HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-11-04, Page 2PAGE TWO
f•Ut• ' SENT/1=4 L CKNOW, °NTARM°
I$, s was hasteM. at 12
" was' her mine for the °dunes -
Ars interesting . �_ ■
solemnized iii Pine River 'United ing.of • the Paramount Women's • .a
March at h noon" cur Sa'ttir•Institute. 'Mrs. R. piton pre-
day. October 23rd when Bertha. sided.. The roll call was answered
Nina. only daughter, of Mr, and by a "Time saving hint"- Grunt
Mrs, J_ RM Wargli=ner Huron town- events were given by Mrs. R.
ship, 'waw . united i • Marriage to k Campbell. The sewing con pit -
Mr.. Nell John, J. MacKenzie,. only dee discussed . making a couple
son. of Mrs.. MacKenzie, Ashfield'' of quilts. Readings • were gi en
township, and' the late Mr. , Neil by Verna Hamilton and Mrs.. 3.
J. ,MacKenzie_ The double -ring Webster and a contest conducted
cerernony' was perfor`m`ed by Rev.:' by Mrs, Wrn. Stanley. A. vote of
J; C. ' Hutton assisted by the th,lois . was extended by Mrs. Ja&
k brides_ nrrcle,. Rev.''E. A wawa,. Mac•Tavnsb:' Lunch was served by
c Berrien' Springs„ Mich. Bars. Wm.. the hostess The 'next Meeting
1 Courtney presided at : the organ '` will dam:'at:.the home of :Mrs. B.
, and Mss, Iris Pollock , sae "The Campbell with ie topic taken
T•l>Rd''s Prayer"' and•"'t'R. Wikpl by 'Mrs. Jas_Webster Program`
- :r A• r tteea -_Verb---R ton, -Mr
marriage by .iter` fath• , was r O'. Richards. •
gowned ;in, • white: ,bridal sats' Mrs.. Clark'. McDouga a n d
lied fang with high neckline, icy- .children of'- F'Iesl erton are irisit-
• Iain: 'poke, fitted boclLc. . and
. $lightly nor:iia t skirt ending nn
Westin ouse "a sw�reeprn tragi.: firer bugle
�.. ,._... a seed peed beerea s
>t! C i' and bodice... Her .fig
AR t s of P Err�dal was herd by a cord
ezeinsiie Puree . !of bvrgfr beads, Te .'and seed
ducriont Ex a sik-ulbe w.arnut . pearl She-, • wore ' a treaded
_- -; strand: of pearls and carried a
w a 6coadc two ante Fume with shower' bo¢cluet
expanded et of 'orchids-.• 'Ser fiv• e attendants
(25-31 metres and 4E:
Cantinnonsty ton
annttct and �-Cstt:
slitigiiraszt, =Wm vest-.
orm.4 SKIM
Vilma HO
ii g, her ;parents, Mr.. and Mrs. D.
Richards` •
Mr ' 8s Mrs: D Richards' return-
a 17 ar'
of Fleshertms. :al=_
tending. the, Richards -Dema weed-
ding.' • •
Visitors With a' Mis,s. Susie Gib -
Son recently were ,Miss •L . Gib-
son .of •London , ,Miss 'lean and
Bill Bre Saskatoon . Sask. Mr
,wore..f nor length velvet' gents t and Mrs.. gar" Gibson and Calvin,
fashioned piaci=: and wearing Mat- fMr,:• and Mrs'..Carman McPherson;
.and • Mrs.. Roby':. Ston
visited with . Mr.. and Mrs:. Wm -
McGill, L cknowc •
Mrs. Baid *Russell of Kmcar-
'dine .spent' • the week -end with
Mr, and IIs:. I$ Ensign -
Mr J Macintosh visited with
Mr.MacChar1es on
Sunday • '
■ .
ree. .Pick Up And Delivery
. Leave Order's. At
wee■el��� gg��//�'veli/e//'li*guess//��/e�r1�//����te�l��l
chug hanfiPanoc and flowers_ Miss
Evelyn`thmid of her,
l Kathleen.
' MacKenzie,' sister
o€ the bridegrgorr! , as bridesmaid;
and MIs Bessie; Reavie;' as junior
Fwitfesrnarrf, abase gowns of
fuchsia :' .fears Taylor
and Mrs..Murray Walden;; brides-
Ella fr o, Were turquoise blue FA -Fe
a small_ yr l'isb?' with
shower:. bouquet Of roses and .
stetabanotiS., David MacKenzie LISTOWEL mERcHADas ' are
. " cueing ]? young comma of observing `a� . ftp hal lag ; each
the brikle and b'r iegreent, were ; Wednesday in an effort to curb
e Mr, Murrayalden ;hydro .Eagsi�. � g hgdrea eor�ronition .avoid
KfrPfrPrrr ,,.. Wig vras hest' mast" and the 1741ers ' aitch` p '
a ztevr rfresalit Wit' cruf con -t, , mere', r Glen: wa film„ Mr_ Allan ,.
siderahle.ciaraage to the front of ttafai-r:¢a, i and 11/r: 'Carl 'Walden_
car am•Sunday
he rani ' ink the rear of at
1%0 half -tam truck front Wing -ham T
..304441•.. aA
;For'•a '.reception. .lie€d 'Reid''
Corners. Community HIM ,
W!Trf wore a dark broom dress
and, darsaigeaf yempar =nest and
erif .gam : The was the bridegrooms mother a 'bhze tailored -snit, with small hat ,south Widen wasia. *ant
tai 'where • .re- wiueu ,giw. �c of White 'and Mach uric may: w
` Oct�r. � theetiitg of the
pert* the 1aa 'pro- Prate the: couple` left .for reside orf the; bridegrooms fa • ••
'GOODWG1%K: ;Clethh ig, •
Paints:, Overalls and Undeawear
for ;men and ' boys:.; The Market
Steele':' Rodeo' Circus' played 'to
about TOS .- peop1e in -thee Arena.
on Tuesday Wight; ante -
was generally--well-II/eased wit
the performance.
The show featured: roping,trick
riding, a striate dance on horse-
back, trained' dogs aid: ' hotses
and high gapers. A couple Of
mules and a versatile. claws add-
ed' plenty of laughs...„TwO popular
acts. featured• �Io oys, in au
exhibition of riding the ` •eIuct-
ant" mule,, and of bare back rid-
ing . using a mechanical ,.device.
that had the, lads stspei;ded in.
theair hanging to, the atnirnal at
bode extremities.— the ears' and
tam Bob Aitchison, Kenneth Mc=
Tay: arid Roy. Enberli t were the
Jerre -back riders;• w~it' Bhb get-
ting 'biggest tint the bi hied for his rid
ing Joe' Dowald and Teddy,;Coll-
yer • were the best. "hangers on".[, the lake,; : rainfalP wasn't as.'.. gre
las here, arid ..the grin is st
not .in 'proper ; condition ' for, pTa
The month, generally was ve
nice with inst. week : excepti"o
their share `for, tie: Recreational",may... shy and, . warm.: High f
Centre fund. idhe. Month: was reached ,last, We
nesday .with..'a:` temperature of
degrees: Low foir the month w
27' :.,degrees
An, interesting .and instructii
herd in StratFord, r
'orf Guiti Teale
4. 10 associat e- membei
The dinner • speaker was. Mi
Katherine Marstin, editor of; t I
Elora Express. Another interes
ing feature at that time was
demonstration of life guard wo;
given by the Kincardine • S:
Rangers. .
Thome in attendance from Luc
now were . Mrs. • Clark Finlaysoi
Mrs. Clair Agnew, Mrs•;. FIaro
Treleaven' and Mrs. Daae Ruttie
Over 4'Inches Of .
October •rainfall': in this ,ir
mediate vicinity ; Measured ' 4.
inches In addition, there • i -as 2
;inches o€' snow.. The moisture w
badly • t eeded. Westward, • towa
in the rattle act
The troupe had their-warnel-
ectric organ, which added a :good
deal .to the show.. It was sponsOr-
ed. by the Ciarzsinem Club, with
' , ae tom; the bride.' travelling * a its Heid taw iship_
(It a shoptsng.tr p arourict,t 'xe.e a:}er ISS et wctl.'.
err p e. hig& car choice &milds from countries •
oNer•'the wor d., Tee she pr tzet nt fr.r :erfrahr &-Joie
tbali h. er" ire e. •Ocez+,t starer ft'"* the In tgi caf acrcSt`IcT trscle
*that GTL :Tter.shoppprrng• ba ket _ -. the ..World' ti re is'Fsreru
.of aNittiterce'that irri:crgs the €nest products from « t her-
co iiut -i ;. within actit-r. et ch' cif" ea erg eustz is T+ L t itp C
perry res'other peiipLe to enioi our
;;fit, you Reston {l:.t£ the Sank,, o' +lvbin,tre'ai'' 4:1.1TIc
ad. thi,ngti .Pot hull; Vet the 1,141.* x!!:1
• I1a:Fs, 'tar .e [)Lrt in biin u' ; th-r-i Ctr it:`�
arra aging ,c.rei .;res hr•.a�i, . v.fln Liu.
eg4; oits anii,
tie F7arCt)1i4ts't1 infinartetrlg. tor4,4r'S.,.
rL 'de,, the t3' o f '4T, helps it Lk r:: this
tv.rc) W:.y tl�fwn.`clE t c'�cz:c%s:
prisstbte_ . stt.d: til up,rte• '
'.err) t WJ itt a h LLb
•My Bank"' serve', yo t
and.hil:flions. CT orh'te.t
C: n4lian r'•E'VC!1"jr
BA:44X NT.21'AL
C4/2 t4dsL'• s Crit Honk
iirMLfty rtzx.i (.urrdJr iu xn ucr, 44 '6f 1tf4 JifT4 1817. `
0 .,
INIMOOKSESACSINZ CAIIMINPASi OintEt ItN astir t NIA11 * O HE uN iE T E&•-�.toRIhE otittet4$ iHROUCHOIL nit Wand
South ' Kinin Busy Bee Minn
Rani' • was held in : W. ba tent. fresh Gild
TheNoPresbytebellesta�tano Guildwith ti
.of the church .aa' Sunday, , . Oct-. a, f tren . g ��
t , • 'wgthh the 'president, shiging ' of: hyrim 773' The seri
Margaret Gr rang gr•.esidig. The , ttire )lesson. Wa�s.'read' response
theme • was ' Prime acrd ,'Thames- : ly and : Norms Taylor ' gave ' tl
• grvxrig. 'The scripture • was• read, con enentary, `' followed by tl
%g' M� Atm Midi A" F.ord's • prayer unison The ri
gra k call, was answered b a rovei
i prayer ways rea.� icy :Atrlrey ,Stagy -.l y t?
leg e I ] ariorn M`acDpna:Id :condureteci
w ms tlrsetr • . .and sora servi€e_. Mrs `I W. al l the f calT'awi .Queers ;were %et-' very interesting , readir
`ed for the' airing• year .: pry, oRel ggiro.ti in the . Little. -,.Thing
Margaret. 'MacTlonald; vice prey., Marion MacDonaldplayer a pia
Mary .ga Mil r'r. : treaavr Mary i sol4a_ ' tor_ ''MacDonald closed tl
Anna , Maclrntyre sec:; June Clark; l, meet ng .: with' prayer ' Sam Ch
l rQ conducted contests -and Torch.
pr gram coin tt an, $elle Gra- .
hart, Audrey . Stanley, Shrrleg s,ered_
,•ErrgIarid and.43etty Thin, tore_ A '
. .
t ov-ely duet; was sung, .by Shirley forcii PRIZE t,e`laA `y,, Club, . Baaa- at theS'-rt;S'-rt;Uo—
Enngland ,arid June. ClClark.:Belle frolic •'Rincl.Trded; Cameron; G:;. * ,i.
Graham •read the o ffe ring• prayer. of ,Mitchell, ';who won a t
Reading's :.were ,gwlren by' Mrs_ phonograph
Dickie and Mrs.MacMillan., rt'he.
topic .was': takers bey Mrs'. Graham`:
1 Meetings will ,be discontinued for
$:'the winter nonths.
ULSTR.rc'r POLICEMEN' . have
;been congregating. 'in' Teeswater
ta take • "judo=" instruction 'from
. ' Geatge Million whc •becai me .ex-
xpert.. in this. science: While taking
commando training raring the
lit Frtc'C:y. evening the G
held' therm regular .'rneetina •
S ern ap-t.oref health, tenderE+i '
patrols Work :being taken.'
In attendance was Marv' A.;
MacIntyre, a •Lone•
'Seventh Company;
Brownieswill meet at 4,1;
Guides art 7':3a next, Friday
Legion ' Robin.
■ HEAR! :..: .' .HE.A.R!
a AT LAST the hearing -acid -users are gettiicg' a 'break If 3,7611 •
• ' battery costs are $3,00 a month* NOW only $I.00, by us' i`
s the new , dr3i 'battery charger. • Elearing aids from $45 O0.
•is FREE DEMONSTRATION "of the latest tizzy nett
■ aid, from 1 to=. p;ain.. .
AIf you are using a hearing .aitl'Iarid' can't hear a. conversa t,,
•or ;iii church. 'meetings, then you will geta surprise to Iie
• ■; . the. full natural tones again w'itl the .new sonotone or''
• tone Tearing 'aids. No shrill •less, .easy 'on nerves. '
Dearing test by. 'appointmeen t In your hoihe.
Write for ,free booklet..
111 Qiteen St.„ N., Kitchener,
■psm/est/`pis/sme/sinsim / mensmimriism !tri