HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-10-28, Page 4Y►. PAGE FOUR THE tc roW SENTINEL,'. LUCkNOW, ONTARIO - (WANT ADY' iATFSr-,1st,,iuser't on 2 cents a word, subsequent insertions .I, cent :a ' ord.'Minimum charge 25` cents. Replies care of The Sentinel • 10 cents extra, .Legal .advertising 10 cents. per. count 'linefust insertion, 5 cents 'pets; line subsequent insertions. NOTICE 'LENDOR TABLETS are effect- ive. 2 weeks supply $1; 12 weeks , $5, at Down's Drug, Store COURT OF REVISION A court of revision on the 1949 PAISLEY' APPLE BUTTER, .Mill as5essinent roil of West Waiva- Will run. Tuesdays; and Wednesn, �p�i1� lteeld days, closing on : lyovember 3r.the •Township Hall ;om 'esday Novernber '9th, 1948 at 10.30 a.m.. Durnin. Phillips, Clerk,, FC). SALE ---hand operated wash-. ing machine, Mrs: 'Norman Stuart,. AUCTION SALE of' household • FOR SALE—New Gilson " SnOw: furniture at the residence of Mrs. bird" gas engine aSh ' mach Mae Ir'twin, ' Lucknow, on Satur- _ine. Thos._Boyes,F. LueknoW. dam 3ctobet-30th-;at :1394Week. See bills. Mrs: Mae - -- ti Fait s+41F�-�- -�ady. : eons -.. P7,1-90.-; --sofe=model--••r-adao -Quebec. heater heateg Welt. Aue. and Good Cheer heater. Apply at', Sentinel •Office. and implements. at Lot 33 and 34, AUCTION SALE of : farmer , stock. FOR SALE:— cream` and .black Con: 2, Kinloss Township, .Thurs- kitchen cabinet in good condition., : day, November :4th.: at I ' o'clock. • ` . See .hills- James. II: ' MacIntosh' ' Mrs 'Wilbert IIodgkmson, B. 5, " , Lucknow, phone 29-j. Irop.; Matt Gayno, Auc. HOUSE FORSALE AUCTION SALE of farm stock 8 -?°Om. � implements at Lot 69, 'S.D. frame ,hoose ..in Lucknow- :Apply �, „ R- t' dance_ 'Popular orchestra in: -at F.. Brotchre. has bought the 150- 1 v hone Kincardine . Township, 3 miles kendance.Lochh of the south-east:: of Bervie, on Friday, .$'f-22' Lucknow ; _ _nts. Fstate of the late Brick Mar.-Octo�'gets,possQsion.a''�bet 29th• at •1.00;oclock_See IN ME 0.. I - Swing- .memo of David Little, who passed away on October .15th, 1948, 2EUs memory is .las• dear today As in the hour he^ passed away; Ever remembered by his . Wife, Vera, Bill and family,. LITTLE -in loving memory, of Mrs. John • Little, whose death,. oc- curred on October • 15th, 1945. silent .thought, a secret tear Keeps her ;memory, ever 'dear:. Fondly remembered . by her Husband, and Mr. and Mrs: Jim Little. and Famil CARD OF THANKS Mr, Jack Cowan wishes to ex ., hi�s•'s incere' thanks and ap- P h•,� . preciation to his many relatives, friends . and .neighbors for . their kind ° remembrances • during his recent • illness and wishes to an- nounce that he is: making a fav- orable " recovery. NOTICE• •TO CREDITORS In , the estate of Lilly E. Hood late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, spinster, who. died. on or. about the. twenty- sixth : day of September,, • 1948. T A , OCTOBER, 28, . 1 A WI Steer The price of cattle is well ilii ustra4ted by the fact that a single' steer >centlI brought its Ash- field Township owner $405.00. At 27 .cents .a pound,. the :steer tip- ped the scales at 15001bs_ '.. • • _ , : _ .. Take notice that all ;parties hav= NOTICE . •ing claims 'or demands against the estate ofthe abdve . dsed The annual joint meeting of must mail particulars' andeceaproof Grey and Bruce Cream Producers ' of same to the undersigned ad- and Huron, Bruce and. Grey Hog ' Producers will be. held in Mild- m irtee th on or November„before thr<rteenth day of - . may • community Hail on Wed- 1948 u n Which. date the said ne ay,/7avem r -iii- a �-1 Lam, i tr which„ date ---wt� : � Don't miss ;the opportunity d"rstrihute the .asset : mai hearing Chas. McGinnes, p off Ont. Hog . Producers Association. • only to those claims of ' *hi �, i shall then have• been received: . JUNIOR FAEMERS, NOTE! Dated at Lucknow this . ' m - teenth day of October,. A.D. 1948. Thomas W. Smith, admintrator, uclthow, Datsun ACCOt NTANCY Serviex fes: • the Small mer- chant, Professional Man and the Fa me.r. In L,ucknow Toes.. Thum. and Friday. Office in Khat S. ,J .P Y •M P,Qa B.X. 74, L*ck*.w, OM Tse $ . 'Bruce County Junior Farmers '..Speaking and' 'Amateur Entertainmiment Elimination: Con -test in 'Town Hail,, Walkerton, Wednesday, November 3rd at. 8:00p ' Followed by : box social; and Buys Lot h2lsh Faris to Mrs. Ameha Tre ea en, p general admission 50 acre farm at ala FOR SALE Washing machine bills_ . Melville Scott,' Prop.;Don- ne " 2 cist� l :NOTICE ,$E LOGS ante , . ger, ,practically w; aid' B. Blue,: Auc.• .open to b all kinds 7" . i We are P uy: • ern • pumps; • some' good '. stove • pipes. • W.. E. Treleaven. Lucloaow..:, AUCTION . SALE of farm stock e of logs and:` would like to get • :as p many hard maple.loge'as possible.:. l ancf implements at Lot ,:18,. Con.., his Fall LTL�iID OLEI31t'!,.• 60 -.cycle • 1. t ' 2, West Wawanosh, . on .Friday,; washers, .chesterfield barga,n at . , a - ;In' cutting tour hard maple leags•1 Nov ember nth .at- one o clod... See. F. Mildmt & Sons :Furniture bi_ .�_ Terms cash: No reserve., E 1 please cut:, as Mangy 14 and 1f ft. Steitz Mridmay_' Also. 15 bedroom' e.' to `s ' as - ossi ile . cuttii;g . only.,. • _ �-'� Th. Fr.;.ia ;• ' W. • 1'Ieiderson�' � g suites:, , q choice log- these` lengths. . �iNGU?ISIIERS f r'o : We are in a position to handle FIRE E_�1 , 52.50 up All.t3.-nes from See AUCTION- S LE o€• ;'farm stock "Borrie•bT ech logs but' 'these:sl:auld to : automatic ; sprinklers See Art and 1mo,enients .: at.. Lot 1.1, • Con.l.be. good' quality : only . ' ' B -eck1es . Luckz o ', proprietor 7, Township, L m les We are only • able to handle a Sentiriel Fire Extin h '' .;cast e€ KKingsbria4e.'Friday Nov- limited amount cif .,8; ft_ .1 gs.:and• , eri��b r -5th at. •cine : o'clock: See rough lr� *re rots. demand FOR mashing "6. * a ar dts. a p _ r 1 ''For' further particulars call at b11151.,Austin .Quiglet,, :Prop., Matt.. , owr*lg to the •fact that low g a _ •ziiari,ine tvtlz ermine ,dirge; ` vac- :. t' all Frank:. Ritchie,R_ ' 3 Gay nor Auc pzzittea'..is near off the market; Lueknow.: dphone: 69-r-12 Duna CLEARING AUCTION SALE of , • farm,.:. bush an chattels `of • th i p.`ate of the Ia�e, Catherine Ros� •_' • Bannon_ FOR 'SALE -34 easter Chevrolet ..will be field at Lot 33; Con 2, coach.. motor'•and .tires . good., new ( loss' Township,.'oiie .mile north knee actien last fall Garnet, Heir;- of Whitechurch on ' Thursday, .' derson. C.N�R `, Kincardine.' . or November .. 4th at'1 o'clock. 159 phone acres of land, including 80. acr•esAy • 1 of outstanding bush,d•a quant . _ , .. � • � , ,l : Roderick MacDonald,. while hone Rtoley� 3 1 . FORS LE --cement`. veneer house it_v of'. chattels See bilis for par.- d_ rming the duties, of caretak- ,and ' -acre lot, mile north of ticula_rs.• Robert MacDonald; R:.;3,. H 3. `ine the Dungannon public .school: 'CNR station.,i>: mediate • - olytood: and Ross •Martyr, Rip- . . ,, posses took •a •.vrezk• 1e ;• Executors,' Donald B... Blue, i -I h lass Friday. Sion_ A ply .Robert Motfat, R+ 2, „ •. p Auc..,, . A:1. irs<S: • I Ken . Hodges and ;bob Wrngham phone 632-r�-5 WinD E daughter arrived home : on .Sat • ham_ . TENDERS WANTED • u �� I,urday from Godench ' ;hospital's Tenders for ' the construction' of•C They have chosen 'Lynda Joy for! • the Kirke Drain in West Waw a= the baby's name? nosh .''Township: will' be resented ._ • Mrs.; Dolly Evans and daughters by" the ;undersigned up to Nov; -",.s Gladys Et-ans• .R.NL''of Sask4 who haa is i 'been 1.iting drag the 'for mer s• caster. Mrs. W..R..Ar drew ;are rtoe:- its :g friends at Kin The:'. Lucknow Sawm • Co .•: InSuran+ce: AUT03I0131LE, FIRE, LLABILF Y & GENERAL ' .. IN-CR_LNCE ' Be. Sate Tomow, LiSure Todac.orr Oanad Savings: Bonds and' Sterling Trust Certiffcate.s.� :KILPATRICK LECK;'rTOW: : 'Phone -r-2 Dungannon: jpihnnmg. bars C. Lockhart-, o, i Goderich, district president; alai was, present and will come again' to , visit the Dungannon brand on November .3rd. ` ' • DUTCH FAMILY wants to come. to Canada : about February' or . March....: Man is very' good With cattle,• spears .good. English: Any one interested in employing hun :ember 8th, .1948. Tenders must be;1 i. write . J. Schuurrnans, .% David accompanied by a certified cheque, G. Stewart, IL 3, Goderich. for. 10 percent ofthe''tender price.. Plans and 'specifications ' 'of the Sl!:WJNG ;MACFINES REP.y. e - dram may . be seen :at the Clerk's EI -Expert•,. factory' %Meth; , all office in ` Dungannon.. The lowest makes. electric, or ' treadle, licens- ed, years' .. experience= new or any tender not necessa.irily acs machine results guaranteed, high- cegted_ , •Iy satisfactory work here for 'past D illin Phillip;, 15 years_ Telephonte ;115-cs,' C. W., ': • Clerk . of West Wawanosh Twp_: j Craig, Lucknow, or. wrie. ' ,• ° Dungannon;. Ontario_ rime To Decide: CHOOSE, Nelv Life or Lif eteria ' La eying .Mash Or Pellets for your birds, TAKE ADVANTAGE OP Ott .DELIVERY OERVICE. POSITIVELY NO EgTRA . CHARGE-'' Arriving This Week.:. . Fevers, 'Waterers (heated of unheated), Automatic Tines• $witches.' Finn Mineral there is no better. Jameswa r gilt A., CRAWFORD'S Feed Store LECS.NOW 11HO4'E• 163' Automob; wneri ;Don.'t pas two: , prices for • s-aar il�rance. • For the most economical as reliable protection . in. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE' FIRE.' INSURANCE .:SICK' & ' ACCIDENT; : • • JNSIIR,ANCE. aitid •. . 4 ` car dine: HOSFITALIZ ITION a. LT: I Yi:'rs`I' her,. daughter. Mrs..„' • Mrs. (Jas. Finnigan is enjoying ar Call Alfred Ilcel. of Port. Colborne. and; rs. ; Harvey Trelea- ♦ ; II k110W Carl Iy c er�c. P.oi,.r and `firs.' S. F. 'I've OII o►. • 1 leaven of Kincardine. visited Mr.' :*Phone Dungannon 70-r-10. and ;Mr_. ' H. Eedy :on Sunday. ':..c ifs*i.en..•_r. cs- +A„ -A GS16h.•.,0 CAMER We vQii1Pay for old, disabled Or dead' COWS $5.00 : HORSES $5.00 e� HOGS $L50 ea ./01 accgdrding to size and condition Phone. COLLECT, for prompt. courteous. service• '� 3E -I9 , Ingersoll , :2i. 'Kingham, 1121-.1: Ripley, a9=16 or WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL ONTARIO AN ALE -CANADIAN FURY ES'ABUSHED "S'C • ARMSTRONG, O?TU TRIST :.-:.- o W FutST lanNesomr. OF CH MONTR lgaa.t•dp- .AT• VIAL 1rS SToRt. Insist, In Sure Insuranix Confederation Life 10AR,. FIRE—Preferred . Rates for. preferred .risks, ACCID TT. A SICKNESS Consult JOHN FARRIS-I Tlone 7-r-13. 'Dungannon 1/ 0 w INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY • and ALTOMOBIL.E '. To Protect 'boar Jack • Insure -With Jack Today J A. McDONAGH R.S. 3F.Lticknow, Ont; Phone .614. Duriganiton: • :: W. ANDRE1N Barrister and Solicitor, LUCE NOW ONTARIO Oft a in : the Joyn1 Block TclePe Office 235, Residence 31-3 .:Stuart acK•n• •e BARRISTER & : SOLICITOR Walkerton, . Ontario. IN .UCKNOW i Each: Wednesday. ;OFFICE IN HENDERSONT•BLOCK , , R S. H tl ington, Banister, Etc Wingbam and . Lucknow ' " IN . LUCKNOW# Eich onday c ,Wednesday • : sten ' ea the ground floorg isk' the front of 'mks Kipatrick's Suil'di ingbam 48 .Residence , v