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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-22, Page 3
• t' THIURSD T, 22nd,. 1945. ucl now• Sentinel, • • � owe Ont• rio. PAGE: THREE LUCKNQ11V H IGH LM. 4 pups -oar • i cup chicken, cut tine ' 2 teaspoons Magic' 2 teaspoons ascraped onion ' patting I'Owd•er ?i''cup. grated raw carrot.'-. �1.t aspotin Suit' . 2 tables j oot1 melted ' „2 e,4gs • • -•.•'hurter or cl►lcken.fat - 1„cup milk t,K cutis rhicl ert rav' Sift together flour, ,baking t>uwd randt, salt• _ add !tested egg-- 'atk -attctii�'itillk a Ticken rima ,: !grated carrot and'mef,ted fat and ►nix'well•.pold' in:stiffly beaters, egg whites. Basco fOgreased baking dish In hot ovettpt 425°I?; for about 25 tninUt'es: Serve with hot Chicken gravy. 6 servings. ” MADE IN CANADA •Y f• :(:, ..., fl. /4r...r•. f,r..% r.. r. r. .%rl•,t•>i.l. rr .: ...r..n. BOUNDARY EAST Iy-Vit''°.ancl Mrs, I:onald Forsti.,', i d,�-44a - ..., . .. y--sl7ent Sunda;' -and ''Mr: and aVirs, - John Crai8� :MI Fm sten spent. Silt ..nd Mr's• 'H wsorrCraig:and.i Ise a'-isited at: Mr:•;Geon e -Kenn d'' eye iii, �.�...... i:,°n Wednesday.. n g,• r • fnteiscleil For; L 'f: Week) as eka r Alex zn <lis Ms••' ,s.ens 1st g P a. •A'. �Re d:Ci•° S5 i 'itn for the 4 1 h uto •\week -in -Toronto.: -.. .. --m.. ; . . s :',O q g i �, ladies west ,of No 9 was held .at Mr`. and Mrs.'` JohiJi McMillan;' the ;home, of Mr: Lawrence , e- Mr: Alex. McMillan; Mi...;.and •Mrs " M3c.. Leod.. on Friday,,, '': George Fishes •,spent :Thursday •Mr. Bob '• 'Inglis, lis :venIng:_.wgh Mr..--an.11.7 Mrs' Al• t g of Hensall is visrtin t t a h ebb e o bert 'M'cQuillin , g ti's f �1Vii :��To rn �-- • Inglis: • Arrived' Overseas` :_Been—roc_ elyed: fi rer e•' Tom, Inglis : that he has'.,' ar- raced :safely in.-, England,., '.s Fors_te r— .�. a f V, s r . 'W� yl. s <'.:'s.},. ,x'• •'N;..Y ,'N y :•.��•i s'�''' .MIDWINTIgR XAMIN� 7i t? 1 ' 't4: I)r 6Q lc? r. 9 t 5 ;• elatlt^:: JO-lailul e. , GRADE XIII Bill Chin -=` Alk 55; Trig 56; 1'hy 67,Glxein 72., Fr .Ate ;.. .Fr _mComp;-48 , Harold 'Henry -••Mod... Hist,; 33:; A1g. 56; •Phy. 60; Chem•29 Ruby 'Irwin—Eng.: Comp; 51;. -Eng, Lit 50, Mod His. 53; A1, 39;~x` ti . --73'�-."Ph . 62- -Choir.. 52, .r�Ap;�66��r:�-Coni- • R. ti Johnston`' Eng., Comp., 60 Eng. 'Lit, 60; , M6'd 1hs`. •74;;' Alg; 75; Trig. ' 73; •Phy. '76;;. ,Chem; •$4> Ft: A'u 84;'..Fr Comp, 64, Everett . Lane --Eng.,; .Comp. 52; Eng. Lit, 51; -.Mod: His. 43; Alg. 41; Phy: ;42.;'Chem. ab. Algin McKim=Alg'; 91,. Phy• 77 Chem: 80; Fr. Au. 71; Fr. Comp. n to . �•Mary�-L-- � .Y Eng. fi•a•; n Lat;.,48 Fr.: 60; Def• •;&• • Johnston, , Wm. A.=•= -Ft; •35 , • I,1oyd., ,Ivan .Eng.: '50; His: 54; Alg. 45; • Chem: 47; •Lat. 484: -Fr. b4; Def. & P.T. 26. • Mt`Millan, ,Yvonne E'ng 51• Chem. 60:' • Catherine . ,• i , e MacLennnan Eng. Lit -4 -Mg --55 -Trig. 4&1—Phy. 39 Miller, Patricia -Eng 66; A.& M: •His. 47; A.lg 33 Chem, "42; Lat-: 69, Fr 63 Def:.- Porteous, •Mary L Eng.,62; A;&M His: -52, Alg.:7-1 Ghern 5:5 Chem,...36 .r.: -;A, 1 -• . F u..4 Fr. Com.. , . Lat• • :78 • : Fr •. 7A, •< :Def:. -.&.. Fr, --8 - 73; Math. 88; 'Health .91; 7,'..G, 65,. z. •Hunter,, Freda -.-BEng „ 3�1: Fr :4, Mus.'32r S. 33; Sc. '23; B.. P.23 Math. 49; • Health 20; V: G.: 25.' Johnston, Ardonna — Eng. 78; Fr. 19', 1YIus• 7Q; S.S. 77; Sc. 64; B: '13, 86; Math: ", .84 • Health - V.• G 75. ;; Johnson Jo �. En 4 • `' � ' y. g, 6, Fr . ,26n Mus 60;.-.5 5;146, -Sc.: t47, -$. P -43•:t •_- Math: 44•; Health 56; V.' G. 75. Lan • lE t -h'- E l�=37 - g n-g�---5 .. Mus: 65_•_ S:. S 63 _ Sc._57 a • h 4" Mr: `,and 'Mts. Alex Robertson •' spent ',Tiliesc3,ay evening with Mr. and •Mrs;'rJaine-$Foister: M s" :IDA 1to,i i:vi"sn ' .So With .her daughter, l\Z'is. ' „Sam ;: Mrs.Merrill 'Canteloh Of Wing-- • '' Moi rison• ham.-'sl?ent.' the ,tveelr=eild.':,wvitih: • Mi s.' Frank: Miller 'spent- a...few I brother, •Mr; Alfred, Patterson., days. last w' etc ' n..'Klr.'icalydiaie& Mrs: Ph ts Mahr ,and Caro - . ' attended' tsiler. wedding' -sn lyn ; visited:'• with Mrs. Medfo•a .' w mniversary ,of:Mr• and.Mrs•:Wi •:; Wall 'oned' O•ven Hayes ofo Kin . arf g Mr, 'and.. Mrs". Hari. ".TielibO re A Red Cross . tu:il ili was field _of° Goderi-ch=' e nt--Frrda a �M-r'.: .. g SP . Y. t . ' i ilhe hotne� of r Geor e= Kenned •'s. . t • .. M s. Itobeia::R�'S, .8. .,... � :.� � ,,s1 1\"(13'''''''.and .. - rs:;: E MacQuilliil On n the Second C.oncr�sion..M d:. Q Mr... and Mrs•:.`:Ed:. Mac "- uil in : andGiant':°visited• with Mr. 'and: ind :. Gran.t:s ,cnt Sunda ' wi.0 Mrs •: Jim :Cai r of V•Vingham :on Sunday. friends'. ,iii '•Paisley �: -:.___ _w: _.Mr_s .r iC�c.:McMilla:n. ��is i; n�. :..1\ :r•. •.and -Mrs: , J'<t,li-i. Movrirl li �,�.. - s ,tri g at Mita• john • � 1Vfi7 a s ::Miry. '. ..and:-fatnil' and,. Mi•. .Alex• Me,_ _ :_ , Y Gail McMillan orf •Luknow•. s er..t. ....Milian' p , a visited:, ecce recently. at, �'t .a(r,�- •fhc 'week-ead,. with .: patsy `".lVlc� • crton . and Pinkerton•_. Millen:, v.a t � %. ' .• ,.... • •Ttov. la t,a .., „o'�, c8o?ra ens an ri�c t . :• pwetYealegd .,s„.z. ,.,,, ,.,.:„,,,,,Li ,,, lectt',,, ., . sn, „„e,,,..,,, o t h t o t a. n c4are ,; [;ssocl hayc. c num '; . ,Pesti nufeture::1944,tltance . heti . e t e o bot ?na fiuca\ties . . of h otta ,1,66f oUse, 6 a /It. racor- . s ana cen+p will.,, ria obtao, ,_„„Bance :ly ,,,,,,a: - : ,,vectrin Short a�}�d that ,0,0e, 'bi - ori Zhc l 9. retia• est r"'l eroovecl. Y. ly ria li Ptd, 0,na j ttontveet 3a. I+ • Here'" the situatlon: Makers. or tei,l of e e gtrlpmeiit liavc• 'been busy on orders' of 'alt.°kinds for artirel : +xrrrr�atx_ 4twt~.�utx�_� ext,._ . tdl;.t pis Oren . actor war• necels have 'beer diet,, •tlet sc •-t iatttrt'akitre ie ..fliust drake a 'Major "chap (•over hrfore , they can .resume .norm{tl odurtioti- of .su i lies. for rit•iliaa use �l tie'Ir n � ]p ni'ratts that ~,\`i; lnCt t continue 'toy drffr inany 'rt'ejuc,tti,tor tolclili.one se'rvlrc,'. waiting Chep' ti ty'•,(ice .ltopi it may not In '• too ltins ilcla} ed e l ;,' �hett inaterials , in,tidetjitatr t`oliti'ne; atfiel • $1011d11anan ower again 1►crontc T)tr altplicationz Ott putiWaiiing list will he filled 'a3 1ir'oiii»tly and fairly as possible,'•on, a farst�eofic;first-se•r'• r1 • Gclvc`>is?ldN(7S • te44adt a: Alma c�:....,... Helen ,Salkeld -Alg. $9 Phy': 4,, z 78 Cheim;86 ,Irx •Au 78'; 'F ,. Com Murray, • Thornpson-=Erg. 'Cote. 50; tEng Lit: 46.E Mod iris• : 5;.Alg.- r. 17, -Trig 48, Phy 43,•' Chem_ ,5 r; , Fr Au 54• L.17,11.. -Com . P 55 GRADE. XII Crispin `George=.Eng4.Comp; i;_:.Lg-art 7Q- A-&1VI 'H•is--tie; Alg: ;'65; ,Phy 65 Lat. °45; Fr `57 Def. & Culbert Shirley -Eng Corn. '65 Eng.Lit: 55, 55; Alg:,. 52; Phy. 64; Lat • 31; Fr. 45; Def: & P.T, 482; •' Graham,` "Marion-:-Eng•"';Comp..: 64; :.En •hit 52 • • A.&M ' His: ' 64;,. 36; 'Ply.• .51; Lat. ,42; Def. ,PT 79 Henry; Corn = 5 En L `t•' ,52 • Lat. 11 • • Fr. 34:. Johnston, Wm: ' A—A,&M': ' His.: 44; Alg.. 38; Phy: 39;•• Def & 53 i, Lane, Ev.•erett Lat.;' 18;• . Fr, a• •1VIeDonald, 'Graham7Eng Corn 67;f. EngLit.. 58.; A.&M...His. 78; Al , 25, PhY 68; L t. 50; Fr. 58, Def, &• R•T. 57. M Ln C�'th Pt ac ennan, a erine 50, Lat 22: McMillan, X'vonne A&M• His. 53, IAIg .32;' Lat; 35, Fr 42;, Def; MaeQita �: Mary -Eng ce__ X65:;_ •� i Stiirisor Bertha :_• Eng 60: Chem. , 60:;. Lat, 89. •.. Winterskern, Ruth- Eng A Lat. 55 1~ i< „ 53; Def." &. P.T.72: GRADE X Agnew; Joe Fir 21,."-Lat 26, Math, 27.. , Alton; ,Arnold --Eng. .67; 67; Fr44; , 1.at-50;r'•11�Ls 57; S T5�79 ^Sc- 7?- a .; M th• 62• • Health. 88:, Barger; Jim''`Eng -;'i8;,-Fr. 58;:• Lat 68; Music' 43,, S ;5:: 76 -;:Sc '79 Math ''69• Health• 76. ' Chin•:,, e Alb rt ; .li.ng. 49 'Fr. 26; Lat.4 i_ . . 2 . Musie �, 5..5• •. 37, ScS. 56, Math. 38; Heatlth 53:' `Drenn a ,JC — En�. 44 ,'Fr 9; Lat: 14; Mtis44;S. S, 53,'$c:. 45: Matt ,35; :Health Gralrar Margaret_' Ei,g 75; Fr: ; 58 Lat '62; . Mus:: 54, S.. S 68• .Sc `. 63 Math, at , M h. 76;• Health 76. : .:'t• Irwin" M a e --En : 64: Lat :63;: Musie. 50; SE`S:' 49;. Sc: 53; Math, 88, Health: -:S0. Wilda -Eng; n` _VVi.. _ . E g... , 60; Fr. 51; Lat; 56 -Music 50, S S: 59; -Sd Math ; 44'.. 'Health 60 Marshall; 'Jessie- Eng. 73, Fr• 43, ,Lat 45:; Music 51.;. S., S. 57;' Sc: 6J ;_M th �5�4; Health 76�: Milne Carrie-Engr' 41;`Fr 32; Lat 33, .Music 53; S. S. 33;.: Sa 51; M'atli' 30, • MacIntosh, Dorothy: Eng. 53; Little; Loi na ••Eng 52' Fr .52; Mus. 46;"S 5..•68;.Se. 62• Math .4 •• 8, F�ealth,53, V:-• G- �;.t?- • - Lyons, Roberf-Eng• '26, Fr •22,6.0-44 Mus: 43; S.S. 33,..Sc.. 31; B.P. 14; Math 16• ,H . •'Health 57;•V >_G. 40 Marshall, Betty—Eng •'76, • Fr.. 77;.' Mus. 62; S. S. 71; Sc.. 67;. 'B, P; 76;•:Mth..84 Health •'80 V.'Cy. ,' . h. RIM Morrison; .James Eng.: 59, Fr':. 40 :Mus.• 54,, :S.: S. '39;' Sc 42.• P: 3@;••Math 39; :Health 54; V G. .65. . M•acD n' lF' o a d, Flora-� ,ei�g• 59; _ ;r. • 36 •?' Mus' : 62 62 Math.''74,"'Health' 63' 'V. ?G: 70:4. 'Mac uai a E 49; FL Q.., g, g ,. :26 : Music 62:<:'', •. Math: 2-3 -Health- u, --G. 65. Purvi s Eileen= •, 4•• 5 ,. Fr. .7, g Mus ' 55 $:' S:-•50 Se•':44 .B:' P 50; Mari.:',54; Health 68';'.V.: G. 80. Re'd can =. Musa • ab; `S:'S: 31• Sc.:36• `B.:'P Math 43, Health 48,• ''' V:: G..':65: Rutherford,- — e ord Mac ' Eng •.:41, Fr; 11; `Mus. 45; S.'S. 36; Sc ,39'; B.P.. 37•, Math.f 4 ; 1•,, Health` 47; • V, . G. 46: • Salkeld, . Lawrence- =' ,Dng 55; Fr 52, Mus. 61;� S. S.10: Sc 6fl B. P4: 70; : Mathft . 61; •Health 60; • •56; Eng Litt 51;: A: &M. His. 64: i r: �3_.._. t_• 79,—Music _.47, 5�.,# r r 4 e , ;Sc 54; Math 51, -Health • i0 . Fr ' 56 Mus 69, , S S.. 64 Sc .,2 Alg ;42,• Phy 37''Lat:. 52 Fr. 3 B P, 59: Math. 63,, Health 456; Do:$i P.T: 91., MacIntyre, Alex Eng• 78, Fr. V G: 80• 1VIarsha]].: Mary — Eng'Cony::. •65, Lat. 86, Music. 62; S 5 $4, `73; Eng 'Lit...85; A.&M. His; 74;, Alg, 69; Phy 81; .Lat: 78;, Fr: 98;. Def'&94.: Mo`w'bray: Helen Eng; -••-Comp; -i M :65 Ezi Lt' 61 A &� firs; 64 g , Alg._ 34, Phv. 65; 'Lat:' 40; Fr; 38 Def. `& P.T. 75..' Murray; Veronica -Eng Comp.' 56•; -."Eng :,_Li 4'_7:. - A.&M. 4His,. Alg, ..54;e Phy .41 ; Lat:..31 r Fr: 33:' Def.;' & P:T•; 64. Stimson, Bertha A &M', His.; 55, Algt. 68. Fr: 67; Def; e3LP`T._83'. Treleaven' John=Eng. Corn. 59;, 55; •A•&M, iris,. 56; .Alg:' 40, Phy 66 Lat. `52e Fr .61; Def. Agnew, Katherine; Eng GAmn 4.; Eng Lit . 44; "A•&1VI• HIP:* 724 GRADE Xllz : -kwety .r. swot arp. " bl, His 29. Campbell. •Gladys 'Eng. 5A. &M. ` His. 51; Alt;, 65; Chem. 46; Lat, ;53; `Fe, 58; Def. & 'P:T. 66. Chin, George --Eng. 50; A.&14:. His.. 51';•' A1g 30; Chem. 50; Lat.' -24; Fr -3i - • ;'Be -f w T=:=6` ' Crispin,Joh i- Ertg.; • 65; A Arlin. His. •53', Alg, 71; Chem:, ; 61 Lat. 7.3; Fr.. 77•;'•Def. & P.T. ,64; , Culbert, Herby Eng., .54; Fr..;6;, Def. & P.T. •-42.. Graham.:Marion—Fr., '50. Hamilton, Betty—Eng. 43; Alt.' horn. :63' ;' , Lat, 68-; Fr. , 50 4'l, C Def, Si ,,P:T., 50. •Hamilton,' Frances'— Eng..- 43•e A.&i4. His, 36; Alg. '51�; Chem: X;' Lat: 52; Fr; 45; Def. & P.T. '58•' Howse, Betty -•--Eng 50; Alg. 29; Lat: 35, 'Fr,. 58'; Def, & :pl. 09. Howse, 11-ose--.Eng.' 4'1; Ali: 23; Sc. 78; Math 82,.; Health 89: McLeri.nai, 'Margare:t' .Eng47 F.r, •21, Lat. 10;' Music5a S. -iealth X82. MacPherson, Margaret . Eng:; X59; .Fr 33; 'Itat.' 30;'=M xs. 43 S,S, 44; ''Sc 46";` Math•, 50; Health 74'•:` Reed, Eunice-Fng; .•'54; 'Fr'34; Lat 24, Mus 59 S S 31; Sc 491' Math. 53; 'Health 58 ' 'Sherwood Shirley.— Eng 8.8;• Fr. 80, Lat. : 84; Mus; ;74; S. S. 62 Sc 76;' Math.,62; Health• 90. Stewart;. A1, h .Frig. 53;•. Fr,'18;. Lat: 23, 'Mus.' 60; ' S. S. 33; Sc 50• Math.. 28; Health -68 Culbert, ,Herb._=Lat: 30, .S.S.. 51. hiamilton= Be 't 2 t. y=s: S. 5. ; Howe, Betty=S S 42;: 8e.50 Howse; hose -;S . S.: 35. • GrRA,DE. IX al;; b; 1v1LIS ab; •S. S: ab;:, Sc 65 Bits. Practice••ab; 78; Health' 82 Voc,, Guid', 95 • • Bolt,Will'iain- 31; Fr. 21 Mus:` 46; S. $. 43 Sc, 41; B P 52; Math,” 22; Health 70 V G. 60. u' 'a' fir. •.. �. ., :... . Ua ..., .1T H"ai'�: —E'ti • 4G'" 1"r.. rnp olci�, _- - g ., ... 19; Mus,. 32; S, S: 38; Sc. 34; B: P. 19; Math, ' 47, Health 41;. ' V. G. 45. D.ahcier, Ruth --En 0 • 'Fr 60 Mus. 54; S. S.-54; .Sc. 54; B. P. 73; Math,' 55;Health 52; V,'"G.: 83,; '1': Fairish, George—Eng.. 50; Ft'. 19; 'Music 50'; ' S...S 56; Sc. '41; B. P . 50; Math, '43; . Health, 30';. V., G...60.,, Gollan, 'Lloyr -Eng:. •38; •Fri' • '7; C,-Fr,'.'14; i ealth 'Mtts, 32; S. S, 21; • Sc. .17; B.. P, 20;,69 •; • ' 'jViatli.a°16; } ealth •50; V, G 50. Milady, es-- CarriS S. 37 h F.. . Hamilton, Alvin -•-Eng: 51 Fr:. MacLennan, ;�Mat'g'aret - Math.. hot, 38t Lat. 34 Fi 46; Def: & 38; Mus, 55; S.I' S. 52; Sc. 44; 8.-P. ,:51 • ' ' P.'l'.. 50, . ' » . , • '56,; Matti•, 58; Health:50; V':•0. 67: F. E.' McI,EAN olo on B r. 1 = ' S m e e En 34 Fr''' .Y g 25; .,Mus..57; S: .S:. ab; Sc.' 46.; P.42; .. M th X41 � ; Health 51:;; V. G. Stanley, 'George Eng 40 Fr 22; ' `Music.. 53,`-S.' S...37, S'c 5.0; p...3; Math, -58; 'Health V Q. 50. k:• Stanley,Russell-En .., 41:Fr. . g Mus. 41; S. S: 47;•Sc 41; B; P. 47;•'Math,. ,27;; Health 51;V. G. 55. • • :Stanley; vel'naa Eng• 4.7 Fr. 20 ;Mus. 47 S. 'S. 51';'$c 59; Math. 50.; Health 58; v. q, 65. 'Stewart, Gwen—Eng; 52; Fr 37';.,:' Mus:'7„5,• S S. 52; Sc: 36 B. P 53;. 'Math. 63; Health' 66•; V G. 65., ' cart, Jack== -Eng..' 54 Fr 28z' S 56; Sc: 40,• B. P 55; _f 11/lath.' 53;:"1-lealth 71;x` G; 8 :Swan,: Earl — Eng. 45; 'Fr','•!; Mus..45,. 'S. S 33 Sc. 45, B.' P, 4~7;IWIath:1;%%eait4•Q; • `` ' Taylor, ,I-Iarvey--Eng ;38; Fr, 9`;•' Mils; 42; S,'S.•44;„Sc;;27; •B, P. 50; 'Math. 40;• Health ' 60;' V. G. 55, • Taylor, -, 'W .=. Eng. 514.' ;Fr. .25; Mus.•43; S,S,\ 27; Sc: X28: B. P. 50; 'Math, 51;.;..1-e th. 50 Y G. 55. • Tav,1or' 'J"ean•--En. , 68: r8 T Mus.~ 76• S. S.,---'70; ' ' ,' Sc,.70,B:P:79; Mani::83 ealt'h 76,` V. G. '85. Ti eleav 'n Mai a - ti 2 us 88; S. S. 80: Sc. .e z; P: 90-; .Math; 86; Health: 36;. - •V• G. 85.' Treleave , Jean -,Frig. 77; ' Fr. 55; Mu . • .6 S• S. 58 Sc. :69 , •P, 791 Math.. 93; ;health 73; V. G. 85' • Drerrial , J, :r .`r matt t�w�! <_ +�� f► *kilt=: N: ' sew tn. sig.WIMPIL9P1.7.44et oln Prin.. • • • • a.� 0 ArLd rti I. ry, 1. lag Ulf Pki • • 111 pikt .we