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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-22, Page 2
wit 22441llt45 r; °Winiairiisrniptoti as with ( laches of, the T,egiori Auxciliai Mt nlivq Mareharles d V Via`' ...,,,,40„ ;re,� t�:•�,e.�kF,r«-,. ...•'�,•�.,.. ,... 'n. r>ra.aas�„'-•- .i.—a:.�an-,...•.+ and ,.l who. is tuider the duce, T emptor: held the :high sc,o. , c:" .....14:_t„, �. �:s`"'C'cl't gn.n u xwN r+ m_c+v,;ra.x y-.'. .rte+-at.a":nY a.c �. • M 1. Edgy# Hollyyiinan spent .and �►QXtS , .. _, . _: _ Q m .rain - XJJ 04••••• tb_Sa n oxt�ram = s-..i4-...Lcio r r wzth a •piano, sol. rr..L •• + • � -._, iVi�rs: Ll®fid - can-ct---'Ve` til- c+ 1 a.SQil,, •, K rd Floyd R�ylds_of l 7.1ffed; rnuSic. £t«, n�1z��.� ... '�, tf?r Dt��;�ter —..�"" .-M, .t, .. � < , . ,,.. � ... a � � • gig, , �.::. i ar.y�.a...ir.: rt+.•..,, •.. .. „� f,. �. V tv .i t• ..... .€r ,.i ..,.» J; nes eDanalr .11tls 'Y,e- Mai rh '14th tht lticlics5 ltt�l r .... .� , :Mt�s� .� -- is turned -16. h . z ....,..„ , F �__ ..., _ o��Pd',s��e- for .Al d Y t` fr•a l a izi the :whiter in: Toledo uxtct Mrs.. .. ::ang i er g 'with;1.11. It lunch time Mr., J�ticl: N(r,tr;tntfislt ,ti is at;°.•pn Wednesday, Vlarei 47th, an, owing Program..., a , ' 1 est 'ent the vt el -end With 11 ,::p ,. Billie $'.ekinghanl, acc,rrr, par i arid Mt � '.:C ,Yap'„' erncvable etyenmf,P was agent. a, u.. dtic-'t .b Mi ants afso•Mr a b Miss''Jetm 'Lortg, y,. rs Morr�i� eb-; t'caadin�' .l?�r reading; ` Mr•s..:01i;ye1' 1VMZhai l e4 'rrio.uth'`orgioi :selectiont,•'11 alter Dexter. The men kept in lotach • with the hoc key •scor and thi;oe 'cheers .v et r given for., the :riovar boys it 1The W'orrier's • Institute •rrleef.. ink` will` be. lxeld:at the ~`homer o1• Jatries•,.XVIcDciliatd •ort f'rida f ^ i liter :. ” tl-iE'•'' West. is vast :p i ' ' 'Toranfa n lth, h i daG r; regided'as claai rman for 1,hc''foll- Mr. ot��al 2char�s:c S cxuciph pkeSerit. .. : ,, ;o •'r 'm' Scotch`Fortgs by a 1 a r' ;, r - ourit School:sp irisgrea l?,1 - :,'�`1e51Et.Lt.czti., P�. 1 - r1d: Vson of Dougal � . , , . on Guarantee 0 u Trust Certificates'' 1SSt9ED 'for an amount . for a,.torm of five +eu•re.,, guaranteed bei h:as to principal ' :.1nterest•._cire tiesLinaIle . to , .. ; _ltinci.lnttlxe".t t, , . l< 1 rehab.• 'holders .on due (late, ar, .at llolder'a ,,,amrtioll t i' axe ` slloa tLto acrtiaiuilate at . c�ti.nal)t�lxttcl.,-, tet e5f,. . .An 'itieral uivestlin'nt. for indivi a?i'1s, tort(-'• '1,trnipllut,horized b\' lair^ for cnmetc' y°bot rd�s,, . s; exeC.►t 4 ue1„ethe trustees TERLIN:G'.T,R'U$. :.0ORPORATI9N SteOOOtig'Tower;, Toronto' 3.4ears fir$Iiikie,,ss :. • 1 :ant Sunday a Ihtibia sp e •'., .. ,Iakinuptor;... 1 . :cm -MrlcLcan cii C" ut.cit� !2''Ash itc..cl, • 1 • -illi Chicagci to 't^l It with. his list. geal t:1, v^her 1S• -n()t•enjo3ranF� good .h_ Fi d. Hunt, a avidely, knEn li: ".'.,,. da fatnili•*• . tti t<?.ttncllf.l an ,. �odc�.t.. .11k, to pair gr c�ciri5 clli�elr' f 1 tire. can � � ori4rd Lc 6 i''rt•i)1 'Illy/4 t, ...l.. rn,._. 4 p III w• 7 t4 rt lE'� i�cisr-4.t 1a, tri( txa 'c' `h. -end v, i•th 1Vir, . xa.d . Mi ; MTU ':14i�1N • - `at1tom-;ca3 .Gt ' pi3tr: MI's. ,' , .. ,,,] . Hac1settl• . V 1st 4ed �%il�,r f' Mi with'with, and • 1VIrs. Jamey Lowry of .St C therine$ aVe,r the weal.. ,ond, NORTH CULR( attended For .Last-' i! eeti•`i' 1n. Gcidetich' . Ic)� to on 1 night to ;his .r• �a Hari...Ward is not en Io” ing best of :health asci' as confined ,t4' be.d this week.: • $i11 Stimson_ looking after his caretaker dutieF. at the: a $ank" a 'IVlrant> oa.l ', fc)I 4''tt:s time being . •! •, Mrs. 's. F M:: Piit'c;rson ; of GOch.- )..•1-ei try 'spent• t ri—past--. c„)o}--t �.,:. ; preparing 1 for 'the titit tion: Sale: apt: • 'houseo e ee hs c1' f VIt �. :e-ieh )11 MIS 'I c15`iA its aeri,t.' :tl1e'Tye; Jcis tph's , ospita] for:.X-iayzs alit'°' obser- a.ti in Arn•azing'lY„. quick relief pain' ' of ; indigestion; . head. tbtirn, , ctt'spepSid :with Wildei«'s' Stormy, Past^dEii•,' AlSo in tablet form, 5(l. 1; at Taylor's Dpfig' Stoi•t: E y .arid:''•, ,. r Miss` Anne Mason" Of •Le*te•i • ass i;ting.Tice'..` tttlt...',ry' �V�i' i;klari w lViason, at the Central • GElrag •: Mi;is 1\11a4ihn is hoarding at Mi fiClT"f1�t ti�tf,x .'•T f':;IGtf'2lt'' 'Leslie of' Granton ?a'and t cl'i Ii S't", ,a, ..a.: 711:' 'ti Y3 kfclei_,+ ,T' i x I-4 risai� � all any � �, i 5 • Silt (te'a't'. don, i iteci Thfoi.75e-r"s�'nbrothf*i. :William' Wall', who... is not in the ;test.. of health', �. - Corigratulatioris. to "Sa ko>'' an :Mrs.' •Ralph ' Gaesel (nee 'Ellen• :Stewart): on the birth o . •a sonl:la, 'Kincardine Mr, Sam .Pollock.: of _ •Rrpi y :` is e- i ' s y arty=stl-pp1y- a ve=00d- cut.ons fiis swamp ,lot on`•the 14th tGi•I°l'ING tl rougli'.thc mud and icy' -4m +r_v3v x •.rr.5ta.,�+.5E-n..... .M'...4N+1. +�'ra"'fr��.w'�'iri+-4+1 . .: .' •tyf fitsoded baltrlefiel`�s; our Boys tzt xlie�"ront. •lithe.have'iearned to blest the•>tens•of'thousatlds o£ devoted women ,who laboras •" olunteer 1%*„., rktt,s. for ilio Red 'Cross,. • Through', five years: of war, these' Carignan "Noe Smock”•wtsrkers, have knitted hniidted- • 'of thnttaandw of Moira of Socks . made mita w csg• ther`( oto.fortiil articlr's rif l itl iii s I•ec►h ®t fi , :-parked ' Ol lions - f R e4-4 oss food 1lunteert niens4.rve drivers, as •niirsrn# aides, as office vvnrkiis ' math,:... President' steely giidg their tirno .and labor`, ;these.: arcl=tvork;i`ig'°wnt rtteers 3nake'n yoult Red retch £ar... : tti their . CrgsS� dollars Sc ther. Thanks • efforts, each dollar you give is rnultipliedV rl�re bines in, the value of te,;(' clothing send rnedical'suppliek$ it buys;.. C XV1 -- and gree;::gerrerox•sly, tQ support their . selfless wort(., ret yon( contribution to the.. • thanks. to'these devoted 'rwoinen who serve »,a . very 't.ru'th; as '°anOtb r• anther" to your. )54,or,yi)tlr rind ctr t"ieighb $r• i:ti`th'n fightintg.'lirie 'Phone 8 •�,,0"il��'fl�°I'""'(7TI�'�:ti�`T��•t1`;4~ dt-i:E�ii•�1•��-;� e..,�:..,.,•a � �,+• til_ _, aiicc ting"" 'of, ttic norl s. 1 a eclat M �iiatl ll([;ts. Ilf?iiiy' .s11 tt ixrci.. Fl�om.'thf: c. It 'wrtiY: to inf.. C'tiIitc)n,. ill«,tJ. ctn.P: A.••:tlnd c�,l': 4fl a.nd i' •271E'Eatin tsf• (lilt ]r.ttr o C w E-. e)1 E,'' ) 'tci 'ta 'ittt.t rafiT. • as.c1 -of 1Vlissiolis T)i tl-it'. 'theirpi r; ;and Mr's, •Jaid• Iluntei•rant F ,cda 'and Mr. and IV1rs. C'Iziicl:.tl BOttlr T; ''Gear .. Bttrgess :rk'tul't, M-cinary spent 'Friday •:. weans:; • ficirnTE)r ontt)' tht `, first; : t7i: with: "Mr. Jack... -and 1Jh1,,,ss .A1;;rws WT(i ,.ar.;tot PaTW Ma°]lnch at Cr ewf;1, it he1ng .t.h iri , lVIi s Jxitta(5 t 1L1thors and c)cccasion o4, Miss X •• ftii• some trriliO_: • r', N 11 '11' l)Xi'tit :Bi'11c . 'ho" thin ' to remail, ti! day. • Presbyteriari Guild inti.un•r antalls' oy ,1 i•5 Thai• C;;311: •bt',i] '•il1Yc1 Miss (Nidus C=altlilir: bllfrnor'OU- reading. :.;1)v `, tt)1'•., Ii.:s ,i 1.1.11.l t -.c mtit,Si; pnd1 ctt'C,i`" Its t+'i l*Tr".t'tlttla-ti _ M 'i ,kit.tdti facia ', ,:• t tilt ..rtik,otln-g---l; i- -h ply. er- a -:a4.1-. ` . • 411)e.11 'half iioul "tva ell ' ' Thr rnceting ' on 'Mlar'ch •19 'w^4::, 7: h nt, a.t . n;iet ting .vi il.. l.)c 11t , _,. •i.n charge of .the- Deuotioll,t •Coin' t.}°r'E, ..11orr.it c)i' ''1,1;•;4;.,:1:1;02:,••••:‘Biac1 Tljta Sc1 tpturr« ' lessozn .-.':V4 ii. .rex"tri: nri.rnlbtfr'-a4'<< artItir:c•1 rte;,.: iilc)ta. hr 'Ei'erett Lane.; 'f ' wail b's•:ttw ul angr—o -lrl c'c - o+d 4 P1 avert in unison The i Th hIe ud„' : wa4 tnkeri bti ,)n C.Ulii ML\tth C*rot*p W gnaw V1.Innifred . fite z11* pi it Tllt -C (111i1 vIcT\, p ..d a__ ._p3.ano 1i1S.t<tiJ.1.Tis .tf�11 and Fnited t all.i"4'C'1 V.' \ 1IC 1argaa'C't G'raharn ' guivf` tl :'E' 141 iLla1 t 1g +Ilif tD*l1I Z :tilt15:‘;IC::::::i.,:'•.:"...",!:1'.:::',. itag, .A very.interestuig'to1)ei�>;coit i C:traa i+ VGc'li ;tr; vri r . , . illarttn• T•.tither w^).e1vr.11' .1t,^ ttt;:Iit.l«imt1 ^)f ,1B," -1‘11.--i;:. iAft?,.�-i- a 1�MritaSr�M�icDDonald.. LlvvtT Crn l,,rr 4 s ilEasi . t iii•et•Ytiii-; c10.fIlle , 1 played ori; 1L1str'unlental ilnci 1t411i)•i 1)i 11[awt-'1?1 '' that a- :GladyS Macpbral1d' phut' at 1-eatet 't r`ralt)t'a'. S 1'1t'2'b '•-• :Yalnir i-t'c t ing': t 4:c "11)tui 1 1c t, fl and M•' \ • lttt] .in p tTvei,r. Mm:• 000`•td,t .; „United Chureh "IW„." iii . S, ailci. 'Nit's. Clan tt:'s :1 Wt*i .•-ai ''Ulla ,aftei'11116i Mix iiti: L '0..i;lir' itl)aht11►' tt'C: ,'ii t�le" �'iIitlll;: ` ITnited.. Chtrch,'W. 1• 'S .met ,tit iirttct to; -thi I1Vx.1 th:re,i 'i . m fhc '•1ion'ec .. ;,11r W :L. 1'Igci ii'„' Mrs •I'), ( '7°zt'v1i) ' • govt(.: t iic 11'Irs. Dt ck1 .. ccallt1'tur�tnc1 tip 4. (11-1 tiic » iLking' of'soldit:I, :opefiitg• exorcise" .road ...the wi1 „,„ •t`l, s. CJt n.ge Jovnt gi1.a'i . °•° _ Ship :Se''viK4 ni;;:iit6ti h,' :.M.....:; :!ii.fcies thtt• •Sl'lattiroc.)c':, T1.: Drennan M 4., `. It4; Tlleinrpsoir ;111( trtili rir:aie ;i x$w?r id ,)•..)::, 01 M.1 ,F, •L. l laiel.rYit. ' T'.1iiii: t+;1 i., l'iihltc, '11•trs ' Phil:11'$, gitv:t.,:t• • irladc� fc�i the Fat;f Tl` ;Tnkoft','ry terest.itai. t.ilk •an Nilssrlt ' ing , t)1'etet11)g.. n1.".; ': 11 • ,It,:fte.:, O -bt)r111 giivi; ii reaclliig,•o.? , - tlu , •tenlpe ra11e:E Vtwrottrrl ..:•fi.'ii•' h\ ;t11i' Ndt1Ofdli Arlth'ent cii. :i.c short talk . Mrs.• J:•.. 3o tn* 1�11z1m, ' Be;r.1.e.chc:ti.on .:Ii,1.z • , took, chaig.' of. the, pr�ogr•ailt anc1' rc)tiaticteci a: Sharnrt")cl^ it :aci..:n Fl,c a:•a.rti. _..tin __.,t1y,i..._-1if:t, '‘,(,)f' �aftet;,r ww,which::•r, 'soclii"..• 1ii11 :, �Byy hirci ••'4'l *ayyckseri o f . I3tirhit, i 'ncl . h t . 1 T,1 ; :spt' en- �........=J.,(+hd p1O .g'....•.-.tho , \tli ,i --L. *C (,aloe(. 1)ke 'hrmst•,lf , I'l1"i•t ;aide(. chainet ot•• the : sttxdsv, 1b(yo1 Wq taltr,1.; Alp, lealhllg: with. nlis•iot, - wor.k in tl • ;citutl1 Pacif tet Tslarkl 'T'`his4'.. study: ' tvl s.' -vc ,.. !«]arOgra11). <v a:. in cixargt' j , ,, t- f Christian', Culttire� - Sinal• t.1t1'1t�lS.' it.1.11e �� _]l: :of ,}T'C'S£?1'lt � ...w. -:. • ciri� �. it , , es;: 1 .,1\44$: J. :(is.horiie res rlt ar �,et.lt,3tt .ilk thc.s. rti1<�1�t1:_ ,. ]'111. , ,ii•1rt. rliisf'c '•th:c• "pr. iyvrl • a • r (11lltt±tT�•Chtltneli Yr F Vii. • 'i,hl":' Ycii:ing •Peop•itot.n. .1,4' • • way; licilcl ."tiiida•• •everIin#. '., t: r1(sc' of this .Church. Aervl- . hit 1r10.at ti1)g • wit r, ,n e& titig, ojpenrcl . With hvli•• • lifter', • Whitt) , all - repent,:( L. 43- 4.}14• t X6;.1 T tExrstr�-Ti��traii,ji . �, - T c}txrteen rtienl ty.. , . . T - Mare!: i far trn ' . ti' t �it ! �c'1.t,7rlitcl'. t.w, th.c' r()tl c/11; •Mk• • 1 ,s ,r. ; x • , • • , ,- 1, 1 t' tt r m t1 -n' r r' jf. th�c' rta,g; .... tr ,1„ tht X14 ori Yea. htac: ti411i, l,''la. part 1) Mia• lthti:''1,t,h(rf �i. ti): :'t4r x: 1r. I-I:•rda ri.,•> '<,1tErlt aslie' , ,, 24.'•M '.- l.sr G'$..f•'i.0 , „• .,,1- (•.si tri j 'i;E.T)tittr:•fl•'CT- ;1c.x.TE,•:t4 yy�r c'.,ftc'la ,,. t.. T1,.,ttif ,,,at; ti., 1•IF-7v 0. St r',wart' led- f3• 8 t ria0.h. "r:. ,,11.1`. 1,':t 0,1`1"‘-'.`iyy N.;" it. t h. , 1 l' ' a,t'k11 : ,1.+' t`11'! ,f11 `orad° •,‘,41t.-,, ,` ((lt.r.... ..'f!.. 'rr tl, rV11�`, 3..r' '�t.,",i'Y' ..arg. lt11 tt1i`d.• (.isti�at`Ide , t1,Y:' r" ,•'�r '1,!i.'i, ., ' !al, ft;':hG t it.' . V ":''.:`.` ,`TIi$'t5r( taint 1+ta)k t•'l 44A'1"ret.t i).e)" . „ I;x"t ,.' •tit thhe rit',*.t f- Ponta ; Warya1 ".1 I�,Tiilii:: vv'ill Fit' .tlic' i;ue i�ii•,• 111(1! t . ,,,. c,)<rt:%iris a ' \ve.t •t}1ni1Tg l)aek t}fi , ! 3).ro lc r.i1; its riot,( "} e,p,Sc"511 1 • IilEIN Sti1.l lr yncir 'rift,, +T `+FiT`,k;'(.p, 1 itl..:ilhr Aria °c1' I!,t) (ci. 1 1L•1 Ct''n frTit4: ail, Cilellvk �1ack ' ;••r. teil•.t rt'tat; thi- .SC'tl;pttite. ..101, r if •