HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-08, Page 7, • M> IV,ItSDA Y, MARCO "KN. � • Cly ,L. tcknow Sentinel, •Lucknow, Ontario • Ao1VE posted to ' ,FO, Stuart Collyer has. been' NORTH OLILROSS �, ' ' ,s P 0 ' T l Moncton,: N. B., an:r le ves fo.. the East the card sof' '' patr, iottc •. quilting 'was hcli:1., "No .Smoking , if it could he a r at thehome.of Mrs,, Wm. H;alden- ' ,,w' the: week; enforeed,:ould be • appreciated. ,.,. ,•:7--,,,,-.7:7,!:,....1.:::,.on Tuesday of last ,week, A The "fo " at this gae practically. --/m/7/2...„....•,�,•1'> ��1 ;".-1' _ r.r a.h•n.._• `.'+"1 MsY!.•,'aTiYti - J"-�•• .y.nr.... tiM-. {M. ' • +a... ,h+exi ' v`- . r .:I'•... ,r...• c _.'.r. ,.-.}`-'"'" .4J" '("Fj.+ •ter� .� y �3'k' "XN��rrl �,k . Y F 1rY.' S,: :: .. � 1 •�� � .."VP`ci'3 31 i i j::Y ry. ,, s -c:�:�' '� "` �i...1"a g .•,;—i- ' � ` " ' a:Erti.'t.r`� �.:r. ��.� r,., -P- - ,4 - 1' n*� - ., *' �,•t,,, r�.,�a'axr, riled°`.to anter •whi;,h ' to Say no- ,- ,� '..;.......�,-,•,.•� 4 those at -the west en y t1l!'" :0 --i-n I$-r11an� ,fitly M,•s 1•iaidenby treated the gall :: thing of :its affect on the player's. I..: nEw •.tom _1Tr4, '<• ClIin .,,,,,•11..., .; Fes' _ .a. k .�:. in a _show tot ether. that. everung;, we^,`won't E iv.LiT;r; th identity of ,'.:,,, a .. thf.. reactor rn case.- she might ir( ^�1t71 I�?ui V(:U SpE.Iat '114 Vr 4C.k t.�l � ,, . .. •, . ,. _S� pan ed by romantic yottu v-•�lr--fir a.�.s...n�;--Mk,.—a.-1lu;�-N[7 i,--�.. � r i.ings...'wp ri -' to-':ifj t_-_4 -'brie- ' n. L.. �. .. • e'471 -n x 3i r t ni?,..�:.._._._.. ng_ ___-� `l'tzrXves; ...�.n i, n- f=. .-. ;s a 1 the complexion; of; their future, '�as� spent most ;of his •time u5 ' << . ,. : , ationt :4t,. Christie°' St Hosliitctl • Pr in44 Charming": Pte. ":, E. Carruthers, is �la'orn-, :� -daY f url a.ui h° _lie has j k t. oft Dieted a, Re me ifirf,Sign;il-: riefield, lr s course at Bal 4 . .m, Buckie harp �, and' 1V]Ers; W .. �. • Nia•, , ivied word, that their. have rete t on •Eldon his _leer p'rornoted to,_ "rank of fight °.sergeant. the nd fracture of the leg �.. above the,,ankle•. resulted •in• Sgt. Ted Elliott being• invfralided4 h'oth from overseas. He is , getting oncrutches. around Culross Bo'y . Honored A „social .evening was held re- centl , at the home of . Mr.' and y rs: Thomas: Moffat of. Culross' `n-� offat.•.�arid• , . , -te: •-Calvi M Mrs; Moffat and `babe. Calvin -ser ring--in=thy-i7 5- -A rm L, Mrs. 1�Ioffat; foriner1V of--Ghieago-anti a . e� are iii • w. fr, To ,a11.�'sry nF*n. my 1c7i i?' a 1<,rtc,l�ifsw- went:-to--Dur-Pram- las. - • is, V�Iltli a 4-4 ,,ccni�cl. round playdawr, ,is is-noquestion 16 `to� 4: read -there_.. o q.... about the • outcornei , wily it;: w.as: pttifuito these' Durham lads; with little ,of no equipilnent,, trying to "keep pace' with; tlir,',bigger and', heavier •op.p;nents: S trely..there is.some leu e ,Tequipr�ien in err i om0 tbwn, ni,•hich just ''few: year ' ago, boa:�ted `''an intermediate . "teaii a. h . o h'►:� one. in e.=-. ag eeab•le • e cpc,i e •. ce n, almost .`second to n W rt Cliffod Begley, 'son of Mr" and. of 'horses_ had, > a severe°attack 'taf Durham •`kids" were � ..Put the, p:. d' this..' :ast week was oWted We are pleased to report . Mx • i h s as e•tx art, much im r vo.l Hama t f . r to — l o I �; 1 ri.•-�--�-- i r•r-1�rt�h�f �te�-a--; we�k�f--lse1 c{u to }roorly , DY'S. NEPHEW •� " '• is - .7" LA... .. � u7 c c ,c�ollect,lr h.�s a.dis O ..i .am ,HOME MINUS <BOTIL LEGS • heard one spectator 'state ,t t he. never as much as saw the4 a surL, face all•evening. .f` Last year Ltick`nol fourti, ,themslves in .the OM.H,A. semi down - series.,` That '.doesn't appear as if it will be the case this next --,17 certain,' 2S this: •is • written,, ,: But let's ,,not ,forget all about -- - :.:. • The- ...•--elrminat-erl _ -••-�I ets. y . ine• in ' the Group e. ami m Kincaid......., . pionship series and . are now bats. turn it out •with'Hanover in the of the W,O,A:A, "play firsx r ou rid v:wns.. T + • anover " •'The firs +, 'arae v. as ih• H . _.. .,. gin: 1ti:� day night, and' :tonight, :,.F;.. ries ... . .. • the, se (Thu sdax.) on•local will be '"decided: • These kids are putting every= round`s; When one of his f'ine teafri tcI•i'antar io. • Mrs: Writ Begley of Learningt0.1 colic on• the, road and Collapsed; game and;ciean, and` never quit I • • • ,'vie' of into.''the..game. and. -_ _ - Mrs. ` :-,Sproul _.__ _ ...., __ .._ ._ _ thing got. ,.. and a nephew of, M "Fortunately one of his patrol'1s • ir• in .n ttie face :of a futile taslt, ., d : of a live7�r minus both legs. He ' lost 'one • leg y g and you re assure of town, 'is back from overseas:' had 'a .bottle.' of . Boys.lotion sand . They 'had a smart little goalie ', evening's hickey it` you re on hand tonight. with a few'doses the animal was' v,;ho at times rslust have been see - in g SiX Chii,s puinoing,rubbert at g. him, . while hs befuddled teat:m-. 1. less r'i'tes:-].o.�k;.e�1' e?ta alm_.ost.". hey,? . .above „the knee and the .other ,be, able to be Zed home. Heavy feed- ing rid mot exercised every. day, ,: tas.,,.ibotgh,.t t�. have ;been the cause. Other her :cases. sof '.the same to .step ' the barrage. n avr"been 'reported. • low thknee; but iS show}ounhg •. amaiinge• cheerfulness: Thi � g soldier is 22 years:. o.ld and is Married and has a 'little. boy. He kind h is 'at .present, at ''• his home: in, t'in admission to Christie` St.•••Hospi with Co1v.i11 s:gtrr�ts Cu � , • the'. first' of. the week. to, undergo 'r. From': Battle' Front further. treatment. • , $auvenr sr t Mrs• R. J.: Camel bn' has recent- ` .; A: n'o t' her nephew , - o --Mrs e v d some . r i i'e 1 :S ruI Flt-S-.t:'OrvilleBegley;:is: .lv rec eF.. R P g 44 West.: Coast with -her. 'bv her. `two. ator�ed•� at the W souvenirs ,sent st soils who 'are; now with .the Can an R.C.O. Marine`squadron::Hn 4is. a . d-c:e`r..s` :a and : his .. job IS,. ,. o .:salv�i e` planes .from -flies til to s g I . 'ocean:. At present he:is ozi a mis--, sion to Alaska., His' brother Lloyd is•in---the -Na-vy but :expects,;:oto get his ' discharge• shortly' because , of :his medical ;category; Both. are Sons: of5Mr. Earl Begley. • dive 'For -•-Monday night's game , t;k price - was jacked up -toe '.and c, lm wa-. hings 'itur c -c ::oUt m: the opportune mc.,Tsent to do'tb,e' ` `ce' boosting v,,,e1"ld, have •b:eer ori g for the Goderich -game. Z'liere w:e-re,'.� len-ty,-wh.o would have paid most any �,price ;tcLg t' a'..good:'•,vie'w of ,that .garner We - atlrian . Army►' . , r.. ;'• Kenneth sent an arm band with, the emblematic - 'German. • eaTe` and swastika'':and Stewart ,':sent : ,'home..a auarter -section, Ion parachute., ;;Altliotigh .it wase ' Tolded sand packed 'in • a very sm ail box -when unloosed1t flowed or}t- to. about five yards .in ,leigth ?it; commenting on:the 'weather .Ken neth_say$ they' have...as much- mud over there as we, had snow. here.: 'Wearv•,of • The :strain-; of prison; carne ,lif e and the weariness;' of is:- mere s -more .the more; recent; letters receiy d , .byo Mrs; vl�tri:: MacKeznie from her son. Alex, In . ar letter , vkrritten nn ":TTanua:ry •arc and: received Wednr�s= darn: • Aae'x sivs 'lie is ",in .fair. he- ltlt" Christ nae 'was ~i 1st -'an h:fhc'•cla�� evrent:.for 'twp'.correerts which `the ;bovs nut on: Alcc,'s 'refeiienrc to•`Chri dmpc.:h s inert tYtcantnr�•in t?l(i'•li>7ht ni,A„htrv.'io's_ 1attr'r , :h.tTn:hp . - jr1 ►,� raii3n,l r;h.: :reeeivel'thic.Ch.r.•i tn1as Rod 1To'St- ri(;1.\ tt'1r1 'iI-,t:llrtvl't.'. • ti itte-n iri$7 lilt tI'little Mtn c�::,. ;i11TH• F, /I'•7'1R 'l'TC)TT�.:. r .[;