HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-03-01, Page 7• i• 4 • 7 '• Ir.. • UESPAt MARC"( ist, 1045 'SS- • • Ludilfrol Sentinel,.t*cicriowi Ontario • ,' • .. /, 'PAGE SEVEN HERB IVieqUALLIN IN BELGIAN CONVALBSVENT 'HOSPITAL, rfeceii,701.:-:PAPIV4rige ' ' L-)-aTfaiTgLitdrionTf Mr.. „ HenrY.Gardner:of Zion, Who ks been serving with the .Can- Klian Navy for some 15 Months' as reeefyed bis honorable dis- hare due to his MediCal cater • and rettirned,,Zice,:•• onTe7herei7Laper:-Ws7pn,4s.eprili,Py.„. work out "Halifax. • . Sgt: E. A.• (Ted) of Winghain, listed as •a 'stretcher case, arrived in Loridon., fast wdek• froM'•overseai, Ted was injured; in Holland' when a jeep ran over kijni after he was thrown from his iiotorcYele. Ted was' a former hiember of the -Wingliarn -hockey- . , • • team. .4. • - • • •• . 7 • 71±1,1; son oiNt. and fohn,j13e11,.f of TernhtP[:.arid. fPrtrierIY,' 'of ..:Atplesr, 'Ripley. last Week. when, he' 'was, Sid Whitby, who is in Holland DUNGANNON' with the Canadian Army, wishes us to: acknowledge a Carton of , mr, and IVIrs. Robt. Irwin • Of 41,3s, cigaretteS WhICh .he jp_eqpttp,0,1rOn1-4.,,, k. 4 r 1.0trA4, e • . COM 1-4.k1 4 • BELFAST...........-, ,(Too late, forlast : Twainly 4m1 Mr. TOtri • „.• • — •e„-yI4g.t„4, urs •• , is. .1,41t,,,ITreyel.•$•-• . „ •%;-4.itta(344, ; •.* . who has,been overseasSince 044,Y WA- is in ''a--.cana_l_e,scpn,.t hospital. At:least he WEIR, whorrh Wiiii67.1601,:tii,:Sen, tin 01 beeff - * • * yv.4 needless 10 say, was most .vq:},- Mr. George Irwin, , Pte. Leona tt 'of theWXth Miss Elmira :Alton is liblidaPpg • • ftiends in London. Mr., and , Nres,' .$arn Cupskey , • Lloyd Halt Jae)s ,ICert7 , sex SCOttIsiifteginient been neth- jarcli„-n an .4,:Frant-,Ctlint*,..e..i,...agiain ynciyed back .to. -Rall -fast: -.after• -----7------ , • _ . . "A. lecier.. tAt- .7ktfUltOrri-; • • .`"' . • tis_pectIN-e, ancl,-MrF,' --George_ iVraiz4-.anflit/ , - ' DecemBer wou ure • like to*be back with the boys a't Nijmegen where he left:them, ' •5 • Rivett oh. Fe5rtlary-Ath StafeallET Take are visitaS7with-Mr•,-- d • con' 'Operational * ; was back in the lines :Mrs°. Alton this week, Sgt. Air -Gunner Eldon. Buek- leaving ',the hoSpital in Belgium Mrs. Wilfred Hackett spe t and is .noPri. operationalflights. 'November 3,i-Cl•Wl-fen Ile.,Teceive0 P. hut he acided;:`!" expect to be out Ingham ;shackwith hi§ old 'crew January 9th,being:there since few days last -week with her r- of here about: 4, week and back to the line once moVe • • • sent' him Smokes and parcels.' When. the letter was said that his thriStinas mail' was just stai464:te Catell with. him and had:been potising in fOr' two days, which warm. Gocl-send,, he hadn't had Mail of any kinci_stnce going to the hospital.. He acknowledged shiokes and pareelS' from. the inen's Guild .of St. Peter's, church, -The-14-gion and7*---Laclies-; • Eldon* viias,in 'hospital for three wodnelS in Holland: He was,: hut, Donald of Ripley. • • • • . 4 -weeks• and as a rcsul!was %(2.,Lte.Ar oii.Febx:VaY 9th, Alex• '.5.4..ras a, • k , • , arated f.r,em his *.cr6v;for tinie same 76irtircrate as 'his i-ncither s wee kt • Ph 1V1 th . • • • t. has alSe ar ue aris a ers. r . • 1. • • ' 1,1.1COpt, • R. DotiglaSMaCDOnala, Canadian Army'. chaplairi, :eon- dueted serliice.recently_in:the Old • Land, 'in 1ishoPsgate chur chi „whiCh,.• is over '-elevefi, .hundred- last bit •pf bad •luck. is not :too' years • old. ••'1,n looking, dyer the: . bad and that 4 letter will Soon, fo-lIewJo his Are names,, glliOtt Webster and have heen'hit.with a robot bomb • ' Mr`.'Percy.IVirif df Nesbitt Man. • . • • - in England •on to: -Day .and an- is Visiting with relativeSkin this • other time undp'rwent a siege •-of- neighborhood_ . .' • •scariet:fever. It is hoped that his' yisitors' book Doug. saw 'the • family • who . ; • • • anxiods.- - ixeorgeWhitoy, who had attend- , ' • „ ecl sei-vice there on a 'previous oe• , Miss Jean Stothres of Toronto casion. • spent the—Week-end--wifh- her , ttit..,7:who• somewhitt improv-. • Rink Roof Collapses .. -,i' . ' :: , • ., . , . ': ,,,,, , .The roof of • the .P isle link, , • . . , f:ollapsed last . Weclne day 'night about.,mi night under its load of. _rain -soaked: stioW. The lai:41.diiii„r which' is PriVatelYtowned was , , 7 -being operated this, ear by,,_ the . - 'Areve seen a, lot ot, hell. since is,but, so' chins ,dpi -and you -cari ed• af,ter. being quite - • • • • • ••• . -..• , _ _ , • 1, 1 1 • tary ' • IL . landing, iri..Normandy but, heile 'bet :tile- TAIOIcrloW _ D'orieri Rutledge of ..-Maltpn-: royally welcomed•and presented parentMr. anti- Mrs. Roy Rut,: • wewill be back before the year their best, Herb- .koncluded.... was a,- Week -end visitor with his ledge. . , • with a purie.of tinoney. Cpl. Bell has been. Overseas for ••4Y2 years iid in fighting- on the Western FrOnt. Was wounded about the - face and ;received . shrapnel ,,fragf.. BROTHERS 11ET. qoutArati. -.:-Had-a-letter front Douglas..Ait., chisen. a few days ago, in :which he referred to meeting his bro- ther Aylmer in., 'Nijmegen,Hal- land; "We Were both'in trying out the new liam!aurgrs in,there an met in .theisanieTquetiei'so• :had quite a talkIt was , swell seeing him ,again", ' he said. Doug 'says i'that, when .they!re, :not out : in gun poSitioni•• they sonietiMes,get the, chance to play a ,lit,tle hockey , and: it s'ureis .sv.rell ti get on skates' again. Doug at one tire played played with. the local''Juveriiies.,,: --At--the---time he- 'wrote the 'let - ...ter he:was jusback_ from a .48.1- ' hoilt leave to .„Brussels •which_he thought was a fine Place'toispend Stewart who is atatched to th., • Saine Battery. • • . • . ' • ' :14:UCKY TO. COME, FROM ,LJICKNOVV; SOLDER SATS' Aitchison ..with the Sig, nal Coi•piin IXolland *1 ote th, followrng letter of appreciation to the .Lueknow Women's insti- ti*te:.' • . ,Sorneplace: in: Holland, . January 25th, .1945. Women's Institute •.,, Was Very, Pleased to again: be remembered by you ladies in • LuekTtow with the 300 cigaretts.' The mail Situation hasnot been • rth9 lately •'were:,getig low.' Withsuch or-,, ganizatiotas--:•the ./nstitute,we LueknOw boys:are always pretty well stmplied:. Wth Cigarettes. Ve feW, if an ; 'tow s look af- .ter the .boy,t•oversea_ as Welas the Village ofLicknow.. I lnow. that for a 'fact. too.. I figure.we arc,luckY to cbine rfrOm such town. We have • had and •-are having real wintrwether bore in Hel- ( land; Mucii like a winter at hOm. -Quite a diffei•ence from the Eng- , es -T wa1viyL , •fpittU Wife- arid ot, a • 48-liotir, pas' in BrUssels for oyor' the New Year, The gnad- : iarl',rereation Centres there aro just thebest. peoPle Very, pica too.' There is :7or y little I can Write SO in CilOgitlg Iwish to again thank Yui 1."61*.NY much. . , Sincerely yours. A ;•G 4itchsn4 ••• . . ; " 1.•..•11 • - • 1^ , „ •• , • 1 , • ,•• ; • , •'" „.„1. • '07 . • I „._ ‘• . ,•, . • , . • • ':.' • • • . • ' • resent uor. . . • Liquor Permits will be extended (riot” re -issued). to March 31st, 1946 on aplica,tion and paym. t of $1.00: at any Liquor Control Board Store on and after March 19th; of t1e present . . substantial saving in paper and printing Costs; vand is in keeping with present day, conseirai6n;:poliTie., , , • • • . • . . ••• , 1 , , . Chicf Commissioner '.° :•.•;•. • . • , ' • • . „ 1' . . • • • • • • • • ' • ° 4141