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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-09, Page 6
44. } WiraK SIX. THE LUCICNQW: '1N1h. • LUCKNQW, ONTARIO NGGBRID+ Mr. ,,and. Mrs. Joe Austin. and • Mi. Eldon MacNaii ara, all.of De- troit, • 't, attended' the• funeral of the • • lam, Austin Quigley. - Mr: Bert Martin and friend wiled on. the burg last week;, • • Mr Tom,and John Garvey and Gilbert .Frayne .are sporting new cars. • Mr Donald Erayne visited• his parents . over the week -end. �• Mr, and Mrs. Andrew. Martin were Sunday visitors ,in Goderich. • Mess," Teresa .Austin spent the weekend° in.. London. We extend 'our sympathy to • Mrs; Austin' Quigley,. Mrs. Tom McLennan is visiting.. .Mrs;, Martha QN"eir ' G'f:1'',' . �.o ,GuideS`;lid that� tts.. s s _da ev fl_hg at theholy= Lot Gladys Kilpatrick,. due to the sow activities of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary in the Legion Mrs: Mk Ki was away so the future' . Guide : leaders;. Winnie Stewart and. Gladys Gibson„, took Guides..• The books were •marked. • and some more of the "Pathfinders' Badge" was takes:. Jumbled laws, • were gut together for patrol point and the "Beam Bag'" game was played with Margaret .Got-: lFan.'s side winning by, 5 points:. The meeting wag <" closed with "'Bra es and Guides at usual. tithe next 'Friday at ' the Legion. Room.. SENTINEL SITOSCRITTION SOLVES, GIFT PliO$LE118. -.A new or renewal subscription to °The Sentinel, will help solve your • Chrisimasgift problems. Gift . cards Will be• sent to ' the recipient of the gift. The, •Sentinel an also obtain almost every . magazine •that is. published, and if sent asgifts we will mail gift cards or supply these cards to• the donor. , l resbyterian It. P . S. • The regular meeting -of - the Presbyterian Y.P.S.- was held on Monday - evening. • the ' 'meeting opened., with hymn 164• and the ,l;gird's• .prayer was repeated. Miss Gladys MacDonald took, the nsis- sion study. and worship. service which included a reading by Bet- ty Andy oute an d. p ay- e,,, . G Stewart; . 5R was .aFm& acid G•°ac:;_ys MacDonald closed "with. prayer. ELLWOOD. EPPS of Clinton bag geda moose while .ort, a hunting trip near Fort William Before. being dressed. the .anfrnal •weigh ed:,1;"250: pounds.. • Attainsk. 114th. Year .. T.rpon renewing his . Sentinel subscription Mr.. Thomas A. Mc - Keith of... H'azenmore,; ' Sask.,. re- marks that he has. attainedto his 84th year along life's :way. 'mr. McKeith says . he looks forward with pleasure each week 'to: the good news : the ..Sentinel will bring,. but.: is ,often saddenedas he learns of the friends of 'yester- year • wild are Iaid •to • :rest. KIN LOUGH• Miss Helen Nicholson visited' over the -week-end with Misses Donna, May Ei' Karen Nicholson. ' Mrs, Maude Hodgkinson, spent.' a• few 'clays with .her son• Gordon, at Mrs. Wm. Wall's. She also vis- , d' with friends around -the vile Miss Agnes Moffat was a recent visitor with her' friend, Miss, Pet - The H.W.I. met at ' the home of Mrs.• Baynard Ackert on Thurs- day with Mrs. Howard Harris the chair...After the usual open- ing • exercises the ' following pro- gram ro gram was given.,Topic and motto, Mr"s: James . Hodgins 'and Mrs. Wm.. Eadiei contests, ,Mrs. Jack Ackert, 'Mrs, Frank Thompson & Eadie; recitation. : Cora A Q •n s. ;M rs. 1 "t' ea ,' ea #'t'. r di g I �h I,r1._ S Tr, c,s,.o.s. Lorne Ea -e; Christmas decorations made by Mrs. Jim. Boyle ,were displayed. Judges for the Christmas cake contest. were, Mrs. P. Moffat, Mrs. O'Donnell. and Mrs. Lomax. Bush- ell with the prizes. 'going to• Miss, Doris . Eadie and. Edna Boyle. There .was :an exchange of Xmas gifts: The meeting closed with.. the national anthem and. lunch ..was served. .• , . • Mr: and Mrs.: Leslie Hodgins. and Mr. and' Mrs. ,James Hodgins went to • Woodstock . and Hamilton on Monday to visit .with Mr.:. and Mrs.. George 'Hodgins;, Mrs. E. N. xicgigin.t. and Mr. and .Mrs. Glen 'Moore. We : aree.'sorry to report.: the .i11- ness <.of the infant son of Mr. and ty Gillespie. Tis,, DECEMBER 8th, 1948 South: 'Rinio®s W. M. s. :D U N G A N N O N ° The annual meetinsg of South nlos W:M.S. was :d . ele • M. EvFrying home sof. Mrs. Angus hel.Graathamte ton,Mr. Marjandorie ars.Normaerett and Mr. Mrs. P. L, MacKinnon. presiding. The roll call was answered by 'a Christmas:: verse. The scripture reading and meditation ..was giv4 'en by Mrs. L. C. MacIver, A Christmas reading was ,given by Mrs. 'Ira. Dickie, The .topic from the study book was • taken 'by'Mrs,, Lloyd MacDougall..A number• of ladies took part in :the prayer •circle, This being the annual meeting . the following . officers were elected for the coming year: president, Mrs. D.'14: MacKinnon; 1st vice, Mrs. R. MacMillan;; 2nd vice, .Mrs Ira Dickie; 3rd • •.vice, Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod; ,secret - dry, Mrs. .Lloyd MacDougall; treas., 1VIrs, Archie.' Maclrityre; l esting' and enjoyed . by an, increas- David Errington were recent vis- itors at Comber, Essex County., Mrs. Bert Badman returned to her balite there after a few days with relatives in •die : village, Mr. and Mrs., "Ben Comfort, of St: Catharines spent the week- end With the latter's. brothers, Harold • and Cecil Blake, . BOR ---At Goderich • Hospital, on Sa day, December 4th', tb Mr, and. Mrs. Harvey Anderson a son. Both doing fine. The educational filers were ;shown; at the Parish . Hall Men day afternoon: and evening. It is reported.:they5 were quite inter, 't'iiliam Manlntyre; Ung:.number who are attend— .,•. apply' 1Vf Home ]EX'elpe rs M•r°s. Allister and are finding: out their, wort`h.- St. Paul's Anglican guild met at the home of Mrs, '.John Far= risk and Mrs. Hamilton:' for :the. December meeting. Mrs. Ivers presided, The roll call' was ans wered by payment of fees. Mrs. Chas. Fowler: :reported .finances Of. the ' euchre ' party and sale of '.. home-rnade Brandy. $9 was. real- Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs, . Ted • ized for the candy :and $15..;re Pianist, . A..MacKa•;• iv ed .at the ° d r••for the. ' Collyer., Miss,>••I ceived oP Paz'tY The meeting closed by , singing Readings . were ` given by ,Mrs. ;hymn • 172 .and prayer by Miss Ivers, Mrs., Sarah Errington and Dean MacLeod.. A social half hour Mrs. Fowler.'The: hostess . served refreshments ; at the close of the fi uahes; Glad "'id. cg's,-Mrs',Doug- 1it'hil.e- value..• las Graham; Every • Dat,. Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon; Welcome and Welfare,' .Mrs. Ira .,Dickie; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Wilbert .Hodgkinson) 'Life Membership, Mrs. _Alex ,Sutherland; Mission Band lead- ers, Mrs: Douglas • Graham a n d Mrs. R. MacMillan; flower com- mittee; Mrs. Leonard` Maclnnes, was enjoyed.. Mrs, • Donald'. • McFarlan. Congratulations to .H ar as Percy on. his - election ;to: th Township 'Council:. d• e'. jl • For-OINTUU © . LEA.RrI:NG MAC. IIN:E `ASSEMBLY' ONTARIO'S products are desired and purchasedby people all over the d and' the • ca► tei -' to oduce suchgoods• largely determines the economic •wori ... p ty pr g Y welfare of every man; • woman and child within her 'borders.. Because the sale of ev. article oducedm.Ontario brings valuable'dollars into this Province,:we all are �7'' ppirt more. assured of job .security,:.. and we and our children can have more of tie.. better things:: in hie. But to produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital.. That is why every single one of es should be glad. that rear veterans are `constantly being, trained to provide the- #llcilletl. hands so needed by industry: , They receive' ON ; THE JQB training under expert, instruet0rs in. Out' Ontario : . factories• ` • ` . I -o ration of toe r)c�partinent of'4p'er ns' • This t'raenin , provided through' the. co-operation h ,t a Affairs; the Federal Department•.of Labour and the Ontario Department of Educa• tion, starts• the veteran on the road to skated craftsmanship. In assembling businiisa: machines, for example,. 'veterans .multi have.a thorough knowledge of electricityand must. learn to perform :intru'at`'work on. precision machines having, thousands of separate parts. These' Canadian -made business ..machines are sold. in. " . all parte of the world, creating new wealth for Canada and Ontario 'ller.4ore every effort of these newly skilled veteran helps to make C)ntarie a 'finer place in which to hie and. contributes to the welfare and happiness of Irl) `her citizens. • L, 33REWING• IND S'I'RY (O T tRIQ) a!•4111••..r•••-1,ire•sio, a v••ii.ifse.;r.s.' i..s..... • tio •n •. .: 1(HI E ASSE;1SLY . :. ,. , • . Ail• ▪ John ;N West; 25, of Toronto, 'a Royal. • Canadian .Navy. : veteran, is shown h' making• an adjustment to one ofe • 10,000 parts. in a' .business machine; designed for a New Zealand firm. ▪ Various types'of business maehines ,ares produced in Ontario fac- • • • • . tories. Because of their in- • 'trieate mechanisms' it is'•es, sential that these machines , he ' checked •by expert er:t eraft.smen'at every, stage of . their, pro action. • • .., . • i' ••.°•••.••••••••••.••••.••.4..••••••.♦r�. afternoon. Miffs. Albert Rivett ex - tended: .an invitation to .her: home for 'the next Meeting The Dungannon United: church . W.IVI.S. held 'the December meet- ing, at the -home' of Mrs. - Matthew Shackleton.; who had 'charge. of; the ' • worship: service with the" theme'.."The. Chr§titin world- at "the feet of Jesus Christ Scrip - I ture readings were" given' -by Mrs., i.George ''Hodges, Mrs, McConnell' • and .Mrs,: McClure.: Xmas, hyinns were sung and 'after the .offering a . candlelight service''was follow- ed . with Mrs,. Horton Mrs: Reed, ,Miss E. Elliott, Mrs; J. Rivett and 1 Mrs. :Popp.=taking part. Mrs. Reed `vacated the 'chair .for the election of ,;officers' which .resulted as fol lows: prey , , Mrs: Reed; .1st vice, ;Mrs: Horton;•' 2nd vice; Ce scii Blake;. 3rd. vice, Mrs. A. Smith; cor. sec., Mrs, George Harris; 'rec Sec:, Mrs. J yan; ,treas., :Mrs .Ar .. {•thur Elliott•Mission Band supe ; 1 Mrs. C. Blake; Baby : Band e Supt:, • Mrs. Otto Popp; Temperance, sec:, Mrs.. M.: Shackleton: ands •McConnell;''Christian stewardship.' sec., Mrs..J. Rivett,, and Mrs Geo, Hodges missionary monthly' sec.; Mrs. W. McClure, friendihip .sec, , • Miss E. Elliott, ' transportation sec.,:.Mrs; L.. ;Stingel;• strpply",sec,, Mrs. O: 'Pop$; press sec. Mrs.: •L; • Stengel;..pianists, Mrs. Popp and • Mrs ,Stingel''group leaders; Mrs; A . Smith, Mrs. ,E. Finnigan; Mt.s M.att...Sackletortt Mrs. Arthur El- .liott reported, . the finances:, up ;0 date $156.93.. It was decided tri contact' Rev. Harold ' Swan on furlough I,f otn mission' ,fields to come '. to `, speak. Rev J.' Bright closed the meeting, with prayer:. ' The. Dungannon., branch of, the Women's Institute was "at horn('`' last: week -to niernb'ers. • f 'the .Lucknow a d Carlow. W. bi —m ches. Alto ether ;the attendance „numbered about 50. The evcnt was• held in the United Church school rooms, with Mrs.. K. K. Dawson, president of the - Dun gannon branch, ',presiding and. •welcorning.the visitors.•Mts. Phil: ip Stewart, South Bruce i district president, gave an address ..nn. homemaking, .follow'dwith vocal solos by Miss Elizat3eth obin1pn and .Mlisa, Margaret( Rae. f •ti4crh now,. Pa accom �'nied �b M ss Eliz. Y abeth 'Welsh of Luckno Mrs. Smith showed: Aides of northern Manitoba ' and et- work a'ong the Indians• when teaching there,. Mrs. George Hodges: lite seated a topic on "Rest and re. creation for homemakers e ..A' con- test on nursery rhymes 'was on- •joyed and refreshments Superintendent Re,signa • Matthew . Shackleton,. who . has for several years been super:n. tendent of the Dutnga'nn . n Ur::tei C'r..Sunda�% School has tt•°t• , deredhuchhis resignatidn; d . ,�►ctK, Dawson hast been. appo'antednK• ing superintendent •fot the r"e� mainder of the year.