HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-01-25, Page 1L 0 • 82100 Advance'. 50c Extra to U. 8. A. „r ..• . • _ , e _ unse(Illted, -creditOri Of: thti.,•;:lSkaiile Lia Ar_ craft Corporation: is scheduled to be held; this afternoon (ThurS= dal) 14Y''Torc)rito...'otiee, • smcitmg •was••reccivecl;:,11iSt Week' -00a-1-7 • ed'.;unde,r'. The Coni:Panies'.. Cred -•• itch's .iNt•r:ar*ehient A,ot:-.I.t." appears thatpar ctiCally:,:all ..the ci'cditoys ..vi1I YN• bY-pi:2x)rat this in'ectj-, - -The: proposal •adVanced to : creditor's Undor tilesignature of. F. LIPsett,. PresitiOnt. and ,S; •COfficr, secretary, .prpoes:'. . . LUCKNO-W, ONTARIO, TIIURS„ JANUARY 25th, 19E5.. FAIR 1,30ARD TO, •IYIA ,R.N.. - RAISE A 80,th...A,N,NIVERS-AftV '' ' .„ ,,„,_ .., , ASS.ESSMk.N7,-.' . , , ,ti_ic:.. 41111Pal .meeling.. of . th'e- ' - • • , HREL ' .(1) Tbat tirne.f� r payitierit :of • , . . u p s e c 14 r e d d , e b ,t S , . • 04. 1:)i I hi i'S ii rid ', 0 .bli*gat°11.147-' shall ..b.e.:".-.P.Xten4.0(1 i4) • . 17 : that -t -lit, said-...t.111A-S,-1174-1.5i.t..1.0.e:s ,a-ri:ci"': OBITtJAR - 0.01fig.atie6s shatl 1)Q(':.;011;.i.1 due. and - . . Ti,ucknow ,AgrictiltUral, Society is to he held un. Friday afternoon ot:lhis week, 't9.' heara:report of the past year and to ilay plans. for the' 1915 exhibition; • • The .1,-4.ucknow show •Is-j.4riow at- p:re-tha 11- casuUTh-terest Oetors " •td Make this years an.4- Outstanding . -onc .A4), §tittal)ly. Mark the 80th anniversary .:Of he estal)li„.‘ihrnent .of this, Sbciety, ,. , The. 80th anniversary 'will" be the theme of this.ycar's show, and ptarti will be fo'rn-arlateci•,,at •Fri- . day.'s.xnee,titifko-rnak,0-this a red letter cyeht...in thehistory of the, s •Ashfield -.C4uncir rnoctirla *far •t ftsession-. of. the: 'prove:d .of raising the. T.owpship a.ssessirient; by 20,....•pere6ht: This, however, will n'o,t; mean,. an. in-. Crease in the, tEIK bill. ha 'signed to -,bi•ing• the Townshif, aSsessment:niore in line -With the': 'eli.:talizecl."asseSsinent of .the t.y; Ashfield Was originally 49 pei:. cent below. the County ecluali"-4a.„„- - tion and thiis: Will continue to he .20 .6erdent, below • . To raise • the, County; ',levy:" in Ashfield. the TOwnSkiin as had .al.ways ,.to ..strilsoa- rate". higlior than t}i Couptyr•ratc, Which IS strticlOn the 'hafiis•Of the 'C'inty . . , . The '1Wen.i. V' ji..)::Qr(;ase. Tn",' 1 - • -ow • k. LI 1' fl.• • : Off 1 fa 1 ,)11-,19,11.11 :of. . money:. in 12`;EX,YSIANIC TO BE ,LIE14 Two ` 3r)y.• Lliaf ;Ai-I:craft'. • , ANK MURRAY' • •t'ori.)otatluil 12.''' 11.0 61' mi.. Frani,- 11(fur-. .11 )1) it,. .r.„. • • • . front .1st day /.if IY1'1:1P4'y , on .Mori.c.li4Y, - .19452- , . h(itne:.;n1 . . „ - - , . mtisKegon micji • in :his 77th 3-ze,a-i• a- 1na,k.)rity. ..111fin after i linger ing'•il'InesS Tl'i6 'late re -Presenting ,thr0-6 '- Intriih.g. in. Mr '1It'i•'1" ' - '' a . • b • " •'P• - n•-140-114-,---1.1)-(1-,40-Orld---q9-ril-.7,P-r-J. Mkt l';i' -a y and Atthbella • McLennan. -IV:h(•n'a'-yoti,rig , ri:ka n tie', went,,tc• . J for,: ,' the:. PUrpOSO of :eprisideriq- . - • . . , • . • Carun'ie,t, .M.ichjgan,•*here. :he jwas. ' -J_this-45ropOsees to -t-1-4..41' . , a.. , p ,.. j iii , -e 'a till-let:an , ' said proposal .or2 any 'amendment..., .Ifeci,ii,".6.61.pei, oino§......for . several ..thereor,,jcirtd. anye.,x.tet,36„•1:Qp',, c5.m.').7 yeas, a'ri•ci. . whore ,,he..: married- -1 PrO:rellS"e" Or -arrangement etther'..i:18, jAnna Hunt of tilat, city,. movir,11„, . prOpcts'edl..01'. •as, alt3Q,red ,,pr. ntodiT. , to his late; 116ifp.0 '.1n. Muskegon, 'lied: . at .Suph rrnee,ting•,--ok any,. 9.'''. t'We'ntY,,-five.".''YearS- ago'. .,.: ,... , •.. journment .10;!,eir.eor,. an anniieater ...,-..mi.. Murray was of a land hnd. • Will: f.t.'10,!, glade ito:!... ,thp.-- : a.tietion: .cliVerftil,:diSPOSition!and'leaVes.: to g ' thereof-by:the , CO,i1:t.t " in pqrst,l,cince',... ..11--ipurn: his '19Si;: 'Ws; WidoW. and Of . the.' or..o.v;:iiiong..Pf ,':..1,h\P "sa tile ' 'd•L'daUghtet" .A.fin'abel, .11,IsI.,; .. 'alSo • l'A,'.t,, . ' ,,....- '. - . ''''' ' .' '.' ': : ' ' . .. th\' • ....I ' : j CI • 'S't -: P. - - • .,... ., j., , .. j. ,. ,... • •., -; . • _ a ,,bro. ,e_r ames an a si . 1,, ...-i!... 4.11 : pg....04a14-.940;-,4-4-mave !-'e---: ar...i•M-gttr---0,f---) ..- jr ParPrnount. .1\treti=7 ..'plantr.e.,:open priPi;,...,0.:1111s -:mct- 'bet's. Of the family ,Vtio• .pi'qde, ' 1-ig..haYe.'faiied*.• Selective Serv..it': .J.-cetieil hint....ate:Lizzie,"•:Johri;. Anki. w .'.,''Offieial,s. :spent :the itio.st . of• •:la"t,i jmrs • J•is ti. pickering (Tena). j - it . ... .week • ht:,towry:interylewirig plant • . - His 'Minister' Conducted,the fun. - ..e. ,'•pirt• plOYees."':(4.646•'..P.Ilri?'1;)6r.'..1111:11"'" .:erai..::serviee;.: and • the . r'etha!nsi •. obtained '', their'. releaS'OH;.i'no py' 1,,,,,TiJe interrod"-With the ilianors';01 Ob.tai fling:- '‘;c.r01:1i°,"0161V1.i.clre.' k,(ml.'":, the... -Masonie `,..'Ordeii .. 'Who' „.ha.o. :having. :already left "fiir. their ,ne...w.: .0.1,41:g.e, . . Jobi.4....Qt her 'e.ii-ipl•dYeeS, ,a re,. delaY.,, .....: , ''.i'4 -011.17e. ii-,0H-jtf- rr(I+,64.71:--.7w-lrait T.ownSiiip will benefit, -in this 'vay: .The'.•j,rictrease. 'will • raiSe: .the, .assesse value , i [lc value c)f such eyeclitm-s, .4Y s Qin. in ..ai .1- • j , Two weeks from today, ThtIrs- 8th,. is the date of -:131e for thi community. 'Al1 previous cd1°inni°e'l:!1•Jja4rild.9"-.ae's)igWibelle; tc)ariP•tat'epllidearlss- „infide JO new :donor. , CPY" , W Reid has take o his 110P. `t,11,1tiS ,OS" baker at `S.1ew.".T0,1t.:3 kitiCardine.. ad]: was • formerly ern'ploy.ed'''at'.' the IvtapTe Jack 13owers - who was 61-ntio're,c1.. here, 1.143., 1-e.ttirned, to. ici.6cacclir.le where* he' f has -obtained T EIG;HT.. PAGES .Thi- Pnnupl mccting, congi-cgaticin of the Fr.esityterian Church was; helEt-in the, ;chprett on Thursday evening; jantiary • 18th. • After devOtional., exerciSes '.0ndUcteclj.b-Y- the "rnin-:" ,':-CaM,0-ori., • IVI-0:-c-Pon0-14., Was ,fapaointed..jehaihnan for 'Ole' • pvening•:.":',The Session •report was given by the rnir,iiSter. The, ent.:rrierKber,ship,is 330. The num-. _ •ber; of mew Members. received; last year was:, on profession .of - faith 7, bk. certificate, 1: Mem- bet-A remoVed were: by certificate ba.ptized, fiVe. 'infants' and J one • • adult: The ' minister condueted 6, by death : 4. total six, were '• minetken • funerals J and .offieiated: two.,...Nveddin•gs, " , WILLIAM o'f-N N'atiou • •Ti • I •,ath'i)i'Williarri:T*4-jnile to: 7 if 1 The -t,ot,4 . c . . respecteld residet-tt = , • • ,rortigea,ncioznatgiroengs?idioxr-; • . e • h :on Satui ay.• j.a tu3r.Y. gus6s yeiri with.'inor'e.. than 13th. HO Was 83.yearS' of age., and " . 3 ; , j had. h.eeh $550 Of a halanee in the:-Getieraju ilthougb ,c T o•W'n s 1.1 p some $470000 t..113oh' .• Fund, • ,ng etil or upyvaicl•s, , i tl 'f "'t to • ath p rn e sinewhatr-i--:•- • . ;•and,14oting, either, in pe'rs-c.iii'Tir .1)1.•*0XY, , 1t • a nte-eting •to :be -Called f • . • (k.fr.e.16Pril en 'VS' may • J-rosult„ from todaY'S„,mee.ting. RESI(iNgli AS SECRETARY , '1 1incetihg of•the'ComMunity 1,1.a 11' CO MITI) tt 0:0 ()nMonc1ayflight, _ -ma l•ly tender • . r ••. .•. ,-'1.7 %resigna1f1. , tary:,TO SPONSOR,BRIDCP.ccis a Seiirdl -AND: ipTI-oxftV-A AltATil-ONTZ7 surer. an atita-eVoTh as ' . . • (sinvo-thc.-% Arena ..was built in ••.1937,,,' ,,,.•rt.4..e.',... 1,,,.;:.:031.-ps.,• ,-...A.I.x.1.1i,,Iy7.••to-....thi.‘.‘Ni..):'...s.p..C•Cjess.ti• has' Y•0,1,.....biOti.natited:. i -Qa.natitan Legion• is sponsoring .an le. Committee kis .a .Se e. .-man :jadieg?' .hridge...:3n&.,e;,tchry . Mar- nobrd ippointcd by th S i1aqe • uthonJ . be hold at Various" hdrnes• Council. the. personnet'• of whici, -in :Vie.: cibv .t1 An - weekly . ..perii.:4:::7bf:1-: eight: derson. • •wceks. Lxcties'• •iiishing.' to takNixujipnd W. S Rekd. The 'latter The Glans-, • j nanteS:bYjSattirclay, January., 27thmen," bUtt. ap- at jOhniton'.1 Restaurant or Odintin(qt 'hi's. accepted •a• position KiitCardine.; • TWO -HouR, gRVircE WAS. i)A*§ Tlioe in this disti'iet who can 65-vc." coriVerselp-alieliP,,- re•--.vo--ci,.: 'Very .feW fn. "nurnikr,:i., ar.0 SO' far as this Scots tornmunity is con-• . corned' the ,It‘rigioage vi11 soon be Octinet, „ far-PrY. liom Plon•cel, - • 3 • Y.. tVireil-473iit Gac•lic was the •accepted; `an , -NI • Ad- Mc Qt.1.0,r1 of Kinloss is One. Who lea4,-ired 004 -.4 -an gujage asa " b6.37 • • and he recalls' the.. Caehe S I' - ns that were J 1)reaCh01 " for, tknY Yars at South.' Kinloss: Church- ' .,Those' ‘Vere--. the clays when , rifinitet.a..•thouglt nothing of a osieaching,for -an hotir ftndthe tWo-hOur'serviCe-CV7is' (oPted • and expected: Ar•South, • • " Kit -1164g for/ qonte 4s a t j hour English :•service . was :held •froin 00yen ' to one` ,O"..Crock;' lowed by a Crailice'serOce ilarkngth. Many had not' a stif- fieiont gyasp of English 'to, tinder-, Amid it iron') he pulpit: In tho' ovening,dnother two-hour, seiee' 'vas held. In Addition thei.e •were, lengthy nild:tsreelc ,i;noetings aol prayer servie, , ST.IF•HTERMIT:POR ....•" ' .. • , , . . .,,•,:a.714(1.. - stiffeiSt4p,eitalty ...-yet .. to be , ., . handed "pot: itt,',Illitnitton %under .the 'oil ,' obi:1,0'01' regii'lla..l.10,11.s. ,..lyps„ • .itripOSid. ,. in jspectal :court last: WedneSdayj ott Jpi.c.goryi Leith, : bf. that-. eitV -And : !fp.rtner;...crytploY0 t' 0.- • -,•,:• • • • • .. : .. -.014jJ.--thcx•-•44.a•RvItop.;.-tort.0,0 tr_oni ....1 , ' jtl.6.1 c .i .41 lei. , . • . 1 4 ':.Mo..a.<40. ate' jameS. McKay Seit 1. .,toneed r Leith le . nine Months , in .hilj4in'i '-ij fine of S3,500.He', will ;Stll';i,"(f :fill', tid,dit i 0 ria 11. 1. 2• rtionthi if the . fine is no :. paid. 1eith AO- :olitted',a ..charige 6'.1' :11b,ft.,1;:,ictit,ftrid the; Oit • Controller„ .0t : : ar••34eco .c,110,i.,,ge.•Pf Pe.Jessing tinitrthori'led - • , •,..i. . • - • • • • .g'p,,,,ir,fil,o:,e coupons, the adeu'sqd *as. gff,i'lltiliq,..5tilvended s,entienee, • . • -1,-;i4ifit-Ofecordin -lbj-.11..-C.-M. P. 0‘..'1r1Opeti.•, beliefitted.3"to.,,the • ex-' tont 'of. $3M20 ,fi-omthe sale` of lticiii:e. 'gasoline 'cotipens., 'His Tlaw, Yer',..`()r•Villo 11/1,,,, WalSii,". 1<.:0'., '1•0:4,, t.1,1 1j ,osted , a sUsilencted 'se'llt.s'ilee..00t1 a fine 'to the rarno tin t lie,' 0 btaix0(1, . but'•41, 15,, (Yiveily,'.. .X.,C,..‘,:, 1')eci'llr: Proecutni..; stressecr,t1,1.6 . gi•tii:t„r of the ,, offplise' and 'r th6, ,ieriettg, view; - taken of- it hv' britlfth0: Oil• . - „ • - • • . 1.,jm1.1 6" ( I,n‘L . ..m. ( NI% ,. 'A ,.. of -4.1Tistiec',..;• . "•'• - - • - - .,• ofterli-4i-11' is paid, and triear•i,"ah in.c:reasej in the of anpi:Piirnately TS asseStrnent increase •is •sOrneth,irig that has:been .dfscti,..;•s- ed • at various tirnes by 'Ashfield Council, but had neVer -been 'act- ed 'upOri: The Townsh'ip,. assess'or " • :were the,. high:et.-in :the Pregb'S,..; . is Mr. . ; 1 of nine :children': :only of - , • ;141%7,11,m s•31rvi:Ve: . His 'father, :Was . a ..terY,". , Wh •11 ' t f native 'Of 'Ireland:: • .• TWarnleY Was. a ,:qUiet and ,Uriasstirning - gentleinan;', . • and. .11.6spitable, and •••' a •• faithful Th .of. • i'*.pected.ly: 7 .as ' .H.e kvas a -son Of ihe late Geo0,€,oversubscribed bY alrP°st $20-°. j!.tN,Varifley.• DickSon; .T.he-,W.,j1\CS.,...Y.w.A., and.. Mission • 1h/it:ammo% 4ornestectcl' On the 9th Concession l'rtlisheii:4a1;'f,..i'j;.r.lthdP:fil:i';'.0.7.,Otrokiijt`JiTibhi4e-tioelitis-:. Of' Ashfield now 'owned by his nephew, George jM. bf:tliteheMissiQn Band as recorded: T‘Vamle Was one Of a famil 1?y°' PI 11 inaugural meeting-AvvO new mem- , , „ bers the bath jof office., Frank Itarnilidn' and: Mel- Dick - con. Other , mernbei•s. are'. Reeve. ' • D ;The • nie•mb rj, :of•-•••z"IlaCkett's-- United:: ario:n, eaa y repozt . . , , .; The C.G.I.T. group, itoW one., ycar old, has, been. very " active under'. the capable leadership of: \iyrises' Gladys ,•:•MaelpOriard: • and. 1Wert and ..e'&46P11176i7.1 c•h.urc• ere• tiie iunergl. set.... .6 total.',Of $.74•:.,40:taised. Vr.e.d Anderson J and Cecil Jcihri:=1, • • . .„ ',-•-vice"•wa's .held on Monday,. Japu-, The SA,1,nday School have , a „.• stein. [-at- '1'5t1 • nducted his'pastor. cornfortable balance after payllig; Eronlay0'•At Peterboroughl :1'.i.onalfil."••:McInneS and .-Cranr: stnli have gone. tri,,Peterb,?reliali whe4. they- Will 4.0.einploved,lpy General_ e trio_ _Werf _ forrncrlY erfibloYeti titre IVIaPle- Le'af' Aire.r.4•ft • , BORN II-oSpittit'utyfr14.-,sr,"Tit "lacecyn..)er, to 1111r, , and. C] iii 1r.:Win. -a loky, DLivid . • ' Re.V. G. .G...1-ici*se..Dui irig thc all.::expolies,.aild have been::able: , ser, ice MyS. Thornas Biak,e . sang,' to; contribUte--",$,0$325.. to :jthe:Mig,:j j There is a place 'Of Work .of The, "Clitirch, and I .ry'pai' to- the 'heart; of 'S06.66 .to the Milk for. Britain. - Ito 'theitt was' in ,.Greenhili CC -111J: Fund. .‘„• iktery with, .Earl. Sherwood, . Mr. Donald• Henderson was tras Alf I.:4 .SherWood; d • ILaCk.. Mrs:. W. Huston,'finan- r.t-t 'a d Rov Alton- aCtinc er.rctarv Mr J 13 R•O's§ waq bearers ' elejcted to fill out, term. 6f Mi Mr, Donald.- Ferguson, who J?as- . , . ' and One snl),'TOM,./:;11 ()leen.' Phi-lirman of the 'Managing, age of •t6'n and ..twb- daughters) front the Hoal•cl: •The : other three., .procicco ased hin-L, Violet :•pjas5,e1,1 rretine inangei s. were,re7eleet--- a•Wav in .1i)4f) and.MrS.'•Earl ed prid: Mr% .Jas. -Reid *AS:elected • • • • .. • v".•(L'll'i) in 1941 " ' ' f'11 -'art' tit P oard- ACTIyIT.Y.6A.t..,(YR2TONIGITt..• •.. 7 • • Among local activitiesslated. f owt-brii-ght--(rhursay),is tile jan Brotiei'S 11C1 s prede-. ...eas him6 eolti; . , • Stwirt 1301?ertson' and • Samuel.' SIterNiMbc1,,, Nv.ere .a.ppointe'd to fill. the ..k.'actihcies in the--.b'oarcl., 'trustees caUsed by the...passing of: • .Drenn;in (Liteincla)' Of 'Gocloll5.Ch:. nual. Meeting ••of•.:the United Church, an ex1-1ihition hockey matel•-beVEer-WdVd.slocr-s7.1.-un. iOr ‘"B''' tearri and, LticknoW .... • Juv- eriiles, the: annual Mints Ball The clijupelr'ineeti4g- Which Was, • . previoUsly postponed- to avoid• confliction With: scheduled hockey garnes,,, has now- -run into this ex- hibition 'tilt' Which ,is 6#eCtedio be:A real. drawing Card. •," Burns :Ball Under. Fire Com- banY.-.4ispiees will feature Scotch• clane.ing' by the ."Three Mai:Y .Johnston -Mary 'and, Mary Porteous, to piPe; "by Alan Yip:Kiln" .and., Ian.' Allen: ,There will also be ai,SCOtCh reel; mith...;adiasions-444.-tn.ded-to- thoe. taking part CarrUtherS or- chc•stra Will furnish music' for the eveining:. ' COMING EVENTS :8 -WEEKS' MARATHON , Enter yo.ttr...haite tr1bW Aukihary s*.bridge aod, ehrp..: marathon,. eohniieneifig. FebrOry, Rh( fot.'. 1_8 Nkttelt; isrer by -January .27th. afT.J91111- ,ston's Restaurant , .9r • .EVelyn's: E3ea:utyyar1dr; : ".GOING • MY 'IVAV" •, • T1,1., Lyceum-, Thet.r.o, Winghinn LW( •nts "goittlg '301):11ary 293 30,', 31 • Thie will bctvoShe ‘fvfs each ' night at 7.00 .1),Til; and Ther o will Also be 0 M a ti1100 CL1110Scill:Y .1Aftettlq0,at.3?30 k 'Sanders ::(-1V1,ar"-garet), -hi twin Mrs: •JeSeith Ci inston (Mat v) -Mrs:, Win : :Sher wOoct Nk.'hO PaSsed a\vay in fror•••• thirci.,..-Y'C•ar • •and.',1v,:•.6 bi•Others; •Geoitge• and •Rtchaid, KNOCKED OUT 1 CAR ACOIDENT Ha'rnaret. le', andlw ha,,i§..statione44.f.(ainp hatIT ::esCabe strj. fatal: ifiltuICS jfl ate S'tin d ay'. f tern ciOnil: • • ••• • He was enroute to 1,1.ipie,-',Ori„ „ing- gravel trtick;-•wheii.. the hreteIte-W.7-0-eirolti;'"jtlieJ road encled 'its; -side the direction, frofir *Mich' it had 1:Coine:, The tee0ept ciectirre.c,i on the %Gravel. the 4th . ,..;.• McDougall was first on "the, sC, etre ,unecinf. seiotis'• man, ' for a: inoinent. :ho', thought. was dead. ,Mr. sand :MrS,-;WiifredHackett were next In, come., ''.113ori,g and ,ronder0c1 • Moffat aS.: It•ljr,"' G. 'S.. Robertsoit.'iri4 s,lyty: • John MicPieson: 7 :Wisps: James; Synith.-pricl eron :itifa,eDonold were ie -appoint - •ed auditors. , ..corninittee .fOrrned to boXes, to :the- beysoverseas frp,m' the cOrigregation.• .• 4 The.:,congi egiti6n decided to Ciari'VaSs. for the 1\tiei-ndriol. 01.gnn l'i;lnd," The .contrnittee Pant!: e Tfi W. W Hill MIS M. 1-1-en:derst n,. Mr, A, •."*I-diVbray: Ro.bt• , M ar o 'Maebougall",-.1Mit::°W.1Huston ani -- l‘fr„ l..rner••"..JOhrtSton.:: • • • • A. hearty ..vote Of thanks •WAFt:-': ...tendered to. allthose Who served siStTince i 11 rent,ovirtg,•."Baritcy frdiri the .tri.a..;1<•••NVlien te hi -ought „LticicnoW` for attentiorr, - • .„ Aifferody a s„c,?alfy CYCIUTT(1 bfif aftci regaining- chtts.'ij;,,iti,;'ne's's: :i•J•nrd resting for a Onto' P pearod. th0,,woese Of hie,* e 1 0 s Tea11:* the. various Organizatir.ft.S'.duriii1 944. .f-' The COngregafian by a, • standipg. yote.eXpressed.tbeix:WP- preciation of the fai'thfiLeje ond. Mrs. 'Iviaci)on, . a p0,611iii In the \7,16,ndef-drug. hasbeen used in Tlnghaii- Hospital011 ; ,several occasirips. With' splen- dici'..„'restilts:' 11,:iV18 first used -late. ..the:::.1,0 I 17'.whc11 it. -vas a1niin- - 'ktored ‘4. n ‘,,v, 111 ;N -'th-'•1 -,zerionti :iiifeetion Sulpha „., ri fiy,scioees.tisod in Mrs.' PitydnIffs. caSe: but Purdon:is still h pat: lont in Wingilatit .1-Ini.virYi1a1. but •,11:01'0.4": it,vocabili.j. if 'sloiy;,