HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-11-04, Page 8M• • SP1• • ♦ PAGE EIGIn THs LUCKNOW SP NTI,NEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .THURS'., NOVEMBER. 4th, 1948 % asaaaass■a.ossa:ssasasaasaaaaasaaaa met, esaan • - 1 . a :■ IIOSIE1IY a � 1 9 st• . al, • N• YLON HOSE; • CREPE HOSE,' ..1. ■ w •. FULL-FASHIONED LISLE, • ■ FULL -FASHIONER:. . WOOL HOSE : • ■ i....It Made' BY: Ho eproof . w ■ ■ ■ u 111. :■ .kFul-fashioned for `perfect fit. Season's ':newest shades, ; ; u ■• ■ , • • • i etort ▪ ..' • as limmusimmummussus ssisonsaisssa.rs1.ei a e.s.W • Exhibits Wolf Pelt When Jim Purves visited at ' his .home here at ,the. week: end; he exhibited a wolf.pelt that created considerable interest Jim ran the animal ' dawn' on the .highway near Cochrane, .and an old Indian •vPo1nan did the skinning. The pelt measured seven . feet from the nese . to. ,the t of the tail; • orernbeF, R otos Freak G ourley Pickles 16. 07-47 r 25c Marva.* Wiwi Tomatoes oz, tin 2 for 35c • choke quality Fels Napfha .Latmdry 'Soap 2 bars • 29c No. 1 Waite . Cooking Beans 2' lbs.. 25e. Select hand picked ' Canadian beans Heim Tomato Juice > ... 20 `oz. tion2 for 25e fancy quality.• sant% Date l�iitt'. Tin •c This loaf is Made.',from' Ole • finest 'ingredients and •comes ready to 'slice • and serve when unexpected guests;. arrive; and for ',teas, luncheons and 'sup pees .of all: kinds.::.: . ' JUST ARRIVED .froth Sunny. California Luscious Red Emperor Grapes 2 lbs 29c 1 uy :ofthe: Week ROBIN • HOOD ,OA T S 5 ; Lb. Bag 35c ec gem your coupons here for• • FREE Lifebuoy Soap, HOMPSON'S ''he Store of'Friendly Service a OBITUARY JOHN blieliAY • Mi.; John MacKay, a lifelong resident of this community,. died at his home,'Second Concession, Kinloss, on Saturday morning; October 23rd. Death.. resulted from a succession of paralytic seizures. Mr. MacKay:Was was born in Luck -1 now 78 years ago, where :his fath er, : the` late Hugh . MacKay, op= erated . a, .blacksmith on the site, wherethe r United. Church now a stands His'.mother's maiden name was 'Catherine Kerr •and to this .pioneer couple was born a family of . nine. children,' ' four of 'whom, �ttrenete .. It was in 1873 that Mr and Mrs. MacKay " and .gamily' 'moved.. to their ' farm . on' 'the . Second. Mr. MacKay bad ;Owned the farm for thirteen years prior to that, while blacksmithing in Lucknow John,' ;one of the :five sons, spent his ;lifetime .on the home - 'stead, where kmd hospitality was extended to all •who crossed the tbresliol ': . , John .wat..an. industrious farm- er; honorable and ;dependable , in alL his dealings., The ; MacKay farm was. Ion. noted for its -fine Shorthorn' cattle; but of lateyears fanning:; operationswere curtail • ed and their herd isposed of. Join was -a Stauinch l Presbyter- is n, and 'a' lifelong member of 'the Lucknow Presbyterian Church,,(' A ' private funservice • was 'held at his la t residence on Monday conducted' by 'Rev: C- H. R MacDonald, assisted by- Rev. J. PRIZE WINNERS- AT PLAYHOUSE THEATRE .,A Hallowe'en , party Matinee was held' at The Playhouse Theatre on. "Saturday •afternoon when: all the children present received a treat or candies, ap- ples. or ice cream. Many came in, costume, and special costume prizes were awarded Alvin Baker,, Linda Crawford and Allan China Won Honey Prizes Last Monday,' Tuesday and Wednesday during the showing of "The Keeper of the Bees", a four- pound pail. • of honey wasgiven away. :each: night by. Innes Mac -- Sween, • `♦Luckriow's keeper of the ;bees". The winners were Mrs. L. C; Thompson, • Mrs, Frorence . Mus- tard' and ` Miss -L. Robinson, • of Wngam.* i h•q •ti Campbell acting .as pallbearers; • `Mr... MacKay, is survived by a brother- -ngits--and fwo- s'isters,. Gsses Jesse ami AnnjP_ MacKay, . all at • home . and by • -a ; brother,: Alex, of Edmonton. P•re .deceasing him were three brothers, Donald, Hugh and David i: and one sister; Maggie. MRS. JOSEPH ENGLAND • • . On Thursday eveniing of last week death came to Mrs. Joseph England at the home of her son John. The previous evening. Mrs. England had suffered a severe. heart ' attack; and although she rallied temporarily, did not, long survive the seiture ' 'She was in: her 82nd year, and ` hasbeen practically a.' lifelong. resident of -this `:district, • where she made many • friends by cher kindly manner and her cheerful' and helpful nergbborliness. Mrs. England . was a daughter of - the • late :Henry • H, Pritchard and . Christina McNeil, • . and • was: one • of a family ' of seven child- : ren • The family home was in. 0111.1- Olivet. ht1Olivet• community on the Second I Concession, where she.' met and Married` her now ,bereft husband; MIT; Joseph:''Eng.land .This month Mr. and Mrs: England would have gtterved their 54th • vedding an. niversary For tine past ;thirty,- .years they have 'resided a half tyre, W. J. ' Irwin aa. Harold' Mile •' orth of •tlie Second • Con - cession,. and in spite of her over 80 years, Mrs. England thought little' of walking to town The` funeral service was held at her late residence : on Sunday, conducted by Rev. Robert Mac `I connell- in the absence.of Rev. J. . W • Stewart who, was conduct-' ins anniversary services at dgetown': Interment was in i Ripley _Cemetery, with six grand- sons acting as pallbearers, `Wm.' and Gordon. England,' Galt, Stew- art England,' Hespeler; ` Bill Ib- botson, : Flint:; Harry . Middleton; Oshawa and. Harry Swan• of Wal - Angus Smrth:. Interment was M. nearby South Kinloss" Cemetery ',With Donald Thompson, 'Donald MacDonald; Leonard McInnes, Archie MacIu;- TI+ Re. Diss�Iution of :Paitnershi1 • Finlayson •' Bros. wish to announce a dissolution of partnership, -and that .the .business -;will now he carried on by D. R. Finiaystin. . ,. i just Arrived... A New Shipment Of CCILTICELLAI NYLONS , in 42, 45, 51 guageo Lovely, new Fall shades. Also For Ladies Dresses, Blouses, Sweater's, Lingerie WE HAVE ♦ Boy's Suits, sizes 24-29,. 1 long, 1, breech, Sizes 29-32, 2 long Girl's Coats -7-10, 12, 14, 14x, 15 Snow Suits, Coat Sets • in gabardine an •chh cnida. , ' sh:tn!s TOT -TO -TEEN &, ; LAUIES' WEAR ''may Suggestions b' Towels and •Wash • Cloths in aU colors. Striped : Flanneilette, 29c per yard _ Ottawa Valley Satin -Bound Blankets in all shades. A 'Good: Selection of Misses' and' Ladies Dresses, Sizes 11-'19 and 16'/ to 26',4, [en: and and .Sport the new •Hollywood Sport Shirts k's Fall Winter Suits !' y,1. .A Ready -Made' and Made-to..Messure ESTER,;. :PR laceburg ' Other, ,grandchildren acted as flower bevel's.' Survivi>sg are, her hu tband, two daughters. and. three sons, Mrs.. Jack:. Swan, Bervie, Mrs:: Nellie• , Ibbotson, Flint, Michigan; James and John, England . of • Luck/Low : and Thomas of Galt. There are `2I grandchildren and• five great grafi Surviv- ing. also; are ` sisters, Mrs: Maria. • �y 'and s. McBurney of .Mang 6 ba�and. Mrs. .George.: Gayrnan of'. Pei rmar;• Pa. \\:\\\\\\\S,\\\\\\\\\\\\\o\\\\\ a\\\\\\\\\\%\'.\ • �inplete:' Line of Rubber Footwear .' . Nova' In Stock. • NEWT LINES NEVA' STYLES oodrI0 an BRA] at. i1Yea \\\\\\\\\\\'••. .,ate r...lsa1.si00r1.s.r1.arraaasrsae■rersrriaeare�esoiergrrrirra ■ ' 10 01.: 01.01.0111111■aaaaeaaraalirli rraaaaerrriaer5. ■■rr1.s�r0�rrrr0■ • •I ■• Tris Store �s now. well U. •Cited ' ■ s. BARG�NS TI-lIS WEEK• in• Sw�ters •for' i • cry . ■ a ao ' .� eV omit ■ When a� r o e�� s . . y' y t 0e. have our .own righting system �, ■ o , Wamen and C'hil • . UNDERWEAR far !M�n ..:. � ,.as it im • is mi•• ■ • a ■ The to �� �t�•T Stock •a .h 0seoom4les....■.1.0...mrre1.. 1.0rr00 .a.r1.s0a.aa■aa.1.a■ie00mmiiaa aO saN■ is samosso •