HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-01-11, Page 1,
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2`.00---A,"-- 'eat-T-Lin--Adyrince; 5(10 -Extra to Xi. SiA. " • . LIWKNOW, "ONTARIO,' TIVURS., AT-ANUARI( 'lib, 1.90 '
,,•!R t , tofirfssiti-4-
• [ 414;."4"4.W.V.-4, 7g1- R V: r-
• ,
llage • -
SADV.T7- HERE •Tligre acti.e11-1J.0114..
it A •4 •
' , meets, they 'tossaside all decerUni
At a brief session On 1\i.tond'a..Y SQ faras 'smoking is concerned,
•: Morning the VillagcCouncil con- arid lighting',UP their •favorite
•'.cluded the !business of 1944; took Pi:Pe,- eigar;:',Or" cigarette,: Settle
;oti,11_,or.;:ellicgARddioti ed...dow ..04-heAptitiness-on--AragdF.
to Meet at; :0..45 tbat eYenirig for , i)letUrC On
inaugural meeting. The earlYs day, oight--,vhen, 'the.Clerk'S' nose
1:1911,r', in org.10, • nssallied.;*•Phiffings'the.' Lattno.PPhei-e,
to take, in: 'parf-Of.the lieck9Yt "Smells
garne that e'Yer.iing; and theBoatd Unteered someone as 'as' pipe .smOkr
transacted .the businees on • hand ' erS sta,rieg.glaticirig at:their troll-
, • in..little More than ,tv0 honr°§2* sers 70. e-64".i„,a. spark .from the
e foliowing aPpointments, pipe might be .the causc.'
. Were 'Made; .Library Board,,IVIts.4, For a ,moment the.'::Mystety''
Johnston, • 3-Yeaiterm; rernainod: unsolved, ;• But only fot..
BOard:of Health,,L. Thompson; a • ki-ibnient,:. until another blast
•. Pence VieWers, '• Sam '.SherWoOdifroin Reeve Joynt's cigar wafted
G... A. greet, John 'MacDonald; ,Along the council•table., And • , ,
Pouridkeeper, james:.Johnsten?' think.nOlkAlrie.Y• Soak YOU tod:ay
Weed .,10SPqcter, for -such old-rppe,
. „ • ..
,secretary -treasurer,
Clerk and •fteaSuter.';', •Jo80P4
new; Water '.SYstern.,•secretary -
...," , treasurer-,-.. 11, AgneW • M ;
Dr, W. Johnston; auditors, Year's at the: home' Of her ii•ioth-
' Efid-C:k; PaviS jai -hes, Ritehre„-Deriss:*-rez-
• the varioti$: .:.departments of the successfully passed passed- her `regiitered
e.:-,-..ekarninati 'no. ., •
Passes 'R.N. Examinations
: • .
Miss.boris Ritchie- Of Sttatford
audit; Arena,. Corntnittee, R: Rae, , •
Smith, W. • , • .:
'Anderson, ',Austin :SolOrnori,:.:1:lar.- Taken to Hospital •'.•'
, . ,
ty 'Nixon and W. S. :Reid. The latil-• Since early: in Pecember
• "ter, :appointee,. ticceeds W. car *,.Bodgins has had more than,'
• Jo,yrit. wfib retired the Cbm:-. „hii:shate, of sic,kneSs.•.First it wag
.. • ,
Tittee.;:llelief,*()fricer, E. H. A.g-, tonSilitis, then scarlet fever,- and
now ' )tid.ney _infection, Oscar
• ..
'Diteuis .041. *fin0 Mal!: •was taken to Walkerton :tiOsPitai-
.r_tteatment, and +o
toWn:•einployee,-..conibining vari- dye' tonsilS removed. ,
OuS*,. duties, Which' haS.,'COnie u
annually for the r past ...few years
• was again' discUised.- It was
agreed that ,the ,time was Jast ap-.
-proaching for such An appoint,
: • mellt,bUt.:Whiph offered s r.nany
difficulties • under . the. present...A business transaction Of Much:
was --comPleted"
.„ „....HAS BEEN -SOLD--
. alOng, „main q.t. early Vtiday-af-. • .•
Mr- and Mrs''Clifoi 1 CQngw1 ternoon. When the .siren go4r1,ded. During the pat Yve.cic :several • .
Of (f0t1.11e1:1Y. .1‘41.1rie11 f;. a fiip, in the- baPernent of meetings have". beenAbeld bY
•Me)3tide) were ai:11,y., bereavectctan,s•R6 th.e yva's pipyees-,.0.f• the 11,itaple Leaf Akr;,
. , ,
of.:.their Infant son, ,C.liffOr4•taN.Ar- .sm6ke:
'Once,. The.. child Was • 31/.2 months 6ug-'6.44,
-1,y '-hc', which had licii
61.416,,IlaaThdd cardboard
sshOck' Paren't..,, .t.:;i;'n's.le87t..thial7d.g:''nfoirtse• eto lnh:e•di.ibi°"kan°sel--.
• • 4?-PriVate'ttineral sserVice.the hazarcl was .elin-iinAte.d. when
'cOliducted at., the "paf.:ental 'hetne •ashes NN.iere
at Hotyieecf..'O'n Tuesday after -1 • , . •
nebn,..' cenducteg, Rev. , , • , . •
Stewart. Interment was in.syrreen-:isuopi.4).
hill Cemetery... pColt. SERVICES? .
ooy. THE • LOWPOWN.• .A .bit";'of sdiseussioh
cnsi FEATIIER ••-•.:'• • took ,,p,..14-ce at 'Menday
. ICOuncil.ineeting WIZ". W.:11::etlier or
„ _
• -Since -We issue:,;9.i20j-tr. not :e6tincil. members:.she.ulds. be
lign..4206.Aids: :been' lessened :to paid rot 'their. services: e.opyl-
the'e).cterit •at leaSt'df no* know- ion prevailed that the lOCal.Boarcr
.irig 'how a '.goosg. feather... :was: on e,..., Of .the few. which .stiil
,We've• had .•an ,authent.les.'explan-. clict. • the job withobt, .reinuneraH.,
ationi The. geese has an. Oil „gland,. tion. •: • ..,
on •the tip .of7its tail( as. ' The aline. St,,,negligible. attend-
knoWs,:who, has ever tance:at nothiliation fneetirigs.:•_WAS,
• ••
:unfortunate. enough to .get the referred and .it: :was Stiggeted
part 'that goes - over the fence that if: e lrnard
„with s practiCAlly, one :hundred •
petcept af.filiation, we are :
It is rid secret: tat those on the •
" -
payroll -ari. in arrears of ;wages, •
and that.,7,0801,4e-';-chtiStrhaS th.'
'plan't has nof »Lcn in .
with .emPloyees determined. to
have a showdown.
Last Thursday evening an ern-. '
Orange , Hall, When, •the unidn-- •• • • ••,'
ployees' meeting Was.. held' in .the : • „.
„took formatiori. This meeting was :• ;
addressed 'by, Mr. Williams,
:tario County ., r„ Williams 18 ,
a180 , aS80.00tOd with the Trade's- •
and •Labe't
;Another :meeting r.w.,,a danoa,on
.TUesday morninA4eWhicliPlant
Manager George. Diekingon and s..
D t.:W. V. ,Johnston were among.;.
those who spoke briefly. On Wed -
This gland Is the . source of: the
„ell, -..which is .Ablied -to the . Ifea-
thers, with the :fowl's bill; The,
next time -tithe , you See aduck- or
goose .preening , 'itself, . you will
know "oiling its , feathers";
to .WaterptOor' them.; .arid Which
at certain :seasons of the.year, .is
claimed to: be_s• a slue sign. of a
mild spell,.'s and 'More.Tikell.thari.
net, . s • ,
.41.1:0: :a ',man competent to :assume' this-. week, WherebY.-.Mr....,..T.'V.
'.•,such 1: a, :job, Smith
-7--A-rtheugh it was,-fifet:a.iiTisigIbuilding was
iieiPated Utehased
'that such aetiery, would be taken Mts,' Aoss,..Scott,,..Blue •Stinodo .cliS-
'•'' this the fon 6ppoint, • tributor: :Btucefield and; the
, basis: 'Boit Ward; 'ToWn
c'arctaker. etc:. Hydro:man, Ar05c.
\ Havens; Waterworks caretaker, effect icarly in the week::
A:: C. :Agriew*,. censiable, W. J, gar4ge, as 'it -was
gtodi apiiprne-rit laY•
Charles' Mason of Xxetet... T1'19
&Ilk:Inge _of : oWn yent into
• Douglas. . • . . • . • „
.COmmittees Struck' .„
• The follolking 'Qouncil cornmit,
' tees 1..Vere, struck with the first:
named ' being the: chairrhaW-
j-lyd re, joyni, Nikon, Solorrion;.
Finance, Joynti, -§olOriton,
Toads :and Bridges, Boyes, Joyht,.
• dark, .•.Nion; BYLLAWS,
Ll7,1biyesi •Gyrbage,
Boyes, Solomon', Property ',and
: .-.Supply, _Solo/n:0, Clark, Boyes;•
• Waterworks, ;Courieil as am •Whble.",
• Service with econoy Was
as he..told.
, Reeve slogan.plenty of work toda in 1945, Let,
,US 'piill.;:tOgether, 'give.••eVerything
d tom pt-L-atientionand make -
f • e
-Luckhow a, place :worthy to live
in, he, concluded..
',A grant of'$10.00 Was Made the
SalVatiOn ' Thd .School
uisition for. $1200 and the Fire -
Omen's ,quarterlY salary .of: $3125'.
'..Were approved, Gillespie's .snow-
.`pfaWing account Qf :$47.59 ,from.
• January 2nd to 8th, was passed,
. •
Was 83 'On SiiiiidaY
Mrs, DvM Qifls BOundary
:East,. obsefte'd her 83rd.birthday
on Saturday lait, , Mrs." Oillies,
Who makes her „home with ho
' g66d bealth, anthstilt is able, and
•e1.l.f03/$0 attending to her.
• house-
ia duties She has 'many friends -
"Mid .41viSh 'her'
44 4 •
congratulation$ 61-1 1"1"
deeaSIOn, • ' •
a_QpilOPriatelY harried; 'Was • btillts
Sniith :25. 3le.ar
0"ter.0 "elpl,,,McGarY.
Hefei stood, :And 'which ,waS, *din
dovri '-hin I\1i Sriutn built: -the -
'garage,' Tie had' pie leusly
ducted , upholstoting _business.
and .rhotot czr i . agency :in the
. • ,
building 11°W -operated. as a' res-
staurantsby• HartY-
M • 'Smith: has given a, quarter'
„ _
of a
century of dependable' .and:
honorable service to , the
ing sieeisioh to sell
'the business was pvimnay
Sniith „has 'not eniployed.a,•
:Mechanic Velar',
to Ches'lny ,. • • • ' •
Confined To. Bed,i
. WmTwan1ey, an Ashfield
octogenarian, has ha been Confined
• .
to bed fOr, thepast few -weeks.
He is. in his 83rd • year:. Formerly-
this agedgentleman hasn't 'been
to town Sincelast spring. .
• •
" Mrs: ..Wrn, Blake,' an:'esteemed
resident qf Ashfield „Township,
her 89th birth -
6th. at:
the home; dr.711&•' soil, 1V1,1',...-Erhe.st
Blake., Mrs; DI4ke...oni,oYs g&t'l
hOlfh,,:and is receiving the con-
-,orlitTfatforig nd' b64 • ifv•ih6,4•O
-'rsf fires;1;41 01.2.*.q.:h4.41*P.
• .
'Were t. be more.
seek'thes. job 'and' at 'least .'rnbre
:interest '.taken in, Municipal af- I
-. • ••• ' 1
'The Matter Wasn't' brought .upl
with the-.. idea ..,o takingany
. •
.actiont at least not at that -meet,:
and .WaSjUSt a' bit or 'round
thetable.chat beforp. the .meeting
. . -
. • • ' • • , ,
O.A#0.1ritEit 11.1)10 IN -1,6:
•,.. •
1,engthy session, is in.. progress;:, ... • • .4
with Mt, :.Williams ,,agfain.: in, at- • ; :" - ' IN
tendance;.we'.understand:.A s1.10.13,. , - - •
'eerritnittee Of sorrie'l five members • '
has 'been named through- iwhich
negotiations will be carried n. ,
,.. Nothing. official has .been re-
leased to the, .press by either the ..''
Union .or the Plant Directors. and •0
1 .•
to Atternpt t� sift out any fUrthei•-,'
- 0,
factsfrom the countless reports ' ,•
pnd.. rtitheiSs-Orr-e.:'hears; would be ".•'-'1-.: ..,.
'hent. to impossible.. ::.. ' - " 4 • •:,,
In any event. .. a, t. o
. - 1
•sincerel3r hdpeCtiLat-aricearly and: -- •
sa.tiSfactory, solution of the mat-...
-tei.,niay 'be reached. . : :'..- .,...,, '. ; • ; „ .. '• ... - * 1
D 'POLICING concern 'locally, aner•it.: s•••
brother.' of Roberts...Rae •of MOnelay' .night's 'Council:
Lbe10‘.10.ilv-.f'.-occutrecl. -1_,ohdon Meeting.`-t.be,:rnatterO.f.„tenta3. fees
_.e:ar.ty.:2116.v.....X.Oarts.,_Ilay.L...Mr.,. fi,i.ie, or . tiSe, of the'Tovvd-:Ifall 'W,aS -'• ' •-• ..:. :; . • . ',•-•*•::''. ' . . :. • ; • ' •, • . .
'1-ia3' d x.. '.,bM'e0,;ii,..,,'• failing,- ........'•\i*.lea.r1:b,.:•f.0.,..,:,t, .,:.,bro.u.g.,1:tk.l7P:,sW-l'-icTea'..'led.tte.,.a ,dls--
e„inllthsThe_ttie,isL.CUSSioi-4piliclg thea41;a41e
' Was' held inLondonlast many.ertertainfnttsvhithtake-..-:,
Wednesday .; afternoon, and -'iTa..8 i'QifaCe,• .,ancl. ,X.rom,.•whiCh •catii.e
attended'hY Mr. and Mrs. Robert i fi.o7i:'-tiMe••••-to. :tiinei:- :repbrt'S :Of.
rO\,,rclyism.,an'a of pe fl-ilevil'Ig,,
.,. .,,
.,.•Reeve •oynt --,. contended• ., 3[that
4-.1enta14qe:wereLtoO low -an -O.: be-',..:
fol'..ethe ineeting..adjOurned,it wag.
decided' "to"boost,..the...rates..to-...ihe
basis: ' f a.: former ' -scheduleof
charg:e82 Mi.c.._.J.6yrit...Said_._lie_ _had:.
"no personal. kneWlqdge. of Cob»
etions... at the...trap. . but .. clair,n.6d
.it wa,•52,.....the.:Ln.i(ir,..4„14r.O.,,s.p.pn:pilaj.1.1V.:
of the Organization sPoNtirineqn.
:entettairunerit to. keep if orderly*.
. ' ,,CotinCillor. :SolOnlOn:* Clahned
that. it`xYasr.net.suP .to th:e.*organ-
izations-/ Which , were sponsor-ing
tli-ege- eVeri*-i'Or-,weirt-i*,-pnrriases-,,-.'
to do do thetpelicing: With this. the
Reeve Con6,..10*ecT, ...btii. clairried".it.
was the organiv.atioris' Obligation
to see see that order is kept:':If they
v,i-aiTt-'-a-L.:1',cleti-44PP*-7all'-tt.rell,l'a; I'
to ,d6s• i8. ask, for it.. Mt: jeYnt
..elainied, Councilleril-Beyes `.-elidn't
thinl*ider:shaul.1cl need._
• Rae aret, Mr..yand Mrs.
W. A. portequs and Mr,. fiq.111r.5..
A .
• - 7
,C,',Iever Scholar • 2 ,
' Miss"- .-Arnietta'S-tewart Of Tot -
n to----,-*--Uhiversity---7. returned on
Monday :after • sPendir1-i
ig the oti
days :with. her :parents, Mr.", and,
Hilt,: Miss '.-SteWart is Stifdying
.for her M.A. degree; having*last
year Won a-,--,$.5,09',FelloWship arid
free tuition, 'on this c�tirse.. Miss,
Stewart . has.:,A_positien awaiting,
'fie s ssiSta editor of the Uni
yeredii, Press. She frecently.Won
a $150.99 prize for her: essay, on
the Rise ,and the„ Roman
Empire. . • ..
. ,
• , ,
• The, installation Of the neW'
'ficerS o Old Light .Lodge, 'A,F.
&' A.M.,. was eductedThurs-
day evening by the :rdtiring rhas,e
ter,• Rev.' J. W: Stewai:t,.
.The1,94 :State ,of ‘iiffieri".7itas
art' IC George Kennd'y;
Chap:, Rey, Y W,, Aionaldson;
• .
.S.1), !Giant McDiarmia;
tvet*CtC•fiariig; D. of C.. W.
J. Davison; SS.; Rexford 'Ostran-
der; Sairies Little; 1.G.
s; YAM! 1.1.6 watt
4 ''••
Alt0111 • , • • • . •,•
Old , Light' had la Very ' ‘,actitr.j
ahd•sttceessft/1,- year•dur4rig 1044.;
.1 , n et:f
instructions, 'that, he knows hL
duties. s•-:•
' It was agteed that'. you couldn't -
expect too .nitt0-1 service for.:$19'
rhorithlini.l'that,polieing at the,
price the Village could pay',.eOuld
he nothing ntore, than a sideline
at the.best.:. This Jed ...back to the
canundrunt . of. a :full-time ein-
pleyee, .inedrporating the, duties
of policcrnan.. , 0 ‘,‘
The matter Of calliig .for ap-•
"distUssed,-but. cOncluded with the,
r n g of J. ' Douglas .at* this
figure,' Reeve JOynt pOirited, mkt,
•that Mr„ DouglaS -was' in touch
',,v1,,shecl; they 'coUlirl
•:1-ycild:: .:sYlitqa.If'ilt,C...,ctintt,,to,outhn-
.• • •
• •
• . • • • • • ;.; „. • '-.*.
:•11,felci"-.11.roussean Tea• .
";.--I-Fe • *"61.-fe'rnben arid .•eVening".:•:,-..
; Mrs.,
; • •
. • . January ,
Wilfred, Dreriria.n ;swas: hostes8'. ,tid
6 .3iiintber .of
ful tro.ussati. tea, -horiei of her •-• •.,.
Lorraine. . whose • mar- . .-
1Fiage took pace on Saturday. .':
• • „ • -_ .
If;ED .ILA/Yr.:139N.yrEp
Lo.v.f.,1,4EIRO•clOgrEw,sri, •
At- Christ.nta time -,a iovclv •
CrOcheted scI. deriatedfp the Reg
crossbv Mrs.. ,Roderipl; Macs-, •
Charles' Was raffled: off with:
Mrs. J. L. McMillan the Winner.
Mrs. l cCJa:l&'s. who isin her' :„
89th. ..• year, ; 'did. the :1y *�-i
herself, "--The-,-fzed-'-',GioSS, is vey
appreciat ive. of, her . '
donating ;them and M178, •
MacCllarles 18 to.be tengrattilated '.•
ii-ideett; hhility to de's: :
Such -
age• . „ •
. . •
Mrs.'MacCharreS 'spending
the winter with her da h
l'IT4! D. .1VlacNetizie,„: as are,
both*. Donald and' Duncan
Charlcs. 'the latter ,having :Veen
confined te.bed for .many..montiiS„.
•• .
The annual , meeting of . iP:*"t2 *
LLICkilOW Society
to be held OtL.the 'last Friday of -‘
the irierith: at two o'Cloek to. re- - .
view, the st_yea y,ities ,and
to'Jay. 'plans- for the '1945 "show:.
'OresIderit John Farrilt.- requests''
pach deriakinont of ;,tisie:. gh.Oktr.
that diiector in Chate of
7^'ifirtrpril . , r..meel:,:•,,,,rfor'---.t
•,..0Ydot.ifig... .• *II c.1*.f' .ii•• ' *t* ot,*, 0 .1.,,t ‘ .i.••
at , b/*i 6 gi n g :to .' Hi'e *iitt c IA i i 0 0 0
.,11,0 .. P 0 a 1c1::.; .4.14.1Y: _., j11).1?1'.oven..TentS..,.
Ilt.t.i..ini iglit . lio. . in a de 1-p Ulu .,.:-T.:tri••
• • ' • '
• " — •