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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-01-25, Page 4
• ;WAGE FOUR' • The Lucknow Sentinel,' 'Lu ,know, Ontario • - LAN•GSIDE NORTH • Ct I' ---'- KINCARDINE CKNOW. ARE; IN THE LU al *art W.00DSTOCK at t. UCKNON avatar Be night to see:': how our boys - easure. up against the fast traveting %oodstock team. ADMI-SSrON 25c; t In ' Lucknow Celebrate' Burns • Night. .1 January .8th _the Y,• •. ivlr and Mts .sari i in- ttendant Got don :Vail. h id. cfiarge ofi"'tli °program arid - DOuglais'Sinips n ccinductecl • a. 4 YrutlrlaCr it llYtt�r r sting'Gln.$GSts ..S,i Y%,�Y»...�y k.it•i; J.� .,ki•'ci T-...�._'r^•.,.r - ; , � 11on1cY fi°vtli °�Vtrl;l'r�tr�. sp. Thi.usrlay. ,We N i h lt.et a sly0-0d.Y • Miss'Elsie. Thaelcei.. ci.f TrrxsWatr' ei_;,sr)ent the wce1.-e•nd :with• Mass �, r ntiri'>'ed Dor i1Cls0.1 Mr F_W G.' • Moffat spent last• yvrele-end • iii,• Tororite{ 'HURS,R, J4 NIJ T11e P•att iota 4•Socir ty he 't; 11:5 •anl,,jai `rnectin'g ,in_ the hall; on Friday' eynning follo«'ec by a dance. •Officers elected!- tor. the new ear erre; president, Kenneth. DorialciSon vice ares . • Geo • Mof- fat: secretary;,: Mr•s,? Fred Tiffin; •cren.,,• Gordon 7,Wat1.' Mrs, Bill ecott was appointed in charge o1 ihe:l:nitti.ni;.•-='rnd Mrs. -Far ish Mof- fat : in' :charge. of the; sewing.. The, ,vork group.. ,appointed was .:1-VIrs• Prod' Tiff -i, •.Mrs. Peter' 'Moffat, Stewa t .Mr.s, We,sle; '�Rrs Robert . 4 # t' Nlrs;-Ftr.t•- 'T'.fftn: rs„:Bail .Scot , ifili: •MoMffat'and •IVfrs,, Ivan Conley, • It was ..decided to-hold::a bridge aril euchre followed by, a: d:irir•'e the. evening - .of February'''. Y 2i d 1 -,,otters of...,thanks ' have: been” re - epi yed ' 'er-piyed` :from ,'Kenriefh McKenzie, T. -)ave.. Moffat,- D0-1-1-etia—Orr, J •rn,- cott, Robert Ot r .:Stuart. Dawson and Jim.-Nlar'r rson:'-fo'r Chirstm<rs bateels. they had :receiv:ed ,.r -an a _ . `xtisi ll4o f-at::..a rzor den.; and:,Miss-'Margaret': Sa1 'crldl:.'spent , Wednesday '•everiini; 'with , ;Mx encl.-Mrs;'Donald, •Mc K i n ricin.. -- ..� , - f,.AC,: Graham 1V1affat: lett,: on, ` S11k;1~'• epu•r eb•r cd Shorthor• n �1VAI�TTE �,-- tz :.rc�rtt-xr bt�y< a i� 1�y 4. � .,� i,� t 1 Roka ,,euttc'i' APP1•X- at --W $4 t=s• te -� d �Apl Y "". �?anipbcill'" Tt, c>;tc�W; WOOD FOR S°ALS = WE• have ,go d-dr•y llmb,; wood for sale. C.an deliver it•any time. The Lucknow Tawril.1 Co. off FOR SALE.—a, : good'cf"rivirfg horse. zri tvo fi esli :cows also :a brown. New larnpshires White Leghorn,, Barred Rocks Sussex & hock_ x, White Leghorn:, ...Hampshire' x Rock Roek x: Raimps Hampshire . Guaranteed . � High ;Quality , Chicks ;'Live1.,. Bred to Lay' 0 .: ...� re=d t-_ . _ Well Hatched,:: •Blood Tested,—Bred, > • a ..� �1pp�EItATE . PRICE .,. tiq ,,'. For Delivery At ;Any Time :Order \ Now From, • Lucknow • Phone Dungannon. , 0 Rhe BRA Y CHICIF Does theTrick! Bray Chick's• a're' real : money makers.. •l' can prove" it : Place �.; • your order.' h :' 1fl0°,�a� live de- liver guaranteed,. OS: BR .N ` � INLAYS , horse, 5 yea•ra, 91d ° Appl t• Nr;i Bali O'ponr, or , G R.', 3, Goderi.c!i, 'Phone 66-Z2 Dungannon. FOR SALE=—far nl •cd Bert Lovett, Eiast •IIalf Lot 6, ' Cp,n .5,,Kinloss Twp,; containing.- 50. 9cres more or less; frame. house, -good, barn. with good ;stabling., good hard wood bush, Apply to Hugh Sutk gland, R '-R`' ,' Halyr,oad . • MA p NOTIi -Will :t°he. 'party y ho.' tocol( a:pair Qf,:rnei 'S .4 -.lit cicle. ovei•sllo s "fi•ni3 the Tt wn.; Hall onFriday• night please`;,leave satn& a.t 'The. Sentinel Office • at, once • to avoid trouble:, . Triiti rls srre•] irt the .-ixasltkt ;ot:the ovei'slioes,' TENDERS- •TENDERS :WANTED foi ptitting . in 12 cords. of 16- nch...body 'wpo:i, jreet . mitlile :and beech to •:Schoch TEACHER WANTED:-4.ia1ified teacher fo1�.:5 S^ ::;No 7::•Kinloss, 1a� i1north, Qf` �,rn_....e._, i.es•to comrnence• at .once Apply to Alex: MacLeod, Sic: -Tr east; R 5 Lucknow..' , • .r: SectionsNo, ,16, 'Ashfield, to be in -by April:2nd, 1945•. and piled la shed.:. Tenders •close February 14, 19.45, 'lowest. or any tender not. necessarily.., accepted•. Lorne Hasty, ..Seer etary 1. Dungannon, Ont AI"PLIC'A.TIONS.WAWI ' t ,A.pplications. fo.r. th .position of Township. Road. Superintendent; will .be 'received: 1))r" the .unifier- signed up to :and including, Feb- ruary • 13th.,.: 1945., The salary. has been:. set at ; forty -live•. c.c•rtt `pet hour-.: . Dur pin Phillips, • Clerkof We t Wawanosh Teti l� I,ucknol,ti Ont ; R�R NO;'2 •-.- .-1 NOTICE RE. ANNUAL 'MEETING.' • ,'191e annrl"—eet'rcxg'--o€ tl�e`, 1,41cn•ow Agr iculttrral. Society will •be held in 'the •Town .Hall, now•:On .Friday, January; 26. at 2 'o';clock-' sharp:: D,i reeto rs. in 'Vlonclay for,Goose •Bay, Labtador., emloria) Tablets Unveiled Two. ` rneri ori.al tablets have t Geo e Ang - 4�oen trr�veilecl i�i�S.. .....0 lican C'htrr eh Gad;er ich. -in mem • nr•y` of thir tv.'one air rnen who died • , were killed .. while actively c+xivaaecl ] tri .training at ••;Poi t. Al bt,rt ,A.il' •Navigation• School •Thee:. tablet' were placed in the char^h the personnel of No.; •31: A.N 5,-,: -night. ;Prizes', for :highest.,Scott-. s were won by :Miss Mae McDonald foi the .ladies andGo.xdon•,Ri L tool .fpr the•; gentlemen: Con,so . ation', •pi y.es • wei1t' . t.o . Margaret. ,r . McPhei'so'a and"•Mi F Gq Todd ancin waseiig`g*-dam mus-`•-= Q.rovided ;by Mi •anc..i 1V1r s Gooige, ,nf December: meeting were .,read— Stuart, 1�1r. and �- ,d� that: =�-Tavlor--41411- li::- Gordon _ -'• t erti . Xt '•u rs mc" ed and tai r to• • �s ca1l r. off:, ^.oun•c• l . uetitr9n . the Gov ritent a a , :: n a nt. on 'High.. , • ...1C fcir the statitt>r y . "way" e: ,per diture':fat. 1944 i•i iiit . a o n g .. .n'b'cr c W E _1 av ala► t? ,pp , CRE •Fa•'y� •f.ficers .ai`ril.settin.g their sal— :,the o e t'su r.:•. Charle's 1�i.11iatrieit of u . ,ai re`s was duly' xias• ed c p .. couyc,r,• Mr..' 'Bill •PRet11+r: spent .sectlb�ri'two which . vas •left -for i.`ndra• M• COUNCIL. MINUTES .ASF I,LD OWNSHIP �January'15th, '1945: Cduticrl.' met .on: above date, all Mcis n-ese nt .� ',and d SU SC t i ed 4-9--doolai aticu of office Minutes charge of:all depa::rtments are. re- quested to,•have i epo.i•t for • thi'S meeting a • •J,0sEP1i; AGNEW; Secretary. . '.TENDER ived TE^NDEF1S: wila:;bE..w aecci o ,Y, the undersigned_, ,up to ; Feb,ruarv° �`� rJ�15 for 'SOooicls�of •;kG-ific 5th, . 1,. 1 , • , •� _ . elm`., cod, ;5 to. rU rnehes iii dia�' r tc 'tie delivered at ,. the ",mCtt3'1 r 7 Tovkrn .`Hall, Lucknow;; on :or be, fore-'August 1st;;" 1945, Lowest ' or .any: tender not nec> essarily' accepted; 7oseph ,Agnew, 0.lk • of the Village of .Lucknow A T.:HEL. - The February eb;ruarY F.'.. meetxx!g of:.: the '.. Women's Instittrte wi11' be held irt;.the community, hall on Thurs- , azar •lst at 2,30. Roll •..d�ay••:Feb. Y : ,: call,.'Hov 'get arty news; Subject: Origin of St.. Valentine's Day; tn. :,charge'"of •Mrs W .li'Miller. Pro::'* gram' committee,; Mrs..H Gaunt', Mrs. A, Aitchison; -Hostesses, 'Nirs: ' J: Todd; :iVlrs.-F, G`odcl A .s arc ce s s f u 1'- progressive -•Wethae.s l -a •••ai=terncr©n Guth 111P- :•.i t •.1•r -ter fit tc ' -, •sous �Z:iat r ick, M.r`.. and :Mrs, Lorne r i and hoes, c!.. St:Helen's We" ^ SurY:1d77��w .,,..,r '.-,, s; ., 2,. „: : visitors Nith Mifanal..Mr Durn•in • ', EN14EERS WANT,EI.1'•f,crr l eor ds- o f• maple and b`e eh . body:. wood, 16 iticlies, .td be'- delivered •.at 'S Sr• No •-7,. Ashfield'by, ,Juno lst; .1.945;; Tenders s to be receivtcd by the 111jC1E'rSl:�,r]' "fC-13 br11iv 1 =" 19 r l,ci�t':est or' , any, ':tender not; nee ttd c s5ar:rly aecep .. — ..FART.7 S -W -AN , .cc , - .13-,11;1, Lucknow;.. •INSURANCE: SOVEREIGN LIFh CAR,'F1RI' &r CASUALTY all ree Advise,•'on• In»surance Mutters. • District Representative. PHILIP S. STEWART PHONE.8 <;LUCKNOA North Amnerican,,Life• A l?1IUTU;AL CO;V1PAl4Y' Aant;MacLennan Distrlet:. Representative •, JtiPleyiw'Ont `' :Phone: 28-r, NOTICE WP - in a. ositiori :o •no t qtr p V. book milers •for:`Hardwood" $labs: With =eiich cord;. Of .IHardWood,. a col...f Mixed Slabs t. o `beaken �.,-. r ci� Out •adv iceis tc, pace,you.r : o der • early• Mr:"and- P/1r :' S Jr; R '- acv .ritiml�t r'. two p- ovidl:ru 1 n S, S :..,euchre aifid .;`dance. sponsored by, the •W dimen's institute was' held • • 11the.'conin unity hall 'on I''riday b A. NEwdoMER, ,to Walko.,ton rs -Mrs: •'J. C.`. (rr it?1 Grabill; o. pat: ive o]f•• Sussex, En,gl iikl: arid` her Betty .�Lntr, :Iicr. 'IJaIJV•. •. �..dA [r-1,j.'{{yy �' c. •ynx, rt1sba�ni�tp•--13-S M.•-•'Gt•tr.bill is in, ;actidnC oh'`th'•e Western front::: for ' expenditure on ; Township i-ic1 fes'ywas duly ass- Triads and' jli %. y p. It, was:. n o' ed.,anet ',carried. that. tli assetifimciit of the Towhsh li hc�'r aisecl' 20 percent ,• , (.;otrncil, then �ici�ou`rned to. meet Trebi<ua•r•y 12th,. at :,one p rn.'' C E McDonagh,' Clerk . The following • are the off ce _ To. ,nal 'i for .' 1945:. clerk, ,of �t'tre p. , , "(14:1.47,. McI1onagh,: R., 3 ' Lucknow; I'tre surilr,;, A-. •' , . McNay, - •Luck - CHAS.. 'E. MASON S .., oco .De'alel� and•' General Motors: Ag,ent •JYYn Repairing ;All Makes,, of Cars 44,1 • • SND F ']DRIER' 'HEM NOW .FRO11/I.. �ucknowi' Ontario.',.. • scss i' 'A, D. •Culbert, R: 3 p1 ndw•.`'a5 n r. e :{nor i `Sid I nuc = t trt1;'R, 7 "I;ucltrrow, auditor, P: A, Mirth ay!, HOlyrood; weed- inspect=', cir :l F., Phiil.ips, R.-7• Lucknow; Mitt l tenrip ice 7-44i 1-t an ` Ltickn'ovv; Medical' officer . of Koalth, Di-, W. V: Johnston, tuck-. •;The Lucknu,W:•Sawmill Coy a, Office Phone 80 CARD;OF :THANKS.' Y' :v lsti 'to thank 'the Red Cross of ;.1- ar~ket.t's.. W.M..S. for the` parr' c l"wI raceivecl t-Ch'istmas time.:., • Pte . •J. SNicholson .° • M. s., -Wm :Twaniley and ..Tom' wish :to'. extend sinecre thanks'and a•pp•ecia:tion ,to all. their• neigh • burs, relati•Vps ancrf'rl r f:it` Fri' rnany ;expr e$sidris of , icindrtess and 'sympathy and,• beautiful floral; tributes :and'; also , t�Rev, G. G; 4 ps fir--hi�--•cum-fortinf c r li tyn the 'recent bereavement of cur ''beloved husband and father -' .��.e-ra.��t�.�.Laf a ;:. Confed_ • FIRE—Preferred'• Rates: for preferred risks:: :ACCIDENT 8t S ICKNESS Consult N FARRISIS LGCKNOW Phone 82- "Uun g annon • now% i s stack `•val,ucrs, C.• W.' Ititetrie. James•`Johnston;. S. NOTICE R;E , LOGS G'arvey,: ii A W. at'e, open to buy all kinds of lV clean & ROA., Menary;.. Pound .logs either •delivered in. ot.•r►• . aw ; 4,ficil s,°Thos, 'Par•.1 ; N'. G': Mtic- rnill yard. or -ready ,tor .o i.r. 'trucks K t-7' e, `1Vm :•E,•. Andrew, ,..John to puk...up Tii car t, Ewart Janiic•'son ;and Thos: 'We are•in need of choice Hard flacke-tt;, Fence Viewers, ,Be, t Ma:plc, •I3 a s.s'w o o d ; ; Elm, Soft "<:tJV1i•iit'rri,y., T, .A. Came'ron, Go'', Mii171'e :C%'er:ry, :Ash • and Beech. c'1r>it.'•( nrrt ra.N1,. Duncan Finlayson,: logs, but we t±an take •all ,yc u.r :Wm. il•' Iic'Yrli, Geos l i 1'•:ion, •Sahirt t Reid, 1-Tc'nry •1VCiit1;{en ie- and David 1VIr Wltiiri- 1 it Wan t.% get riFtl,ri`i~•�i cy. • write, i3ok . 358. Jul:iaettar IfltrTi%r, t�'riGl sCifnp,:• logs • and' give ' you good.: 1)rrcts,, grades 'tine good tyle sure - rot` a, • w�,u ' Csill•';itt ..bur. trffice -for further: pitrtirular's. .Tire Lucknow Saw, •Nnil1, .Coitnpan:y. ()face 'Photte,}30, " ltesidence 57, and, 79. .y..rrrrliia, ,o, STRONG �I ET'RIST i UCKI�i OW- EDNE D 1► TFR-N,0t - OF EACH WEEI( FROM ? p411. -.t0 6 P.M. AT • IVtiI.• SCIIMID'S. STOi 1 ' Id r. 1 P. Stuart acKenzi RARRISTFR &'. SOiLICI T Walkct'tony , Qnf rio: :r N :LUCKNOW F.atch 'Weanetda • e OFFICE IN , 'f ll� • LEGA)$, 8111 lJ)11%i