HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-22, Page 6PAGE.. SIX
The Luckno;
: � I. . R
J'[J FEfdia'll��, RFU
M ' Brown, "the Wingh n lad
who patrols right ing.:on' . the
P �
Second line, stole.�7 the scoring
Windsor," lastledne'-
. Donors at W _ .. � . ,. . .
7 ,when the T�,u�clinow' Juv
ides hared
ur ..xzi,
S . a'd . ... _
Til�a ,
wiere it . uck now':; "home'., game . will-1bc
r'. they', :beate,A .that. ;'Tilbury. L ,,- .. , • .
we c,. y, ,,•: , ,: .,,in .Stratfo3•d on"•W:Morid�7.
defaulted_ they i`. tern game: Played.
. "i .iri bunches. night. It's goads to count on the.
• own • scored.; � s
He bang ed iriA u'r• 'in a. rowin.,
t.:firstp .�
Minutes, . '3 at
In the recon
the bat 'tr'
- less �-tha
..of them `oi
-e on
I1 llt✓I1
fVY,TS W 14LAr►iMY .
" *� L2'R1
Fr-ad4t;y and� .
T Moneta 14he
now. and. Wi7land vvill''battle
out. for -the' .right . 'to entez tide:
final seri s for the 0. M. H A.
Jtivenr .
1'e «B,; eroWn. The' first
game' willbe played' 'in Port ColbOrrieL-
peri•in' less than. six
them' unassisted.
errad" he repeated
p t1?.
etting three ,.irr
a d three,,
' � -. ,Xri lnu �e s� -.,.
f•Q:s :coeds apar,t
eels .'in • • the , quest
Chin who
i lit: a -.:to..
g p
forti goal was `' org
its ®r he:
isn't very old.when
ent' there would be
• nothing to it. • L eknow hacl
'; iroi ng � � .:
. five at about the 'halfway
_tallied , �
fi •st �- `eriod.: :before
mark in'• the p
iedTle: score at the-
the :eriod : was, (3,•;.2 and.' at'
. `. • eixl' of. p ,
the end :of 'the' second'was .18-5.
coin le
• • �kie�cola�.tossed,a:�.:�-.r...p,..�r
fo `:. ' •ood -easure
r � .tr
' n.
' he 'ed :u •Tas-�ihe- ga i
' P1a ,• •roug n.. p .
progressed, and as : the. Tilbury
actuad saw • . they were in
ileal beating: Evidence of, this is
the fact that ` mild-mannered 1111
Brown got, a major fur :fighting,,
:. . He . was; ;one of : the, boys' who took'
quite a combing until he decided
to ;do • something abr3ut it with' his
a,HCKNOW Goal, ' 'McLeod,
defy Johnston, • Lockeridge, cen
"tre, :A. Chin; .wings; B. CIain,: G.
Chin; malt- Bio-gun,-Yoeman,.�t'o11
oek , .Agnew,::.1VIacDonald, Mac
TILBURY Goal, Chevalier:
def. Wilson and.; Holmes; centre,
scott,-_: Swings Hornrck, Mooren Tth frat-place :why Was_40c
alt,t,Kent, Perry,•' Rivard, Moriis., now sent to Tilbury when Elora,'
. 'Referees Jack'. MacCauley, a : town in Gornpari
Stt tfozzlReal Curl e, Windsor,
1-Lucknow; r. hie ('B` `Chinr
2-Lucknow, Brown, 5.50
3.=Lucknow}_ Brown , :(NlacDon=.
raid) • ,:: 7,10
•4 Lucknow; . Brown, '11 05
5 `Lucknow;_ Brown, ...";'-11..20, any indication that. the 'teams.
6-Tilbury,;'Moore (Escott) 11.55 ;nay, :not:. be *elf ',matched.,"
7 Tilbui y,' Hornick t. '13.00
8 Lucknow; G .Chin (B Chin)
round. .The winner will meet ' 1, c.
• f the Powassan-Port
wrrnei-• o
Hope series.
'•r• wt ,K '.,*
._ ..- Tilbury;series was a real
The .
a 2 0-rriile "'i i ` h•at
fasco:.lzt"was Q t p
wasn't even a good`.practise: for
the • boys:.
x ected��•'.1"ilbur;
defaulted. the second gam . whic h
vied •fo the Stratford
was: • s,�ched _ e r
Arena, on \i.VMonday Wight:
's" where° They Leafs • will.
have to finish'. the season °as tire'
t local' arena' is 'done.
ice in the:
,,4;44...1x,7.1004:7------,.... Fra
n N
pit RS DA � ,RCS. 22nd; 1$45 ..
ss Ber d'ea'n 'Altart_-;yisitel
A1L_ ekN • of Todont ..
• M• I; resin re ur
• We are..Sor�ry, to 'hear, of the
;44„t�-i sem- x
Gilrnole, . rr •, resUltip
• • f • ed 'from. Mr • Noble iGue�t; �1'la
:acexdtnt-iu Ha-rant-pn- a .. a 'rl ave`ecCOc=d-te t
Ir, .and Mrs; Russell Bushell
and: little son 'moved;; during the •
; ... _ kt r,- ,- e
T _.;. t.f _ned a�+ d t qt Guest f r'rx y
xss a ra
`''vtsztin friends in 0Se ago.: He is confine a his Boase on, the .Malcom farm that •
. tet , ` , . ......: nd" n., and .
Hos it
T p
hells. ac •
' tneBua w.
wTim-a .speer
rt ,. ., .2W., �, w, �.....• •.,.,r1rn
-.. _ � r-+ ETiI'is, rF jY
-• tir rich-_��;;�'�„ _ .. ,.. , S.�
. Y
., s anc.i � ec4ays�.�!
lar ulc�"Vzsitc.d with .. ... -• coil:.- .. ,:. ti�a-of' :the' F"edez•attt�n of
id R M
, of :Clinton; Sa.�-. ' 1a`rrends; at Zinn.,. extend , senta� will.'• show • a moving
1ylis. H,
.,Fowler I f , lations. to, Mi,. : a.nd Mrs;. Agriculture
• a, . , 'i chie:,' f',:Mtdland U13611. I picture in:.our school from. 2 to .4
• Mr and Mi•s, Will Altt�n and l�tis�sell R t
Wendell spent •Saturday with Mr.
Mrs, J .Beattie of Pirie Rivet ,,
`. Mrs, . Wilfred:" Sackett .vv as
week, enti'- risito with fue l =�Li
Guelph 'and .St. Catharines,. G. p
Junir .A teach. 4 11, winter and.
when' the GeneraIs
ated, , lined ; up with ;1 immins J
A..Clitii ..as, a rnilitaz y "replace,.
t Last winter this same.
their • z ecent;marriage
:rs Sarah 'Helrn`•of. St, Helens
1VI � ..da ' lit-
`i.esent visiting he . ug. .
zs ip..
r Mz s,• John Gardner.
• .and Mrs,' Gordan, Ki lard -
ih .` viiere. ,Teeswater. vis
rice •fam y
„tors :on. Sunday last, •
r:`' and ' Mrs.,. Cecil Gardner
M het
vvere . in Saltfor'd '• visiting
'aients, " Mr. and Mrs,,Wilfred
Quaid.' Mr.. John' Quad• et: Salt
me .. '• Q Ccc et:
from ' fir;. fol'd .is• assisting ..
Sullivan. dxopped b i
tit' t J venile • hockey nor.
A-eornpe: Tori 01_ u .. ,.. u.• ' • • xT-n°rdner
• ; acid • was , Master .
with the..Preston. Club • � . • . ° over- the
'ble for. the eli- -Lucknow was, a, visitor-,
largely •• respons •
o . Lucknow, the .c rweek-end With ' grandparents. r�naton . f
Mr_..-and-:-:MLrs -.:Ernest' Gardner
,, when :the: League ultiri s.. , ere.. "held
'out Sullivan 'vVh `Pati,i:{itic ,
he ones ,:at •fauat; m
°moguls Were t
recently in this com Y
r Y
o'clock„ on: "the` to is of 44Lesons .
we Learn?' 'The: t achers::and. th
h ''Con. 10 , and
pupils .of. .Krnloug ,
and 'an':
,Westford,.will••be presentY
chi141 n .c u-tside of?these*-scefisans
pend :are cordially 1n-
7 i:. .. .
vited: ;1n' the evening a'' completE"
film , will: be shown. • for ail ''the
the' community. All the
.adul-ts •rn
ladie`• are asked to". .bring lunch
a social ; hour` . mai► be . ' had.'
et -the. film.;
SLAG, Mervyn, Cameron, M
er=ich °.
-and�:.li�mrn-e:,of .•God _.
Cameron; , "J..
vis-ited recently ' with. •.1Vir and
Mrs, -.Wm Pinnell:
ha's on to .
od ins . e
tinville for; a trip .arid
•t b Dn
ani Y visit• with her brother, Mr. Bill ,
h er : 2 . •uilts, Mrs.' Weaver •there:
Mr's . ac.9 ,, u . Weaver,, and' Mrs.
d"ea.' th la Suliivan, was
hooed-the ,i ., , ,-;. u -alts- 11/Irs;�:F ...- ., _.�.: ��.< , ...:.• .. .;... �......'`
W:.. (J:: Hunter, .2 q - r :Cliff Con ram ..
a great hockey ' .player ; h :which
, aN,:e •Mrs Gordon; Mr _and' Mrs: C g
�, R
t h'•e li quilt
yo n gs which gay
co'lumri;; m. Y, .
.un seer due credit,,
this 6 fo:ot yo ..g
aril there' were those who poo. J b. Hunt
O.M:H.A; .regulatidns'dinefcase. rp§..ftdefault, ;the
team -tblay the -travelling ex `
,. b
•penises: of ' the ,visiting clu ,. .rhe
>_e Mations; :and . the, fulfillment.'
.of ;:them , ai e, often two :different
things and• it;may:' Well be that.
Lucknow `. Club . may ,be left_
.the- bag
•'Under.rates.- of:; assessrnent_,,au-
thorized' by ..the league Luckno �sr
is : entitled to ,travelling 'expenses.
for -that' Windsor trip of upwards
to:$200: It's lha'rdly'to be,expected
that .Tilbury, will :willingly ,part:
,with ..such a=,,bunch' of dough,
Whether of :';not they will bc::d_•
gi-eeable; to coam.piomise' in:.1,110
-matter- reniar:ns-to :be seen
In our opinion ' the
isn't biameless in the .„rater.
.„F'ranlz2 : Chin, who is ',in train,
in , at' C'hathani.'.•vias .,cover : ttr Gardner,. 1 quilt,
Windsor; to'. see the ' Luck•now ,
e All of there vias: _
Tilbui'3�=-ga�7► ::At.•-: .
•i.c i:, . .
ehotxie of Mr,
Mrs.'•�ieni':�• have• moved, into fhe •
Kirkland; � • :q.u•lt;•
1Ce' M
: Mrs. Rrcliarcl�
Gardner; •2 :guilts;
1� 'wilt; .., M, rs..::W . 1, T > Misses F.the1-. 1denby
'Gard'ner, �q
ow reside in' Windsor" ; and -De::
less than- .300. `fans' at: the ,game ?►,
' fa
•form.•• ttOi.t. The Tilbury cis were cora
and ,the., most of them were
ous•. b ,: their.: absence,_.:
'str`i t '-wlio..ws icu Y.
residents�of this dz c P -.; .
et. .. .
sides we imagine that longue of
ficials;`'should` ha've•,soine r ria: cif''
the comparative strength: of
clubs which are still in the hunt
so near- to the srmr finals, and
avoid long ;ti• p5 when,.:there,- n
• 9-Lueknow; Pollock •(Brown)
0---Lucknow G Chin (BChin)
19 15.
Penalties, Escott ':(tripping),
Johnston (tripping).' Escott • (trip
Second Period
Escott (Rivard) Rivard) 1.30
'12--Lucknow. 'Pollock; 5 10•
13-Lucknow, McConnell 540
14^ -Tilbury; Escott (Wi:l§on)._ i ' 0
15=Liicknow,‘'G..-Chin "(A Chin)'
8.50 :.
• 1.6 -luck ow Johnston''(BChin),
, ' 8.55
• 1.7 Lt know, B Chin ; 11.00
48-I4cknov 1,' ;Brown 11;20
19-Lucknow, Brown; 15.10
20 Lucknow, Bi own • (Pollock),
21 --•Ebel tno • , A :Chin 15.30.
22- 'Tilbur,y,' Escott (major pen
alty shot) 18.00
1.. 23 Lucknow, Chin (B. Chin)
•,.. . :19,0.
In any event this fourth z ourirl,.
was, a real floper:oo`se • far as, the.
locals. • Were. coneerned.'`
..A •Blyth , hocl•ey f.an .wit-'
it '
nessed• the Lucknow- 'New' Ham-
burg 'game: in the flatter, town,'
penned .;.•a •letter',. to the •Beacon
Herald -1, which was • very . critical
of.' thee refereeing...,of `Rooster'
Muir Opinion seeris general, that
Midi's ..whistle -tooting: -'wasn't. w
hot that ..evening,. bait:: this Sea
forth:: gent 'has .done •a lot of it
where Luck; ow.,,teams were con,
cerned : and• by •rand . large- has
'been ., . retty satisfactory
The 'fans 'ate often ' too radical
and prejudiced. • iii Viewing, the
work, of a referee,. and some of
the, Most :rabid 'probably d;Qii't'
kriow.:•'the finer.: points of
game...Which . annually undergo
one change- or "another:
1uf after all the fans pay ' out,
their' sheckles for ente•rtaInMisrzt;
and `w•lib are we: to object if they'
ISen,,altre '; A n W (tr'p•is i :of,at:..;by
'Moore•(siashirstg),. :vtacConnrrl,•
spleen at tough -skinned referees;
(tripping); ::Moore. (slashing), A.
Chin ...and •Escott (o .igl ingl, Even. qualified referees '.seem
Moore (tripping); Rivard (tripti- to,have their good•and. bad riight
h .r i • the same as the players,t and ore
`Third Period) thing is '. certain, they are no
:'2' - -Lucknow,, C, Chili (A, Chin, mare- immune to ergots thane yoct
11.50 oil' l
25--Lucknow Pollock 17.0)3
But,., it doesn't •pay, 'them
Penalties; •�Vilsor' (rhart:giZg?, '
Moore (slashing), • Pollack• , and
Rivard ' (roughing), EraW r and
Escott (Majors, fighting):•,Rivara
‘and IgcContel.1 (roughing),
'Make ..'too `.rnany:
%'This ,)ad` • Bar:ry, •61.114van..,gets
rotir'rd, ,l•3e 'stair , -with• Oshawa
Evelyn Little ;have\ accepted. post-
`n,.Wa1 =rton:
"tions 1 ..
of Kmcar..___
--- Miss: Marion,
a , her ' •
-e t, nd
t' thweek..
Home here.
•tYo_u.'te .often watched.,the teller stamp
your. cheque.�:.Ever. day, ia_e` ryfbranch�o!
every bank in Canada, cheques are beim
_s.crnnntzed, stamediand-. cored`�Jur�
-the,' war :years, ibis daily flow of l du s ;
through ',your•:bank.has`swollen to a�torrent, :.
Deposit accounts are more .numerous:, and
active than : ever before. This increase re
fleets; the tremendous activity of Canadian
life and business. Production, purchases
a 'rolls have all -reached record Levels.
In additionk,' three-quarters of a million
men and women in the armed services -must
get their pay,,; and their dependents°receive:
allowances .'regularly. •
The handling9 . of this wartime -volume ':of.
c 'eq ues is quite' apart ,,from tnurnerous
peci L :ser reed
. ..
undertaken=the delivery
wehliivc eryetJ '.of millions a
Victory Bonds and the sale of . countless
War Savings 'Certificates, ration Coupon
banking; subsidypayments.* toproducers;,
foreign exchange operations.
_Y f �plll_et u . Clt�o wo k:been . nrried-
out aft •stat ' w ren new help has had to
:trained : to sake the place .•Yof' -more thxu .+
8;500' batik 'Workers now in' uniform:
ansb�.•r;d b our `',8cr►�k'.
.PA►,A 4' ` ►ri"ininnIMP',. �S+Mar !'_ "k. 'M►.M.sr+ .•+- :inrri:l�Y!' ►�"'�11i -