue,to„r41.Jart. ille:hon of Mrs.Wii-1,...„1.1orn01.,priOr to gracluatieni,.c.xcircisfos,- Nin h Pupation 'Miss '..Matide,...Fishs. N1);:s';',;',iil dred.•11itchie, Mrs, Janet. M: Phpy, P110, p 7.Dni ,1),1.1)31)87, pr(14(1171('Cl; bYiG.()derich LionS,C.!,tib on', ' pro'v.ed .1) a. ca y t11n\i-od..:\,itii'n,,rusic Carrtii • „:. rfrie spi.4iso ..,10 k:a $ sales -10, Bruce to date. '.TeeSWater is in 'tii'st place .wit,i) 131 'percent: Ciaros:21.6..:ids • TOWnships. with. sal. cr.f2,,$481.00, „ or 43 :percentOther. .figtireS 141111MIMO „ trast_App .*sts;74ri-1-1-i-641-77-77, 41el )een tiPPoilitpd; -Organist: -the .James ErringtOn, 13k -hard' \V° P1'1.`,03Yibri.pn..'ChurCh •to Donald MacKenac "Wm Co' 'lc' 4.1 vacancy' . Caused ,Wesloy. Huston,' •:Fwsd• rcsign•ati,,on of :•IVIrs.. 1-1, Jack .McKinnon, 13.9•Y G. who' -has -.been' .orgariA- 7.1e, Alvin C. AttoriAtaryoy far the •pqst seyeral,yepi:8, f. • 11' • • Blake Afton,. Jas,....Coehrano; • district ar..6:•'/Itirtin ToWnshiii. floc:Led ,that •it. \vili be 'Open:. 1,)y. 4a,360; ..P0yeent..., A, ...CI:Ai-lock 'S. a tur and tile public is vited `1174:.:1)00(0),, 6267 Ilad Br} • • ' • •AcIcert, - • , • . • . . . .1 . . • • Tenth DonatiOn.,(.6old ein),: • i EVENTS $3.9,200, whieltis' 51,62 of the":043:- .8haddick, :td.:kiiir(1.- '1W •- 'ciansnion si?onaorm,Y. . . . ' Huron County. 'Passes en, , Cu -n1 ytsa-lo-s-up4:4-tre-t- - ay night tOtallocV81,702,300t,.- otit the- Air Schools. Tliis is 5 .i312 .„ • , , percent.- of, the objective' atr- prOxirnately'••the half -way - ma and is a creditable -showing, dernands :.a "'strong •and 'sustained finish if the •thark is to be met, _wtst, .1Ar.awziho'S1.1: sale§ stoticr at, j<ft,e a 0110- - lj. two -d Al bCrt:,,,r3,A Alton: Russell E. A,,in"y,•3th 'and Tlescmy,,,iviry, Virdun Mowbrkv, Carmap„(.." /1 erS 01'&1).081,r# rigry ,Jtdries IC,f,prijsh.„Xas, `iyilrigic'' ,ach occasion, ,11.1{;?ty)rii jiy,( j icowrt, ,47ii„,ithk. NicLosn:. Eleentli .1.)Ona, 1 . Eighth [m.o.:Men : • '''''jmth,11:31(..t'l:'LlrirI.r)dh...:).1:1'.a. 17'1' *. • • . ' ' .1:cil'.2:;'(:1:(1.)467:'14:71clill'IP.:',':}171('1:1.;.: l''''L'd.:cr:A.L'il.. .o'l'c h little, • Alla'n 'Miller,. `- ' '' • Von . Gordon :Fisher,,...rniqi•„.1106,-.‘ Tile : 'Spoe4a1 ribtur.e, ton, ...Janri(,,s, , camp 1)01 I., . '; Mil rdA H6c,jit../,, .•,,,. ,. . •,,t,.., ,,.., : i••• - - ri.j.:1,R.I.<:INGTO'N'`, .starring d'reer Aiso.,Repaitea , . 7 •'• . ., , • (lar:.,!on and„Walter Pidgeon is at ,.,„ ' ' • . Frao millet,4 ,...mi.4., ,i-,,./.1tilv, th6, 1eoliin l'hefitro, Wingilair. stewart, .;;:m1,,s, twaiwth: T.31,,r,fri.:, ..,,,,1\,firly 7-470, . There ..k.,i'll Mrs, Verin ..Chnillbvps", Tiviirf: MAci„, :.1.10:0' tAcii, .NIGIT,T :at 8.00 ItenzJtili'fi-;Mililiosh;-• -t- -------',1i4ni-and..-14.,00 li,r0.-- - --- :,-----LL ' I ; (1t111 •( inner OfiV ..P 1' al.i ....14 '• , ••••••,4 Kit111:01V •;" (h;1i'5 0.:„Anderson,,A>k ,,, 11,ro ' vin J, Ir‘‘•iii. Peter G. iViacrionirld, Mi -s. E. IllnPk, Mrs, Christine Mit, 16r, *Miss', (4,,,:lreo::rilVICKinnorr, MtF„: Sara, Ititt'hj0; Illos7d Me"DOtigtiO, liai'old Qaunt; Thos, • R. ' Youlig„, . I9SIC .liatilstfine-eltirlt "Piii14,1i6r; ' , • Fin lily. A • ;the „I;obj 0.74i44-12 ;5 0 Eas \Va\,,VM108/1 passed-i.the• half- way mark With"Sales, of $44,350 .Or. 5093 percent .of the Objective of . • " Whj1e__fflrFOrhn1r 1+ Re-v-,-:-J.-.-.;..---ewarttlr-a-dr--his car, •ISI:oken, intg..ahd,' his .„1:11'iof ca.SP rt contained nothing oi •value. to the 'thief, but had PaperS. ,. , - of:,:iniptittanCe to MI', Stewart, inl. , . cluding his serinori 'record: book ,aticl, .11/lasoni•C' reports: Rev. Ste.v... art wag' attending Grand" Chapter.. , . .sestions,when his tern a.- Gran -I Supprintend.ent of liuron nist,..ziet Af..i....a_J.IY.„ enaecl„ and: whcn.-.4-h,.., appointinent of his'suceossor was - - ' ' • .A§HFIELD op le ifield.,chargo To Hold Meethig Saintday . dir:ectors!: M0444g. of ;nit , LueknoW,„ Agricultbral • Societ wiul bo hold in the :Town Hail ,0.41 Saturday evening; • May' '50 al: 8,30, for he purposo of rovisiug . the, prizost and general htitsines, piTfl.eparOtion far SocietY%; fl(nh rthnual. Which • is to -.:;b0.-- a -very: special - " 4:rois will 1.▪ -‘e observed with .a, serVico n.f thanksgiving • i church:af ‘.(?,11.1 is ,receiyed h fore 1).11:11 Friday,i service NVi1i 1%, , holdfht11,$,;0\':(1).illg:' If hotwoon 3, and 3 p.rn, the Service be'• Held Stinday ccven'ing, fbetween fit daY and, :3'p.m. lqonelay, tho • , be Mand'ay ovorilrisc•an.q.,,„ 1liroitgl)otit-trier7ifeck. • • - ' a • ti • • 1' A •