HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-16, Page 3:ion. 1. icil, our.. and .1 Jest I: and' 6. :on. ,' ' ThUR:$.,. D 10th, 1948 UNITED . • L,IJCKNOW Rev. J. W. Stewart,' B.A., Paster SUNDAY',. D.ECEMBER.19th '11 a:.•„j, Rev. Wni. Huddleston, B.: of Mil•Verton, former cha ' • of Bruce Presby. tery . 12.15:• Sunday School. 7. p.m: AChristmas .Message. . PRESENT PURSE • THE LU CK„ OW SENTINFL, L 1CKNOw, ONTARIO .Local and General PAGE • ' SPECIALS in 'Wool Yarn for sox:;'George . ?Ja : • . Mr. and George- Jardine • and mitts, also : fancy Yarns for; have moved •intoitheir new house knitting: and eroche.tting. THE at the :north of -the Village. ''MARKI:'i, STORE. • Mrs.' 'James. Alton went to Mrs. II. S. 1, 'very spent last,t Oshawa' 1;eoently to send the week rn TU>rontu ,_•ith' Mr. Lug winter with •et4,. .Yth Mr..and 1VI 'sq .. Mc • - ' Intosh. Mr and Mrs. Roy Culbei`t have +'R,ev. Douglas •MacDonaldoccu hi•o ••T.+rl into their, new house on. pied the nulpiits, in Kinloss , and •Ingle• St •' Kinlough Piesavterian' Churches .• Mr'r'. Philip Stewart visited. on Sunday last. Y few days this weekwith friend, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Johnston and. Douglas. of Sarnia spent. the drs Alex ..;MacDonald and. her e with -Mr. and • Mrs. 'son Hugh of. AAmberle ^ have [Richard ,Webster. 'home•the ^rllage. I., Mr• and Mrs James TO MAf'L COURIER «n s in a �nan of Goderich •visited last -week re ,with their son, V[�ilfred:•az�d�Mrs. moved into Mr :' Donald Fergus,' as:. r etta Campbell has. Aoii las who was turned from Wingham Hospital Drennan and were guests at mail courier on Rural'. Route No, where she was a patient for . a4lirthda diene ,--wa, apt "el.s tVith, a bibrich-'the home of Mr. arid •Mrs:. Melvin vote tset lap-; deet- . Will” t , rt ia. O wn- ; • 1 •• . 1' for .•a Coma- artily ► ort on r y 6 Ciee of is t hi f Ban . _, up I' 1: 1 Cd MY $. ndidate ' .t 30uncil,` iossibie,, ` d coin ears' to .. 1 your Ce. do my • faith- 'to •1. 3 1trick • i • 1' ;hip: • •• or coign- • y, appre- 1 the ►your to : drip's of- • ' Id • fairly • t honored, recently by.. boxhalders ial .iliu s _ .en".• the l o ndx' -iF -cariFii Line, who presented him with a' FOURTH CONCESSION Purse .of' money. • REWE • ' A number from that section. of Mr. d . Little is- getting : the • Mr.• and, Mrs. :.Vernon Hunter the route called at. the Douglas i. hydro, ik�stalIed •in his house . by and family: of. Lucknow • Spent home last .weep,.: hen' George ,Mr, Ted Collyer:' .. •® Sunday:; with Mr. and. Mrs. Ron - ~Donnie •. Colling _ is ,l Kennedy• and ,hark Matheis ', • absent .from alit ,Treleaven^ ' _ ' • a mtade the 'presentation': and read- school. the.'past week as he had Mr. and Mrs Clifford Crozier, •• the following :acld'ress, expressn;; themisfortune to break :his arnii Joanne, : Billy '.and Roy, .Maize appreciation.' of his Icing: and Mrs. Dan Thompson,`' has,re- spent .a day recently with..: Mr. friendly service. turned •. frorn •.a' visit with • her 'and Mrs. Will Alton. of, Wingharn. Dear Sr.i.' ' ,' • children in Toronto. • ,,. • i1Vir, and Mrs: Jack Curran and We have ' comic tonight t i :honor t �Re''aI e ' pleased to, have ."Mr, family. spent Sunday ' evening ,very fine .fellow, that's yi'u, • and Mi's• Duncan Maceonnell on with Mrs. Amelia Treleaven and the..Fourth : fol a ..fe‘V `weeks, as Gwen:.at Behind• every .Erne man ' is a`�« � ,, .� .. • than ` they • aide • living °ifi the'. h•duse :on :.Miss Shirley Sherwood o f thei, . i:a�s farm:. Stratford Normal spent the Week- And so we i ;clud�e. • you '' fe tr)r)p end at her home here• Poi all thesuccess men: attain Pcesb', terian .Y P. S .•• The rrewe • school , i holding 0 • And through the ;hard battle of •'.The Presbyterian Young Peer- the Christmas ;concert- tonight. ' 'life, • :pies• held .their regular .meting.'.' 'A nurber..from here 'attended : THE IDI AL 'CHRISTMAS. PRESENT Sere Our "Large Stock' of Table Lamps;.' Trilights, Boudoir, •Pinuips, ESC, Radios, Ranges, Washers; Vacuum Cleaners • • Everything Electrical For : Tke : Home. Skis-, . Skates, Toboggans;',;Hockey Sticks, Etc., goilDriget s�s�as6 RADIO and . E` 'Phone 11.0 4 • • • R ►t c ruiner 6.0101 Ott,Ott, Mala VtT itelVil• t+fr»� Wit lO t#,ril,00 ... . Well where. Would - any maks'•"be ;; 'an. Monday evening. The,'meeti�I g :the 'Junior • Farmers': 'Christmas, .. ' �. , opened hi•mn 4I6 and tine _ • If he didn t have a good wife." p , . concert on Friday eventing and re Lord's .Prayer u-as'repeated.:? f- .port •a• good: time. for thirty long years'<you have, tel' the scripture ' as rend;•MI.. Present Life Membership. been ;. Ross, took :the Bible study and The monthly meeting. of .,the A very good servant and friend ' hymn. 498 •w-as•sung, A discussion..W.M:S., was •field:.:at 'Mrs, S. J. We are'here to say we are sorry :`•1.vas held- .and -`'Norman Taylor :Kilpatrick's . The;'election of of - Your ,duties -have come to.an end.. played a piano solo. The meeting ficers resulted as:.follows ' .prey;, ;deep' .closed with hymn'663 ;and..a, pray--•' er ,I•.. • •,::Words fail -to' .express :oiir Mrs. Zinn; vice pies; LMrs:''Ki1-- :.Loire • ; And we caro never repay,_ The many kind deeds you. have! 'KI LOLGH RECTOR IS dome j`. GOING TO SO 'THAMPTON As: you passed along. ,day by day, Santa Claris ' told us to : call ; • •_ With this little giffl ust -for N We'i.do 'not:forget your "good wife'; Owen • as•_ rector of St. Paul's nm av-ond Finnigan;, vice .pres.•and .natrick; cor, and . rec.see.;Mrs. • This Christmas' May We Suggest Crrzier;areas:; ;Mrs.; . R.: Finnigan; organist; Edna' -.McWhinney;': as- , sistant Mrs J.'Sherwood, sypply Vie` see.! Mrs B Treleaven; temper 'err . Ree 'George N: • buxton," arice. sec., •Mrs. Kilpatrick flower Bishop of Huron;. has -announced and friendship sec.; Mrs. Kilpat } the , ap,pointment "of' Rev. •' L. W rici W.A.,officers. are :pres , Mrs. l So you,; must share the.. gift With'•Church,' Southampton.' and St:: areas„ Mrs.- J. Sherwood; :parson- . her too._ `. '..John's n's . ' Church, Port Elgin. The age'., 'committee, Mrs.; Finnigan+,. ,. og Signed on` :half of. Boundary' "i t . ent takes 'Effect on: Jan,- n= Mrs.`•Crozier. and Mrs. "Sherwood. be ,. _ apporn m.a . East,.. Georgie' Kennedy, .: Pharis,. uart� 1st • In recognition 'of her:: long ser • Nlathers. , , ; Pe;v.: 'Owen' has •served' the. pa, - • vice to the .:•. Society, Mrs ;Bert' :'sh of Bernie;•Kinlou'gh andKin•- Tieleati en was presented with.' a: TBE •G JIDE' NEWS arf f r, thepast three Years. life 'membership ;certificate.' Mrs g p ;sirict- his d:i charge.fiom`the.'arm- Treleaven has been '•�a, niemb'er . The Guides, opened theirmeet ed €o'r:ces ith' '-which' he served since •the Society .was organized innight with, th'e Can - • r• chaplaincy. ReV . Owen 35 rears' ago, . • nd is.the..,only re` g ori Friday:n gh a 5 '-year. s, ,. ,,,�aa e•' trier still' as= inanirt ori "Hal m m arY .:Patrol. acting:- the. 'Maw, :� � . tilicr.t�soi haa not Vet .been' narii' g g Guide is loyal"• • ' ed aociated- ith the. Branch` The•fol OTWE. Gifts 'That Are . Appreciated.; SLIPPERS For 'All. The:' .Family•. RUBBER;. FOOTWEAR Many New Lines to Choose'.I N�. SKATE OUTFITS.' - A Men's, Women's and Boys' .; Slate 0 i air of Shoes make a Delightful gift for' Mother `or Dad. •1 lowing. address ; accompanied.: the esentation; to which Mrs aven',..frt'�ngly replied;.. e � would�;ljuays keep: � the oughts th, herwhex'e'itershe'•wo ear Mrs: Treleaven:. '. We;', the 'rriembers arid ' Gr:ewe Missionary Society, et • losing .you as •one' embers who' has been organization since• ' its , be t° will. always` :have: pr . Tre- le stating. st happy the W.M.S.- :with .M.S.: • wiuld be. D friends of ety,'re--: gr of our in • in 'the or ginnin bu pleasant • Mr`s: Me i then- read a .stoic' ' - - = t l Ri l l li nm .. � � �. ; � �; � .� rl A ��it� r��ls>.2t<�c�l�?�l_ilr�ili,�f .. . ;a'bout.. Baden-Powell., Two netic songs .Were: then -taught. followed -'. At %by a penny garne 'with Glad ys Gibson's.. side . winning: Taps,,;w as ti. then sung: , : t Guides.and Brownies. at regu ' lar time next- Friday ., . '.' . •BOIt11I MacRAE ;---•• 'In Victoria. Hospital. ' •:London, .on"'Saturday., December; I lith, to'Mr''and Mrs. David Mar' Rae (neer Beth Johnston). 'twins.- • • a• son and daughter, . 'Group 3 Dnited Church `Y A. . ' •'The. December meeting 'of , Group '3 was held at the church With 'the • president .Miss,'Haze'l Webster, presiding. g. 'Affter btts'ines . part of." the meet'ing' they folloiL ing program was given,,•a reading of. Christritasprayer. l4lrs: TIiiant Collins: solo by Margaret Rae; reading by Mrs,. Tuna Anderson; four-part Christ I* poem' by Mrs. • Ritchie, titz s, • 't Vy' Wilson,. Miss .MacGregor. ant! • Mrs. Froward 'Robinson. 'T,t t• • t; .Y, h%••mn "Srilent ;Night.icas•" sun •Miss'Hazel Webster read a aria :story.' n- ' .in cone°lti'.'r)ir.. o y; ' and thanked: ,,all the, rnernlxer t'•!: t 'their .cb•tt'per :ti Jn and `e•xpre�sr ,1 her appreciation .of. .the SEilt'r4did hOP they all gave •dt'i'ring ' th" ' r'rtiar. hearty vote• of thanks.... 'was tendered , Miss Webster . by Mrs^ Wilson and 'Mrs. Hall on be-,. 4 half of the . Group. At the • closet• of the znteeting lunch wag served :' tluri.ng which Mrs.. Vernon, }tun- •-. "ter read, thee' story of the Christ Child. • recollections: o€ you as a wvulir�g? and ., ne'ver-tiring •worker : in phase of our; church work. Therefore., we feel justified • in; presenting.: to. yoiY.rthis' life mem bership. . certificate as a'• token of; Our.' personal,;. apprecia - • tion and'ma' God's rrichest.:bless ings rest upon •you u'ntil.you en ter . the higher services' ;of, your. Lord and 'Master: Signed Mrs. ' R. Finnigan;`.. Zinn. • X151' 4•: MYTIHR'S ,LIST.: • N lite, ••,.;S.• , e'. .0' • 'Solve, dour C�'f t Proems. BROTHER .. SISTER FATHER'S LIST Gloves, .(leather or wool) andkerchiefs Socks`. PSjainas' • • Ties Shirts Brae(' Sets Scarf Biltmore Hats 'Pyja'mas • Ski Sox. 'Leather Mitts Angora G1oveti ' Woo. )1 Sni•tggies Mayon Panties , : Pullovers. • .'Cardigans Nylons . Braces :Golf Bose• •' Ties I Belts.. Fiocey: Sweaters Scarf • Siiirtis • FOR THE 'HOUSE' •Flanellette''Blankets • Bed Spreads • ,W. abasso' Shuts = . Pillow' Cases • ''fable Cloths (Linen, Lace. Plastic') •''Bed:'Ithrdws,• pure wool H. B.Wooneri Blzn'kets:i• • Santa Comes To 'Town December'!8t y •.MAY p , rric..rx�o �ddl? r o Your Christm.as.'hopping Early • • 4 •• •