HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-10-14, Page 2PAGE TWO
ss Margaret IVI
seen who died aBt+
• with, Misses Nellie and Margaret'. k,irktpn resident,os ital.• She l
Malcolm. and Mrs, •John McIntyre of ' was barn ii Mount Pleasant„ .Ful-
: Mr. n 'Ja ar 22,
' cPherson; . stu. -
dent nurse at Si. Joseph's .Hospi-
London, , was' home for
Thanksgiv ng..' ._ - ---
Marks 80th Birthday
Mrs. Wm.. McPherson of Luck -
now was. guest of honor at a
family dinner at the . home of her
daughter, ' iVIrs. Wm, Rutherford,
cin Sunday on the occasion«of her
.80th. birthday. Guests included
. Missy calm .of Toronto
Helen. Mal -•
and. Miss Mary Common of. alt Funeral 'service was held last,
t Thanksgiving ivng wee - end Tuesday for :Vrs._ John Sawyer,, Hospi-
tal,'. T g ,
.M 1 1 Thomas Memorial Ii R
Culross,-- 't b Mr. and 'Mrs larton Township, o nu y.
'angio. a, 1872 -Nhe daughter of -the late Mr,
Dick Iialdenby of Echo Bay are and Mrs. Robert Roy'and married.
visiting, with• Mr. and Mrs. Geo;
Haldenby and other relatives,
' 'he ;Women's institute 'held the
October meeting on. Friday after-
fte -
noon at 01'6 home of Mrs: ' James
Hodgins with a good : attendance.
rs. er
after. the `usual opening exercises,
'minutes and correspondence. The
John: Sawyer of Woodham, on
march arch. ' 2, 1898, After residing at
Woodharn. for some years they
moved. to, Mount Pleasant. ' Mr.
and Mrs. Sawyer resided in Luck -
now. .for • a time before going to
dine 'and.. for the• past 12
years + had. made • t ' ear om
Kirkton where Mrs. Sawyer, was
fou • local .a , ember Of. the United, Church.
matter f g z
- "d' , iii ent wa sons,. ,Otis, Fulla on Twpr,,
suitable•: first az eq, pine Ile :R,, Mitchell;: ,p. ,. en St;,
discussed: 'Committee to contact ho as, and Lloyd,' Toronto; [also;
re:�xVPestford school. • Th m , d ,
ma • er 'o , equippin are her• husband; four
schools. with a 'folding cot and . Surviving. '
rt Tva °Qr�
the teachers a
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon IvlcPherson,
Billy and Isabelle, Mr. 'Ross Mc-
Pherson, 'Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Mc-
Pherson•, ..Mr. •and Mrs, Raymond
Snelland : Miss Jean McPherson
of. Wing am,.
Suffered Fractured Hip,,.. •
• 'Mrs. James Robb and.her clau_
her Mr's. George Nixon of
g t
Ilderton,arrived at: the honne of.
Mrs. Ross.. Murray late . Saturday
afternoon :to, spend the ' holiday
M T Hodgins; Kinlough one daughter, Mrs. R. O'Callaghan
Mrs, Tom
schoolMissMay Boyle; lath of Toronto. There are 13 grand -
school, :Mrs. - Frank Thompson;,
dg1yr-ood- school, --Mrs,' ,lack Ack-
ert. This move' was advocated •'by.
the medical officer of health: The
president urged •a$ many . as.. pods=
ible t9 attend the one -day con-
vention-gn, developing community
activity,. which will be held.: in
Lucknow on. Wednesday,•. October.
20th: It' .on
. also: decided, that a
Ilalloween masquerade party. &
dance , be held in the Township
Bali 'in the near .Turture, Corn-
. ,mittee in Charge:1Mrs, Lorne Ead-
ie, Misses, Betty 'Gille.spiei DOrii
.Eadie, Doris Barr. A lunch 0311;3-
-ter *ill also be in full 'swing *ith
Mrs. Perry Hodgins in charge .'of
all purchasing for the booth.
• Plans were: made for a 'Bernem-,
hrande service in the Township
Hall on November llth morning
at 1(148: Committee tO. arrange
same are.the president, Mrs.' Ack-
ert. and. the secretary,. Mrs. Jirh
: Boyle. Neighboring teachers are
being asked to • co-operate with
their pupils.towards the .program.
Mrs.,,Howard Haldenby _then fav-
. ored with a solq. Mrs. Jas. 'Hod-
. gins read "all address of apprecia-
children. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer
celebrated {their golden wedding,
anniversary at the home -of -their
son, Dr. Glen - Sawyer at St.
'Thomas earlier . this • year. ,Fun-
Fun-eral service .' was held at Kirkton
United Church, .Rev. J: H. Dean.
officiating. Interment• wasin
Kirkton Union Cemetery.
McLean and Mrs; Slessor, who
haye Moved from out: commun-
ity to reside' in Kincardine arid
1V1ri. Tom itaetii* presented them.
with china cups and'saucergrEach
made a fitting reply:%Mr.s., Alex
Percy coridubted a" garden quiz.
Mrs; Perry liOdgins _read a
ping on .ThankigiVing.: artidle
On bouquets for winter was read
,ert, *Mrs. W.. Wall; topic, .Home
leconomics; motto, If, You know a
good thing:pass it on; .demonstra-
tiOn, .malcirig .custard; lunch,
committee, Mrs. • PertY
Mrs.: Ethel JameS and, Mrs.. Earle
0 • THURSDAY,.' OCTOBER. 14, 1948
At theESIereiford Regional show
At TeeiWaater Fair last 'week,r•. .-
Knhad• the Junior ni-
pionenfemaledye, He received first.Chaand
second prizes. in the Herefor d cow
• class, defeating The •first+ -prize;
cow at' the CNE and .at.Londun
Mr.. Kennedy has • shown his •
Herefords at . eleven fails.Ti:;
season,' to win 109. firsts `and
seconds. At Brussels fair he W WI
the ribbons for grand' chatnpi;i;
.bull, and grand charnp'ion, felntlit•,.
wE.ek-end. Shortly after her• ar- over all breeds;.' and at Pa1me1.-
rival, •Mrs;'Robb,• who is over 80 stop had the championeovi; over
veara old, when coming 'down •4t11. bsieds,
Harvest Thanksgiving Service
St. Peter's Anglican Church
was beautifully decorated 'with.
grain, fruit and a profusion of
flowers for a special Harvest
Thanksgiving .service . Sunday
morning; --The service was con-
ducted. by . Raymond Frost, 'Strati
fords .a .student of Huron College,
London. The music waa..apprP
riate to the ocpasion'-with Mrs;
°J. A. Crispin p eliding, at the
organ. .
sti irs, missed th
e bottom step and •
•actur'in. her ,hip: To add to
the ' iseornfort. the _y • ro was
at the time and for several hours.
Mrs., Robk,),•aftier treatment by 1Dr'.
,` rise A rt Course Exams
.Mr. Alex W. Smith,' prinkT,
of Dungazrnon Public School- h �,
b • am- received.. Word 'he $uceessl„i:\
JoliratUn, was z�n1u�e.d S ,
balance to St.`, Joseph's H:ispital,., passed : his : thir'd .year -examar.. •
Luntkon.. • tions in his' --Arts' cou-z',se.
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