HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-11-11, Page 6PAGE SIX
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USES STRAP. Emy To . t Hallowe'en . Booth Popular
ESTABLISH ORDER TNT; SCHOOL l At• . the Hallowe'en party the:
Free Pick Up And Delivery.
Leave Orders At ■ ■
I «shell. out" booth was a mightyA
John D; Martin, principal.; of popular spot, Expenditure for. pop
.Oak Ridges public. school, and a and ` rolls •totalled $37.44. The ice.
native of Pararnount, came in for cream , that . was. consumed was'
: a good deal of publicity,in last 1, donated, by Silverwood Dairies
and the weineks were
donated by the Lucknow Womens
Institute,. '
week's Toronto Star,:' as a results
of` strappings he halliffirect
to establish order' in ' the school,
where heassunied the principal-
' ship in :September. Oak Ridges
is .in North Toronto.,
A protest " was lodged against
"too frequent use of the strap",
, and after, a hearing of the matter
the, School Board expressedthe
• opinion that the • charges had not
come from the parents. as . a•
whole. The chairman: of the Board
.said "The parents tonight have
approved of the :discipline :and,
we • express our. 'confidence ,in the;
Mr. Jim Leonard -'of Burlington
and Mr, John Campbell of Bel-
fast visited Mr, and Mrs. Jake
Hunter on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Phillips
-and Mary of Wingham visited Mr..
and Mrs. Jake Hunter on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilt Ritchie, Har-
•vey. and Eldon visited 11J1r. and
Mrs. -Elmer Wall on Sunday..
. Mr. and .¥Virs. Oliver McCharles
and' boys visited Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Baynard Saturday even-
. ing.
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dweyer of
Toronto, Mr. Alfred Andrew sof
North Bay visited., • Mr. and. Mrs.
Gordon Kirkland : and Mrs. And.-
rew .on Sunday. ` . •. ' •
Mr,, and' Mrsa Ken Laidlaw ` and'
,'family •visited• Mr, and Mrs.• Geo.
Hunter for'the week -end,
• Mrs.'Will Ritchie and Mrs Nel-
son Rayniard 'visited' Mrs: D•on :Mc.,J
Mr. and':
nd .Mrs. Ivan, 'Papernick.
and family and Dorothy Raynard
of Goderich visited : Mr. and. • Mrs.;
Will Ritchie Sunday evens.:.
Sunday school at 1015. church
at '1'1a.n .
Why Be A Slave To Junior?
"`Don't' let' baby be 'a tyrant",
warns noted author Evelyn Bar-
kins. Read 'how she makes 'her
three children. behave. without
the advice. of. psychology ;experts:
Read. "Why Be A Slave To Jun-
ior?", in The .American .Weekly,
one. 'of the three big magazines
with this ' .Sunday's (November
14) issue of The' Detroit . Sunday
principal"• Times. •
Return From Overseas Trip. .
;Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jardine re-
turned recently to Chicago, after
spending the past few months n
the Old Country, Mr. • and Mrs.
Jardine: made their headquat•ters
'at Southport, in Lancashire, but
spent part of their holiday on the
.continent w
Mrs. Jardine was • formerly' Ab
hie MacKenzie, and is a sister 31'
Miss Mary MacKenzie , and Mars.
Ross 1ViacMillantof Kinloss:
T URs., NOVE> E .. lith, ;194$'
The ,dance on Thursday" night,
under auspices of the Women's,
Institute, was. poorly. .attended:
and the local branch barely made
expenses on the venture: The
door prize, a • chicken, was •won
by. Gladys Gibson. .The 'Institute
operated a lunch: counter, the
proceeds of. which kept. them • from
ending • up in "the . red",
. The previous Tuesday night
The Clansmen ran.a dance:after
the rodeo,. which also 'little more.
than paid'. expenses, •
United. Church W.M.S..
.. The theme for the • November
Meetings 'of • . the after noon 'auX-
ilary was Thy KingdomCome,
through ,the healing .ministry of
the .church,, Mrs. •George. Andrew,
Mrs, Robt, °Thompson, 'and ' Mrs.
Wilfred. Drennan took part in, the
worship ;service.' Thee . Associate
members were entertained at this
meeting with Mrs. Anderw•- wel-
coming the guests. Mrs, Wilfred
Anderson presided' for the pro-
grarn_A skit introducing the new
1.•dam colc "W.estr f. thz-rxergesw
by: the 'Rev • Kenneth Beaton • was
presented . by ,Mrs..:.Grant Mac=
D•iarmid, Mrs: J. -Kilpatrick and
Mrs. Anderson. Miss Lowndes
favored with' a..solo.. Miss 'Dean
McLeod gave a very interesting
illustrated talk • on, the,tabernacle
and camp ofIsreal with a model
of • •1I0.- pieces showing the taber
naele, court. furniture and tents.
Mrs. Anderson thanked Miss Mc-
Leod for her splendid talk; also
"+ase contriimtine to the program.
Mrs. E, N..Hodgins •gave. the cloy-
ing . prayer, •
Miss Margaret McPherson, star. •
dent nurse at. St..Joseph's Hos,
pital, London, Was home fo ti»
week -end.
Mr,. and Mrs. John. ' Cunning.
ham, Mr. and r , Toin Diekison
and children of Walkerton - w erg; •
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs
E. J. Thom and Mr. and. Mrs. W -
A.. Miller. .. •
"A very successful :bazaar .wa,, •
held on Saturday under the aus
pices of the Women's Associatti�h
of the united church, . Proce,*ci .
amounted to nearly $50,
The November meeting 'cif• tit.•
Women's. Institute was held a/
the' home of :Mrs. Will Rutile! -.. `
ford with -17" ladies present. 'rho
roll, call was answered by, gii,ing
a cookie recipe. There was'a short.•
discussion regarding the girl,"'
pr�pject, • "Sleeping Garments'`
Mrs; Ruther.•ford, wlio attendc�cl
the curse in Wingham, agreed tai
be leader. if the ,gir.Is would : meet
at her home for ,the rnee
Ings that it takes to r. mplete . the'
project. It' was d ided not t.;.
.npp1y. for The Rave .nment grant.—
A Letter -was read; front the soc.:„.1.:.
retary of :the W. am Hosital,
thanking the Instit te: for. the $6
cash donation, whi• had ween
used.,to .purchase a c ock; for. ,the
nursery,• Mrs. T. J.. odd 'gavel a
very interesting and 'nformatrve
paper ; on home etc omics . ,
piano Solo; "Star of th : ' East' ►,N
ar l M rostie` and . s„lo "�
-• +C cC a a .Can°t
� Y
- •you. hear -me call a" '. by Mr;: E.
W.' Rice accom p nied' . by • Mrs.
Rutherford=.were.enjeyed: *Mrs E
gave a report of the
'Morning session of •the rally s1� 1d
at Dungannon and Mrs. Rice
ported;: the afternoon session . A
+rookie eontest followed with M;s
Charles McDonald and Mrs: ' W'1:..
McCrostie • as judges. Mrs, LAr.•r
Durnin was the winner . of hw
prize, a cookie'• .jar.' At tht^
clusian lunch ' was . served
Mrs: Frank:'Todd: and Mrs ,1 r,i :y,
Wolds` as hostesses.
• T Annual •Thankoffc\; ii; -
meeting Of the W.M.S.: was ho??'
on Sunday .evening; when
(Rev.) W. J:' -Moores of llelg6t.a`
gave'an interting:.•and thought-
•provoking missionary 'addres.,-.
Her many friends ,ate glad t n
know. that XV1\rs. lames Gaunt s :
getting. along so' Well after spend -
,e•,ndng. a week: i.ri'the Wingham 11
pttal. She "'is epected; t0 rr ttt,:`a
•home; this week
ar1d: Mrs. Hugh Ruthei t
and daughter Maur een of P. F .�`'
tang: spent 'their holidays` •,
'his... rents, Mr. and. Mr-'
1 Rutherford:
' All the meml ei s are itt ° •
attend the annual meet in‘g,-, •
Beef ' Ring to, be held 'M .tic
en Thursday 'evening, Noy,
• On
'at,"8 o'clock:
I 'TW‘Foot: Doll Cottage �f
Ondis la
1? y at sti=ice s • ,
shop: .in ', Ripley is: , a ta•,,
square ;dell cottage, built to
by„W. 'N. Bushell-- of L tckti:�
!- o * •
•i•r•rs•ii•ilii•ir••••••rri'iNr•i••i•i'i•iir%••irri•• .
Q1 TA1(7Q 'S products are desir and purchased by people all over the
world and' the capacity acity to produce such goods largely determines: the economic •
every welfare of eve _ man, woman and child . 'thin her borders.; Because the sale of
e. singleFoditced in .Ontario. brings gs. valuable dollars into this Provinces we `
. p
all are more assured of job security . • .. and we' and our clukh en can have more'
of the better things in Lfe. To produce suchgo in sufficient quantities, skilled
labour ig• vital. • That is why every .sing•le one of glad should be t at war veterans
are constantly being__ trained. to .provide the skilled hands:so needed by' industry.
.Veterans receive .ON THE JOB training- under expert instructors in our Ontario
factories. , . .
• 'This
traiiin.g, provided through the coaoperation of the Department of Veterans
Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario' :Department, of f'.
Education, starts veterans off on the road to skilled craftsnnatiship. Taught to
use their hands in general aero engine and, airframe work, both on military and
civilian aircraft, these veterans may qualify for a Department of Transport_ license,
authorizing, them to declare aircraft airworthy. In aircraft manufactunn4 .plants,
and on flying fields throughout Ontano, these. newly -skilled. veterans will have
the opportunity to apply their talents and training... Their efforts will help to,
make Ontario a finer place in which to live and will contribute to .the welfare and
happiness of all her omens.'
t .
' >i#. Parry;;' 25, of Oshawa, Ontario, a
•Canadian Arm, yveteran.•.is shown 'making •
an adjustmentto the engine of a' Cub .
Trainer. Students wart onvarious types
• of aircraft ranging from the Cub Trainer
to multiple engine ,military aircraft.
• Many veterans,: trained as ground crew
specialists . during the war; have 'chosen
to take::post-tear training in ,•
this occupation for which
they. are .particularly suited.
For them the transition ,to
peace -time employment has
been easier..
ru :
A: Than who doesn't care; tl�'
gets the ' credit is the g:-c•.t`!'�?•.
Credit to his nation. i
The Bruce •'County Junior Far..
niers Association' . held their f rst -L.,-
' annual sipeaking contest and w a-
tetir entertainhtent contest m the,
Town • Hall, ,Walkerton, ' on • e -
i nesday night, Mr. Austin. Marti
president of' the Association, ,was
chairman.:for the evening and G.
R. Ce r; • agricultural, representa=.
tive coined.' 'the • gatli•ring..
Fra is Boy.e, vice .pres. cif •the a:'
Ripley Junio Farmers, Won top
honors in. the _public speaking •
Contest. The subject choses` by
him was "Well Diggers" Thos eri
title` Francis to carry on into the,:
district final's . which ;ill' include'
Ile tountiet--of Grey, Bruce and
Wellington. The other rotytesi.ants ,
Were Marion Monk; 'Eltt7(‘•nod:,
Donald McClure, Chesley:' Shir-
ley Schildroth, Port Flgm .:i
Murray Culbert, Ripley. , '
In ,the dramatics entertait „ ikt
contest the Ripley. Junior 1 . rm•
ers 'took top 'honors with 'the r
play' "Tea .Party". Other :groups
represented were another R./ ley '
entry • which placedsecon; i and
the Chesley"Junior Farmers
The .judges were C. F. 'tt ash
Mr. A. Gilroy, IPS. ani
Miss •Baldwin,• ail of Walkerton.;