HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-09, Page 3'THURS., DF G 'Won ° anitnar ram The 'St. Peter'a Guild ladies held a.successful bnzaar on SO,': Holder of the lucky ticket-, urda}�. on the quilt draw was Miss Ella Heff►_on of Blyth. Mrs. A. Ritchie of Lucknow. was the winner of the dressed doll, . Mrs. George Sower had the lucky afternoon tea ticket and receives a free por- trait sitting, donated by the lio- !:,rough Studio, • CHICKEN 'STEALING.• is report:-' '. in Culross Township by Thompson McPherson and Leroy cp. . , THE LUCKNOW' SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO soa•' _ . _ Geneial ,; ..ice'• �l�141Cl+ellill+sL'!�!�!.'t+�!!�I!'tNfl�1��+�`it+r!'i,�'iallhe�lM!'�As'i�+lhl�Nl PAGE TIMEX It - Select frnin. 'the hu, e.1 : Mr, and Mrs.. Harry Hackett '. stock. of lamps, chesterfields, and •son D. A. of Belfast attend- � l: chairs, etc., at Schuett .and Sons 1 ed the special achievement night f Mildmay Furniture Store.' Free! at Clinton ori,Wednesday evening delivery... ». last Mrs. W. •L.:AlacKenzie has been Mrs. M. ,Horne, Da"' a Horne, ill With p,netimonia. :' Mrs'..Lillian EII_is aneMrs. Jim Mr. and Mrs. -Tom' Elliott of §ttw•art and daughter. Glenda, all Oshawa :•kYit the week -end of •Toionto, called on friends here Miss Elizabct}i V�'elsh. oci Tuesday. • . " Mr. and Robert Fisher cat.' Mrs. J; A. Horne,-who'has, been Hamilton soeritt"°th dau-l. e veek-%ncl visiting in Detroit ;with he ' g}iter� Mildred, is n�t�, en' Elliott, avid Huston.,. oying with Mrs. I) . _ i the best of health and is at pees -u' Mr. Sky ;13akcr of London :4,s• i ent in :a rest home in Essex: tied M L,ucknow� over the week end. - ; - Rev Robert A, Macconnell: sup :; plied.' in Ashfield and Ripley Pres., • ,Rev� ,John Pollock of W Ingham l byterlan 'churches on ''Sunday in 1occupied `Kinloss• and Kinlough [ the absence of Di. Wm. 0.. Rhoad pulpits of the Presbyte►pian' who pis •on a• trip to'the Pacific Cl:rurpeli on Sunday.. Coast; .• Mrs. A�rchae Andersc;ii, who L, ! UNITED CHURCH. LUCKNOW Rev: J. • W. Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor . 'SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th "Encouragement" : 11 a.m•. • makirtg her home in Montreal Thee Lucknow gWbmeb's .Insti- 1 tote' will, meet on Friday in the with her' daughter Elizabeth, has: Town Hall, The doll call, will :1 been: ill with a heart conditian nc Baptista of children Service. 12.15: Sunday School, 7. ,;pan.: "The Tent and : the • ° P . ' THE IDEAL' °CHRISTMAS•-' PRESENT 1 1 rreL'`to y are r� Toi auto and tc ek rix.tlx , bliss D=, MeLeod an •Mrs. T4=. international badminton ;playoff; Bushell, and the hostesses are serifs between a team, from 'India" Mrs. H. Anderson, Mrs. W :G. and the Canadian team,. with the; Andrew., Mrs, J. • W., Joynt latter winning by a 'close:maigin, Mrs. Ira' Campbell. GEORGE HALLAM s. S. Christmas Concert, • Mon- day, December 13th. beginning at '7.45. pm, Santa Claus will be on .hand.' • SEE' THE HIGH SCHOOL.N,EWS HEADS F,. A. UNIT Assern•bly . was opened ,on • Fri- : '! The annual" . meeting Of the of • Bethlehem" which 'Was .101- West t'zitvanosli,. Unit`of th•e Fed- lowed by•.the Lord's pr�ayer..The enation 'cif' kgriculture Was.. herd scripturewa$ read by . Shirley in ,„the To«nship Hall'on 'Frlday=° 'Hodgins after •which a play was December 3rd at '8.30' with the presented •. by Gi:ade. X .from• .A vice' •prc'dent 'in.the '(hair,•: Midsunitnet's Slight Dream• The 'Minutes• of ' the last ' annual . announcements t•wet,e • read and • mt�•f't1nl;,'. ,tv et e '.i�ca td and -adopted' the . :Meeting closed`,„ with "The on m. 0.. ion of,: Bi o n 'Si yr•th and . King'': • Wallace .:ililie •'. 'Bills amounting , : The High School Commence=, •• to, : $42.38. • were pi esented an ntienit will be .held in the Town. lfaSsed. • tin a. motion by Willia;n.•• Hall :Thursday and Friday of this G.c,itid and, Brown Smyth..wee•k,'• The play. being `staged is Was read Christ as Caro ' �i •� re` or w Che m day by singiiig `i Little, Town' riStl'l'laS • . • Stocki n ' - g.. •1. Tickets The . auditors , p t Dicken's � = in t• showin � •bar +►ice fEo�n 19.17 of i Tat• be purchased at McKim s or • i LARRY DOWNS'' STORE' • $35:7) lleceipts fol the year were 1 fi ora any of the students •572:73, °oenscs fcir:•y:ear 'Si2 38;,' Meeting of the ii'tera.ry Soc •• .. leap • Ing a • •'balance of $66.15. . •1 'ty was • held last Thursday, In g o the High Sohool dance- big._stocking 'full of swell Cclrcicln 1\lacPhei Son that this e. It was decided •that a , •.Satire Yessir, kids, this lovely Moped by •'Wallace• Miller and' 1e and ti aa1�„kin s dance was. to be held` gifts twill be: given' away Port be adopted C,��.ried. H. xi to some lucky, ;boy .ar girl.; The'•c}iatr an racated•the chane f near the end of the -month The,l -2. 'cin: Christmas Eve. -If, you i fele• the” election of :officers and •'rodents ' ill 'wean typical ; cos- ..t...are six ;years . or .under,.,; ;,BI•c»ti n Sm'th, pi• esiried Wallace1 ttitme and the girls are'inviting. come • in and have your ' Mille,r tvtas• nUnunated for:• pi esir ; the boys. • '-'name put', in the box. Or debt bv Ji��l �buinin• and Geo1,ge 4This column;•has been missirigl have yoyr .mummy ` enter: H Trani by• Wallace: Mille: � ,9• •- a fe« weeks as'the•write::.. a See. Qur Large Stock' of Table Lamps, Trilights, Boudoir, Pinups, Etc. • • Radios,: Ranges, Washers, . Vacuum Cleaners • Everything Electrical For The Home, Skis, Skates, Toboggans, .Hockey Sticks, Etc. REEK RADIO..an4.ELECRK. 'Phone 110 rt silt it to t sovii 's'i�', =ramie tit •?1t as • ■ Upholstering ■ Of. CHESTERFIELDS 8' OCCASIONAL CHAIRS ■ • . gy ■ • ORD UPHOLSTERING ; COMPANY . STRATF tree Pk Up And 'Delivery: ■ R Leave Orders At ■' JOHNSTON 'S 'FURNITURE STORE ■ 'nun■O■ei.■aoieapar•enn■:aaeana■•••ii•■••■■n■eee■n your. nae fbr you Cos ..�i Miiiet asked that `his rianlEt- e had. Examttis'"-° ' no• mon ey.•'• So. get': your ' ,vitllcil,�v n as- he considered i4lt;: •rias narhe'in NOW'f-itiillaial should. iliot:'e` up: to. 'the This ailment, of , course, ' 'Th `tl d •ati,•al 'be • been general , ,and v ith the .:ice- ar. DR Lucknow nresldQIYct• e wl r .�• ' Ing accePt' 1, Ii H:allain was sults being learned a good many ,._• irelapses. are being :suffered owns 4 dared • elected • 'Tiller was d W elected'°ice pr=esident an, PS 'i yStet� lit t ,T -elected secretary->4bsolied`Of Blame Phone 13 . ; \• : W. G. Nicholson of Poet; Elgin,. . � trca_5uit r �. 'l'he fllnt, fi earn «ei c ,:and well know n here. for ;his co elects �t''tl�-' ; ����d, 'V4'altei� Wash, >uci ativ e, acti:w vities,.as:.absolved' ' i•ngtotl,1: Everett Finnigan,- J. A li ci:f all blame. in a•,fatal accident T . hrnlaptio.ir, Jim Dut-nul; :Williaiil 1t1. which his :,cal `was involved and: Vicinity . to corne to • JEWELLERY TA* FREE' • Father' of 'the .clu.ld, Patrick • stop .aS he ' drove onto the high - (December. 121'. isSue ,of Detroit. . A Crev,-;.of men' have been htisy , nephetit,' • Fergus • W. Hayes. Miss' 'this pzist.. week \,e*utting hy,ush and • Little tvas a si4er of 'Mrs. •D..W. . weeds., 'and .fdigging ..out attche; TlayeS 'and •••'made,,, her 'home' fn. from, the 'Boundary 10 the :15th. l'..ticknor at one time With the sideroad. ' - ' '''. '' Hayes family, NV,Iten "Dan", Hayes Miss 'Margaret MacDonald a nd Was. station agent herp.4.Miss Lit7 her PuPils are busy preparing for • tie. ,Was a sister Of MrS..„HaY'os, . hycirO installed by Mr. Me: .Greer is knoWn as."the Sherriff 'house". Mrs, c ii;)ort HalnilOn is on the:eral '801. -Vice waS held on Friday 'sick list. ' . 1 . ' with, intern -lei -a oin BelSyde Cern- , A croWd :gathcred at the school etery„.,...at Fergus,,,: where she was :• who Were reeentlY married, Dur-; nephew, Fergus W. Hayea and al iTERNALLY FIRST 1.9V1 • • 'of. icebox cookies from one tecipe--and '• eConconical, . Mo. You make three' rolls can slice soit.le aff.-1207.,themte the elfin • ' Make 'the, dough. like this : into a,roU. Just before bok. ,' hip sprinkle each rookie with :VI Cup shodesiine 1 • 1 teaspoon 'baking soda ' 'a few shreds of cocoanut. . ' .. 2 'cups brown ivier .3%.nups 'sifted Purity Fleur Cookte.3.- , • ', preen cherries that hew • taiga • ' been 'cut into eightia. lenres Craam the shortening, add vamlIct, and brown sugar.... 1c Add wolf beaten eggs. Mi.* cream af tartar, baking' teth relf:sh‘lld be wrePPed.,. soda and Sifted PPRIri FLOUR, and add' to mixture.• 1' Inn vT.:fertet :PS:, twithee,..°iIkaor.. "' Divide ths.dough'into thiee parts for three' different :: rhhh7siek4tee:f„'"uomrownlihso'ncwid bakcas' itertietriber, this grand recipe *Ai .creared' anci, tesied in the .. . for all. your baking.t.eurity Flout is: beit. It's the flour millet' ; firti:CanadA'S fine hard wheat': for tender pie : crust; light . . hisCuits,•wonelerfid. rolls And feathery: oeiltea,. if you (iepena on. it'y Flout Mille offke—Sb. John MI : • Pudgy Grand for 1.1 •