HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-10-14, Page 8PAGN LIGHT l*RssIUss■■sassimms■■sa■■sh1sss■iliss■ss■sR R*INSTITUTE mix SIONSOR ■ TAG DAX FOL Rum ' i. `UNDERWEAR ■ ;. There was' an attendance of 39 . : y's Institute meet ladies at Frida j in the The ■with Mrs, ng o mot - sr r ■�I A J. 'xlson pxwsi�ng.. 1 Or Fall aYl . illt�:�. •• w• : to was given by. Mrs, C- B. Wool,' • �, ■ ley. A �pumpkln pie contest was ■ : ED COMBINATI7eirsey—clHo°avwiY weight•underwear:'.:v�3n•1 y' MrsW.G.Andrew,and fleecedlin ■ ontestwascon-•s■made from•cotton tht •heavy. ■ • � Thanksgiv;�ng • �, ■' ' �cles. 'Size 36-44. 'ducted by • . :■( , sing. Snug'ftti�g cuffs and , ■ Mme- J, W. Join : 'trxc' .:.. °oat 'to de fcr fhb Drs Heavy ribbed pure wool shirts and' ■ Plans were ombe he`td"',l the a SHIRTS . & D',RA,VVEItS-- ��n drawers for our cold Canadian winters, Full double- :. Town Hall. on Wednesday after, � irts. Sizes 3$ 42." ■ . noon, October 20th. Proceeds of :.breasted slt , :. PENMAN'S 95—Natural w :,,col underwear, the kind that give • : the Fall Fair booth amounted to X39.15.' Mrs, P. Step}: art and. Miss ■ extra• wear and not bulky,, . Extra 'warmth' Shirts and ■ E. Welsh were :appointed to Goan- 1 ■ - . alders- i . sxder presenting, a p ay an ■ . r repor• t at the next meeting Mrs, al PENMAN'S 95 coMBINATIONS=saYne • t1y�ahty, . i ' A. 'Havens s and Mrs. A,- J. Nilson • Were app• ointed to engage.' an tar, h ' T R I UCKNOW SENTINEL, I4 cKNOW, ONTARIO: is 1■ immiummasimmummissommismisisminsmsOrmosolissmamal ENGAGEMENTS chestra 'for a dance,. : > The Institute decided to again ■ sponsor a tag day in aid- of the blind: The date has •been set for Saturday of this: week. Insurance AUTOMOBILE„ i TABU ITY-,dr GENERAL ... INSURANCE Be Sure.Tomarrow, Insure Today. Canada Savings Bonds steam T Ce t . . KILPATRICK. R. 7,2 LUCKNOW: ' ' 'Phone 77-r-2 Dungannon. ighlights • FOR YOUR - W$ES„TEND ;SHOPPING Dair9 Pearl Table Crcam • }. 4. ;•• 29c Fire cream of ; e • highest-. quality • for ' coffee,' cereal, :pastry, preserves; etc. :Fluffo Shortening Lb., i C Gerner's InfantCereal Package ". r --- ,25c. Strained Oataneal re• Mixtu Finril 'Co y QQiiek ol■ng Oats ' Australian . Pineapple Juice 20 oz.. tin. ------ - 23c Maswe l ,House Instant. Coffee` Jar • 62c Planters ' Cocktail Peanuts 8oZ... tin Peanuts of distinction for •din-. 'ners, ',card parties, .buffet' luncheons, etc The engagement is announced of `l?onalda. Jean, daughter of the life Mr. and Mrs P J. MacMillan oJZ elini) ,• and Mr. Walter Wil- lits,' il-lits,' younger, son of Mrs. Willits •and the late. Melvin Willits of Winghatn. 'The marriage of take place the latter part of October.' • • Ar�_.�': Miss .Alfie Nelson. has returned i. hone after visiting in Paisley and was • accompanied by 'her .,niece, i Mrs.. Rock; ,who is spending a few I days with relatives here. . Miss Betty Hamilton of Lon donwas,. ,a week -end viat , her `home here recentlsitory :._. Mr. and Mrs. ,Mac Bell of Lon- don 'ire visiting with Mr: and Mrs. R. Bissett: • A Dr. .George Martin of Croswell, Michigan and. Mr and Mt-s;'HarF D r.. and:. Mrs. Nelson', E. • Bushell vey Martin and faaxily of Albion,. announce :the' engagement • of Bch., visited with Mr. and Mrs- their, only. daughter, Jean Louise,Jos:,. J. Martin over the :week-end:l to Mr. Robert Murdoch MacDon- Mr, 'Charles Stewart has receiv. a1d • . Simpson, •.son of Mrs. Flora ed word of , the. death •of his sin' 1. Simpson,; Kintail, and the late iter, Mrs- Murdoch MacKenzie. at; . Dr. A. A.'J: Simpson-_ The mar- Brandon, Manitoba. Mrs. Mac- I' riage tb take place in " Luicknow Kenzie was: 85 years of. !age- and' United Church on Saturday, Oct is survived by. two : daughters,'one ! ober 30th; at ' three . o'clock: brother and'one sister, . • The sacrament df baptism was Mr: and ' Mrs. J_ ;R_ W, 'den,x observed at the:service. in . the Huron :Township, wish town-- PresbyterianChurch ori Sunday flounce, the engagement of their When Dr- Rhoad baptized. Barbara' Joan, infant daughter of ,Mr. and I oily daughter; . Bertha Ninai' to Neil Jack . MacKenzie, son' of Mrs: MacKenzie and. the late EMr': N J MacKen'ie : of Ashfield Town- ship, the marriage •to take 'place at twelve o'clock, Saturday, • Oct - Mrs: Duncan .MacKay .. There were 30 ladies in atter,-, .• dance at the October meetuag of the 'Branch• of the ' men's Institute_ The president, ober 23rd in Pine River United!' Mrs. Neil J MacKenzie,. was in I :• Chtirch.• charge. ` After ``the.:opening • exer-1 THURSDAY OCTOBER 14, 1948 Asbtoa's TOT -TO 'TEEN " & LADIES' WEAR WE $AVE.,;, CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS' — 1 -piece or 2 -piece fleece -lined, 4, 6, PLAID `SLACKS d:, *JA,CK -All wool. Sizes • 2-6x. • PLAID SKIRTS =Plain and • pieate4 •a11 -wool plaid skirts • Size .6 14. . . JUST IVED-- . ew sipment a . . Sweaters. ,Pullover and Cardigans. FOR COLD' WEATHER 1611161B4– • 'All -Wool H>6AD- •AllWool crib blatak ts, :'pinkor: "4lue, isatin bound. w; ALL WOOL. BLANKETS• , .P'aV'eL shades, satin binding mi. 7.2 atel x84, apFroxbn 3� ,• . es. an rar iibridge • Clothes resentative be at The Quality Shop FRIDAY,, OCTOBER . 15th THIS: 'WEEK: Drop men ar t• s1 New shipment of Monarch • Knit, Sweaters and: Cardigans,,: in all sins. dies' AllWeather Ski °Jackets with 'Hoods, sizes 1.4, 1:¢;and 18 'in' blue• and 'red Ladies'. Woos Flanne] House Coats •in `iwine and hbluu'''.. • Mr. and Mrs: Oliver Smith . of. Ripley announce the engagement of their,. daughter, 'Helen,. to Mr: Frank Backwell of Lucknow_ The marriage ' • to take place October' 25th. cines. and business old and new 1, j . was taken care of, the: roll call les .some very good ideas as 'this was, . answered byshowing . sortie' is one of her hobbies., A display of. which garment • � made from .: somet#iiag !rugs : rugs ,followed whi, was very interesting as:.;each lady.• ,explain - old. ; Then.the topic for ; the :day, I him w to make `-"Rug ,Making'', was in charge of ed hothe rug she had Mrs, Reynolds who gave' the lad- Dsisa■■ea■■■is■siiis■■■■ a ■a■asas■esss■■a s■R sin■•: • • brought-. Mrs- 'Root- Scott s4:. • Solo ' and the .meeting. ' cion the :usual way:'Mrs- • R: Dalt•ci vited..the ladies' to held their N vember meeting ather hos e: • • • • Bim► - l h .a , CHOICE QUALITY CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Gallon Tin 1 THOMPSON'S OTWE °� f` A cosi fete Line of Rubber Footwear ROBERT ARMSTRONG . 8r `JOE WASNEY ... ° f • mow In Stock. , . i '.LES IN r I. s i/ r EW STYLES ■' �' '�t cli anti '' BRANDS . •; • ■ r. ■•, having taken over the ,garage business recentl ri.,:„operated” by Mr. J. - •Mairshall - wish to announce .■ ■ to tncks ow and District that we are in a position ■ to give yo• u II - ■ PE Alt , Makes ,of . Ears . :Tractors.&. � • ,i, • The Store service 1 : '1 �■ ,• aa■■■r•e■�■s • • .�•��y�. . i. ■■a■■aa■■ aisaa■■■■■■a ramaaaaa ■■■■■is■■■■■■s■■sens•■■■■a■■■■■■a■nae■■■■a■■■■■noir■■■ss■■■■■■■■s■■■maammaae■■ a■■■■ aainno■■■■a■ae■asr: 8 ' THEERE• ARE MANY .LINES OF GAINS , ��IS wEE MER ISE 'ON COUNTERS ' AND TABLES •AT • 'IN, GIRLS! AND WOME s LIPS 'HOSIERY.:,BU' A. .CL G PiucES -S . athwe \\\%\\\\\\\\\\\.'s\\\ g • • �stibisiui=a■asaass • Worth Your. Time,. Look :Them Quer. •. s 5 • • s :. • The Store With The. Stock •• ssispssetssaaSissss isasesaii minus aa■■■i1s■gage■■■■s■aair■■■usin gsinusmaterna`Naliii■■■iaeaaatisiie■■a■srsasaifa r •