HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-02-15, Page 2cat
Luckn®w Sentinel, Lucknow,, Ontario
61411cla U't plIZtorh n.
The., January meeting, of the:.
Ashfield W.M.S. was • held at the
..\ , \\max .o>� \":?,..... �, 4 n. e r;. •. \l;\',w'.:;k..a, ..-.,."
�� a
1tQrange Shor, tc
tsp: salt 3 tbs. shortening.
2 tbs. sugar About- cup milk
2 cups, pa-strs', Hour 4. tsps."Magic $dyeing ��.
(or 134: cups bread flour) Powder
�Otange sections.(skittless '
''Sift dry ingredleats;.:•but in shortening till .7ery
make oft' dough: Turn doug
one add milk to 1 a
onto Soured` : Bak anii ahs y, ieass layer e
about 1"thick. Bake,in lightly, Br
tin. at 425 F• fot 20-25 minutes. Split and but.
•'while hot. Place whole seetionsof aeedlessorangea.
between layers. and top with
+Combine 1% cups of orange sections halved with.
about cup .honey. -Let stand in,refrigerator for
ji.hour or longer before pouting over shortcake..
•Serve.with whipped cream, if desired:
• ON THE: BASIS that' he failed to.
�eceive i half the vote— ot� the`n-
r ,
a• eanctidate, Eaxk GodfreY,':C.
xxa . Grey-1�7orth,.
deposit,. 1'•Cases
l st_ hzs $2QQ ; dep .--- � �!' ..r ,
official :count. •:wa$
Nau l ton's' 6,097 ' 'and. ; N r, God-'
f're,�'s 3.118, which, vary but little"
the ori inalfigures.
-- �= from.. ��
w tli .t resident, -Mrs.
'din The script- con •
press g
' b Mrs
rs . . Thomas Tr•eleaven: bas:
Miss axy eL" d -1meen
fined to -her home with bron-
B R'Vlth 94*
THVRS., E Ru` r
Ernie Carter, who until'' l e_
,, a by Norman .
O'Connor•, ;is Know 4
m 4iinn t n,'Ii;; R- 3, iodei lcii, .w
W Stroke: Suffered �� • ''
M�..Dnnald ander Miss
pre reach -v►rn -- taken Y . chins, a . Mc-
eggs re� ,.
ti f
' t�^''�3sktti;, ThP 1. ttx' �aTj do rI '�" .c�
Port fd : 194 .was. given
Rancher: "I :thought this paper.
-was: friendly.
-- : ;" is What's the
Editor So It t -.,. �
-ed-the f irst of :40, i.ve . ';zr �t ! fug L,`�dt the z : 3.. ,
.por_-.� .. tnvrn,zx�av_.__
ratify ing Ladies wex t
_. to-the�k__.,f�t flle;.T�tk�-de•
d • ea.ch district to loot
in eat road..•.
after„ the making. of gulXts for the'
radio tally ; •IVr; , Wm. Johnstone , has re -7,
bale, Reference to the •
d :the; turned home after a ten-day visit
by , ,Mrs.• D. Strachan and , ich with Mr` and M s.
in �Gode r
$ ••glean
ere coffered iiy Mrs.,Howes Mrs.�,Herb Mlrller ent,rt
•last ' uVee
f n
o e g
'artk f
h Fria. ce.
Peale . � �P�l .•..�,�.� °:�;# ,.>.-: •� ..
Mrs, . D. •.R. � ac nzl`Pray�- ,� .•
by e tai'ned a,
sand Mrs,.: 1�..: G," MacKenzie, ,A number: of friends
honor :of .Ml s; sam Miller,: -?/1is .
paper Forward : be our Watch-
d written by Mrs.. Martin a visitor here from Fielding, Sisk;
Ripley was •�; ea .,'
" for the New Year was . ; .Mr. Hugh Macintosh is' confir -
Thrills �� .of
wor '
d by 'Mrs Rhoad:
•an :interesting and helpful paper ed: to bed with an infection
given.bY Mrs. Donald MacKenzie; the, foot. Before Christmas Mr.
• MacInto4sh°was`a patient in'Wing-
Other short xeadings were given
b Mrs, Farrish Mrs. Howes, ham • Hospital for about a :mori+:h
Dan _ ose and Mrs.. France with a sin filar •.ailment:,
Mrs., R • ,
ha�i -fir how . five-eouid l show :
'vin =of rs Eldon•Iiv •n,ha\ e
our gratitude o God by; gl g Mi .:and 1V! .,
an, a • �n�. o ov-e
our •.time rte
vice A . leasarit social half has taken a. prosxtfor�
at er maw .
s`,r made• a speech at the ban'
- tcet f -St -nig tt ' arid'° -yob didn't
print a line of it";-
further proof did.
Weld.. What; . p
you.,wallt . of: our fziendship?" ••
if • hour , . at Cfi,z•s,
a ere
was 8154: -after l'e'-' ee s t -T .-M-ason's Gar=age, r He •ldad' pz c
World's Day• of • Frayer is to be,• 1• been employed, at'•God4�-
the home of Mrs. Elia-, 'loin yP•
held at ich�.:
beth Rose. on . Friday;
-tee , .Mis aram-Mcl4ean,_tad,"
day'OLfexed'a stroke at her, home -
in. . Chicago, A • wide, circle. of :.
friend's are. anziiousiy. awaiting..,,
further• ;word. b.
.. D
m, Hospital' '
•ha p
1l0USF In' Wing.
on Monday, ebrua �y 1,2th • 'to
LAC...' and Mrs;: ;Sydney Roue
(in't'o lveiyn Whitby)•, a . son.,.
Presbyterian W'. N.
.-The'-regular meeting of.. the W".
M.. S.°'of 'the Presbyterian . 'church • • ;
was- held, at :t13 hcztntt . of Mirs.•
Chas Cook."on•Februai•,y 7th with
attencianee of 25,j, ,menibei•5.
µ .vb a pr csid('d an
1' . �,• Z iG. `in ehige of
rs.: Mullin.. arid:
Mir; ' Jatyrd s
c ar ane1T"... Vali ca 1
• e red bya' verse' frons Acts,
answ z •
'Which:. was, taken 'for.. ,the Bible
study ley'
Mrs Pol`t.e.ous.'_Mi $ `•H
.Agrie�g�vc the top... :
Douglas: and n
Mr's. MacDonald led
in ` prayci Ctiri ent ;evens we.re� 1'":
read by Miss.,Pearl fIondeison
The next-•sneetulg ..:i to,_ be held
at the 'hbtrie of Mrs, 'Vttm p ltxd=- `
uor .
errmits ell be .extended `•(not
3 l st, :19.46 on � lcatioi ane
.00 at any L quor +Controt.
and ".after
arch 19th; 1
United Church Young, People's-
:The'•meetin'g opened with Lliymil
252 .fol'lowed by the .Loi d's pray
er;:N ,te scripture lesson , was , read
bx Geo1 ge Crispin,;;, Thi iii ogra n
,was in charge of the `missionary,,'
•ith He•len: 14am-ilton l r'�; •
siding:•Hymn 249, was. then .sung �,
A' reading.' w'as given 'hy Miss
Osborne. 'Mrs,• Melvin Stewart
'togkthe topic on "Give us ,this
day our. Daily Bread" Margam t
,Rab and Doris Taylor sang a duet
The meeting closed with hymn
263 and. the benediction•''
Port Alberti adv Passes
.The death hof Mrs: Walker 10r'
rays f o r m e; r-1 y' Alberta.,�M.ar;
lawn ' • rid a highly, esteemed
resident of _the _Port Albert com
munity occurred ' in the...Goderich
hospital. on.:"Saturday.. Mrs :1Vf'ui
..ray' swas in her, 61st 'year. The
funeral' service was conducted
Rev. John W: Donaldson • in Christ
Church, -T Port -,Albert on -Monday
afternoon. ,Besides her, husband,
Mrs •Murray is surviited ,by .two
sons, both ' in the 'Aimed • Forces,:.
and by seven ; daughters
10 KG
We are sorry to, know that lit
tie, Barry :-rKllpatrick receiv,ed.
painful burns• in an accident in
the, home one day last .week, He
was rushed: -to: Goderich •hospital
where he Wilr be in a cast:"'for
some days.: .. a understand he is
progressing 'favorably.
Miss OlivBlake is • visiting'her:.
sister., ; Mrs: Doti, McIver•,-. Borth
Mrs.' .Geo., 'Twamley •returned
this week end after a two week`s' IT
visit ruvith fTletids, in' Detroit • and -
and Mrs. Will 'Smith' and `.
family. Spent. Saturday evening,
with',Mr.• and. Mrs; Creo:. Saunder•„
Audrey'remained over night with
her friend; Lottie: 'Satntlers: .
Mr. and Mrs.- Eddie Thom-
psolt ' "
and babe. gf:Holyrood,• spent Sun-
un .. _
day• -With her parents.:
Ruth r: ofand s, li Hodgins •1t�
Ki'nlough' visited her -par
;vents on Sunday. • •
The decision to extend - the use of the present
ermits' will effect . a : substantial 'saving in paper
and .printingcosts, and is: in keeping with present
da:. conservation policies. a.
fief Com n ssioniear
a little colored church iri the
south, the. preacher had conclud-
ed 'his' eulogy and the widow yi n
pro ched-.the'rcasket. She Utter('1
i ,srnglc °sentence: `•°'Rastus",
inOttered, "1 hopes yo"ti is j'':'
whar I 'spot' you"»-