HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-02, Page 14 4, Amorixantiggcw119195AWS4*-- 32.00 A year. --In Advance; 50c Extra to, IJ & A, IIo Provision In Act. far Young: Qn Iligh School District Question • H �'`erk �f LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, THURS., ,DECEMBER 2nd, 1948 EIGHT. PAGES MARKED oath WEDDING' • SHORT- THREE ON tKINLOSS GOES TO- • ANNIVERSARY THURSDAY , , •�D '. POLLS MONDAY Mr. and Ernest � � olyPtioQ obesrved their, �fortiet0 Nix-. and .Mrs, ' ASH FI ELD,� BOAR ' tilyrciatt obesrved fortieth I • wedding anniversary at their Ratepayers. of the northern sec- a home on 'Thursday, November '.25. ' JEGT The occasian.was,..fittingfy•mark- tion a West Of the sh her nse ACS I•.I TS C ;AI I, SL Ii p TO. PRESB 'TERy AYPRO% AL, ed by hap famil • - `at: er`:" • who wish to withdraw from thr. ; . a ,Py Y g h ing Wingham Thigh School ' Disti ict0•s Rey.• �'4", )`,'ILmbers of the: family include are briding that it is. easier to et } y • A. 1•ia•n(ic•r; on of fill .: Harvey of Tiverton, I,,loyd of Lis- • dale, •lura:, Barrie, • who • was re• -towel, R4ynartl , of' 1-Iolyrood•t,and in, than get •out, of the District cGaittly c xtrndcad a Call to ,become Mrs; Wm will be received. -for one holm. In ballot in the following order; A petition was presented at .Graham (Win of F R • p ey _ • ,heldon • Monday, December 20th. Alex lVfacicnzie ; Friday's. nomination meeting re ,churc=h V� Ix• lkc�i tu't�, haJ' f0I 1��'alt:C1 Mr: and Mrs.' Ackert were --•roar • t, . , uthPrc that no: provision -is rilade in the' • • : ; ' a es eeme rest en s o. School:Act for holding any such; i .be� .9th, ergo 1 appi•oned, Rev. the Hol -rood cillos;• but Councillors Mel Dick: Russell Gaunt • y community.. Mrs Vote. i Henderson -Neill :enter upon his'' Ackert was forme alton Harry, J. Lavis; • ' A..second : ,nomination is neces •Kinloss•,Township electors : will sary in Ashfield' to fill three va- go. to the polls next Monday to' •cancies on the Township'Otiuncil :elect :their reeve- and four coon' Board, Date of the second Dorn ':cillors for the ensuing term• - - ination ,has been . set for Friday, There are eight contestants for December 10th at 1:00 o'clock in the five seals on •the Board anti. the' Township Hall. Nominations ,their names will appear on the- m i•n l tc r . •ui •lin=,a • •Pi c=,hvtc>rtan Ripley. aevent of an election it would be or eeve. ,. . a • questing: that a, vote be taken his acceptance' of the int•itation. the question of withdrawin from a tied. at Ethel on ,Noveiliber 25th Reeve Cecil Johnston was re- ,George Tiffin gr The caul. 1n be dealt . with at a 1908; : b Rev. •J hili eri er ons turned; by..acclaixiation for his 4th For Councillors the district It was pointed out n,c tin :of the Bruce P Y o. • d S' ' term in the reeve's., chair.,Elmer David• H. Carr � resby tery and since Then., have been.; con- • , to be held on,Thiirsdai• '1)ecem 4-tinuairs'and t e• d 'd' f Graham Saga -in •qualified as'coun- (Victor •Emerson.' .^ y' ' son,. R;, A. Grant and l Ray D erly` Olive. Ray- ! _ dropped out. nn. n T he information given ..the ministry .rn the County Town rm nard, daughter of the 'late Mr. ';a as. t th t. that. petitioners � e : .._; . _ _ _ • .. , _�.. _ -: � _ :: - , _ •-. . _ ---,Three _ ,. -. : ��, .. a c i p _. -_ • _he p s _ ine tc €1 t state; an _ new notninees-, re vrtirdrar required, the arss'rn d his. _Chrzsfopher Pr, �,- � _ _. r -� r . - e€ -a y -law by ; .the ;Ikirutz ` .. F. e1 't1K9FGltarF Council. This. in turn is submitted !. AT THE "DEVIL'S" ELBOW' T• SA • . ec m" ake gave .some,-.c.�, yE • anion. to tiey rn atter, but none took to the Ontario Minister. of Edu-•I DOLLAR' GRANT the step before' the 'nine o'clock arold •Percy ori -the-=- ' s hip•;, -race, Ales•, ac - e zieY itt.is-completing his -- second Year 'as •: eeve,, is being opposed by '- Cc;.;ncillor • Georgi' t f his 1 d c on has deadline on Satday night. Tiffin;• who has served under Mr. • 6. this is received, :County Council ui chased district Marvin Durnin and Walter.. •MacKenzie for . two years and p a.camp site .on . • 1 must then `' a by-law: votin ,•- A provincial grant of $1,000 has , Ti est the two .retiring ;members, previous 'ta that h0.z three years' passY Y g Lake Huron at the foot of the been• .received. °locall. • in aid of Tigert,'experiencer on the.' ;:ouneil G • 1 '' that. pafticul'ar. section out. of the: ' 12th `Con• of 'Ashfield known as' of: the Township School Areaeo.. 1 ° High School 'District*� the Recreational Centre' building Board again qualified for. office contested the reeveship, in 1942, 1 H g 1?: the Dei it s Elbow'''. The prop- •fund`. ..• g Board.when' he oro 1 ' Even if action •were commenc- est is om r ed b t to round out 'the School ppe .: a close decision , ed at: once to follow ou, t this pro • cedure, it would Abe• January 1st, 1950, before the'.' northern -'section of Wiest Wawanosh could' extri • ca ion... or; approval an if The Girl Guide Association ;1 •.i 1 is is is lc- 5c c 5c n en re' Non ■ • •�o a ■•. ■' 1 �• a- ' ■ N: "■-. 1 . ■ a•. . '1 ■ a 0 , • i. t - i ■ ' o.. 11 0 b. _ ■; r. a, a a' i. 1 a a.• 1111* y comprised. of ..a lou eightThe check, received last Friday, a other members who ;to It.•ichard Fllio;t v -ho had. a 21 - acres: of—Barr► ; land,'which : wasThe thre is made .payable to the Corpora= come up'for re-election'next year vote :ma5orit z Mr.bOur,llrott pone g from Wm. ,Johnston:. It tion of the Village of Lucknow, Walter 'Alton, RoyiercKa328 votes and Mr,. Tiffin; 307. X11 provide 2':permanent camp -t are ,A . Y, and .will be transferred 'to, the°, grid Wm, Hunter, Two: of the .1948' Councillors a •e ing ground for Girl'Gurde troupes Recreational Centre Committee . seekin re-election Councillors •' : w._Chairman at Fridays nomina g �. sate itself from t• he W ngham in this• ,section' of •the' province: • recentl • established b the Coun- I..'• ' _ 'David H. Car.ruth�x • arid Russell • Y . Y , .tion meeting •was . John • A.:.John d • ,cih: under the .Communit' H 11' Gaunt, �•rl^_o l:a'e eT•ch served for , • ' pupils . from this ' section of the Act.s n 1 this. i I shortly move from the Township past Township are takuig advantage W.V J h t F G B MacKinnon who previously. ser District. At.. the present time only three ,' - �"" stop;,. an ex -councillor, who will , . Y a s ELECTION BEING' STAGED Peron a of this commit the, two terms. T'he' four - IN MITRAN TOWNSHIP • tee• includes J,` A, Thompson; Dr. i' • ,. • other candidates include Dan T. . •, 1 Tliefollowing nominations were.' . ri ei b Clerk C. E. c o �•ec ved y of the bus • service ...to Wingham , Huron '. T6wnship ` electors' will. H.D. • Thom on, R • .W. Andrew eyed On '. the Council ' and- unsuc= High School: Ps agh or eve. New . Man :'O , Coattail , elect their five -man council,'froini Sam •Sherwood. ,' ` giro years' ago, and Victor' •Einer-. M lvin Dickson by John Quaid The West •Wawanosii Co Cil :: y e - � a slate of candidates.. ,The responsibility of this 'coni- •A • son; ' •Rorty ' Lavis' : and � Harold d J h A T host was returned; .by 'aedamat oin , on Reeve .Howard McGuire is rnrttee >s the com letion and •,Friday,• :with but one change • on: p Ce it Johnston'. b S Alton • the Board: . Gordon Struthers • ',qualified as councillor. 'to succeed ''Thomas Dickson. - - .. Pe nn 1 1949 ' hoard iso a of ttie will WI Reeve Everett , Finnigan and',Cousicillors John.., S. Durnin,: :Harold Gaunt, Benson' Johnston ' : ad •Gordon. Strutters.'' re er � ons on• wMD - '"go to the polls next Monday to;and Councillors:Harry Nixon and cessfully contested the reeveship, F Reeve Last Two Trustees •• h e ;Township School Area Board Tacks two. trustees to:.corn plete the slate,. and a second nom- ination meeting will be 'held' to •fill these::vacancies. The 'two retiring : trustees; :Lorne Durnin and Eldon Miller resign ed: They•were: the only two nom- _'neer 1V110 'tad. been, nominated The •other three members of'the. Board,.:Whoae term :.runs, until the end of next year, are Kitchener •Finnig�an, Howard.' Sproul and James:i Curran. ' • • Friday's; meeting was presided:. over'.; ••by;'• Ex :Warden Brown ' Smytth: The following ;nomnina. tions were • received . by Clerk Durnin.; Phillips: 1 Cl ict nti Seal after the followingl� nbrninations ted by the CQ11I4iI ITY PROGRAM, Ciriitlnas :Seals provide funds r .served b Clerk J: R: "For. 8ewe .• canpatgri •heiiig`c<,riduc e ,� � :'' sble'.a relentle s .had -been e y . hrOtmas, 'Seals WentWhitechurch • Community 'Hall vt hich:. Make 'pus s .,l.a Everett: Finnigan by Jack Chis- Clai1sme.n•, C • . R 9.•00 p.m fight' against tuberculosis.; ne: •the mail�••a sh'cirt••tiim? .a,..o Friday,' December, 3rd, E}lolm and BroNvn, Smyth: into • Harold Gaunt by Gordon Stru- ..thers and Lloyd Hunter dons '}ia.�•e ins* lunch, free; chi_wren' free. fat, andoFred•'Newman; ,, out ar.��i:te date ;donations g.. John S.; :Durnin by Thos: Mc-, �,•ed .from 10�persons; • t • R I P• For Couricilrors . { ,an o n .. ,. o o... be -it ad-Percywho are runningtheir first.. c : • ' . y : am .. . Mg 'opposed by ex -reeve Herber.t' ministration of the:' Community 'eron• • - election: • • and T. A, C .• Farrell;, Three members - of ::the Recreational Centre, the;,aetivities Jahn CoIwel::Retires : i 'Elmer, Graham by . Bert . Alton council are' seeking re-election,:. of :which will be furthered by a AV Friday's. nomination meet- • Gordon Finlayson, Ilichartl Mari. Council,. awl .Cliff Hackett Councillor.ing . , „ tin and Archie: Courtney. The .4th councillor,' Eli' Morgan, .has with. drawn.:: Three new aspirants are Thoma. C.` Farrell, Chester. ,Ein-„ merton and Claude Dore.' SEAL DONATIONS• • :i aRE co�t1N G At, this season of the year .we. 'see more frequently than , usualt a symbol 'that ,is internationally• known. ---the '.double -barred 'cross; syji b:ol-oLf,,, the crusade 'against tuberculosis.• ,While the .campaign • against' IT oes` en' all•:throligfi . agar goes' COMING' . EVENTS: ,the year,. the Christmas' ,season he time when -public attention ANGS'IDE is t : DANCE AT •L. `is directed' to the 'need for• TI ' A da• nce. will lie held in the tive of the' various. organizations For "Conneillors ` • nounced his intention • of retiring.. of -the town an surr•ounding,dis Elmer Graham by John. A. from municipal: life. An ex -reeve. Johnston and John ..Quaid.. : 'of the Township, Mr: Colwell has • R A.; Grant,'• by Reward Barger given long :and valued service to and Earl Swan. 1• the Township. and his sound judg- ' Andrew Ritchie by Earl : "S'wan ' ment , and: < advice' has for long and Howard Barger ,' been appreciated. l Ie :retires' with • • Donald McKenzie by Mel Stew- a' service record to his township • that few can , equal.; : Has . E e On Wardenshig eeve : Alex MacKen ie, who Ray. Dalton ' by Earl Drennan. has'.; served for- 17 • years, ziaclud- • The • $1;000.00 grant .represents• 'onl • . a portion of what may be' received�'and , was based;. on audit-; ed expenditures to date on the property and building •of• $6520,82. ' : The provincial. ' grant on such' art and Gordon Reid. projects is • 25 percent of the cost•, • • Marshall- Gibson by •Gordon Rit- with a maximum of $5000. ' chie . and Andrew' Ritchie. • SPECIALS . , in women's hosiery. and' ,Tlhos.' Wallace ing his two-year• reeveship term, f MARKET STORE. 'and' Arm: G. 'Hunter. :.. should he be re-elected he coni The Starer -with the Stock: THE . Cli ford Crozier by 'E G. Zinn informed ' • The ,Sentinel ' 'that, axis, ten ,Bent' from Kinloss Township was Dan prevention e ter's' a • iii si e • Fri. Cecil Blake by Elmer -Black & templates, ,,contesting. : the_ _. Bruce;.__. Howard Johnston: • - County `hwardenship in 1950f` Next Melvin Dickson by Cliff :Hoek_ year�is an 'urban reeve's term and. Bert. Alton. I. the . following year will fall.; to eft and 4 For Trustees ,:some rural `reeve `Last warden m in t b the Christmas Seal L d vin Durnin by Jo MacDonald who•, held the office Pi'e• Forts . , Hall g r , • r -tt and John Rivett. some thirty-six .ears ale bet 3 a s onsore�l by , ag • s dad• Decem r p A Grant o Iter Ti est b • R; ran t e folk, of this dis`Wa g . Y Frida nomination was re - Ci Currently the K -C, Country Club. Tiffins orches-.' . Friday's p i to support' and Fairish• Mr: Richard Elliott trim are, being�,.a LE •I •p tri; Admission 50e, lunch served. sided over by , e' thirdannual Christmas the.1' and already 'the response has,been sharp . Program , to interest all. gratifying. , •Sandwichefi. and c '.c• Dance of nal of .695,• letters Were sent ter. `Admission .25e, ladies bring..- ." ring- A to , •• For Reeve • A1eK . MacKenzie. by William. Stauffer and F G. Moffat.. ' WINS, 'CARTER. • George Tiffin. by WM. G. Mot.' i • Fo'r CouineiUors been reei BUSINESS' MEN'S MEETING S.C,HOLA SH Cann and Brown''fim h ni�liitni oh 3't 23.1 •TI I; k � ie ex totaTling',�. • • 1e A'soecial :me - • f th Th b e H d t of cInt re who t P M As n Al Ma Y onlas Dickson " y owar Sl"000 �i� in • • Victor Ern- • Russell Gaunt y ct 7 , , . nc roc Sproul and Charles McNee � •nc � the c '. Juries fro :Lucknow liigla Harold Percy, by J. W. Colwell B' Mill a will be tie.. in the. Town 'Hall ' in ?n third and John E. Hod " gins. erisori •Johnston by Ted s a� t , o Tlie los l t 8 d0 School Ira's been' awarded sting o e . Uc e ; , f ., graduated erson and Wallas Conn, ec i ��r .Business en s ` the encouraging ..resl x - E _ , ld . r•at• io lI 1 g g b 7th and Wm J Stewart 1st be Iibera•llti sup t •In the annum in the Carter Schdlarsh p .. .. is ,sit a can; ,fit � . . _ qtt �'iaesdav; Decem er a . : • •� is s ' 'for ;Victor Emerson by Fred New.. i.�' clock ,sharp, o el 4 �• ma i and Peter Kennedy: .' Y t o t carry • present` 'act Bruce County • •�ities and to pr • • 1-1arold•Gaunt by 'Llo d Hunter campaign mi • ani pone o Christmas activities. , . Irwin, by 'Douglas'' d Gordon Struthers. _ . • •o% idv LOr the � Alex also Won ,a $400' Domin Wm. John Gordon' Struthers b Lorne • i� nritss :x-r�ny! •ONCERT';'AND DANCE : .i n' - Pro.vncial bursary, and. is Graham and Torrance Anderson.. y . holding n another.,. C 'o' Durnin: and Wilfred M illrn. In Dungannon A•;rictiltural Hall, i" • his first' year in' medicine • at" Harry• by.'•Al x 'McLeod .., . , nett, spring: set l ursda D cetnber 2nd:and J. W Laois e Fred •M t ...g n.. cQuillul by Walla il- ..` , • 's the' Colwell. ler• • ficial open- 'rchie Ivan Geddes by Jarrres Hodgins ' and ;Eldon Miller, •� ••' Lticl><nctr and nlstrkt•t ha$ tonight, ,Th Y,•� c,Toronto i7niversty He• i c f MS A an outstandlncl•rcni i in . at 8.15 to,lnark the o p Mr. ander, r , • ti `A ' '•'worthy „cause anil •bivaac, -1 ing E71 the hall. , _�� ; ;„ �,� eldest . • n � .,.� , and;Alex McLeod �• FOr Trustees of • th15 �. _" iYldCuii�yic of .+t,.,�.,... . , T. b Allister .. .. .- Dan. T MacKinnon: , v • - aintain- thin position of program � -ill be presented': with. .Under the terms of the w111 of Larne Durnin by Robert :Lyons strip a to in P and Gordon 'Macpherson. • Eldon Miller by Robert Lyons ,and • Etmo Pritchard,' ' •-'LEGION SPONSORS THEATRE SUOW. NEXT WEEK • nit�'.;liCl ?<llitI leelarks, by parliamentary mem- the. late J, .1:..Carter of Sarnia,' distinction among 1 .• e' ' 17bminion. erst chanty and.township of- .and who ..is buried at. Seaforth, ih should Id b and three chola hit to � thr s 1� fie l across of the • All contributions - e` past presidents- rshi- 'are awarded in moiled :or left at thy' Bank bf Soci;ety. Dance 'after to music, by } 25 counties.,in Ontario: They have ivr f e•li" Lurkno��• Farrier's orchestra. la value of .$100, .`.$60 and $40 in. 13tit it is not only 1 A earance of on t . 1.: 'Caitarj, ins : etsonei '•, �p • �'each.\county. � • P • p Winners of the Bruce Scholar- ships tete bt1� Christmas Seals; They lief 'KANSAS 'FARMER ' h of •ta'ners. .i ships are. 1st, Bruce'N1cTntos t Yu'rcha,-ed this Chri'stroa' �rrll. I; e I `• • Lucknow Branch of the Cans T and. Ills. En tel i a'iarton High School; 2nd, .Got- adiaithe season 'h1 Cht istiatis, ,1 fy�c s, Tc - a 1 Sit ' day December 4' t Legion is' sponsoring Budd lists. The picture being shown at The: Play 11eit'nyc'ci`1rtS' and B Women s Institut ) house next` Monday, Tuesday. and 'Wednesday, and frill ;share it the proceeds, • • ' The picture is a top-notcher, starring. Eddy' Cantor • in "Show Btitsiness''. 'On each of the three nights ,the Legion is putting up a 'chicken zfs . a lutkq t • prize, t' Rip ice .a or e don Bird of Kincardine, 'High double -Mira auspices �'it cross b# inks a Te` •nonoil Tuesday, bee.. tciiool; and 3rd, Alex MacIntyre . • at Durid� Sch" ' 1• • ,nse fropl people of all colors A r ci lttiral Society) t of L'tieknow High oo . spy (auspices g -�kilrick, 'shite, ' brut and el n am starts at ,8.15—radio art -1 It :is' the first tin�i�e, we believe, • .1na'cy not Understand pr ills stars Canada's • a Carter Scholarship•has come low." oche '4• that d audev each 'other, but they kilo the double 'barred : cross. means "Fight Tuber losis" in any lang- uage. fists an v cowboy ;ta Lucknow arid; Alex's achieve only singing violinist; y Ment reflects much credit on songs,. mountain nciusrc, , comedy. himself. and the teaching staff, :. i r . Adults• 50e, •ch ld en 25c i h • } • • Hughes; and Waiter ?MacKenzie. P. A. • Murray by Harold Percy 'and Janies •McEwan, • David H. Carruthers • by Aleft r. McLeod . and J. W Colwell. • John W. ` Colwell . by Daeid S. Carruthers. anti• •Wm.,Stanley. • L.H.S. CONCERT TWO NIGHTS •,' Reserved Seats' are now avail- able at McKim's , Drug Store, Ifor' the Lucknow, High School Com- mencement wi ch ' will• be held two n.iehts' ne"t week -Thursday 'and •Friday, Ttie concert sting Promptly at 8,15. • • e- 1_.