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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-08, Page 8
oao 1 The. Lucknow Sentinel,; Luckinow, • X10 the a .:,. • G/VF T O RELIEVE HUMAN SUFFERING' As Vie. War Cross 'WEDDING BELLS utaric ` • 'H RSUA,Y! maca ltht 1945;: LIBRARY IRAN ! ORMED (Continued from page 1) �- ..TTy�IY�'Y1J�'Vi►'a�btY:,>.Y�Wtir� �+'�� .w--• A ���.�.��.�. Llt1. �iiv, r ..... e 1 d ' Presb tem•ran r • ions,dC�xn•a anii$ bI"Cwclt"*, quiet wedding ceremony.: tool to fi111filment. ;place when Dr. W.. O. Rhos1ci un" • :. Book Selection Good ;t o ' '"grimmer the. work. ; widens, Your • dollars Are 'needed now as never' before .fur t�Iis-great lxunzan1tarian: tasl our` 'support r r, The � Red Cross; mut,', �• have. Y, t on their behalf 4n' be half, too, . of suffering humanity. op Y Y4. it The Courries •' Corners • Farr_i Forum-xn.et---at honie-of Mr and Mrs. 'rhe Farrish with' an 'o 40 -Members: _ about- 4© m ' nd'anc of,- . J a'tte The evening•was spent in a social way,playing prilgresse euchre. . IGGESTIO'N from Thompson's SPECIAL! Clark's Pork. '&' Beans >T l0c PE(IAL, • � O V . boxes • SUPER�SUDS` ` ; Now 20 percent More soap Box -25c Russell's MAPLE BUTTER (No i.coupons required) 14 oz. •jam: 45c ,$edluind's MEAT SPREADS;. 4 varieties 7 oz. ''tin '' • 206• Dainty Lunch SANDWICH ..SPRFAD- 8 oz.. far' 28c To 'eac • `of the first 25 persons :presenting; this ad at our store we • will' give : free l.i tin •'of Aylmer Quick 'Cooking Dei :hydrated'; ,.Beans. SHOP WIT! CONFIDENCE' 'PHONE'."82' ' WE '-DELIVER q ited in marriage Pearl. Isobel, In col ci iding tr4s last' reppr,t, gest clau3 htt�r of 1 Ci a'rlci 'Ir:t gt14 i,11l r i -t zn t'l tray 'TLAYING• vouz� --i d Es Dw cdL id6c.ls.c'1Dzry pl`i"3,"� .1,irr qrr ais�r'. azTcl john St? aa t- tTAni. only soil FMr..' anc "'M1 'oo1 do sz' se 't'cizal� a,n lli�� Xtittit r -1s not . Jamieson of:Goderich. the bolt 1. have ,x,!neountered• ii?. :The. bride wore. ;.a .floor leiagtit p14ice the size' of Li&Gknovi, alid. • of white embossed. ohrff"n .marry places much 'larger than .gown •wi h fitted, bodice,: • long • sleeves. •Lucknow. .The eitet,tiolien halt 'dii full skzrt`. ez ri ger tw rl'. an�i�ol:goi qual .t nti) as :of ' " ointe-de=spte': 'Was., held ;in vised that the Lib.i'tii1nr is' .keen �. p ' i., -.on]vr ' makes excellent . .contacts glace �by.a, shirred h8lq„�'He� . and mail C F faith -the bor rowers-. This is' very adornment was: a single strand ofearls , a ' ift .of the groom.`'.She pearls,, a shower bouquet' of Ain eripan beauty, roses.. • Tack Splan of ,.,Gbclerich, sister 'of the groom,, as her maid :of honor wore a •.slim . fitting pink .net frock, , with, satin •.appliques and had ; • matching' shoulder length veil.;: She. carried•µ a fan - impoz ta'nt indeed.' w:ritte'n ' rnue'It ,Idngr r, notes on this library than is my -custom. end the reason is ;that thy'' situation is .a particularly inter-,. esting''one. 1 see here a little .lib' rary which just misses :being :ons'' Qf our outstanding Village lib-- raries • (of ',which" there are vet'y. shaped 'bouquet -7, -of -,--pink earna few� arid- iWou-ld regix�sucli; tions and, baby }narcissus ' mallpush and" such a . littl! .-:-;`7Miss,�-=:.M-anon-"-MacKenzie--O-f face 1'iftingg Laehieve this goal. Nit .:as foliaws.•-Ars: i • a�a Mrehi n -was he results, were• r Berm 110 .,. T__ 7 :ran ' r Oran ar-d won first place, .wlrila 1 i5s Joyce -Littre., and -lob= Farrrslr. ,were_.low • Mrs. Bob 'Parrish and ..Mrs. Lorne=:Fairish put Tort' a.. quiz pro •gram` :which was ',;both pleasing and :instructive.. Lunch was than served• y the ladies After-Which-- a fter-whichacollection was taken, with the: proceeds to be . spent. to .,send ..boxes=to the hays..overseas from that immediate' district.; This • week's . meeting . was held at the ' home' °of Mrs.' Frank and: -Edi ingv. Sig 61.-4,- • , sti iie'eSrY3ar�" nq-uestionahl .,.that: ;,goal :has t'd ftnc of7J1re .Funniest Coxn.edif$77 ": "HEY ROOKIE" 9.2 Featu.rnrg .: Joe Besser; "Ani 1!'I�li"ems �Y=Little, =Hal-lracK ytit V'r.e and 'Band,; Hi 146, Ja4':Ic and., the Dance,; Jack Gilford Condos Bros'., Judy Clark, lo'l ii S; Larr Parks, Tl e' -Vag.- l✓v x. Y. • abonds . ' Just Another Stuart Comedv You'il-Love-IL • Also Playing . , Una iMerkeI -in - "QUACK SERVICE" • Also — Sport Reel qa.wp'r.�riw.ebwWx+nr«,+a..s..,.„«-++a:...+.a..........H NEXT WEEK': t �. . We ;Are -offering Yost .Some- Excellent-Fiim-Eitertainment e We 'urge ;yotr. .:not• to- "Miss ;-�: t a ca-iraa ellrrvw chiffon. ' ornme :d.._tha:t,yo ) isle:` lie triYed. `� x`"�3' Loeb tiK _....; .. ^. 'and furl -- na-v P b1-%e:T•�hrar a. credit ;gown. with shtrr�*d bodice-- �' sk•rt:'For her hea dress-�she' wore ;deed toothis"•;community,. t .. �. �. ,t.., ., orariI yellow 'flowers fastened . over Miss Eva Greer is • temp y 'e r .Her • flowers were •tai-' `in -charge in , the absence • of. the each . a . .flowers isman roses:" and'•' shaded snag liblaian, Miss L:; Treleaven:'' �, gR �, Ernest • Button ofTnieknow'-was--On Busi.Bess=T-o Fr-om�•'East- ' the groom's 'best 'man. :F011owing. ,the. ]ceremony' a •re ception. was held • at the' `Park House. `,. in Goderich for.: the : im- mediate families; the,bride's table being. decor. ated "'by apple b1os th Johnston on: MoYrday even : 'sons, :'tapers, and :sihv in rand .bells, centred on :'one ,end 'by the Wedding cake which was flanked by qink satin, lilbon . ' The:. bride's • mother' wore , a printed i silk • jerS:ey dress. ',a green felt hat and had a shoulder` corsage .of, talisman .'roses, while, the grown's`:mother wore a navy 10th At 2:30:o'clgek in the Town,'blue crepe'• dress.with inatchin,g Hall. Local: delegates to the Fairs britoni sailor: hat. Her corsage was Convention 'will, submit' their. re-, American ,beauty roses. - Later Mr, and Mrs; Jamieson ports..., , •-i'Mr. .R. `Gear of Walkerton;•'' left on, a wedding trip to;Niagara .G.•,R GEAR'TO ATTEND FAIR, MEETING ; .SATURDAY • A' meeting -of the Lucknow Meeting Agricultural'. Society is to beheld this " Saturday afternoon; March Bruce , County agricultural;' rep- resentative, will be , in' attendance to address the Meeting; and to or- ganize ..a calf club: A full attend ance of members;of, the Society, -as war as any- other-iriferesteic persons, is requested Falls and other points, the bride, travelling %n:' a mustard wool dress, with matching: hat And brown : chesterfield coat l and 'ac- cessories. ac-cessories trPOn their - eturn they will m E side inn LrCignow - Suffered .Fractured Arm RECEPTION COMMITTEE : filly, Lane, young son of Mm TO MEET THIS -EVENING and Mrs Waiter 'Larie•of Toronto Mrs:: Marvin ,Sanderson of St; John,' New Brunswick' .('nee Anrie: MacDonald; 'of. Parat:riount)..was• on a-tgismess-trip-: ew--. •ays a tothe'Circle Bar.:, Knitting' .plait at. 'Kincardine: Mrs: Sanderson. -flew,TIroim thettast to---T-Oron-to; arid on the; -trap to Kincardine. was not able ,to stopoff, With rel= atives` herg; as her. return reser'-' vations^were •booked; Anne's sis tiers; Mrs. Kempton and ; Mrs, • '•Hamilton ' meta' her at: the local .depot on her way. through. ;a The' ' Liicknow Soldier Recep and ;grandson of Mr.. and Mrs. W.• tion Committee is'to hold 'a Meet- J Lane. of Ripley had` the mis-. rne o ing' in • the ; Town Office' ;;this,.lfeoftt. uar rm: while•ecently"ttobogfracture- hs ganning, •(Thursday)' evening,. , which all members 'and other.interested: cit4 izens are: urged - to attend.; Toe meeting is' called for 7.30 sharp... This meeting, was .organized .I in .F.ebruary._;.of. last year : At. ;that -. time .plan's were. discussed for the reception: of local boys retiirnin`k from 'overseas, ..and subsequent' rec'ogrition .4f.,,their *services, . There are various opinions,,,in 1.. this •' regard as, .to:.What, action would. be ' most favored „by': the :boys: !themselves;' To 'date, . how ',ever, therehas ,been little activity' by the committee or . by local organizations wki se co-aper"ati'on' 1.isw.a ec.ess•ary...if;`.'a_. fund..as to lie- es a • is e • o presen eac -- • oy with some •rnomento riff' apprecia 1 tion from the folks, in his 'home,') gown 1 , UNITED . CHURCH LUCKNOW Rev: J.:.W. Stewart, ,B A ,: B.D. ' Pastor SUNDAY, MARCH 11th; 11'a.m,: "The Separated Life". • Story: • "The .Sirens'!„..": 12:15 p:n.: Sunday Scitbol '� ."Jesus 8.15 8.15 p.m. ' Y. • P. U. II' `.RED.•.CROSS-: APPEAL, (Continued from page 1)- • make: your donationa'';consecra-. ted .act of dove: " • The• offering ;was specially marked,' for the .;prisoner , of war boxes.During the service a plead-' ing solo was ••rendered by Mrs. T. Leishman ANT:OM LADY 'Witii Franchot Tone, Ella --Raines, Alan' Curtis pining in:� •Technicolo GENTLEMAN"THE'' 'FOR, A IlZO11A": r Hicture 777 Bra:' 'Chicks haym dobe.' well for Y others -4why not•.for yo>4? 100'°'0, tine del very••gua:antoed. just: let me ktio*,-What: you• Want. FINLAYSON B•RQ:S, ;> WOMEN'S&. CHILDREN r ave a •good, supply of all availalie` dines. No need to' ; risk; wet feet, uy'; •nowwhile 'sizes', are: `complete: • �ecials din Co'agoleionand Feltol;tugs i. the Stock - w .. •'���;. � � • :. � �►;.�rw'�"� :"fir.V�'�e;,�